
Dilemma: So I run into these two dancers and this guy at this strip club ...

OK all you fellow stripper hounds, I've worked up enough courage to ask you guys what you would do in the following unfortunate situation I was in. This actually happened, I shit you not:

So I was at this club where I was hoping to see one of my favorites, with whom I have had some wild times. I saw her (I will call her "A" and hope the letters don't get too confusing) on her way out, however, with her costume on, so I assume she was on break or something. I turn my head back to the stage, and I'm surprised to see another of my favorites ("B"), with whom I also have had some wild times with, just at another club. She remembered me and we embraced, and she told me she left the club she was at because it was unsafe; she started off here and went back because ... fuck, I don't remember, I just wanted to take her to the back so we could ravage each other. And we did, spectacularly and with near-total privacy.

I wanted to bask in the afterglow for a while and so I stuck around. I shouldn't have. Because my other favorite, "A," the one who's my favorite *at this club* came back from dinner. I was empty but I wanted to ride anyway, so we also went to the back. Sadly, once she sat on me she realized I had already gotten a dance and her attitude changed. She rode me for a third dance without stopping to ask me; she never did that before, and I get very angry when a stripper does that. I almost had to throw her off, and she responded: "Oh, now that you found someone else you're just gonna kick me to the curb?" No, that's not the case, but she was freaking me out. I couldn't stammer anything more coherent than sorry and "I'll get you next time," and we left the LD area.

Well, shit. A club I despised turned into a club I suddenly hoped would guarantee me a satisfying ending every time I went, then turned into a club where I had two favorites, one of whom now hates me and both of whom may hate each other.

Now, you may think that that's all the problems a guy can have in one night, and that it can't get any worse. And you'd be wrong.

I sat down with stripper "B," the one who was my favorite *at the other club* and told her my predicament. She told me to calm down and noted that "A," the one who was my favorite *at this club* was sitting with another guy about two tables from us. That other guy was one of her regulars, she said, and if she was going to steal one of her regulars, she has no problems stealing me away from her -- and then getting her regular back from "A."

So much drama in the club, I thought to myself, so I thought I'd be a grown-up and go over to their table and sell this guy about "A"'s LD prowess (and trust me, they're pretty good): "Get a dance from her, she's fantastic!"

A smile forms on the guy's face: "I know you! We went to high school together!"

Well, double shit. Once he said that I remembered who he was. Not only did we go to high school together, we kind of ran in the same circles. I didn't consider him a friend, but he was someone I could identify with. I certainly didn't think he would turn out to be someone who frequented SC's by himself. Of course, he probably thinks the same of me. All the while, "A"'s grinnin' like the Cheshire Cat. I put on a smile, say hey, how's it goin', etc., putting a positive spin on things, you know.

My heart sinks, however, when he says, "Yeah, your name comes up from time to time." That's when that lightning bolt of dread shoots up my spine, I excuse myself, pick up my jacket, tell "B" that this regular of hers is someone I used to know, and tear ass out of there.

I couldn't get that goddamn smile "A" had off my mind while driving home. Because, I felt, and I still feel to this day, she ratted me out to this guy I went to high school with. I curse the heavens above with my bad luck: If *this* guy didn't happen to drop by on *this* night, I could've blown "A" off for good. If I sweet-talked "A" better, maybe I could've massaged the situation when she sat down with him. Hell, none of this would've happened if "B" showed up. Or if I didn't go to this stripclub at all.

So, friends, my questions:

1) Do you think "A," pissed off at me for getting satisfaction from "B" before her, told this high school classmate about my, er, "preferences?"

2) For the record, I have had no blowback from this night while doing things, "living," around town -- no snickers from other classmates eating lunch at McDonald's or loud, point-blank confrontations of, "I know you like to do (blank) at titty bars!" in the middle of a coffee shop or anything. Then again, I haven't bumped into anybody from high school yet, thank God. Do you think this guy told his friends about me? (And by the way, I suspect this guy is savvy enough to troll through sites like this. So if you are reading this, well, fuck me. Hi, how ya doin'!)

3) Should I try and patch things up with "A" when I only suspect, without proof, that she snitched on me?

4) Am I being paranoid, and in fact I could get dances from both of them without one of them getting jealous? If someone put a gun to my head, I would prefer "B": Mileage is great with both but for different reasons, and the tiebreaker is that I have carried good conversations with "B," but with "A" it kind of stalls before I feel obligated to go the back with her.

5) Should I just never go back to this club, ever again? For your information, I think this is an SC where you can call and ask if so-and-so is working that night, but I asked both strippers about their schedules and, by golly, they're the exact same.

