
Comments by zipman68 (page 66)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Atheists and Theists...
    @ime -- I'm curious why you say that this is designed to troll. If I were saying something like "religious people are morons" or "religious people are assholes" that would clearly be trolling. The strongest statement I made was that religious people shouldn't invade my life. Just to be clear, what I mean by that is that they shouldn't use the legal system to tell me what to do unless there is a secular basis for the law (i.e., something most religious and non-religious can agree on -- no murdering, no fraud, no assault, etc.). There is no secular basis for telling people they have to go to church (or telling them they can't go to church) so that's off the table. It would seem to me to be the case that a group of folks with a "socially questionable" hobby like strip clubbing would agree with that. And also recognize that some religious folks (NOT all religious folks!) are the biggest group trying to do things like close SCs, stamp out porno, etc.
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    11 years ago
    the house
    Super Mane...just don't eat no kryptonite. Especially the red stuff!
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    11 years ago
    Missing Ariel Sharon...
    Doesn't Art Bell do a bunch of UFO talk? Groovy shit...you gots ta have the alien perspective on yo' talk radio! Qapla'
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Portland OR 2AMer
    BTW Motorhead...hope you didn't mind the rant. I really enjoy your posts. If people backed off of Alucard a bit I think it would make the DB more readable. Some days half the posts are slamming Alucard. That just gets boring. Right now I don't even want to respectfully disagree or joke around with Alucard. He takes too much shit just for being himself. If the reasonable posters decided en mass to dial it back (but still say what they think when they disagree) it might make things more fun for all of us.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Portland OR 2AMer
    Motorhead my man...you're one of the best posters on here and a sure source both of insightful and funny posts. But I just wonder if the Alucard parody posts are helpful. It just seems like a large proportion of posts are arbitrarily slamming Alucard and he constantly gets accused of not making a case for his gun control advocacy. Given that there is a set a small set of people who that constantly jump on Alucard, why would he actually make an argument? It won't get read anyway. Here's my feeling about guns. Any sort of national gun control that might actually have an impact upon the ownership of law abiding citizens isn't going to happen. This statement is independent of arguments for or against gun control. It is a statement that the political will to restrict guns any further just doesn't exist and is unlikely to exist any time soon. So from my perspective I would say "what's the problem?" to gun defenders. You've won. At the same time, guns in the hands of criminals, nutjobs, and morons can't be a good idea. According to the national institute of justice most illegal guns actually move rapidly from legal sales to the illegal market (traced through use in crimes by folks that shouldn't have guns). This indicates that straw purchases are common and/or that there are bad actors within the licensed sellers. One argument the NRA always makes about new gun legislation is that we don't enforce the laws we have. So here's MY beef with the NRA...why don't they advocate consistent, simple, and vigorously enforced laws nationwide? No loopholes. NIJ has studied the problem so there are probably things that could be done based on actual data rather than the fevered imaginations of the crowd that thinks "the Black Helicopters" are comin' to get 'em. This would probably increase access to legal guns for law abiding citizens in some areas and create a little extra work for some licensed dealers. And licensed dealer that are bad actors would get their asses thrown in jail if a case against them can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. In practical terms for TUSCL, maybe the reasonable posters could either engage in a real discussion with those they disagree with or just ignore the discussion. In terms of the country it might actually reduce gun crime in the long run.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    $5 foot long?
    ATACdawg... Personally, I like the XXXtra Krista. She gets XXXtra dirrrty!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I wonder if this means anything or has any effect ?
    I'm not worried by millionaires in Congress per se. I am worried about the influence of money on US politics. We may be coming to the end of a system with a separate president and legislature (more accurately, a separate president with real power). Some political scientists suspect presidential systems are unstable and tend to become authoritarian but the US has largely been the exception. A prime minister -- especially one in a system with some sort of proportional representation -- has a mandate to get his or her agenda through but knows that if things really go south he can get a vote of no confidence and be out (and typically ousted as leader of his or her party). None of this perpetual gridlock like that in recent US history. A PM taking a lot of extraconstitutional authority that gets caught is also likely going to be out. Of course, PMs can game the system by calling elections when they are popular. But if they really fuck up they are ultimately out. The permanent campaign that has arisen in the US is just fueling the need for money and encouraging corruption. The reality is that just being a millionaire is nowhere near enough to make you independent of donors, even for congress. The shorter campaigns of parliamentary systems limits this corrupting influence.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I wonder if this means anything or has any effect ?
    @GMD... Tories are the conservatives and my impression is that Harper is surprisingly similar from a policy standpoint to the US Republicans. Certainly the impression I got from chatting with people on my last trip to Canada (though I wasn't sure how much the folks I was talking to knew of US politics).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Newbie stripper - extras?
    @Dancinggal... I'm glad you're getting useful feedback. You will get requests for pics. I always joke that female posters should post a pic o' their tits while they hold a sign reading "I dig the TUSCL PLs", ideally with a date... (No need to show a face for safety reasons). Nobody has taken me up... There are some pretty obvious fake girls (I miss BBBJ Becky...) but it is always cool to have a female poster. But some of us PLs also maintain a healthy skepticism. And if you don't dig the idea of extras that's cool. To thine own self be true!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Newbie stripper - extras?
    Shark my friend...I would say the evidence is clear that most of the regular posters don't care if women read this stuff! But we do fawn over potentially female posters.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Real or fake?
