"5 hurt in accidental shootings at 3 gun shows" (CNN Headling)
Looks like guns all over the country are getting pissed off that Obama is going to try and outlaw them. (Maybe confiscate/kidnap them from their homes and melt them down.)
Either the guns are firing on their own and trying to make it look like "an accident", or they are sending telepathic message to those around them telling them they aren't loaded when they are.
Guns are well known to be evil that way and can easily influence weak, pliant, and, of course, psychotic minds to do their evil bidding:
Either the guns are firing on their own and trying to make it look like "an accident", or they are sending telepathic message to those around them telling them they aren't loaded when they are.
Guns are well known to be evil that way and can easily influence weak, pliant, and, of course, psychotic minds to do their evil bidding:
I don't care is people want guns, but I am strongly opposed to morons and nutjobs with guns. The purpose of gun control should be simple, find ways to keep guns out of the hands of morons and crazies. It will never be perfect but we aren't even trying in the good ol' US o' A.
Why aren't we even trying? Because NRA morons who vote think they're going to rise up and overthrow the government now that it is run by a black man (oh, sorry morons -- I know you're not racist -- it is actually because he is a double secret Muslim atheist socialist 'merca hat in' Manchurian candidate who was born in Kenya and fathered by a time-traveling Malcolm X). Well I got news for those morons:
1. Our commie fascist etc. overlord isn't that different from the presidents before him. He is a centrist who has continued many of Dubya's policies, both for good and for ill.
2. There really are threats to American civil liberties, but you aren't paying attention to the real threats while you fret about the "gummint" taking away your guns (which the aren't going to do) and making you gay marry some dude you barely know.
3. You aren't going to actually overthrow the "gummint" no matter how many AR-15s with high capacity ammo clips you have. And don't tell me "there are a lot of ex-military who feel this way and they could do it". If America ever REALLY goes of the rails -- and it is FAR from doing that -- there may very well be an actual insurrection. But the ex-military who actually think we're a commie fascist Sharia-law country are the bottom feeders of the military and they couldn't find their assholes while they are taking a shit without their superiors telling them how. Without the logistical support of the actual military they will find they aren't even a match for the woefully understaffed ATF. And the cranky middle aged white dudes who think they are "gonna overthrow the gummint"...they ain't even a match for Barney Fife. Hell, they ain't even a match for Barney Stinson!
So how do we solve this? Perhaps some common sense laws that keep guns out of the hands of morons and whack jobs. Lot's of devil in the details and it won't be perfect, but we've got to do it. Or we're going to keep having Auroras and Newtowns and...
Springfield Armory Ya!
The gun show crowd is greatly enriched for the stupid relative to the general population. And the last I checked the general population isn't exactly a bunch of Rhodes scholars. So my hypothesis is "stupid people + guns = injuries or death". Whip up a frenzy among the extra stupid (the mouth breathers who NOW want to attend gun shows "'cos dat commie Muslim from Kenya is gonna take my guns") and you are asking for a disaster.
My hypothesis is much more parsimonious than conspiracies. Ockham's razor my friend, Ockham's razor.
Wow, we should ban meth and crack then, too.
Regardless, you're either joking or just plain wrong. Multiple sources indicate >60% of homocides are by gun. In case you have trouble with math, the total possible is 100% so we simply take 100% minus 60%. Wow...less than 40% by knife or something else. There are indeed a few states where the knife (or "other") homocide rate exceeds the gun homocide rate, but they are the states with lowest homocide rates. If you simply google rather than search your fevered imagination you can discover this.
I don't care if you own a gun, as long as you aren't a criminal and aren't a moron. I don't care if you own multiple guns, contingent upon the "neither a criminal nor a moron" criterion.
Here is my plan. Actually empower the ATF to enforce existing laws. Treat drugs as a public health problem and not a criminal justice problem so we can shift resources to criminals who use guns. Lock thos assholes up and throw away the key. Finally, institute a simple gun ownership test. One question:
President Obama is......
