
A hot looking dancer, great mileage...But I wouldn't buy a dance from her.

Monday, February 20, 2006 7:25 PM
A while back, I was going to to Rick's in Seattle. There was this Tall, long legged blonde there. She was a knock-out. a TEN!!! And, she gave the best dances of any other girl in there. Fantastic mileage at $30.00 a dance. But after a couple times there, I stopped giving her my business. Why would I do that??? I'll tell you why. She had terrible hygien. What I'm saying is, that when she would use the bathroom and go number TWO, she needed to wipe better. Or she should use some soap and water in that area for a squeaky clean POOPER!!!! The stench, when her behind was close to my face, was more than I could stand. So I stopped buying dances from her. How was I supposed to tell her that her caboose smelled like a sewage treatment plant?? If anyone has a clue of how I could have told her...please post a response.


  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    LOL, I stick a lot more than my nose down there and I always know what I'm getting into. Maybe some of these not so clean ladies are trying to tell us to stay clear of thier nether regions. No problem, I don't go where I'm not wanted!
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    "In fairness to dancers, the nature of their job almost guarantees that at times they aren't going to be smelling their best unless they're very very careful. That's why I never let my face get anywhere near their butt or crotch areas." FONDL: I'm always sticking my nose in areas where it doesn't belong. With the strippers I chose to do this, I rarely encounter one who is not very, very careful. It's a basic requirement of her job, and I have have no problem finding girls who meet it. Any who don't can go entertain the other fellas.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    This is in response to casual guy's post about being able to smell oders from a distance. I had sinus surgery about ten years ago. It left me with a bad sense of smell. I can't smell as easilly as most people. So if I can pick up the oder and be overwelmed by the stench, then you it's even worse for other guys and her co-workers.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    There's really no reason for any kind of foul odor to be comming from a dancer during her shift. It's her job to look and smell good and if she doesn't she simply isn't doing her job well. Smart dancers use babywipes every time they pee, apply deodorant when needed, always wear a clean g-string, change costumes during a shift, keep costumes clean, brush their teeth or chew on breath mints, etc, etc, etc....
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    What is even worse is a girl that smells fishy or somewhat foul from at least a few feet away. I was wondering why one good looking dancer on a small stage didn't have hardly anyone tipping her and then I found out as soon as my nose registered from whom that smell was coming from. I don't smell that kind of smell very often and thankful for that. I have the misfortune some might say of being able to smell different odors from several feet away. Going into a crowded place with people all around can be torture for me since I don't enjoy smelling most people's scents, body odors, and perfumes. I can smell some of those perfumes from over 15 or more feet away.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    We all understand the nature of the job. It's understable sweaty body/boobs, and it can be acceptable. What is not acceptable is poor hygiene practice resulting in shitty smell when their lower body is closer to our face.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    I refused to get dances from good looking, and so so looking and nice dancers. Because, I could feel that shitty smell during the tipping actions or when they flash closely while during conversations or just walking by to ask for dances.
    18 years ago
    In fairness to dancers, the nature of their job almost guarantees that at times they aren't going to be smelling their best unless they're very very careful. That's why I never let my face get anywhere near their butt or crotch areas.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    I think funseeker hit it. Just ask her to stop the dance. She would then likely pester you to tell her why. Then you could almost get her to beg why. Eventually, just let her know, AFTER she demands to know! She aked for it, so you get off clean (pun intended).
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    This is an interesting topic. I would like see how the other participants on this board feel. We want dances from dancers who really care about their personal hygeine in this area.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Jpac, are you saying you're totally grossed out by guys fingering any dancer's asshole or just the smelly ones? I agree there isn't much you can do about a girl who doesn't know any better than to clean her ass. I've turned away strippers who otherwise were pretty hot. I've never felt like checking them out on later nights to see if they've got their act together. One whiff kills my interest for good.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    Jpac...That's exactly what I did. I found other dancers who were not as hot and not as good as stinky butt girl. She couldn't understand why.
  • Jpac73
    18 years ago
    Giveitayank: I had that problem once in the past. The best thing you can do is just find another dancer that values her Hygiene. I thought most dancers in the Gentleman's club kept their hygiene up more than Strippers in the "Hole in the wall" type stripclubs. Rick's is suppose to be a gentleman's club right? Believe it or not some guys probably don't care about the smell. I have heard some guys claiming they have stuck their finger up the dancer's ass or smelled the ass. Disgusting to me, but there are some freaks and wierdos out there.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    ...and I thought people who didn't wash their hands and tried serving or cooking food for you were bad. I wouldn't get any dances either.
  • messaround
    18 years ago
    Don't wear light color pants if she dances for you!
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    Now there's a bit of advice I never thought of!!
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Suggest to the manager that a sign be put up in the restroom saying employees must wash their shithole before returning to work.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    No she wasn't a newbie. She was a very good dancer and had been at it for years. And it never occured to me to approach the management. I just wanted to try to deal with her directly. But, I didn't know how to talk with her and NOT embarrass her or me. She quit dancing anyway.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Thats a tough one. Is she a newbie? I'm surprised someone hasn't told her already. Most of the dancers I know use baby wipes down there after going to the bathroom.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    I would stay away from any dancer with a poor personal hygiene practice. I will stop the lap dance after the first one if I feel shitty smell from there.
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