
Why do some customers spend their money foolishly?

I was browsing around over at the pinksite and some guy was complaining about this one dancer not spending time with him and that he was ready to give her $800 Dollars just to sit and talk with him. I hate to sound like RL but why would someone spend that amount of money just for conversation? I know some of you will say different guys come into the club for different reasons but that amount is just ridiculous and I don't care if I was making $100,000 dollars a year I still woundn't spend that kind of money for conversation. He could have taken that money and put it to better use like donating it to the Victims of Hurricane katrina or anything else than for some BS he was going to do. That is what you call a pathetic loser. I seriously think that some of these guys that go to stripclubs or mentally unbalanced.


    19 years ago
    I only have one criteria for whether or not spending is foolish: is the level of fun commensurate with the cost. If the answer is yes, then it isn't foolish to spend the money. For example, for me it would be foolish to go to a major league baseball game or other professional sporting event because for me the level of fun isn't commensurate with the cost. But if I take my grandson, his presence and enjoyment greatly increases my own to the point that it becomes worth it. Since we each define fun differently, no one but me can determine whether I'm spending my money foolishly or not.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Oh I forgot one more big one. Having our leader put a price tag of 250 billion dollars as the cost for the displaced is a bit too much. That's $50,000 per person or $200,000 for a family of four. Congress needs to appoint some strict watchdogs on this. I don't expect the people to end up with hardly any of it and I don't think that everyone else in the US needs to be stuck with a $3000 bill to pay for it. I think I could rebuild a few cities inland for that much money.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    As long as it's his money, he can spend it however he wants. Usually though, somebody dropping that kind of money for conversation is spending it at somebody else's expense. That sucks.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I usually try to avoid judging people who seem to spend their money foolishly. Society is full of people who are either stupid, desperate, or just plain lazy. If a lot of these people fall into one group or another, hold onto your horses talking about them or you will be highly criticized for being politically incorrect. I believe that guy was either just complaining or didn't wave around his money good enough. I don't know too many dancers who would pass up a shot at $800 in easy money if they know about it.

    I'll say this anyway even though it may be considered politically incorrect. If a WWII elderly veteran was able to walk 60 miles away from New Orleans on foot to evacuate New Orleans, then I bet many of those other people walking around who didn't evacuate could have walked away from NO as well. I put the blame on the people who didn't evacuate but could have. I also blame the people complaining about no food and water at the astrodome or whatever dome it was. A place of last resort does not provide food and water. That is what a shelter is which it wasn't. duh, Apparently those people didn't seem to hear or understand when that was announced that you had to bring your own food and water. I also put blame on the mayor for telling people to go there and not having enough resoures ready to assist along with the governor. Then I put more blame on FEMA for being so stupid about the whole thing. Having the then leader of FEMA claim he didn't know about the people in the dome makes him look really stupid. Having FEMA deny assistance into NO doesn't make sense to me either. Having the media talk to those who took no steps to prepare for one of the worst hurricanes ever heading for the US and expect our government to take care of them hand to mouth, exasperating. Sorry didn't mean to ramble my thoughts here but if feels good to get this out.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Another way to look at it is supply and demand. (No heavy ecomonic theorizing here, as we'll see.) Normally, strippers are a buyer's market because there are so many flooding the supply. If you just want a lapdance from anybody with two X chromosomes, you can practically name your price. The more you narrow down who you're willing to buy from, the higher you should expect to pay. And the more demanding you are regarding when and how exclusively a particular dancer attends to your needs (and the more creepy your needs, of course), the higher still. So, if you combine all the factors of a repulsive dude expecting a single, popular dancer to immediately drop her other customers and devote all her attention to his sad convo fetish, you can see how easily his price could climb into the hundreds. Factor in his desperate state of mind and panic bidding puts up close to a thousand. On that last point, at least, you're right about them being mentally unbalanced, Jpac.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    The guy on the pink site was a moron looking for sympathy. He didn't find much. If a guy wants to spend $80, $800 or $8000 on a girl even just to talk that's his business. As long as the guy is realistic in his expectations-sadly, most guys that drop that kind of cash are not realistic-ten it's no big deal. "Foolishly" is in the eye of the beholder.
    19 years ago
    What may appear to be foolish to you and I may not seem foolish at all to the person doing the spending, we all have different values. My fav used to have a regular who spent over $1,000 on her every time he came in. In return she'd spend all evening with him and I guess he thought that was worth it. If he enjoys it, I don't see anything wrong with that. It's no different than the guy who spends thousands on his stamp collection or his model trains. You and I might think it's silly but to him it's worth it. Some people collect coins, others collect strippers.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Much like we discuss the notion that strippers will tell us what we want to hear and tend to oversell certain things I get the feeling this guy was probably venting in a "if you were nicer to guys like me you'd make more money" way about a bad night at the club lusting after his favorite. He is most likely a PL or RIL, but we don't know if he would have spent $800, or if he had $800 to spend. I tend to view these stories rather skeptically, especially on the pink board where strippers rule. Or the guy could be that insane.
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