
Comments by casualguy (page 18)

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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Hungry girls
    I think I remember her looking better as a feature entertainer rather than a zombie.
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    15 years ago
    Did any of you guys notice this?
    One female customer came up to me at a strip club one night and told me I should get a dance from a particular dancer. Then she said she (the dancer on stage) can eat her pussy pretty good.
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    15 years ago
    Did any of you guys notice this?
    Some dancers are lesbian I've been told. One of my favorites who I haven't seen in ages was bi she told me. She was watching other dancers and it was almost like I could talk about other dancers/girls like she was one of the guys. I remember one or two dancers told me they don't go for that shit and only wanted dick. Dancing for female customers isn't something she would do she told me. What I really enjoy watching is a hot female customer showing her tits while tipping the hot dancer up on stage. Or one dancer tipping a dancer on stage and rubbing tits together but putting on a show to watch. I do enjoy watching lots of nice looking tits.
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    15 years ago
    Role Reversal: Stripper Rapes Man
    I actually find it to be believable. I've seen some pretty rough play during the time some bachelors have to go up on stage. Not recently but in the last several years I saw some guys get the crap smacked out of them with belts or paddles. I used to see from time to time, the dancers would strip a guy down to his shorts or boxers and smack the hell out of him with his own belt taking turns. Now if she penetrated him with something, the crowd may have thought that was funny but I can imagine it would hurt. If the situation was reversed and a guy had a bachelorette up on stage stripped down to her panties and stuck something up her against her will, I could imagine that causing some trouble if she wanted to say it was rape.
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    15 years ago
    Dancers who live in other states
    I met one dancer recently who asked where I was from and then refused to say where she was from. She was the first dancer to tell me that in I don't recall how many years. Obviously she wasn't from around the local area. I kept thinking she was probably married and from Ohio but that would have been a total guess. She refused to even give out what state she was from. Obviously stubborn too, I was thinking probably something she already discussed with her husband about not giving out information. If you don't want to talk about it, don't ask me where I'm from. I don't know if anyone else has run into this situation.
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    15 years ago
    Dancers who live in other states
    At one time I was getting dances on a regular basis from dancers from NC, Alabama, possibly Georgia although I think I kept turning them down, and every once in a while from Tennessee, and South Carolina where I live. I was doing this all at one strip club. I didn't think it was any big deal. I've also gotten dances from some foreign dancers as well but those usually aren't on any regular basis. I remember one dancer I think she said she was from Puerto Rico, she looked very nice. Of course I've met lots of nice dancers. Dancers I meet from farther away like Ohio, Brazil, Russia, Europe, the US west coast, etc. I usually don't see too often unless they moved here on a temporary basis. At one time I had favorites I saw almost every weekend and the distance between the two of them was at least 400 to 500 miles. Even one of my current favorites works a few months each year over 200 miles away at another club. It happens to be in the same state though. Unless she works in Miami at another club there. I'm not meeting any of these girls outside the club.
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    15 years ago
    In the Summertime, when the weather is fine...
    I haven't really noticed any change in mileage but I have noticed dancers I'm not familar with trying harder to get dances and offering the same dance prices sometimes less than what my favorites may charge. I just noticed I spent a lot more than normal recently. I'm going to have to cut out some favorites. That is if I still remember all this the next time I go back to a strip club. It's the holidays coming up and I'm going to be visiting with relatives, going to movies, etc. If I didn't go to strip clubs, I would be half a millionaire. (I think I could have lost half of it last year). Warren Buffett lost 43 percent in 2008. I actually outperformed Warren Buffett last year. I think I have a ways to go before my cash flow catches up. Until then, I need to take breaks from the strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Hungry girls
    Not really. I like tasty delicious looking dancers. However the zombie stripper looked really hungry. Was that Jenna Jameson? I've actually tipped her in person a few times if it was. Best looking zombie I've seen.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Talking dirty
    I don't try to initiate it so I guess that means I'm not a big fan. I've had 2 or 3 dancers who occasionally tried talking dirty but it does sound a little bit fake to me. Usually a dancer is trying to give a good lap dance at the same time so I'm focusing on that instead of whatever she is saying. One dancer a long time ago, kept wanting me to talk dirty to her during the lapdance. I might have tried it but it didn't do anything for me. I did get one dancer with a prank I heard on youtube. I thought it was funny when she said it. I told her to spell out the word "ihop" and then say "ness" right after it. Then if she didn't get it, to say it faster. She must have thought it was funny because she said she told or asked several other dancers to do the same.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I like bare legs and easy to remove clothing. Everything else looks like a big hassle just watching something come off slowly. Now if it covers up a dancer I don't care about looking at anyway, it won't matter much to me.
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    15 years ago
    Shark study
    I'm not sure if real sharks do this too but sometimes the sharks I see sometimes have a more dominant shark in the group. The most dominant shark gets first jabs at the new meat.
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    15 years ago
    Shark study
    I must appear at times to be a piece of bloody meat. Maybe it's the red shirt I sometimes wear that gets to them. Sometimes they even latch their jaws onto me and clamp down tight and start pulling and tugging trying to haul me off to a more private area whether I want to go or not. There they promise to devour me even better.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I'll clarify. POV, you see the girl and it's like she is sucking your dick. Non POV, it looks like shadowcat is moving back and forth but you can't really tell what he is doing, you'd rather turn the channel. I don't watch very much porn but was wondering if there were any videos where a hot girl comes on or two or three and pretend they see you in your living room. Then they get all hot and excited and start getting themselves off while complimenting you and urging you to participate. I guess that might get boring to watch unless it seemed like they were sucking you off after a while. Maybe add vampire fangs to make it look more exciting. Hopefully they would get you off in the movie before they suddenly grew fangs. I actually like to watch some biting and I think fangs look sexy too. Either not too many people are into that or it's a bit taboo. Maybe I read one too many sexual horror stories when I was younger. I think sexual horror stories may still be taboo in porn movies. Not that they have hardly any acting to start with though.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    A question ...