Seriously, I could use some advice. Maybe I need to calm down. Or maybe I have to leave town for good.


  • FONDL, believe me, I don't like the drama. I'm worried that the shit that went down that night will get back to me and, worst of all, my friends and family. Yet, I don't get the mileage anywhere else that I get at this place. Maybe I'll stay away from this club a little longer than I planned. Hopefully it'll all blow over by then.
    19 years ago
    Someyoungguy, it sounds to me like you enjoy the drama that goes on in virtually all clubs. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably find another club. But if you enjoy the drama, keep doing what you're doing and enjoy it. Just don't mistake it for reality. Unless of course you want it to be.
  • OkDude, thanks for the info. But remember, he ain't my friend, he's just a guy I knew way back when. You say what he says about me would put him at risk ... at risk for what?

    I want to break free from Dancer A, but her and Dancer B's schedules overlap. She can't hold much of a conversation, but she allows me liberties. But then again, you're probably right.
  • OkDude
    19 years ago
    In my area strippers can be fired for sharing information about you with other customers if proven of course.
    However what the girls tell each other is a different matter.
    I wouldn’t do any more business with Dancer A.
    Your friend is also a regular so any information he shared about you would also put him at risk.
  • AbbieNormal: Well, I was trying to loop the topic back to my question, so the other person would be a guy I knew back in high school, but wasn't great friends with.

    chandler: I'm not happy, but I sure as hell need something to worry about at all times. You've got me defined to a T.

    turan8 and chandler: Thank you so much for the compliments! I've been down to the ESL twice, and hopefully it'll be a third this year. Hey, I'm a stripper hound and I want the best information on our world as possible, and so I'm obliged to give the best information on our world as possible. Just doing my job!
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    And on a related note, I see that Chitownlawyer's discrete review of Dollie's Playhouse has just gone up.
  • turan8
    19 years ago
    Hello, someyoungguy, I'd like to thank you, I'm from St. Louis area and you make some of the most detailed St. Louis club reviews I've seen.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    someyoungguy: It seems like you're just not happy unless you have something to worry about. Having said that, and some other less than complimentary things earlier, I have to tell you I just read your latest account of C-Mowe's and all of your other Washington Park reviews, and they are terrific. Especially anybody who's familiar with that nutso town should check out your page.
  • I don't know if I've built enough trust. I just like the mileage with both dancers.

    Other question, and sorry to obsess: Would it weird any of you out that a stripper you get hot and heavy with on a regular basis does the same with someone you know?
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Is this like "Love means never having to say you're sorry"? That movie made me wanna hurl.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    I guess I define trust differently than many here. To me, trust means you both feel free to do or say what you want, knowing the other will feel secure enough to speak up if there's a problem, not that you feel a need to always check first for the other's approval. I call that good manners.
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat, my relationship with my ATF was essentially the same when she was dancing. Except we never got all that physical, it wasn't allowed in her club and there wasn't much privacy, which is maybe why we were able to become close friends.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yeah, shadowcat: Your relationship is special because of all the trust you have earned.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    The way I see it, when a stripper asks if iit's OK, the implication is that she'll come back to you afterwards and you'll buy more dances. Or she'll have the option to if she feels like it. She's not really concerned about your ability to cope with her splitting to dance for another guy.

    When a customer asks if it's OK, I would expect the stripper thinks no, it's not OK, I'd like that money myself, but what can I do? What is this guy thinking anyway, asking me? It's his money.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    chandler must hang around some real weirdo strippers (won't surprise me given what a weirdo he himself is). Either that, or in addition to that he is a pretty whipped pussy-boy.

