
Sinclair the ROB

Strip Club Nation
I go to the VIP area with a dancer about an hour ago (closed the club down at 6am and typing this post at Jack in the Box). We agreed to 4 songs for $100. As the third song begins she tells me it is the fifth song. "WTF" is all that is going through my head. This bitch is nuts. I argue with her the whole way through song three until she gives up her bullshit. The fourth song she tries punishing me by being mechanical as can be, barely even moving. At this point, I notice she has some fucked up scabs on her arms (ie. inside of arm opposite of elbow). Heroin is my guess because the area I am in right now has a heroin epidemic (ESL). Maybe she is a tried and true ROB or maybe she is just so fucked up on drugs she can't count. I pay her $100 after the fourth song and by luck she is being called up to stage. She leaves. I find $51 laying on the ground. I pocket it. I figure she only gave me two legit songs before starting her ROB bullshit; why should I give her the money she forgot on the floor. She'll just use it to buy more heroin anyway. So I got $100 of lappers for $49. All is fair in love and war.


  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    So....$51 at jack in the box....hmmm ?......what you eating hustler ???
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    Hah, nice play. Yeah, fuck the ROBs. One girl at a club I frequent was notorious for overcounting songs. First time I got dances from her we had perhaps 4 songs, and she stopped me saying we'd done 7 so far, which was absolute bullshit. I argued with her, and she compromised at 5 songs, so I gave her the $100 ($20/song), no tip and just bounced. I'm not the type to complain to management, but I'm sure others did, as although this girl is pretty good looking she'd frequently be walking around the club with no customers. The dancers in this club make their money from regulars, and her type of attitude absolutely doesn't create many regulars. So either management eventually found out about her horrible tactics, or the strip club 'system' naturally forced her to leave, as she could no longer make tip out.

    So, that's one thing I do like with the way strip clubs are setup these days. Even if you aren't the one to take action about it, eventually ROBs are going to get screwed.
  • sinclair
    12 years ago
    A few of the guys on here know I was burnt out on strip clubs for the last two months or so. The crazy shit I got into tonight brought me back into the game. (See my other post from tonight's sortie.) I'll let you guys take the perimeter shots. TUSCL's slasher is back, and I'm gonna drive the fuckin' lane.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Tell me what the Fuck you had at jack in the godamn box sinckler....?......was it $51 good hmmm ???
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Ooo...just cute this fucker has me on ignore like a litter bitch
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    ROB don't care

    it's a lose lose retaliation
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I always report the overcounters to management, and there are many of them. If they have been complained about in the past, you will show they are becoming to much of a liability to keep on staff. If you are the first to complain you will get them on management's radar, and then when the next guy complains their excuses aren't going to work very well.

    The trump card, which I haven't used yet, but which I saw guy at Honey's do is threaten to call the police. Guy was saying a girl stole $150 from him. Had to argue about it with management and then threatened to call the police. Management wanted none of that so just paid the $150 out of their own pockets. (Obviously not a good idea to try that tactic in a club with cameras where you just finished doing some extras with her.)
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    Sinclair, it was nice of you to help clean up the club. Can't let all that paper pile up on the floor. Could have been a safety hazard.
  • zipman68
    12 years ago
    True dat Dougsta. Don't want anybody to review a tape if you got your knob polished before the rip off. But, then again, a good knob polishin' is usually worth something.

    I have to admit, however, that I usually don't have the energy to argue. I mostly SC when I'm on the road for business, so I want to enjoy late evenings and "gettin' all up in somebody's grill" is just to much hassle. Of course, it depends on the amount of money, but losing a few bucks while keeping the experience fun is more important for me than getting to uptight about losing a little money.

    Trick is to cut the dances as soon as it goes the wrong direction and remember the ROBs if you ever go back (tricky if on the road and you haven't been in a club for while, but still doable.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    Good job Sinclair, that's what that dumb bitch deserved.
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    this is one reason i doing tips only
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    I always say "that's X dances so far, right?" at the end of each dance starting with the second one. That way, each rip-off girl can only rip you off for one dance. One rip-off girl begged for a 2nd chance. I gave it to her cause I really liked her ass. Never ripped me off again.
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