
Comments by casualguy (page 165)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Would you go?
    I already had a stripper ask me the same question. She seemed to be slightly upset with the way I told her no but she got over it. I can't remember if I put it real crude or what I said. Then she suggested going to Myrtle Beach to some offshore gambling boats which I think I vaguely heard something about somewhere but wasn't sure. She was just looking for a free ride on my tab. No way. I don't have that much money to burn. Of course I never thought of this stripper or most strippers as being a 10 either. Later on I asked if she had thought about paying for the air plane tickets just in case I misunderstood her, I had the correct picture to start with. She didn't say anything about bringing a friend along either but she never had time. I'm not sure what she thought when I turned her down for the beach trip. That's a good 5 hour drive for me though. I wasn't that interested. Now if she pays her own way and her friend too, that would be a different story. If someone was going just looking to get laid, I think it's a bad idea as well to spend at least 2 to 3K just for travel etc. and then she has a friend to interrupt things. Of course if you're rich and got money to burn, go for it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Would you go?
    By the way, if you start paying a stripper for her air travel, I would expect her to expect you to pay for almost everything including some gambling money. I would get a girlfriend first and then you decide where you want to go and when to go and with whom.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Who cares?
    My encounters with gays or lesbians is a bit limited. I once had a girl call me up and want to go out with me but then she said she was lesbian but she still wanted to go out with me. Maybe she was wanting to experiment but she only confused me before she got confused and angry over a misunderstanding. She didn't bother me. In fact I had a dream where I was having fun with a whole lot of girls after that. :) I'm not trying to offend anyone but I think of gay people as people born with a birth defect where they were exposed to high levels of the wrong hormones before birth that affected their brains. I do find any practicing gay guys to be a bit disgusting to me though but I ignore most of the postings on this site anyway so no big deal here. I don't even bother to reread some of my own posts which may bother some people even more.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Who cares?
    FYI, in case someone is interested, I saw a tv show on something like Discovery channel, TLC or something along those lines that noticed a different brain structure in gay people that differed from normal people. I believe they suggested that unusually high levels of the wrong sex hormone before birth could have caused that. It made sense to me since essentially our body development before birth is very much affected by the hormones of our mothers. This may not be the exact terminology but I think the reasoning is close. Basically I think a lesbian brain is more like a normal guy's brain and a gay guy's brain may resemble a female's brain. I haven't seen too many studies done on this though. It may just be the only thing that makes any sense to me though when it comes to gays and lesbians. I don't even know how messed up hermaphrodites are.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What Personal Issues Make You Goto Strip Clubs?
    how about AN - peeping at heavenly bodies ITC and OTC ?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    New Jersey
    cell phones in clubs
    I don't have a cell phone either. I'm usually not that interested in too many people contacting me. I get annoyed at many of the phone calls that I do get. I did manage to get a guy who was either a telemarketer, a scam artist, thief, or terrorist angry because he said I was wasting his time on the phone. Well he called me. He was just a fool if he thought I was going to fall for his line that I won something and then give out my credit card number to pay a small 4.95 shipping and handling fee. I was bored at that time otherwise I would have just hung up on him in about 2 seconds. I remember one stripper told me she loved to play gags on telemarketers before the do not call list. I liked the one where she said she put the call on hold because she just ate a bean burrito and had gas. Then used some machine she bought to make all kinds of noises into the phone. Just goes to show that some people really go all out to annoy telemarketers. No, I don't want someone to call and harass me anytime they want to with a cell phone.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    annoying waitresses
    When you do what a waitress, they seem to be lost in the bermuda triangle.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    New Jersey
    cell phones in clubs
    At $20 per month for 12 months and for only 3 calls, those 3 calls cost you $240 or an average of 80 dollars a phone call. However I suppose you may think it's worth it for an emergency. I've heard about some cell phones that are prepaid that you don't have monthly charges with but I haven't investigated. I would only use that for an emergency most likely.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    New Jersey
    cell phones in clubs
    I believe the prepaid cell phones only cost something like $20 or $50 or something and were good for at least a year. Again I haven't investigated that lately so I don't know if those offers are still out there.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Mishaps on the way to and from strip clubs.
