
Comments by casualguy (page 166)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Dilemma: So I run into these two dancers and this guy at this strip club ...
    I'd be embarassed to go commando. I used to have enough girls watching me or making comments to me when my underwear got looser than normal.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Anyone understand female customers not wanting to tip?
    I better be careful what I wish for. I was at a club and 6 college age girls were sitting at the stage and almost outnumbered the guys.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Trouble in Canada?
    Just start a movement to break away from the rest of Canada and create your own laws. Of course if it's the locals trying to change the law, doesn't sound good.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Anyone understand female customers not wanting to tip?
    I've been seeing groups of females and males come in together. They almost always look college age no matter which club I'm at. Of course I have seen couples and some groups of females by themselves on occasion. I suppose I tend to only notice the hotter looking females though so the female customers I've noticed lately look pretty good.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How many times have you seen dancers/stripper slip and fall?
    good catch AN.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Who do you have on "Ignore"???
    I am ignoring two posters when I log onto to the site here. I'm ignoring everyone when I don't log on since I don't even read this site every day.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What If there was reality show where a customer could date a strippers?
    I think they would need to offer the guy money as well. After experiencing some strippers for just a few seconds, I would be on a horror trip if I had to spend a whole week with someone who happened to be putting on a great act in the few minutes that I got to talk to her to start with. I'm sure strippers would put on their best act to get $200,000.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Anyone understand female customers not wanting to tip?
    I didn't think the places I was seeing the girls at were in any big city. Of course some people call all of South Carolina a rural state and people are used to driving down the road if they want to here.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    NCAA basketball
    I picked Duke as well. I'm not thrilled by the possibility of it though.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If you notice a spot or lump in a strippers breast, do you ask her about it?
    If your head was on fire davids, I wouldn't say anything. Oh wait a minute, I'm responding to someone who is a total jerk. Guess I can't get more stupid than that. That was so stupid of me. Listening to someone who thinks nothing of manners, courtesy etc.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    Obviously it takes a loser to recognize one and I believe davids knows. As far as worrying about it, who cares what condemning crap davids posts on here. Forget what other people may or may not think about you and just go have fun whether its alone or with a group. I don't worry about it. I think you do get approached by less strippers if you are in a group. I remember I was sitting with a large group of females one time and the strippers didn't approach me as much.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If you notice a spot or lump in a strippers breast, do you ask her about it?
    Ok davids, I meet a girl for one or two minutes and I'm supposed to say, let me feel that spot on your breast a little bit more. Have you seen your doctor and asked if that might be a tumor? Oh wait, it's probably her breast implant and if she doesn't bother to take care of herself, what makes you think she's going to listen to some guy she just met? I believe if the situation presents itself again, I will ask if that hard spot is her breast implant and leave it at that. I do believe in some manners like many in the southern US do. Obviously some people don't.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If you notice a spot or lump in a strippers breast, do you ask her about it?
    For the matter if I hadn't been thinking of telling or asking this dancer something, I would not have even posted anything here. Most or many intelligent people like to calmly discuss things without resorting to name calling. I wasn't looking for troll comments but I guess the troll has nothing better to do. davids please go troll around on your own threads. Oh wait, I forgot, nothing to say there that hasn't been said before.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Who do you have on "Ignore"???
    and by calling us all PL's, davids somehow feels superior to us and proves to himself that he is not a PL himself somehow. I don't know if he will ever convince himself though. It's really sad. He got burned by a stripper badly and now puts down other people or customers of strip clubs so that he can stay in denial that he has been one of the biggest losers of all.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    aka davids, the loner loser. You can tell he is as soon as he opens his mouth. At least I understand what kind of person ticks strippers off so much after reading davids posts.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    Of course since I am not good at arguing on the idiot level, davids I have to admit, you got me beat there.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    I'm not trying to use logic here. To argue logic with an idiot is total lunacy.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Who do you have on "Ignore"???
    Did someone escape from the looney bin? Ok davids, I'm not good at arguing on the idiot level so you got me beat there.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    LAG3, sorry about the little flame war with the old trollster. If you want to continue on this thread or start another, I will refrain from responding to one trolls flames.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    Should I say a prayer now thanking God that I am not where davids is from? I don't know what kind of loony bin place that might be but it must be awful there.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If you notice a spot or lump in a strippers breast, do you ask her about it?
    hmmm, It's interesting thinking about this. I need to feel her breasts some more to remember better if I felt something odd or what exactly it felt like. Then after she finishes dancing for me, I might ask if that hard spot is her breast implant. Then tactfully say I wouldn't want you to have a problem and not get it checked when it could be a tumor. Hopefully my concerns are overblown since I haven't heard of breast cancer being very common among young females.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    I started off going with friends. Then their schedules got busier and I still wanted to have some fun so I went alone. I've run into a few dancers that wanted to meet me outside the club just to hang out and talk etc. Well it was usually just one dancer at at time. I doubt that situation would have occured if I had been with a group. I believe I enjoyed going to strip clubs better than playing war games with some friends. I haven't done that though since the Iraq war started. There's nothing quite like staying up all night playing a war game or dressing up in camouflage and shooting it out in the woods with your friends (with paintball semi-automatic rifles). Those hurt a lot if you get hit at point blank range.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Who do you have on "Ignore"???
    Being friends would probably be like Bush and Sadam being friendly buddies and only exhanging nice words. One person can try to totally ignore a jerk who keeps calling him names all the time but then they might lose it one day. On the other hand, there is a disclaimer on this website that you can't believe a word we say on here is the truth so we might actually be buddies playing a little fight it out scenario. I've met a few people who like to verbally fight for fun. That's not really what I'm interested in most of the time. I'm back to ignoring two posters.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    I've seen several dancers pass up groups of people to sit with me when I was sitting alone. This can be a problem if you don't want a parade of girls going to your table. However if the girls just want to chat or have some fun, it can be enjoyable. Something you might not get with a group of guys is a dancer sitting in your lap instead of a chair. I told one dancer she's welcome to come sit in my lap whenever she wants to. We talked for a few minutes even though I told her I wasn't interested in any lap dances at the moment (something I seem to say a lot). I believe I like the trend where the dancers sit on your lap instead of a chair.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Don't you hate it when...
    I believe guys in general are better with visual and/or spatial memory. For instance while females may be better with language and possibly names, guys can remember pretty well the shape of a girls breast for instance. I believe I can remember the shape of a girl better than her name. What's funny about this is that I remember running into a girl or two years later and not recognizing her. Then she flashed me her boobs and then said, "do you remember me now?" I would say yes whether I did or not. Lol. Forgetting things isn't all that bad.