Comments by lopaw (page 224)

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    16 years ago
    Jay Leno
    I was in my fave rathole last night from 4pm-7pm and it was PACKED. It sure surprised me, considering that it is rarely busy there now-a-days. What surprised me even more was that guys were actually buying dances. Most of the time the few people that are in there are nursing their beers and avoiding tipping or buying dances. Go figure.
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    16 years ago
    For the Married Clubbers
    I've been with my "wife" for 16 years, and I consider myself one of the lucky ones. Lucky in that we get along well,still love each other & are still intimate. Over the years she has sort of turned a blind eye to my clubbing - she knows I go, but probably has no idea how frequently. A sort of "don't ask, don't tell" scenario.
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    16 years ago
    So now I guess we won't be seeing you at our annual Bat boy family reunion, eh clubber? ;)
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    16 years ago
    If a dancer has a lot of tatoos, is she more likely to give extras or be a slut?
    LOL clubber The pic is of Batboy. He first appeared in the National Enquirer back in the 1980's (I think). Supposedly he was found by some spelunkers living in a cave, so they captured him and brought him back with them to the big city (ya gotta remember that this is, after all, the National Enquirer that we're talking about here). Batboy achieved a bit of cult fame in the 1990's, and there was even an off-Broadway play about him. I have no idea why I chose him as my pic for this forum. He's just so darned lovable!
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    16 years ago
    American Atheist Dancers in U.S. generally worse than . . .
    I NEVER discuss religion or politics with strippers. I see no point in it. Those topics are too volatile, even in a SC. I wouldn't want to risk having my impression of an otherwise smokin' hot female changed were she to open her pretty little mouth and utter something about some hot-button topic that I might have a very strong opinion about. Nope. I prefer discussing more light hearted subjects. Besides...if I want an argument I'll just stay HOME.
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    16 years ago
    If a dancer has a lot of tatoos, is she more likely to give extras or be a slut?
    parody, I thought of checking out Kat Von D & Co. earlier this year when toying with the idea of getting a new tat. I did a little bit of research, and figured that I'd be in the 6 month - 1 year waiting time (minimum) to secure any of the LA Ink gang to do the work. Way too long for me to wait. I ultimately wound up getting my tat from Katrina Mayorga down in Venice, and am very happy with it. Katrina comes highly recommended for ink here in the LA beach area. A nurse pin-up from Hanna or any other member of that talented entourage would no doubt be a gorgeous piece of artwork . If you ever actually get it done, you gotta post a pic. Coming from Hanna, I'm sure it would be amazing.
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    16 years ago
    Would you have sex with a midget?
    Only if she bought me dinner first. Denny's will be fine. I'm a cheap date.
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    16 years ago
    If a dancer has a lot of tatoos, is she more likely to give extras or be a slut?
    I like ink, as long as it's done well. Sloppy tattoo work is a real turn-off. For some reason ink on an asian girl is a real turn-on for me. Don't know why. Piercings are OK, except I worry about getting something caught on a belly or nipple ring as the girl moves around. Ouch!
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    15 years ago
    Shemale Strippers Worth Getting Dances From?
    jablake- since you're keen to he-males and the rest of us are not......they're all yours. Enjoy.
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    15 years ago
    Shemale Strippers Worth Getting Dances From?
    ^^^ oops. Meant she-males, not he-males. When is founder gonna add an edit feature to this forums so that we can fix our screw-ups?
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    16 years ago
    What if your favorite stripper is a one way lesbian?
    LOL - what is a "one-way" lesbian?? As opposed to a "two-way" lesbian?? Oh well....not to worry. If any of you fellas stumble onto either type of lesbian.....just send 'em my way. I'll be happy to take care of them for you.
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    15 years ago
    Shemale Strippers Worth Getting Dances From?
    Clubber, I'll happily accept my new honorary guy status as long as I don't have to be hairy, nor do I have to grow a penis. My detachable one suits me just fine. ;)
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    16 years ago
    How did you vote today?
    There were 12 propositions and a few transportation-related "measures" on the California ballot. Most of it was CRAP. I voted "no" on everything. Most of these props were just a big waste of time & money.
