A stripper has posted to club chat for Platinum Plus, Columbia, SC about my & Shadowcat's chat /reviews giving TMI that she says has caused management to patrol the dance areas with more diligence. I responded but after my 2nd response wonder if her complaint is due to her being watched more so that she's not making the $$ she was making before the crackdown. She's also saying that by dancers doing some of the things mentioned in our chat/reviews has lead to dancers having herpes, clap & AIDS. I certainly want to see the proof of that. I make sure I wash my hands after any kitty contact and encourage the dancer to wash her hands too whether there's been any willy contact on her part or not! One of the dancers I know is a nurse and when I told her to wash her hands like I'm going to wash mine she replied "I'm not stupid."! Another dancer always washes her hands after dances because she's known for willy contact. Should we just ignore her from now on. Don't know if Shadowcat will respond to her or not.
It's always a good idea to wash your hands. Hepatitis B remains viable in dried blood for up to 10 days and can be contracted by coming in contact with a minute, (naked to eye) source on an inanimate object (fomite) or the person's direct bodily fluids by contact with open skin (even an abrassion in your mouth from flossing) or mucous membranes. I once had a customer try to touch my kitty and I said no. He told me that he had just washed his hands and I still wasn't going to let him touch me but I indulged him by first looking at one of his hands then sniffing it gently, it smelled like mustard from the burger he had just consumed. I told him this, he smelled his hand and laughed. We continued with our dance sans the mustard fingers.
AN, I don't think it was this site, I think it was another place where people reviewed strip clubs, and I think you could choose to include your email address in your public info which I probably did. I have a special email address that I only use for stuff like this so I don't mind including it. Actually I have 3 email addresses: one for friends, one for business, and one for monkey business. If you can't find it here I'm sure it's available on the pink site. But don't expect a quick reply, I only check it about once a week.
Also the club is in a fairly small town and I wouldn't expect their LE efforts to be very sophisticated. I suppose it could just as easily been a newspaper reporter looking for a story.
Missed this topic for a while, but a salient point regarding FONDL's being contacted. How did they get your e-mail? Was it public on the board or did it have to be obtained from the site? I'd also be skeptical that it was LE. They usually rely on making it very clear that they are LE to secure cooperation (i.e. this is serious, so you better help us out if you don't want trouble).
Yoda, you could be right. It happened 5 or so years ago so I don't remember too clearly. But as I recall the way the email was worded it sure sounded like something official. Plus another reviewer had gotten a similar email. This particular club was the most wide open of any place I've ever been - everything was on the menu and the LD went way beyond anything I've ever encountered elsewhere. And the place is located in an area where you wouldn't expect to find something like that. If it had been the club management I'm sure they would have identified themselves as such. The only explanation that seems plausible is LE.
FONDL: I think your being a bit paranoid here. First of all, if LE is contacting you you would know they where LE. The cops don't play head games with poeple about who they are. If they don't identify themselves nothing you tell them is admissable and does them no good. Chances are the email you got was from club ownership or even a prank.
I think I know why it's easy for people to imagine the worst. If they never experience it themselves, they just hear the rumors and gossip and only hear about the worst things. Then they get a picture in their head and that is the way things are to them. I remember the first time I went to a strip club I was apprenhensive about what kind of sexual things might be going on. I saw topless dancers up on a stage and some girls occasionally dancing in front of guys but nothing else except a bunch of guys sitting around, talking, and drinking beer like any bar.
Now as far as lying or rather exaggerating goes, it's possible one college roomate may have given me a little bit of practice. I heard he had like 26 girlfriends but he only claimed he had 9. He had me telling stories on the phone to some of them. We both thought it was funny though. Just little fibs here and there.
Yoda, it doesn't have to be against the law, they can still make your life miserable if they feel like it. Ever hear of obstruction of justice? Or being subpoenaed to appear somewhere a 1,000 mile away at your own expense? Or a story in the local paper about a vice investigation that includes your name? No thanks.
Chitown, what's even more troubling about that episode is that they never identified themselves as LE, they were very vague about who they were. They semt me an email asking me if I would be willing to participate in a conference call about this particular club. I didn't respond and immediately contacted the person who had written the previous review of the club - he had received the same email. Who else but LE would possibly do something like that?