    If you ask a stripper if it's ok to get dances from another girl they will always say "yes" (whether they like it or not). This is a cardinal rule of strippers w/ paying customers: agree with whatever the customers says and avoid conflicts: until it comes to OTC stuff, of course.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    giveitayank: If I were to ask a fave if it was OK with her if I got dances from other girls, she would probably: 1) assume I was either joking but not very well or had been struck in the head, 2) tell me no it's not OK, which would serve me right for asking, whereupon I would 3) go ahead and do it anyway. But if that's the way you operate, more power to you.
  • giveitayank
    19 years ago
    well, thank-you chandler.
  • giveitayank
    19 years ago
    You shouldn't be concerned what this guy thinks of you. He was there too. As for the money grubbing strippers, there have been plenty of times when I have told an ATF, "I'd like to get dances from another this time. Is that ok with you?" They're supposed to be accomodating for you if you ask in that manner. When I've decided to do that, they (the ATF's) have often found me another that she knows I will like. Why would the ATF want to burn her bridges with me? She knows I'll be back and give her my dough another time...
    You're freaking out over BULLSHIT that I wouldn't think twice about!!!
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    someyoungguy: Go ahead and worry about that guy if if makes you feel better. I can tell you that the only thing worrying about him is going to change is the amount of fun you could be having.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I'd be embarassed to go commando. I used to have enough girls watching me or making comments to me when my underwear got looser than normal.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Just remember our advice may only be as good as what you pay for it, FREE or zero. I must not have read some posts here. I don't know how the conversation got to a discussion on pants.
  • Wow -- prevailing opinion on TUSCL was swift and unanimous! If you guys think I have nothing to worry about and I shouldn't give a shit about what this guy thinks or what anybody he might tell thinks, then shit, I won't worry. Fuck it, tomorrow I'll just head into the strip club without wearing any pants! Thanks, guys!
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    I would wear pants, since not wearing them tends to get you arrested for indecent exposure. However, going commando is entirely up to you.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    On second thought, it seems like someyoungguy is initiating the dramatics himself more than the strippers are. They're just taking his cues and having their fun. Sorry to pile on, but you need to rein in your imagination.
  • lotsoffun201
    19 years ago
    Jesus Christ, it's a strip club, neither of these girls will marry you, maybe next time ask A and B for a double and let them fight it out. If they say no, just switch off, wtf.

    I have a regular club that I go to and one of the dancers there, not my type at all, constantly hounds me for dances. I tell her that she is like my sister and she laughs. But I alway take the hot or nasty ones for a dance. Sorry, but I amd kind of slutty that way
  • davids
    19 years ago
    The guy is probably worried b/c he has really weird sexual fetish he doesn't want the world to know about.

    I won't worry about "A" telling your high school friend about it. She doesn't want to risk losing your business which she surely would if she told. SO JUST RELAX.

    Anyway it's nice to see the regulars here advocating playing the strippers off against each other for your benefit. Good luck!
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Chandler and FONDL make good points. NEVER confuse a dancers lust for your wallet with lust for you. You may be a nice guy, she may look forward to seeing you but if you arrive broke she'll be gone in a hurry.

    Relax and let the girls fight about who gets your money. If you handle it righ it's a win win.

    I have a favorite club that I hit once a month or so with four to five favs working the day shift. From the time I walk in to the time I leave I'm never without female company and all of them give hot LD's. We have a great time but they know I'm spending and I know they are all competing to see who gets one or two dances vs. who gets four or five.
    19 years ago
    I think you've stumbled into a very good situation, relax and enjoy it. When you go into the club whichever girl joins you first gets your money that evening. Let them worry about the drama, you should care less about it, it's not your problem. And forget the guy, he's of no consequence.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    All I have to add is that the only possessiveness Stripper A or B feels is over your wallet. This isn't romance, it's commerce. Everything else is an act. They want you think it's about romance, so that you'll keep spending more. By playing along, you encorage them. Instead, make it clear to both of them that you've got money to go around for more than one girl, but not a penny for anyone who puts on a drama production.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I think you need to stop worrying about nothing. It's your money, spend it on who you want to. As for running into someone you know, who gives a fuck, he was in their looking for the same thing as you.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Why do you even care what that guy thinks about you?
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Note: If for example you are screwing stripper A outside the club and you spend a bunch of time with stripper C and stripper A didn't see you when you spent time with stripper B but stripper A spots you later and when you're alone she says "who's that bitch you've been spending so much time with?" Just smile and act like it's nothing. If pressed, I would just say I'm being friendly and like to have fun with multiple girls whenever I have free time. You're not married to these girls and probably don't plan to either.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I wouldn't worry about any of it. I always thought it was amusing when a dancer puts on a drama show when you spend time with other dancers. Unless you're screwing one of them outside the club, I wouldn't take any of it too seriously. The dancers are just fighting for territory (dancer territory that is) and dancers like to claim regulars and the money that comes with them. Just think with a straight head, these dancers may make you believe you have a girlfriend experience in the club but outside they may have multiple boyfriends they are screwing whom never come into the club.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Depends, is the someone a blood relative? Yep, that'd weird me out. If the someone was my SO it might might weird me out a bit but it might also give me ideas... If we're talking about close friends and you are wondering about what might be disclosed during "pillow talk" for lack of a better phrase, I might have some concern if I shared a little too freely. Remember strippers aren't like shrinks, they take no oath not to disclose and they don't lose their liscense if they do.
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