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    16 years ago
    R lap dances actually like having casual sex?
    A true lapdance is just that - a dance on your lap. When a "lapdance" becomes sex (as defined by the two or more people involved), it is no longer a lapdance. It is sex. Seems pretty clear to me.
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    16 years ago
    In sort of a dillemma, advice needed.
    I would get dances from whichever one that I was in the mood for that night. Just the fact that the first girl got all pissy about missing out on her cut of cash would turn me off completely. Jeez - I love how some of these ladies think that they own us...or at least our wallets. And I wouldn't be too worried about the pissed off one staying mad for too long - I bet the first sign of cash from you towards her will make everything all forgiven. Amazing what a little green can do.
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    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    I'm a libertarian - we just want to abolish EVERYTHING....except stripclubs of course. Anarchy NOW!
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    16 years ago
    Upscale vs. seedy
    As much as I like the topless seedy clubs in my area, they only offer laps out in the open, so the girls can't really get too nasty with their dances. The nude upscale clubs offer more privacy & more skin, and that's where I go when I want some action.
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    16 years ago
    The food was great
    SCat, You'll be happy to know that not only is The Wild Goose still going strong after 40+ years, but their food is still awesome. Where else can you get an enormous steak lunch (with all the fixins') for $5.99 in Los Angeles? And it's really GOOD. And their ladies, of course, make for a fine dessert after you've stuffed yourself full of all that good red meat.'s nice that some things are still reliable after all these years!
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    15 years ago
    Hard Bodies vs. Experienced
    I tend to prefer the younger dancers, one reason is because most of them have danced for women before & are very comfortable with it. They seem to enjoy exploring their bi-side with me (which I whole-heartedly endorse!) Although I've gotten some satisfying dances from older dancers too, some aren't quite as "free" with their bi-curious side, so they can sometimes seem too reserved during our dances. If it weren't for that, I would probably seek out older dancers more often than I do now. So.....young, hard-bodies win.
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    16 years ago
    Strange combos of wills and won'ts
    shadowcat, they make things called "dental dams" for this activity - it's the equivalent of a rubber for your tongue. I personally don't like them (they look & feel like little square patches of saran wrap). I used to DATY alot @ clubs, but since I never used "protection" I always regretted it the next day. For this reason I no longer DATY in SC's. It's just not worth possibly bring home an unwanted STD to my SO. How in hell would I explain THAT?? Hey! You called me "lowpay"! You sneak a peek at my paycheck or what?? LOL!
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    16 years ago
    Strange combos of wills and won'ts
    I have never met a woman that didn't like a good DATY. The ones that say they don't like it may actually enjoy it, but maybe not in a club setting, or with someone that they don't know very well. For most women, it's the ultimate intimate experience. And some will wonder where our PL tongues have already been!
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    16 years ago
    Do you think Hefner is really having sex with the Girls Next Door?
    He's a pathetic old fuck. Couldn't keep it up to save his life.
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    16 years ago
    Women club owners
    I've heard of a few, but not in my area. I heard that women owners seem to be either very good (hard working, fair, treat the girls good), or very bad (all around bitches). I recall the topic came up a few times on SW (StripperWeb). You might want to check out over there for more info....but do so at your own risk - SW is not a welcomed place for us PL's.
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    16 years ago
    New Jersey
    Need Wood for LD?
    Wow. I feel sorry for you guys. Nature can be cruel, huh? Since I don't have to worry about wood, I guess the equivalent for me would be not being able to get wet anymore. When the day comes that THAT stops happening for me at clubs, I prefer to be taken out back to the barn & be put down, like ole' yeller.
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    16 years ago
    How many strip clubs do dancers work at in a year?
    Most dancers I know work multiple clubs. They are always chasing the mighty dollar, and they are convinced that club-hopping will bring them bundles of cash. It usually doesn't, and they often waste time & gas jumping around too much. Unless they are super hot, club-hopping doesn't allow them to build many regulars, which we all know are a dancer's bread n' buttah. I try to explain this to them, but they just don't get it.