    just the usual stuff for me. You have to watch out for things in the road whether it's a deer carcass, vehicles left in the middle section of the road or some occasional road debris. Sometimes it's an accident scene but I've always seen flashing lights from ambulances and police cars before I arrive. Other times you keep an eye on the deer standing on the edge of the road watching you as you drive by. If they run out in front of you, I try to stop or avoid them. Then there are the police ready to pull you over for anything out of the ordinary and question and harass you just because you are out late at night, of course I think they do that any time of day if they aren't in a good mood. Then you have to watch out for all the other bad drivers out there. Someone driving the wrong way on a divided highway on your side of the divided highway. (That was one time I wish I had a cell phone to actually call the police.) Then one other time there was a wacko, druggie or some really erractic driver tailing other vehicles for miles until they slowed down to 45 or 50mph and then I passed them. Then the nut case followed me for several miles until I slowed down to 45 or 40 in a 55 and someone else passed us. He followed whoever it was. Other than that, it's just a normal drive.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Mishaps on the way to and from strip clubs.
    I remember a few times I encountered about 14 green traffic lights in a row and started wondering how lucky I could get.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    A hot looking dancer, great mileage...But I wouldn't buy a dance from her.
    ...and I thought people who didn't wash their hands and tried serving or cooking food for you were bad. I wouldn't get any dances either.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Mishaps on the way to and from strip clubs.
    ok I just knocked on wood. I haven't run into any deer but I have come very close. One time was on my way to work in town. That one really surprised me. I had stopped for someone to turn left in front of me. Then before I could accelerate, a large deer darted out and ran across the road right in front of my car before I even had time to step on the gas. It was moving. It missed my car by only a few feet. I once saw a small deer run out across a divided highway from the very tall grass in the medium and it startled me. I quickly remembering someone saying if you see one, there is often another. I hit my brakes and stopped dead in the road. Another one ran along the same path as the first and I would have collided if I hadn't anticipated it. I turned on my bright lights and looked around. I suddenly saw a third looking nervously at me like it wanted to cross the road but was wondering what I was going to do. It decided to stay and I took off. Most of the other deer I watch them alongside the road and if they stay still, I just keep on going. It's the ones you don't see that make you nervous if they are moving. I keep hoping I stay like Riddick in one of his latest movies where he says "it's an animal thing" and either they sense me or I sense them and we don't collide. knocking on wood again. I once got a flat tire and that was annoying especially since I had to use a flashlight and didn't know who might stop. Apparently no one is interested in stopping during the night or you hope no one threatening. In one place not far from where I once lived in NC, you didn't want to stop there at night. It's the same general area that Michael Jordan's father got killed and he was just taking a nap alongside the road. Someone told me that area had a higher murder rate per capita than New York City. Oh, I just remembered mishap I had. I ran into a cat on it's 9th life. It was like a big speed bump at 55 mph. One second it was standing beside the road, the next it decided to jump in front of me like a suicidal cat and I was just hoping it didn't damage my car. I didn't think cats were that stupid before that.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Mishaps on the way to and from strip clubs.
    This might be slightly off topic but I think it was funny. A long time ago when one of my older sisters was driving, a squirrel ran out in front of the car in the road traveling across the road. My sister got startled and swerved the car with a quick jerk trying to dodge it. That did it good. I heard and felt a thump thump under the tires and she hit it smack on. If she had just ignored it and kept on going as normal she would have missed it since it was anticipating her going in a straight line. I have heard about someone carrying a shotgun or rifle around with them and shooting deer they see along the road but I haven't seen anyone do that.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Mishaps on the way to and from strip clubs.
