
Comments by casualguy (page 17)

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    15 years ago
    Platinum Plus raised the cover charge after midnight?
    Any other clubs raising cover charges these days?
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    15 years ago
    Park Forest man ripped off by woman he met at strip club
    I have a better opinion of many dancers and their morals. There are definitely a few bad apples out there but I've met several dancers who seemed to have moral values. They don't really stand out as well as the dancers who told you a lie and attempted to or did manage to rip you off. It's like going into a crowd and being careful because you heard there might be pick pockets. You may be worried about that small percentage of bad apples even though you are in a large crowd. Of course some areas in some towns may have alot of bad apples so your experience may vary. It's not just dancers that try to be con artists. Recently bank employees did an excellent job selling mortgages to wall street racking up the profits while hiring people who lied on paper by putting down vastly overinflated estimated income and putting people into homes they should not have had if valid proof of income had been done. They conned us all on that and banks were left to their own devices to regulate their own practices. That is worse than any dancer in my opinion. However if you're a con artist, they did a really good job at conning people out of money.
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    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    I find people who stay stubborn in spite of recent evidence to the contrary and dispute the new findings to the contrary by saying anyone who believes that is an idiot could be one themselves. I heard a long time ago it's no use arguing with an idiot. Hundreds of accredited scientists are reporting a message that is being ignored by the majority in my opinion. Global cooling has been going on the last few years. A reasonable person who doesn't have their head stuck in the mud might question if their data is correct rather than label anyone who disagrees to be an idiot. However if politicians really don't care whether we are having global warming or cooling (I really don't think they care that much if it's 2 degrees hotter or cooler.) but just want to push a political agenda to take over resources and increase their tax revenue, all the hot air about global warming and cooling is just the excuse. If Cap and Trade passes and everyone's electric rates double or triple along with high gas prices, I believe the next election will have new politicians in office. Therefore I think if enacted, the politicians may enact the new taxes in stages, so that the new taxes don't cost them their own job. I believe there is a good chance all these new taxes will become law. If enacted immediately I expect huge increases in my electric bill and in gas prices at the pump and in food prices as prices are passed along. Therefore I will need to cut way back on all my other discretionary spending. I'm hoping I don't have to do that. Others who already are having a tough time making ends meet will be going further in the hole. An economic depression I believe with factories shut down and no money for cleanups etc. will be a far worse ecological nightmare than other approaches. However I will probably be called an idiot by someone for voicing my opinion since some on here like to label everyone an idiot that does not agree with their viewpoints.
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    15 years ago
    Anybody else having a really slow connection to this site in the last 2 days?
    It does seem a lot better tonight.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sould the following be classified as a review?
    It didn't bother me one way or the other about the short review about PP. However, I didn't think there was hardly any information about the club. So they have a policy against hiring new black dancers or simply that they didn't want to hire the one dancer. Just that little piece of information by itself doesn't seem to be enough for a review. If she had just added something about the club I think that would have been enough. I've had some reviews in the past get edited and get information taken out of them. I didn't like that so I'm not in favor of censorship. However if there is no useful information about a club and you want 2 to 4 weeks of free membership here, I think you can add more than just one piece of information that may only pertain to you and no one else. She could have easily said something bad about the dancers and few customers and then given a one rating. Then added what she already did. There was a time when I thought about giving the same club a 1 rating but I don't know if I did or not. I did give more information about the club. I think even shadowcat gave the club a one rating one time.
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    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    The other planets in our solar system have experienced global warming as well in the last few decades. I'm not convinced that the amount of heat coming from the fire is not a bigger factor than how much CO2 is on the planet. If hundreds of scientists are not convinced either, we may be wasting money and jobs with a huge tax increase. If CO2 is a bigger factor than the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth, then hopefully there won't be hundreds of scientists in disagreement about what if anything we need to do. We could always dump some iron ore in the oceans if we wanted to reduce CO2 cheaply.
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    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    I'm not sure about April or May but so far this summer according to www.weather.com, the high temperature in New York City has not exceeded 85 degrees this summer. That may be what I heard. For June and July, 2 of the typically hotter months. Hundreds of scientists have stated that the planet has been cooling the last few years. It shouldn't be if the Global warming fans have it right in my opinion. I believe the amount of radiation coming from the sun may play a bigger role in how hot it is here than in the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere. If it's not, that is actually fantastic news because that means we can stop global cooling. I think ignoring the warning from hundreds of scientists is not good. Why are so many scientists saying global cooling could be a threat? If they can't agree on the facts, I think politicians are rushing to a decision too quickly.
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    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    Global warming is about hysteria in my opinion. I can say I believe we face a greater threat of most humans facing death from a global war within 50 years. That seems logical to me. Instead Obama and the democrats want to enact a huge tax increase which would put people out of work in the worst recession in 100 years. Why? So that we might reduce the global temperature 2 degrees within 50 years? I think we can afford to wait another 10 years to see if global warming will continue or if global cooling will continue without putting a lot of people out of work right now. I heard that New York City hadn't reached 85 degrees on the weather channel. Apparently they did not know what they were talking about. I thought they actually reported factual information. If you can't trust them, can you really trust the reports about global warming coming from the government? I would like it if the temperature was 2 degrees cooler but I don't think it's going to matter that much. Do you want your electric bill to double? I guess if you don't care, then you're all in favor of Cap and Tax.
