
Comments by zipman68 (page 65)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Which Juice alias would you be...
    I'd be Gucci Mane 'cos that crazy ass dude makes it rain 50's. I bet that gets you primo poontang.
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    11 years ago
    Do you have Pets?
    Dogs for me. And turtles. Nothin' like an attack turtle my friends. And ATACdawg...Bouviers de Flandres. Those are hardcore big ass DAWGs. Love 'em. Though I'm a "get a nice mutt from an adoption clinic" guy.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    out da jail
    Yeah you are Gucci_Mane. Get dat swollen on an' do dat strippin' clubbin'
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bro Code
    There should totally be a "WWLDKD?" saying just like "WWJD?" Only the answer to WWLDKD? Is *always* "get a dance and jizz in yo' pants". When I was young I always modified "WWJD?" To mean "what would Jerry Garcia do?" Answer usually involved smokin' week and maybe eatin' a hot dog. In youth, most problems in life can be solved with weed and hot dogs. Add in pussy an pretty much all problems in life are solved.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bro Code
    So Mo-head, what WOULD LDK do? My guess is "get a dance and jizz in his pants".
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Best way to resolve the Syrian crisis.
    Fuck Papi...we could solve the whole Mideast conflict by convincing all the Muslims that booze and strip clubs were cool. Once they've bought in just say "dudes, we'll build you a bunch a clubs and give you free beer, just give up this jihad nonsense". Way cheaper than fighting a war. And if they break the treaty... No more hookers and booze! (Ok, I know that wouldn't work...but if it did it be movin' to Saudi Arabia my friends!)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    How many pay for VIP membership?
    I should have been clear -- I meant here on TUSCL. Though the other interpretation is interesting too. I've never purchased a VIP membership at a club because I mostly club when I travel. So I don't get to be a regular. If there was a clear benefit to becoming a VIP rather than just tipping to get girls' attention I would, but I've never seen evidence that VIP membership to a club is valuable.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Interesting insight about amateur night
    A little scary when "everybody had teeth" is a ringing endorsement. I try to avoid places where the girls a missing teeth. An I like big boob and I cannot lie...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I saw some indication that the new Dollhouse is opening soon. Like a couple of weeks and BACK FROM THE DEAD!!! I loved DH when I visited Jax. Not sure if the new DH will be the same but it was a pretty coo-el place!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Easy Like Sunday Morning
    I thought this was going to be a post about Lionel Ritchie. Mo-head...please don't post 'bout Lionel Ritchie.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: TV Program on Human Trafficking
    Sounds interesting Papi. Alucard -- I suspect (and hope) you'd be surprised. Locker room humor is one thing, especially when directed at women that have chosen to work as strippers and behave in a less than honest manner. I've always felt that a lot of misogyny is just dudes blowing off steam. Human trafficking, especially if minors are involved, is a completely different thing. It ain't something to joke about and the folks involved deserve a special place in hell (if I believed in hell) and to sent up the river for a long time in this life. Best thing to do would be to legalize prostitution but regulate in a manner to prevent abuse. Different women may or may not like the situation they are in, but if they are adults and free to chose then it is their business. But pimps that coerce women are just plain evil...no two ways about it. And if they abuse young girls they are even worse. Maybe I'm wrong about folks here. But I suspect this sentiment will get a lot of "hell yeahs".
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Who's the most psycho on this site?
    Shark my man...that is one groovy groovy post. Can I have a lil' o' whatever is in yo' water pipe?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What has your employer done for you?
    If they threw in some whiskey and crack Rob Ford would want a job. Or maybe Juice. Wait...I bet Rob Ford is Juice!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Who's the most psycho on this site?
    Yo LDK...you ain't a psycho. LDK on my brother...LDK on indeed!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Solomon Grundy my man...don't get better than the Grundy!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Who's the most psycho on this site?
    @Esta...he's trashed me a bit. I don't really care but if he's going to trash me I'll flame him back for the lulz. Other options are to just not reply or press the ignore button (I'll do that if he's boring). OTOH...I haven't seen him make any actual contributions to the DB or the site as a whole. And then he starts flamin' folks. I've got to rap the dude on his nose with a rolled up newspaper. How else is he going to learn?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: Detroit Auto Show
    Some chicks even wear pants! They's some hot tomaters mo-head! Alas...a chick CEO prolly woundn't want any of us as a boy toy... I'd dig bein' a boy toy. Usin' all dat chick CEO moolah to hire sexxxy strippers. Groove-EEE wit' an XXXtra -E!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Atheists and Theists...