    Hard to know. I think there are two odd things: 1. We never get a dancer that does extras. This isn't a criticism of dancers that don't do extras. I don't have an issue with a dancer that doesn't do extras -- how far she is willing to go is her choice. If a dude wants extras they should just find a willing dancer. Personally, I'm not into extras. Just hot nekkid chicks and lappers. But I'm amazed that not one dancer says "yup...I do extras and make a lot doing it." 2. Some sound too much like dudes' fantasy about dancers or female customers. That has been one reason I've always doubted Carolynne and Lopaw. Both seem too much like what dudes want to hear. Jack's comment about Carolynne is consistent with fakery. On the other hand, there are VERY sensible reasons not to meet any Internet dude IRL or even give out where you work. Also, it wouldn't be unreasonable for a real stripper to play up the salacious aspects of her personality to entertain the PLs. So could be real. And at least one person claims to have met Lowpaw. However, that could be the dude that also as Lowpaw! More fun to just treat all poster that claim to be female as strippers or female customers. Even the clear Juice aliases. Just see what the dude in question is gonna riff on and enjoy the show.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If some random unknown girl in a strip club, not a dancer, suddenly came up to y
    Sounds like what she is really saying is "my boyfriend wants to steal your money and your kidney and leave you in a bathtub full of ice."
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Colorado alters mile 420 post.
    Fuck...if I still got stoned I'd want a mile 429.99 mile sign more than a 420. We'd all sit around in the circle sayin' shit like "hey man, we're not quite there yet...roll another doobie so we can see if the sign changes to 420." I bet we would have gotten wicked stoned. The kind of stoned where the mile 419.99 sign really DOES start to read 420.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    ***There is NO Deity/God / We're ALL made of Star Dust From Supernovas & Element
    Sharkhunter my man, to be fair to Alucard, there is direct evidence for extremophiles on the Earth -- you can go to extreme hot springs, geothermal vents on the bottom of the ocean, highly alkaline or acidic lakes, etc. and isolate organisms that grow, isolate DNA, and find other direct lines of evidence that extremophilic life does indeed exist. So "belief" in is not really a belief unless you consider all sorts of other things for which there is direct evidence (e.g., radioactivity, atoms, relativity, etc.) things that you believe in. So I consider the statement "extremophiles exist" to be a fact, not a belief. In contrast, being for or against gun control is a philosophical and/or ethical position. so a belief. And there is no actual evidence for a deity, so that is a belief. Moreover, the definition of God(s) is so fuzzy -- different people believe in different gods -- that there really can't be evidence against God(s). If you believe in God and that motivates you to do good things, fine... But don't tell anybody else what to believe and expect them to follow along. That's what they do in Iran and Saudi Arabia.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bizarro Juice say me not human... me not creature... me not even animal! Me unhappy! Me don't belong in world of living people! Me don't know difference between right and wrong — good and evil!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    It was so cold...
    True dat ATACdawg. Da Juiiceman don't mean no harm... Hope the dude has found a nice warm place to hang at.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Favorite Car?!
    77 AMC Gremlin. Those bad boys looked like shuttle pods from the USS Cool-ship. Plus, nobody ever steals an AMC. You can leave that bad boy parked with the keys in the ignition, the engine running, and the driver's side door open for an hour or two. Still there when you return.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    It was so cold...
    Juiice my man. You know I think of you as my lil' bro that rides the short bus. But how many times do i have to tell you that ain't me. Not sure who it is...maybe DoctorPhil. He seems to dig your Juiicey antics. But seriously dude...stop letting strange men suck yo' dick. They might take advantage of your naïveté.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    In the wind
    Urban legend confirmed: Fried chicken really is the way to a stripper's.........
    Yeah...total BS. I mean really. KFC I would totally believe. Maybe Popeye's (tho' the spices my burn the strippers' bungholes when you sodomize them wit' a drumstick). But Church's? Yah right... That just isn't plausible. Long live the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Favorite Reality TV
    I tend to think of reality TV as the Jersy Shore/Real World/etc. type of material rather thn serious documentaries. Of course, the history channel has been veering off into ancient alien territory for some time and that is as vacuous as any episode od Jersy Shore (plus, we know that Snooki exists, unlike the pace aliens). Plenty of folks still read Art. Super_Mane has just chimed in with his collecting of rare books. We'll have to get together so I can show him my Gutenberg Bible and original First Folio...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Please allow me to introduce myself...
    After all it was you and me Motorhead. And where are my damn Satanic brothels.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Possibly the greatest invention of all time!
    Freaky ass shit there Clubber. The pixelation of the genitals is wacky. They do that on the porn channels in Japanese hotels too. Tiny room with a combo bidet/toilet in the can...you can open the door and groove out to pixelated while spraying your ass. The Japanese know how to live my friends.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Favorite Reality TV
    ^^^ You're a crazy man juice... Teen Mom & 16 and pregnant. For me. well, I'm not a reality TV fan. Not sure if Mythbusters counts. Documentaries on the Science channel/PBS are good. Used to fetch the Anna Nicole show for the train wreck aspect. But that got sad fast.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    in public
    But Super_Mane my friend...you only jack it in public when fighting crime wit' yo' SUPER JIZZ, right?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    In the wind
    Ability to speak Klingon...Zipman we need you now
    But a Klingon warrior would not quit... SuvmeH 'ej charghmeH bogh tlhInganpu'. They are born to fight and conquer. Qapla'