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    15 years ago
    Center of attention vs. low profile?
    I may not want a whole lot of attention at times but dancers who know me see me and come talk to me no matter where I sit at. I noticed if I try to not get much attention but then decide to tip a familar dancer at the center stage and she puts on a show to try to get more tips from others, I'm suddenly at the center of attention. It only lasts for a few seconds at a time but I do have fun. I'm focusing on the dancer instead of everyone watching. I figure most people are watching the dancer and not me anyway. Sometimes to have fun, you have to just forget about all the other people in the club.
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    15 years ago
    michael jackson music in the strip club
    I heard several MJ songs about 2 weekends ago in strip clubs. One of the first ones I heard was Thriller. I'm assuming he died before I heard the songs but I'm not sure anymore about the Thriller song I heard. I heard some strange music about 2 weeks ago.
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    15 years ago
    Do you think a BJ is sex?
    If a college age girl says she doesn't want to have sex but she doesn't consider a BJ to be sex, I'm not going to argue. I will say it's not sex. That's what I was hinting at without saying it. I do remember one girl told me it was just foreplay, apparently no big deal to her. I think we should reconsider and say that BJ's are not sex. Then girls all over can have a little bit of fun without the sex word getting involved. Getting everyone on board might be a problem though.
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    15 years ago
    Pussy juice
    I've noticed my shorts often get wet and I'm not the one doing that. If a dancer gets wet, it doesn't turn me on. I know of one dancer that even mentions it like it might be a turn on for some guys. Once or twice she even put her finger to her pussy and then wiped her finger on me to let me know. I didn't care for that. That is like sharing bodily fluids and I didn't like her doing that. What is really bad is if you accidently activate a dancer tits to start producing milk. Apparently that can happen easily if she is breastfeeding. I once made the mistake of getting a lap dance from such a dancer and I mentioned I may have accidently got her going. (when she sat on my lap before we agreed to get dances, her breast and nipple were squeezed up against me and she started leaking before we even went back to get dances). Then she started to squirt me in the face but I held my hands up to deflect her milk. She kept doing it for a couple of minutes too. I prefer to not exchange bodily fluids with a dancer. If she keeps her pussy juice and breast milk to herself, I'll be fine.
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    15 years ago
    Strippers on Craigslist
    I'd rather pick out a dancer at a strip club and make her an offer to do some dancing away from the club. Or ask a dancer if she knows of any dancers that do private parties. That's what I was told it was called many years ago. Didn't involve sex just dancing like in a lap dance except without the club and in private. I don't know how trustyworthy any ad on the internet might be or if anyone does honest reviews.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    I would have been more supportive of their effort if they went topless.
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    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    I meant to say hundreds of scientists already know the planet is cooling off with the possible exception of one more active solar cycle. Then the decreased solar radiation from the sun will cause further global cooling and there is nothing we can do about it. Temperatures will drop not rise. Besides in less than 50 years, over 75 percent of all humans on this planet will be dead. Of course that's too far away for most to be concerned except when it comes to Greenhouse gases. I think Armageddon will happen around 2055 or 2056. One last big battle for all those who survived until then. The environmentalists would be happier if we all died sooner I believe.
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    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    They are in luck. The planet is cooling off all by itself. Apparently solar radiation coming from the sun which has entered a lower output time that should last for several decades is here now (well except for the possibility of the next few years for one more active solar cycle). Anyway global temperatures are already dropping and the EPA knows it but is hiding that information due to the current political landscape. quote The day before the House was to vote on a controversial energy bill destined to be the largest tax hike in American history, it was revealed that the Environmental Protection Agency had suppressed an internal report challenging the entire global warming myth. link among many http://preview.tinyurl.com/lvs93q Plants grow better with more CO2. Plants and crops and our food do not grow well if there is a late freeze. New York City has yet to reach 85 degrees this year I heard a couple of days ago. It was snowing in the Middle East last year where it hadn't for over 100 years I thought I heard. I don't mind if other countries citizens are required to spend all their income for a slight decrease in CO2 gas but please inform everyone here in the US the truth.
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    15 years ago
    You just arrived at your favorite club, then one dancer comes up to you and says
    I'm not planning on getting into any situations I don't feel at ease. I haven't been to any dancers homes in the last 10 years either. If the situation arose again, meeting up at a hotel or public spot does sound like a safer choice if I was even interested in meeting up later. I'm not going to meet somewhere with a total stranger.
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    15 years ago
    You just arrived at your favorite club, then one dancer comes up to you and says
    It's been years but I have been to at least 3 different dancers homes in the past for various reasons. I got a chance to build up a level of trust first though with them. One dancer even left the club with me and rode in my car, first to go eat, then after a while, I dropped her off at her apartment. She didn't even know my phone number so she definitely was trusting me.
