

i believe in two things..karma and balance.what you give is what you get back in life.if someone has deliberately wronged you somehow,guess what...something will happen to them that wont be on the fortunate side.i say this to rl especially,since i belive he HAS been wronged by someone somewhere,and thats why his threads have all been hate stripper relatedbut i also say it to ANY person anyplace that has been wronged by anyone..but in this case,lets talk about dancers.

gentlemen...if you see or know of a dancer who is on the negative side....say,she rips people off,lies to them,maybe shes a drug addict and working for drugs or seems to do her job just to get free drinks to get drunk for free all night,well,when you plant seeds of negativity,you will get them back later in spades..the more negative and strong the action and lifestyle,the harder the blows.yes,karma does work.i,ve seen club cons who make alot of money,then tip out the bare minimium to staff at the end of the night have alot of drama in their lives because they were selfish,dishonest and greedy.on the other hand,people like me who play the game fair and show finincial appreciation for other staff members around me,i always do well or fairly well,because my karma is clean.better then that,i have other people that i tip well(security,dj)all helping me make money because i get great stage sets and bouncers tip me off to good customers.

karma works the other way too..if guys come in acting all cocky and being rude and arrogant to dancers,maybe say something rude or do something rude,whoever is at fault gets their karma check in the mail too.the karma could be in the form of mr bouncer kicking their butts out of the club,or a dancer who stands up to them or politely puts them in check for their bad manners...or later on,something else can happen at random,like a bill they cant pay on time.this is why when a person around me,dancer or otherwise acts rudely or is behaving in negative action,i dont really worry about it..i know the payback will come when it comes,but it WILL come.if a dancer rips someone off,and i can do something about it,i will....but if i cant,i let karma do its work....so,the moral of the story is,if you are a club client,and you have been wronged,dont walk away feeling like she got away with something and hold alot of anger..she isnt getting away with anything,i assure you...likewise,if you are a dancer who has been wronged,the scales of justice will slide back to even order when the time is right...usually karma comes when the person ressponsible has a weak spot in their armor,then it comes in and kicks their ass.well,i,m done here.....i hope this helps you feel better rl....have a good day.

1 comment

  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    I've seen RL posts so long he seems like a comedian to me now instead of a serious poster. Just recently I was thinking I never really understood why some people seem to enjoy pushing others buttons or getting a rise out of them. When I start to experience that feeling, I still don't understand it. Oh well.

    I've seen other people's bad karma directed at me come back to bite them several times over. I might be a believer in it. It works the other way too, I help you, then you might unexpectedly be helping me later. Good karma works for me. Seems like things get multiplied for better or worse though.
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