Casualguy, that's something I've never understood. Why do so many religious people always assume the worst? You'd think that if they really believe what they claim to believe they'd be the biggest optimists in the world. I know an awful lot of such people who are very pessimistic. Puzzling.
Sure LE can contact you but it's not against the law to talk about sex or illegal activities. Just tell them to F off....nicely of course. That being said. I do agree that it's a bad idea to mention a dancers name associated with any illegal activity on a web site chat board. Some things should be "word of mouth" only.
What disclaimer? I always tell the truth. I would never and I'm sure shadowcat and all other guys always tell the truth about their sexual encounters and their visits to strip clubs. We are like RL on here only telling the gospel truth. Either that or we are some good liars with years of story telling experience, lol. I only feel safe in saying this because, uh, there hasn't been any lightning or rain in over a month and even the hurricanes are avoiding my location.
Speaking about reviews and details, I would only provide specific details if I was angry at a club or person and wanted to get them in trouble. Someone might believe me especially here in the Bible belt south where anything bad is always believed. Actually I believe a number of people assume something worse is going on than what you say. Some people are such nasty thinkers.
I agree that you should never mention dancers by name for providing illegal activities. In fact I don't think you should ever mention that such things are available in a specific club. I made that mistake once in a review a long time ago and was almost immediately contacted by LE via email. Not only can you get the club and the girl in trouble, you can get yourself in trouble too.
Back to the original question, it might not be smart to ignore the anonymous dancer's claim about explicit detail in reviews, either. Not if you know management may be reading this site.
Actually the skin is a pretty effective barrier against most germs and viruses. Most diseases, and STD's in particular need to attack a softer target such as the mucose membranes in the nose or the genitals to gain access to the bloodstream, etc. While washing your hands is not a foolproof method of prevention it can help cut down on a lot of transmission. The usual method of catching something like the flu is you touch an infected surface or person with your hand, then rub your nose or eyes. STD's are called STD's because their most common method of transmission is from sexual contact. If the sexual contact is one way (hand to genitals) transmission is less likely. Washing the hands does help, but is not something I'd bet my health on.
FONDL: The poster implied that, by washing his hands, he was preventing the chances of him getting or spreading an STD. I simply stated that washing hands does nothing to prevent the spread of STDs. I never said it wasn't important. I agree that the example you sighted is disgusting. You can avoid as many places as you want but airborne bacteria are everywhere in a strip club. The next time you are in the men's roomat a SC take notice of how many guys wash their hands when they are done. Remember, these guys are fondling(no pun intended) the same money and dancers that you are. A strip club is no place for a germaphobe. I do respect and patronize dancers who at least try to be as sanitary as possible...
Yoda, I disagree, washing hands is important. I once saw a girl in a VIP room give a guy a HJ, wipe her hand on the sofa cushion, and move on to the next customer. I'm glad it wasn't me. I avoid such places.
Dude, STD's are contracted when bodily fluids are exchanged. Washing your hands doesn't do anything to prevent the spread of STD's. It just washes the smell off.
last commentNow as far as lying or rather exaggerating goes, it's possible one college roomate may have given me a little bit of practice. I heard he had like 26 girlfriends but he only claimed he had 9. He had me telling stories on the phone to some of them. We both thought it was funny though. Just little fibs here and there.
Chitown, what's even more troubling about that episode is that they never identified themselves as LE, they were very vague about who they were. They semt me an email asking me if I would be willing to participate in a conference call about this particular club. I didn't respond and immediately contacted the person who had written the previous review of the club - he had received the same email. Who else but LE would possibly do something like that?
Casualguy, that's something I've never understood. Why do so many religious people always assume the worst? You'd think that if they really believe what they claim to believe they'd be the biggest optimists in the world. I know an awful lot of such people who are very pessimistic. Puzzling.
Speaking about reviews and details, I would only provide specific details if I was angry at a club or person and wanted to get them in trouble. Someone might believe me especially here in the Bible belt south where anything bad is always believed. Actually I believe a number of people assume something worse is going on than what you say. Some people are such nasty thinkers.