Thanks to all the rantings & ravings of RomaticLOSER, the joke exchange has disappeared. Anyway to retrieve it or do you have to post jokes as a new topic?
AN: The bookmark method works, but it's easier and slightly less sad to just save the Discussion Board main page with the topics list as an HTML file every 7 days.
I think you should just be able to bookmark a topic since they seem to have unique URL's (the DiscussID=76391 for this one for instance). I haven't tried it, but will test it and see. If that is the case, it is kind of a sad statement on RL's passtime, bookmarking all his rants and deciding which one to bump.
Repeat after me: DO NOT RESPOND TO RL POST!!! For that matter, don't even bother looking at it. I wonder if webmaster keeps track of no. of "hits" and drops duds after certain period of time. Someone could just keep posting msgs in thread just to keep it alive. How about no. and diversity of hit sources. I'm out....
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