    Just tell her what you want. Be tactful about it though. I bet she's heard it all before. Many girls have several guys phone numbers so don't believe you're the only guy on her list. She might not even answer the phone when you call and you'll only end up leaving voice messages. One dancer I knew was like that a lot. One dancer long ago (maybe cell phones weren't that popular back then) almost always picked up immediately when I called. Then there was one dancer who called me up for no particular reason except she wanted to talk to me in between strip club visits. I think she was getting attached to me which I'm not sure at the time how comfortable I was with that.
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    15 years ago
    A hot female celebrity who isn't a spoiled brat. Do they exist? I don't know. I'm not expecting to suddenly hook up and make out with Megan Fox, or any other hot celebrity. A long time ago I liked Britney Spears but now I'm afraid if you hooked up with her, you would wake up and find out that you're suddenly married and she's pregnant. There are a lot more hot girls who aren't that famous that I would rather hook up with. I'm so bad with names I didn't know who Megan Fox was until about 2 days ago when I happened to click on a slide show for Transformers stars. Well I definitely recognized her and remembered her from the movie but I didn't know what her name was.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Club Persona?
    I do behave differently. At work if I see a pretty girl, I don't try to offer her a dollar and hope to see her tits. Meanwhile at a strip club I would if she went up on stage. For some reason, the girl at work I'm wondering if she has a boyfriend or might be interested in someone slightly older than her. Meanwhile when I see a dancer in a strip club, going out with her seems to be something I don't think about anymore. Either I'm not interested in the dancers in a strip club or I'm not really experiencing too much fantasy. I think it has to do with most dancers I'm not really that interested in. Well I do like it if they look good and have a good personality.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Celebrities at strip clubs
    I've seen a number of porn stars in strip clubs as feature entertainers. I wouldn't have known it though if they were just sitting in the club because I never saw them before. All but one or two. I believe I like the playboy playmates that appeared in strip clubs as feature entertainers a lot better. At least I didn't have to worry as much about them going all wild.
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    15 years ago
    Shark study
    Shadowcat, I think you have a nurse shark feeding on you already. Pun intended. No offense intended to any dancer who may happen to read this.
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    15 years ago
    Average lapdance tip?
    I don't usually tip for a lap dance either. I consider the lap dance price I'm paying to be a high enough price. Now if she was doing something extra and asked for a tip on top of it, I would give her a tip if I was really enjoying what she was doing. If a dancer asks and I pay her a tip, it just means the chance of me getting anymore dances from her in the future is close to zero unless I really did enjoy what she was doing. A few times when a dancer asked me for a tip, I thought about saying you could dance a little bit better or saying something else for her tip.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Shark study
    Have you also noticed how they also seem to swarm around traveling back and forth along the same path scoping out the area or their next victim? Then if a nice piece of meat is introduced into an area, they may swarm and attack.
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    15 years ago
    Short Dancers
    I remember there was once a midget dancer working at the local Platinum Plus club. That is a little bit too short for me. Most dancers I meet are shorter than me so it's nothing unusual for me. I might feel uncomfortable if dancers were a lot taller than me though. I remember when I was a college student and went to a nearby McDonalds and was standing in line behind 3 tall basketball players. I believe they were all over 7 feet tall. Made me feel short. A seven foot tall dancer might me feel a little bit uncomfortable.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Some dancers do have awful memories
    Sometimes I think dancers are in some kind of fog while working in a strip club. A number of times you can approach them and they never seem to see you even though you're standing about 2 feet away. However I once approached a manager at work facing him even and stood there for a few seconds and startled the heck out of him when I said something. He claimed he didn't see me. Just in case you ever thought you were the only one who seems invisible at times.
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    15 years ago
    Extras newbie
    And if you happen to get stopped by the police after picking up the package, the police could open it and find a lot of drugs in your possession. You could lose your car and face jail time and tens of thousands of dollars just for bail depending upon how heavy those "diapers" were. If you send me a measly $500 (half price deal off the dancers $1000 price), I could tell you what odds you have of getting something extra from the dancer. Ok, I'll give one freebie here. Give her $1000 a week and you will feel screwed but it won't feel that pleasant.
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    15 years ago
    Queen Bees
    I remember one dancer who was all over me about the minute I arrived in the club as if she had other dancers inform her. Once or twice a new dancer would approach me and start talking to me before she did. Both times she appeared and the dancer I was previously talking to decided they would leave and come back later. I felt like they were being chased away. This led me to believe she must be the queen bee or most dominant dancer in the club. I heard one night she even got into a fight with the door woman over some issue. Chasing away other dancers because I haven't talked to her yet or gotten dances from the queen bee yet would have been frustating if she didn't look pretty good and sometimes I enjoyed the way she was all over me. She would have to be very hot for me to enjoy that nowadays.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Politics and economics
    A storm messed up my spelling that time. I was going to add that successful people often have more than one hobby or interest including a lot of knowledge about whatever they are successful at.