
Who cares?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:46 AM
I know a certain troll seems to use this as his favorite insult but do any of you care (re: give a shit) if someone is gay? I know this seems like a funny post for this board but look at the frequency that gay, fag, homo, queer, ect. is referenced. I respect most of the frequent contributors and just wonder what you think.


  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    just doing my part to help move davids down the list
  • T-Bone
    18 years ago
    I could care less. More hottie strippers for me.
    18 years ago
    I could care less. I have several relatives who are gay and I like them a lot. I used to vacation in Key West and preferred the gay end of town because it was less touristy, never bothered me at all to see guys holding hands or kissing. I'd rather be around sensitive gay guys than annoying macho-men anytime.
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    People who use gay references as insults are simply ignorant and childish. Maybe people like that will grow up someday, but usually no one cares enough to wait around to find out. I can't speak for other gay people, but I stopped caring a looooong time ago what people think. To be judged by people you don't know, about something that is none of their business? Puhleeze. Life is too short to care about smallminded dickheads. It all just gets so fucking OLD.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Interesting posts, even the troll who never disappoints, yet I don't understand why it bothers some people so much.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    parody: There is absolutely nothing wrong with your alternative lifestyle. Same thing for JC. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Think of your (homo)sexuality in an empowering light! PS: Did you propose to JC last night? Did he accept?
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    FYI, in case someone is interested, I saw a tv show on something like Discovery channel, TLC or something along those lines that noticed a different brain structure in gay people that differed from normal people. I believe they suggested that unusually high levels of the wrong sex hormone before birth could have caused that. It made sense to me since essentially our body development before birth is very much affected by the hormones of our mothers. This may not be the exact terminology but I think the reasoning is close. Basically I think a lesbian brain is more like a normal guy's brain and a gay guy's brain may resemble a female's brain. I haven't seen too many studies done on this though. It may just be the only thing that makes any sense to me though when it comes to gays and lesbians. I don't even know how messed up hermaphrodites are.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    My encounters with gays or lesbians is a bit limited. I once had a girl call me up and want to go out with me but then she said she was lesbian but she still wanted to go out with me. Maybe she was wanting to experiment but she only confused me before she got confused and angry over a misunderstanding. She didn't bother me. In fact I had a dream where I was having fun with a whole lot of girls after that. :) I'm not trying to offend anyone but I think of gay people as people born with a birth defect where they were exposed to high levels of the wrong hormones before birth that affected their brains. I do find any practicing gay guys to be a bit disgusting to me though but I ignore most of the postings on this site anyway so no big deal here. I don't even bother to reread some of my own posts which may bother some people even more.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I could care less if a man or woman is gay. It's not even on my radar.
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