
Comments by zipman68 (page 121)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    By "I never eat there" ol' Drac-man means "I never eat there and I judge you harshly if you do". Personally, I enjoy a fine dinner behind the Taco Bell -- an excellent Tempranillo to complement the rich flavors of... the seven layer pile of disgusting crap. I think it is sawdust and some sort of petroleum product. And you know the stuff the call refrieds...it IS refried but it AIN'T beans my friend. Come to think of it...I agree with Drac-man. Drac on buddy...Drac on
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "5 hurt in accidental shootings at 3 gun shows" (CNN Headling)
    @deogol - where exactly did you get your statistics? Was it from somebody who actually thinks Obama was born in Kenya? You do know those people are morons, don't you? Regardless, you're either joking or just plain wrong. Multiple sources indicate >60% of homocides are by gun. In case you have trouble with math, the total possible is 100% so we simply take 100% minus 60%. Wow...less than 40% by knife or something else. There are indeed a few states where the knife (or "other") homocide rate exceeds the gun homocide rate, but they are the states with lowest homocide rates. If you simply google rather than search your fevered imagination you can discover this. I don't care if you own a gun, as long as you aren't a criminal and aren't a moron. I don't care if you own multiple guns, contingent upon the "neither a criminal nor a moron" criterion. Here is my plan. Actually empower the ATF to enforce existing laws. Treat drugs as a public health problem and not a criminal justice problem so we can shift resources to criminals who use guns. Lock thos assholes up and throw away the key. Finally, institute a simple gun ownership test. One question: President Obama is...... If you fill in the blank with something stupid, like "a Manchurian candidate" or "a fascist" or "a moooslim-atheist who makes baby Jesus cry", then...NO GUN FOR YOU! Actually, I'm ok with you getting one of those cool nerf guns the advertise Saturday mornings. I hear you can, like, totally overthrow "da gummint" with those! Leave the non-nerf guns to those who won't hurt themselves or others.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "5 hurt in accidental shootings at 3 gun shows" (CNN Headling)
    Never attribute to conspiracy that which can be explained by stupidity. The gun show crowd is greatly enriched for the stupid relative to the general population. And the last I checked the general population isn't exactly a bunch of Rhodes scholars. So my hypothesis is "stupid people + guns = injuries or death". Whip up a frenzy among the extra stupid (the mouth breathers who NOW want to attend gun shows "'cos dat commie Muslim from Kenya is gonna take my guns") and you are asking for a disaster. My hypothesis is much more parsimonious than conspiracies. Ockham's razor my friend, Ockham's razor.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Digging up some information on my ATF
    I should have added "FUCK YEAH!!!" But seriously, why do you care? I would assume she is doing to other dudes what she is doing to you. If she does a good job, just enjoy it!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Digging up some information on my ATF
    Don't be sendin' da Juiceman! That ka-ray-zee mothahfuckah can take a virgin and make want to get all fucked up the ass by lil' Juice and all o' his posse's lil' Juices. All fo' for some mothahfuckin' Taco Bell!! You won't learn a THING about yo' gal, 'cos da Juice will turn her into a straight up fried chicken eaten' whore with a capital W. Hell, she won't be a whore, she'll be a ho wit' a capital H and a capital O my friend!!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    what I learned on tuscl today
    You've learned a lot today my friend. It was clearly a day well spent.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "5 hurt in accidental shootings at 3 gun shows" (CNN Headling)
    The big issue is morons with guns! I don't care is people want guns, but I am strongly opposed to morons and nutjobs with guns. The purpose of gun control should be simple, find ways to keep guns out of the hands of morons and crazies. It will never be perfect but we aren't even trying in the good ol' US o' A. Why aren't we even trying? Because NRA morons who vote think they're going to rise up and overthrow the government now that it is run by a black man (oh, sorry morons -- I know you're not racist -- it is actually because he is a double secret Muslim atheist socialist 'merca hat in' Manchurian candidate who was born in Kenya and fathered by a time-traveling Malcolm X). Well I got news for those morons: 1. Our commie fascist etc. overlord isn't that different from the presidents before him. He is a centrist who has continued many of Dubya's policies, both for good and for ill. 2. There really are threats to American civil liberties, but you aren't paying attention to the real threats while you fret about the "gummint" taking away your guns (which the aren't going to do) and making you gay marry some dude you barely know. 3. You aren't going to actually overthrow the "gummint" no matter how many AR-15s with high capacity ammo clips you have. And don't tell me "there are a lot of ex-military who feel this way and they could do it". If America ever REALLY goes of the rails -- and it is FAR from doing that -- there may very well be an actual insurrection. But the ex-military who actually think we're a commie fascist Sharia-law country are the bottom feeders of the military and they couldn't find their assholes while they are taking a shit without their superiors telling them how. Without the logistical support of the actual military they will find they aren't even a match for the woefully understaffed ATF. And the cranky middle aged white dudes who think they are "gonna overthrow the gummint"...they ain't even a match for Barney Fife. Hell, they ain't even a match for Barney Stinson! So how do we solve this? Perhaps some common sense laws that keep guns out of the hands of morons and whack jobs. Lot's of devil in the details and it won't be perfect, but we've got to do it. Or we're going to keep having Auroras and Newtowns and...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Best Pants to Wear to a Strip Club
    Use the force Stax. Like only a Skywalker can!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    from follies to trophy club
    Fuck yeah tdicedude -- Juice, just make sure she knows it is XXXTRA KRISSS-PAY when yo' offer it. For some o' dat shizzle she prolly do full on pervoid shizzle like tossin' yo' ensalada and then lettin' you go all ass-to-mouf on her!!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Damn, wasn't quite keeping up my vernacular there. Intended to say "...'cos other folks wants it!" Can't even blame it on autocorrect, it was just me slipping out of character. But the sentiment be in the "true dat" category. There is a reason Tony Stark gets the chicks. Well, one reason is that he is a fictional character, and shit like that happens in the funny pages and the movies. But the character is a billionaire philanthropist genius and general badass. And chicks dig that shit. O' course, some mostly dig the billionaire part. Kinda make me wanna be a billionaire!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Art... or should I say Pervo-oilman... You are the most normal dude in the world for gettin' a woody over those dinars. Money is power if you gots it -- 'cos other folks want it! If the folks who want it happen to been super hot (18+ of course) teen or early 20s girls who are willing to do whatever it takes to get some... let's jes' say I'm gettin' a woody thinking 'bout that!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    after the club ?