    You douche-boy (aka DoctorPhil). WTF? Why the hell would you pick a rather off topic peer-reviewed publication to highlight? You can't back up your case with logic so you post random stuff that you believe to demonstrate you're intellectual superiority. The sad thing is that you don't even understand how illogical and ill informed your arguments are. So you invade a thread where I was trying to suss out the thoughts of people who post here. I wrote it respecting a diversity of opinions. If you just want to trash Alucard start your own damn thread. Or just once decide to be a reasonable person. Give up this "I'm educated and superior" act and try to have fun. Sheesh...just stop bein' a douche.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Who's the most psycho on this site?
    I'll nominate a psycho... DoctorPhil! Evidence? Dude's name. Did he pick it: 1. 'Cos he digs the Doctor Phil show? If so...that's frickin' KA-RAY-zee. Doctor Phil is a douche. Why would you name yourself for a douche? 'Cos you're a douche. 2. 'Cos the dude fancies himself a scientist? He always wanted a doctorate and he's an Anglophile, so he tries to imply that he has a D.Phil. If so, the dude is a stupid douche. I favor this hypothesis. 3. 'Cos he's an Anglophile that tried to get a Ph.D. but failed? So he tries to imply he has a D.Phil. If so, the dude is a douche and a failure. 4. 'Cos he's an Anglophile that completed a Ph.D. on some trivial subject that tries to imply he has a D.Phil? If so, dude is a double douche. I bow to your trivial thesis...NOT! 5. 'Cos he actually completed a D.Phil? Unlikely since those universities that award a D.Phil. are very selective. But somebody has to graduate at the bottom of their class, even at good institutions. If so, the dude is a pathetic douche embittered by not living up to the successes of his colleagues from grad school. Verdict...dude is a DOUCHE. His douchiness has driven him to harassing behavior. Hence, the dude is psycho.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Part of me
    I can understand googling "butt massage" if you add the words "hot chick". But I cannot understand googling "butt massage" if you add the words "Paula Deen".
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    offered knobjobber, how she sets up
    My eyes must not be focusing well this morning -- I thought "knobjobber" was "kneejobber" I was going to tell you that gettin' a stripper to suck on yo' knee was weird...but if your into it what the hell. Upon letting my eyes focus, I do have a question. What you talkin' 'bout Willis?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    OT. A new low in ridiculous lawsuits
    That pimp needs a prison beat down with Nikes. Then he should get a Nike up his ass.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dracula dude...you should put a tampon up your ass. It'll stop that problem.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Atheists and Theists...
    @Dracula -- yeah you are...who's the lil' prince o' darkness on da DB? It you lil' dude! @ime -- it's interesting that you perceived the first that way. I was genuinely curious whether the comment on the previous thread were a "we're going to give Alucard shit" thing or a genuine objection to the statements about atheism. Richard Dawkins has said that religion is the one thing that you can't criticize without getting a strong objection. But SOME religious folks want to have it both ways. They want to be able to base certain laws on their vision of morality but if you call them on it they lose it because you're "criticizing their religion". Let's go to Virginia for the Rep. Thomas Garrett (who ran as a "Cuccinelli conservative") wants to outlaw oral and anal sex between teens. Mind you that this doesn't limit things like adults preying on under 18s -- there are laws against that already and they SHOULD be enforced. Eugene Volkh said of this law: Well, Virginia law provides that genital sex with a 15-to-17-year-old is a misdemeanor, and sex among 15-to-17-year-olds is perfectly legal. So if two 17-year-olds are choosing whether to have oral sex or genital sex, the law would push them towards the form of sex that is more likely to transmit disease, and more likely to cause unwanted pregnancy. Genius. What secular goals would this legislation further? None. It's basis is ultimately the beliefs of the religious right. Note that Cuccinelli wanted more expansive "crimes against nature" laws. My feeling 'bout sodomy (among consenting adults) is "don't do it if you don't like it". My other feeling is "fuck yeah!"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Atheists and Theists...
    Mikey -- for "oppression" I'll throw out one big thing that affects SC hobbyists. Many cities have ordinances that require SCs be a certain distance from churches. Why? I have no issue with people wanting to go to a church, but why do THEY get a special "bubble" around them? If the point was that the city didn't want things that had a high potential to lower property costs...cool, require sexually oriented businesses to avoid certain types of signage, etc. But why do places of worship get placed on a pedestal? Now this isn't huge oppression. The US is (mostly) a free country. But it still says that a religous group gets to trump a business owner "just 'cos". Indeed, think of all of the consensual crimes that are illegal (though sometimes violations are ignored). How many are ultimately driven by religion? Why was Ken Cuccinelli all bully for sodomy laws and no contraception? etc. etc. I want to stress that I'm only criticizing those religious folks that want to impose their beliefs using the law. This isn't a general trashing of religion.