Nevermind favorites, any dancers you avoid?
There are a few on my list. It's not all looks either. There are a few at my regular club who just grate on me with their attitude and the way they act. One was, well, it'd be a little too generous to call her a favorite, but I used to like her about 10 years ago. That should tip you off to one problem. The other is that she seems to have become more desperate as her earnings potential declines and she will continually insert herself into conversations or situations where she isn't wanted. I've just started to avoid going in when she works unless there are some of my favorites working to compensate.
I've learned the hard way to avoid all dancers who don't appeal to me. They may be very nice people and great conversationalists, but that's not what I'm there for. I've had too many occasions where I let an OK girl sit down with me and the next girl on stage turns out to be exactly what I'm looking for.
It's more the attitudes I don't care for, two in particular.
One is the "DIVA" she is a 10 and she knows it, she has had her ass kissed and gotten anything she wanted from boys/men ever since she starting growing tits. She doesn't do stage work because she is "too good for that" She works (if you can call it that) no more than one or two days a week, Friday and/or Saturday most often, she doesn't approach any guys, especially "regular looking guys" (us), we are supposed to be chasing after her like little trained dogs that she then chooses who the lucky one that she will play with is. She sits at the bar or in the dressing room waiting for that one "big spender" to come in and drop a grand or two on her, normally doesn't happen so she sits and bitches about how everything is unfair or there must be something wrong because all the "plain looking girls" are making so much more than she is. "how can this be, I'm so beautiful"? "they must be doing extras" The answer plain to everyone but her is that, the others are not as plain looking as she thinks and they are hustling there asses off, they get up on stage, they approach every guy, they may get rejected by some, just a "dancer drink" from a few, and the rest just a dance or two but at the end of the night it all adds up.
So if the choice is a nice looking natural C cup that could loose a pound or two "girl next door" that is paying attention to me, without pouncing on me the minute is get in a club or a drop dead beautiful enhanced DDD blonde Diva/Playboy Playmate that makes it obvious that I am not worthy of her presence, I will choose the former.
The other attiude is the "he is my customer" type. As far as she is concerned I am her property, no other girl is to as much as look at me and I better not even think about doing anything with any other girl. If she isn't there, then I have no reason to come to the club. My attitude has always been that "you may be my fave (for now), but I am never your customer"