    So how much did you spend at Jack in the Box Juice? Just remember, if something is worth doing it is worth overdoing! Order $1000 worth of whatever the hell Jack sells for you and however many strippers were hangin' wit' you in yo' posse, then tell 'em to get all nekkid, whip out the lil' Juiceman, and face fuck them right there in the restaurant!!!! FUCK YEAH!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    $5 lappers ?
    ^^^ Perhaps it might if it was for sex and fried chicken. O' course I wouldn't WANT to have sex with a stripper who did that!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    It sucks to be left to dry
    Hate to say it, since I'm apparently on his enemies list and he'll just think I'm trolling him, but Monsieur Drac has it right. If you want a specific stripper get all proactive in her face. That said, you should be careful. Often the fact that you have to be proactive despite tipping and saying "come see me for a private dance" means they are flakier than your average stripper. And that's saying something! I've actually found that level of flakiness correlates with stuck up extra self involved strippers that give shitty dances. So be prepared to cut after one dance.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How to Have Sex With a Stripper (Without Paying for It)
    Fuck yeah Shadowcat. You win this thread.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How to Have Sex With a Stripper (Without Paying for It)
    C'mon Juice. I thought you just paid 'em with fried chicken. Little o' da Colonel's xxxtra kris-pay. If ya steal the chicken it is free!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Jack In The Box
    I also suspect a $51 meal at jack in the box could lead to the need for an emergency colonoscopy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Jack In The Box
    Severe GI distress
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Sinclair the ROB
    True dat Dougsta. Don't want anybody to review a tape if you got your knob polished before the rip off. But, then again, a good knob polishin' is usually worth something. I have to admit, however, that I usually don't have the energy to argue. I mostly SC when I'm on the road for business, so I want to enjoy late evenings and "gettin' all up in somebody's grill" is just to much hassle. Of course, it depends on the amount of money, but losing a few bucks while keeping the experience fun is more important for me than getting to uptight about losing a little money. Trick is to cut the dances as soon as it goes the wrong direction and remember the ROBs if you ever go back (tricky if on the road and you haven't been in a club for while, but still doable.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    $5 lappers ?
    Are there hot 18 year old girls on the other side of any od the glory holes? If so, definitely add them to the list my friend.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why couldn't we have teachers like this when we were in school
    @george. Good to see somebody with sense on this thread. If any group of people should understand the importance of freedom it should be us PLs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why couldn't we have teachers like this when we were in school
    ^^^ Ah...teachers should be held to a hire standard. Now I see. Perhaps you should have paid more attention when your teachers talked about homophones. Alas, you were probably staring at her thinking about how your teacher would have looked with a big cock up her ass in a porno instead of learning. You know...the distraction factor. Seriously, I thought you were a libertarian. I'll clue you in. Americans lie about sex because we're a bunch of hypocritical prudes. I bet ol' Jestie boy here here would raise hell if he were fired because he was caught in a strip club getting his knob polished. I can hear the excuse now. "Honest ossifer...she slipped and fell on my dick. Drinking? No...I'm not drunk and disorderly. I was just here to get a hand job. Fuck...i wasn't going to say that. Now I'm gonna lose my job why my mug shot is published." Oh wait, that wouldn't happen. Hot dog on a stick doesn't have a hire standard.
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    12 years ago
    Why couldn't we have teachers like this when we were in school
    I'm surprised by all the folks who are OK with this decision. She did something perfectly legal for a career in the past and gets fired. No indication she was doing her job poorly. Just because some prudes don't like porn she can't keep a job? Where are all the folks who say stuff like "gummint kin take my GUNS when they pry 'em from my cold dead hands..." (which isn't going to happen except in paranoid fantasies, by the way). Well here the gummint plum took away somebody's JOB. With no indication she was doing ANYTHING wrong! Where is the outrage? And no, it is NOT like she is afraid of kids and is suing to keep her job. If you went with that imperfect analogy it would be more like she USED to be afraid of kids, worked to overcome it, and is now fired because somebody heard she was once afraid of kids. IF she did her job poorly then she should be fired. If not this is BS.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    my experience
    I usually do the 20% to 25% range as long as I am happy. If the first private dance doesn't go anywhere I might cut it at bet still tip $30 on a $25 private (and avoid the girl in the future)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    You should really start doing drugs...
    Cough syrup my TUSCL brothahs, cough syrup. DXM will fuck you up and fly you to another planet. Go there wit' a stripper. Jes' make sure you aren't chugging stuff with other active ingredients... Safety first my brothahs.