If you fill in the blank with something stupid, like "a Manchurian candidate" or "a fascist" or "a moooslim-atheist who makes baby Jesus cry", then...NO GUN FOR YOU! Actually, I'm ok with you getting one of those cool nerf guns the advertise Saturday mornings. I hear you can, like, totally overthrow "da gummint" with those! Leave the non-nerf guns to those who won't hurt themselves or others.
He is wrong about gun control.
One simply needs to watch "youtube" and "hip hop superstar" to see gangs of thugs arbitrarily attacking unarmed individuals or groups of unarmed persons. Meanwhile, bystanders watch or walk away - you are obviously on your own.
That shit ends real fast when grandpa whips out a gun sending a group of 20 year old punks flying out the door.
The current crop of democrats can come up with all kinds of surreal intellectual arguments about how things will be - and youtube pretty much provides actual events denying many of them.
Mexican border towns are murder shops of those without weapons but who dare to face down cartels (mostly armed by army and police deserters with their guns). The American side is pretty damn calm in pro-gun ownership states.
Right now there is a lot of focus for arguments on the purveys of violence. These arguments say nothing about the innocent and their ability to protect themselves and their property. I will take the side of the innocent in arguments than to focus on the criminal. Criminals will always come up with ways to victimize the innocent - bombs, pipes, bats, knives, fists ... I will not be a part of that crowd that further victimizes the innocent by removing options of self defense from them.
I am a believer that the second amendment is for civil war against a government that goes to far in victimizing it's citizens. We see crazy shit happening across nations that should be civil and modern - perpetrated by those in the government. The biggest and most obvious is 1920's Germany. Very progressive, modern, skilled, western, and open. A mere ten years later in the 1930's - absolute bat shit government comes to power.
That is not an outlier data point - this happens to regularly and to often. Take for instance the North Vietnamese government coming into power in the south and the killing fields of Cambodia. Forty years to long ago - how about Rwanda where if you simply were a member of the wrong tribe you ended up cut to pieces in government sanctioned death.
During the civil war this shit DID happen in the United States, and quite frankly I think the country came out the better for it - don't you?
I actually think that these nut jobs doing the mass shootings just want their name in the headlines. They shoot themselves to avoid punishment and have been taught in school that there is no afterlife to be punished in so suicide gets them out of punishment and they get their name in the media. I hope there is a special hell for people who kill innocent children born and unborn. I hope they are in line right next to Hitler, Stalin and Mao to get pineapples up their butts (movie reference Little Nicky).
Yep. Lookup "malignant narcissism"
TT: "They shoot themselves to avoid punishment "
In a sense. All narcissists and especially narcissistic killer need to feel in control. Being able to control others to the point of taking their lives is part of it. Imagine if they allowed themselves to be taken captive. Loss of control of the rest of their lives and how they are going to die.
Now there are some exceptions to this. Especially nutjob who are superficially motivated by "politics". (Really just a rationalizing of an innate desire to kill.) The nutjob in Norway was an exception to this. He was deluded enough to think he would go on try and others would feel sympathy for his cause of battling Muslim integration into Europe. Did not quite work out that way.
There is also postulated to be a self-destructive streak running through many narcissists. They will deliberate do things leading to their own demise (think Hitler) or capture (think a serial killer like Keyes), because their superego, which has been a problem for them all their lives, is seeking to punish them for their behavior that has got more and more out of line as the years have gone by.
I recently read a very interesting bit:
"I will gladly give up my gun when the president and all other government officials send their children to a school that does not have an full time armed security force, all government employees no longer have armed guards and all government are employees no allowed longer carry firearms or weapons including police, FBI, ATF, Secret Service etc. This also includes all branches of the Military. I will feel safe when they do and until then do not expect me to allow them to subjegate me. I am a citizen of the USA not a subject of the US government"
The founders of the USA had a rightful healthy distrust of government and warned not to trust the government. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Is not the federal government now seeking absolute power and I am not just saying Obama. He is only the latest facist that started with Wilson.
Criticism is part of free speech. Don't be afraid of criticizing an aspect of American life or culture. Anyone who pushes back saying that criticism of anything American is un-American, treasonous or not allowed is WRONG!
I'll express a bit of American free speech:
Repeal the 2nd Amendment!
1) Get in your free speech zone!
2) Funny coming from a guy who wants to censor people with moderators.