
Mishaps on the way to and from strip clubs.

Blue Ridge Foothills
The other night I got a speeding ticket in Ohio. I've had others, but my last traffic ticket was for an illegal U-turn leaving a club in what I thought was part of a parking lot. My worst luck has been hitting deer. Michigan perennially leads the nation in car-deer collisions, and I do my part in putting us at the top. I've hit four deer, including one in the middle of the road that was already dead. Always after midnight, and all but one on my way home from a club. Thankfully, it's always been within an hour of home. I would hate to have to deal with a wrecker, etc. while driving back from Illinois or someplace.


    19 years ago
    I backed into a brand new limo in a SC parking lot once. The owner/driver was furious and made a big stink. He was so obnoxious that the cops wrote on their report that it was his fault for being parked where he shouldn't have been (which was true) so I escaped liability. It pays to be courteous when dealing with cops.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I would be surprised if you would be propositioned as part of a sting operation. In a sting operation, an uncover cop might well be dressed like a whore in a place where whores hang out, and might even engage you in non-sexual conversation (although that would be unlikely). If an undercover police officer were to actually proposition you, then she woudl be giving you a nice entrapment defense, since you could plausibly claim that you were just talking to her to pass the time, and you never would have even thought about having sex with her for money until she brought it up (the classic defense of entrapment: the officer takes certain actions that cause the defendant to engage in conduct that he would not have otherwise engaged in.)

  • messaround
    19 years ago
    Bump above RL / D

    I was propositioned by a hooker in the parking lot at the old Baby Dolls in Dallas once - good thing I was out of $$ - I think it might have been a sting operation.
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    CG; That's what good sound systems, rest stops, & motels are for. Still, driver fatigue at least contributing factor in a lot of accidents. // C- agreed, don't advocate just driving fast & blowing horn. Ditto if deer ALREADY darted in front of you. Many times on back roads, have seen 'em in timely manner, honking horn tip given to me by avid deer hunter coworker, its worked for me anyway.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I forgot two other things. Cell phone drivers and drowsy driving. I heard and read that people talking with cell phones in their hands have a slower reaction time than a drunk driver. Then you also have to worry about drowsy drivers. I believe that because I once have fallen asleep for a second or two and that can be quite scary when you jerk awake. You don't want to ever repeat that. Long quiet drives in the country late at night can make one drowsy without even realizing it.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    This might be slightly off topic but I think it was funny. A long time ago when one of my older sisters was driving, a squirrel ran out in front of the car in the road traveling across the road. My sister got startled and swerved the car with a quick jerk trying to dodge it. That did it good. I heard and felt a thump thump under the tires and she hit it smack on. If she had just ignored it and kept on going as normal she would have missed it since it was anticipating her going in a straight line.

    I have heard about someone carrying a shotgun or rifle around with them and shooting deer they see along the road but I haven't seen anyone do that.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    ok I just knocked on wood. I haven't run into any deer but I have come very close. One time was on my way to work in town. That one really surprised me. I had stopped for someone to turn left in front of me. Then before I could accelerate, a large deer darted out and ran across the road right in front of my car before I even had time to step on the gas. It was moving. It missed my car by only a few feet.

    I once saw a small deer run out across a divided highway from the very tall grass in the medium and it startled me. I quickly remembering someone saying if you see one, there is often another. I hit my brakes and stopped dead in the road. Another one ran along the same path as the first and I would have collided if I hadn't anticipated it. I turned on my bright lights and looked around. I suddenly saw a third looking nervously at me like it wanted to cross the road but was wondering what I was going to do. It decided to stay and I took off.

    Most of the other deer I watch them alongside the road and if they stay still, I just keep on going. It's the ones you don't see that make you nervous if they are moving. I keep hoping I stay like Riddick in one of his latest movies where he says "it's an animal thing" and either they sense me or I sense them and we don't collide. knocking on wood again.

    I once got a flat tire and that was annoying especially since I had to use a flashlight and didn't know who might stop. Apparently no one is interested in stopping during the night or you hope no one threatening. In one place not far from where I once lived in NC, you didn't want to stop there at night. It's the same general area that Michael Jordan's father got killed and he was just taking a nap alongside the road. Someone told me that area had a higher murder rate per capita than New York City.