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    15 years ago
    You just arrived at your favorite club, then one dancer comes up to you and says
    I agree with chandler, why the hurry? I should have said, maybe later but as always some people are persistent and want a firmer answer right away. If someone wants an immediate answer, I always say NO. To be fair to the club, I don't remember if it was a dancer or a female customer. I'm thinking it was probably a dancer. That's what happens if you don't even have enough time to notice someone.
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    15 years ago
    You just arrived at your favorite club, then one dancer comes up to you and says
    There is the possibility that she's been dancing in the club for a while and she presumed that I was already familar with her. However not really remembering her I may have assumed that I never saw her before. That would just be an indication on the looks scale, that she didn't stand out too much to me. It's also possible, remote chance, that she knew me a long time ago and I forgot. One dancer once told me she knew me, I wouldn't have believed her except she told me several things from several years ago in another state. Then she started to tell me things I didn't even know when I was there. If it hadn't been a decent looking dancer telling me this information, it would have been creepy like a stalker. The things she remembered about me did border on the creepy the more she told me. Apparently she never forgot the first time she ever saw me. She didn't tell me that until we were away from the club. I would have never gone off alone with her if she didn't seem to already know me. Plus I had time in the club to figure out what she wanted before she attempted to meet up with me later.
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    15 years ago
    Married ???????????
    If I go into a high contact club but a married dancer doesn't want hardly any contact, I do not want to get any dances from her. I've had some married dancers tell me they were married rather quickly but they let me know rather quickly that wasn't going to be any problem with having fun with the lap dances. Example, they put my hands up on their tits to start off the lap dance. I like that. I seem to always forget to look for a ring. I tend to remember how much she seemed to be into me or if her dances were mostly air or high contact. One night not too long ago I surfed upon an advertisement for a one day free pass to some type of online dating site. However it was for married women seeking guys. I wasn't interested. You can call me anti-social but I prefer not to have anyone clinging to me like I believe someone would from a dating site. Unless she is the hottest thing I've seen in some time. Then I would really wonder what she is after. I'm not interested in hooking up with any dancers right now either.
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    15 years ago
    You just arrived at your favorite club, then one dancer comes up to you and says
    I already had this happen to me. Thought it was very strange and bizarre. Someone was shouting at me in the club and when I stopped to ask what she was asking she asked me all that. At the time the only thing I had been thinking about was tipping another dancer on a stage. You could say there were too many unknowns. I didn't know her. I didn't even know her name. I had no protection with me for a sexual encounter and it was already late at night. Go to her apartment? Who else might be there? Does she really want money and just didn't mention that part? I blew her off saying something about I had more than enough to drink and didn't want to go anywhere. Of course if it happened to me, it could happen to anyone. She's still out there. Reminds me of the hot transformer girl in the new movie except the girl I encountered wasn't that hot. I did accidently surf upon some pictures of the Transformer girl last night. Her name is not Megan Fox, it's Isabel Lucas I'm talking about. The girl who asked me to go back with her didn't look nearly as hot. Now if she had, I might have a different story. I'd probably be infecting the internet with nanoviruses if such a term exists and embedding my subroutines in pc's everywhere unknown to the general population. Instead of imitating machines or people, my creations could take the shape of a plant. That flower you see in someone's yard would actually be a robot dish receiver picking up and rebroadcasting alien signals. No human would suspect it if they didn't pick up any signal. I digressed. That was a good movie. Maybe I should change the topic to what if a stripper starts acting like Isabel Lucas in the latest movie from the Transformers? Run.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Are you planning on spending more money, the same, or less in strip clubs in the
    I believe the only effective planning I do is outside the strip clubs. I limit what I bring and/or don't visit if I want to limit my spending. After I get there and have some money and a hot young stripper with breasts in my face is asking me for a lap dance at a good price too, I have a hard time saying no. Right now I'm thinking about one dancer who claimed she could make me happy. I was almost out of money when she asked. However I do remember her.
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    15 years ago
    2nd Chances?
    I might let a dancer have a second chance if enough time has gone by. After a year or two I might have totally forgotten about her. Could be even sooner if she didn't leave much of an impression with me. If I'm getting bombarded with dancers during the night and I'm drinking too, I'll probably forget about her even sooner. However if she did dance for me and it was lousy, I'd probably remember her for at least a few months. Unfortunately after that, I stand a small chance of getting another crappy dance unless I'm sticking to only getting dances from favorites. I'm looking forward to spending less money not more in strip clubs so I will be saying no to even some favorites in the future unless I don't even visit the strip clubs as much.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Etiquette: Top Ten Rules Outlined by a Stripper
    I was thinking rule#11, don't lead me on making sexual or other suggestions, unless you really mean it. Definitely agree with rule #8, if I say no, don't argue about it, just leave. Unless you just want to talk to me or sit in my lap and I'm ok with that.