    I forgot two other things. Cell phone drivers and drowsy driving. I heard and read that people talking with cell phones in their hands have a slower reaction time than a drunk driver. Then you also have to worry about drowsy drivers. I believe that because I once have fallen asleep for a second or two and that can be quite scary when you jerk awake. You don't want to ever repeat that. Long quiet drives in the country late at night can make one drowsy without even realizing it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Dancers who make more than thier customers
    I don't care if the girl I'm considering for a lap dance is making $4 million a year tax free or if she is making only 100 dollars a week. If I like her and she seems to have a good attitude it doesn't bother me and is not even a concern to me. I suppose if I found out a dancer was making an unusually large amount of money or very small amount, it might give me other ideas about the dancer. What I really can't stand about dancers are the ones with the big attitude problem. You know the type, they don't accept no graciously, they refuse your tip if they think it is beneath them, they give other insulting gestures or comments as they leave your table if you didn't accept their dance offer. The insults can be general insults such as "let me know when you want a dance from a real woman" as if you haven't had any real women so far or as if no other dancer is a real woman. That's like 2 insults in one.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Ignore Feature
    Thanks for the new feature. It makes it a lot easier to get rid of all the junk threads started by certain posters.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What's up with South Carolina?
    I live in South Carolina and didn't realize that. That particular area may be hurting for business since that area used to have a lot of video poker parlors when that business was legal in South Carolina and I believe the unemployment rate is high in that rural part of the state. I suppose the people in that area have no qualms over big billboards. Perhaps those South of the Border signs posted for miles and miles advertising a tiny little stop south of North Carolina weren't drawing enough business to that area.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    A hot looking dancer, great mileage...But I wouldn't buy a dance from her.
    What is even worse is a girl that smells fishy or somewhat foul from at least a few feet away. I was wondering why one good looking dancer on a small stage didn't have hardly anyone tipping her and then I found out as soon as my nose registered from whom that smell was coming from. I don't smell that kind of smell very often and thankful for that. I have the misfortune some might say of being able to smell different odors from several feet away. Going into a crowded place with people all around can be torture for me since I don't enjoy smelling most people's scents, body odors, and perfumes. I can smell some of those perfumes from over 15 or more feet away.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    When you can't get a stripper off your mind
    Find another girl or two or three. Multiple girls can be really good at taking your mind off of other things.
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    19 years ago
    South Carolina
    Advantage of shorts in strip club
    The main reason I wear shorts is because the weather gets hot and I get hot very easily. I am actually hoping it is cool enough this weekend to not have to wear shorts just to not be uncomfortably hot. I keep my house in the low to mid 60's and am not used to the heat yet. Of course there is always cold beer but I don't want to drink too much. The forecast for Columbia this weekend is near 80 I believe. I wouldn't be surprised if the temp was into the 80's both Saturday and Sunday since Columbia gets hot. One nice thing about having a high metabolism in the winter especially in a strip club is that if the club is cool, some dancers like to get all over you to warm up if you are already hot. I don't even charge the dancers for sitting on my lap and pressing up against me while they are doing so. :)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    How Important Is Initial Impression?
    If my first visit to a club stinks, I'm not ever coming back if I have anything better to choose from. If a club is really bad, staying home is a much better choice as well or I'll try regular sports bars if they seem better.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Anyone understand female customers not wanting to tip?
    I would enjoy more cool and hot looking female customers at the clubs I go to as well. I'll just sit back and watch the females tip the females on stage. I have seen more and more females in the clubs I go to though. I remember one club at the beach seemed to have a sorority party at the strip club. I believe it may have been a bachelorette party but it sure was strange to see so many college age girls partying in a nude strip club. I guess it's only strange if you're not used to it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    South Carolina
    Advantage of shorts in strip club
    Someone thinks it's cold in the buildings here in the south in the summer?? I think it's still too hot. I would prefer temps in the 60's in the summertime as well so that I can cool off a bit before going back out into the sweltering heat. Of course I feel like I'm in a sauna on most summer days in the south here. I actually roasted when I took a trip north during the winter. It was in the single digits or teens outside and snowing hard but I had my hotel window wide open wishing they had an air conditioner in the room to get rid of all the excessive heat. I suppose in another 30 years though my metabolism should be a bit slower and maybe I won't be so hot all the time.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Dilemma: So I run into these two dancers and this guy at this strip club ...
    Just remember our advice may only be as good as what you pay for it, FREE or zero. I must not have read some posts here. I don't know how the conversation got to a discussion on pants.