    Oh, I just remembered mishap I had. I ran into a cat on it's 9th life. It was like a big speed bump at 55 mph. One second it was standing beside the road, the next it decided to jump in front of me like a suicidal cat and I was just hoping it didn't damage my car. I didn't think cats were that stupid before that.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Minnow: The first thing to do when you see them is to slow the hell down and hit your emergency flashers to warn any cars coming up behind you, but don't swerve unless you have to. There are mixed reports on the advisability of blowing your horn. Deer react irrationally and unpredictably when they're startled. They usually run away, but they're also apt to dart INTO your path. Regardless, like I said, when you hit a deer, there's no chance to employ ANY avoidance tips. One second your cruising along scanning the roadside, the next second BAM! - your car's undriveable and deer entrails are smeared all over your fender.
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    Tip for deer avoidance: If you see deer, or in suspected deer area, honk horn, they'll veer, or just turn ard. and run away.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Okay, the deer that was dead in the middle of the road may not have "had my number". My excuse: A heavy snow was falling, and even though I had slowed to about 40 MPH on the freeway, I didn't see it until I was almost on it.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Casualguy: Have you had a mishap or do you just watch for them?

    As anyone who has hit a deer will tell you, there is no chance to stop or avoid them. I watch for them like a hawk ever since hitting my first deer. I often see them off the side of the road and slow down. However, when they have your number, there's nothing you can do. Just be thankful for your good fortune to date.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    I once hit a deer less than half a mile from my old favorite club, and decided I was cursed and went straight home. I blew a tire a couple times on the way home. And of course, no one in my circle could ever forget the time I flipped the car over on the way there. That was my introduction to rural Nebraska county roads, complete with no sign warning you of the switch to gravel from paved. Oh yeah, I forgot, I got pulled over once between the club and the motel in Yankton, SD. Of course, I had a couple beers and the cop asked if I'd been drinking, I told him no, and that was it. Just a warning.
  • messaround
    19 years ago
    I was stopped once in Dallas a number of years ago - cut off a state trooper pulling out of a club on a marginal road along a freeway. Three of us had been drinking stadily from about 6:00 p.m. and it was after midnight - visions of spending the night in a red neck prison filled my head - he saw the out of state license and had me walk a straight line - no hope there.

    I was elected to drive the rental car as I drank the least but the trooper had the passenger (who was much drunker than me) drive and let us go back to the hotel.
  • dareme
    19 years ago
    Me and a few friend s were going up to vancouver BC, about 2 1/2 hours away, to visit the strip clubs, and I forgot my wallet
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I got a speeding ticket coming back from a SC foray to Indiana (guess where?) last October.

    Getting involved in some accident in or near a strip club is one of my big fears. I would hate to have a heart attack in a club and have to wake up in Indiana University Hospital to see my wife standing at the bedside...busted!!

    By the way, I tried a deer/car case about ten years ago. My client hit a deer and her car spun into the oncoming lane, into the path of another driver.

    Not guilty (actually, since it was a civil case, no liability). Pity the deer was not insured. (Actually, if the deer in fact had had an identified owner, the owner could have been sued under the Animals Running at Large Act, which was Lincoln's gift to jurisprudence when he was corporate counsel to the Illinois Central Railroad. The Act changes the old common law presumption--that someone who hits an animal is presumed negligent--to the opposite--that someone whose animal is involved in a collision is presumed to be negligent for letting his animal get out from an enclosure.)
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I remember a few times I encountered about 14 green traffic lights in a row and started wondering how lucky I could get.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    just the usual stuff for me. You have to watch out for things in the road whether it's a deer carcass, vehicles left in the middle section of the road or some occasional road debris. Sometimes it's an accident scene but I've always seen flashing lights from ambulances and police cars before I arrive. Other times you keep an eye on the deer standing on the edge of the road watching you as you drive by. If they run out in front of you, I try to stop or avoid them. Then there are the police ready to pull you over for anything out of the ordinary and question and harass you just because you are out late at night, of course I think they do that any time of day if they aren't in a good mood. Then you have to watch out for all the other bad drivers out there. Someone driving the wrong way on a divided highway on your side of the divided highway. (That was one time I wish I had a cell phone to actually call the police.) Then one other time there was a wacko, druggie or some really erractic driver tailing other vehicles for miles until they slowed down to 45 or 50mph and then I passed them. Then the nut case followed me for several miles until I slowed down to 45 or 40 in a 55 and someone else passed us. He followed whoever it was. Other than that, it's just a normal drive.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I've had a flat tire or two on the way to clubs, nothing that stopped me from getting there of course. One time years ago I got stopped by a CT state trooper leaving a SC club parking lot. I was confused and wound up going out ane xit that was enter only. Of course the trooper was stationed righ where he could see everyone leavng the club. He was mostly looking for DUI's and I don't drink much in SC's. He bitched me out about going the wrong way and let me go witout a ticket.
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