
How many strip clubs do dancers work at in a year?

I know of some dancers who work at 2 clubs fairly often. I know of one who sometimes works at a chain and sometimes works in Miami and other places as well as Myrtle Beach and here in Greenville. She mainly works at 2 clubs. I've seen other dancers club hopping it seems and work at several clubs in a few months. Is there a normal level for dancers or do they work wherever they travel to?

I thought this could be an interesting topic.

One dancer I know travels when the hotel rates are cheaper. Then she stays and dances at one club for up to a few months.


  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    Most of my favorites only dance at the one club they currently dance at. If they are mothers, they don't want to bounce around from club to club, although if a given market has a lot of clubs, that can be viable. My old ATF, in her time, would dance at 4 or 5 different clubs in a year, mostly because she couldn't sit still for too long at one club, but I only saw her at the one club. But gas, and probably motel rates, were cheaper then. I would probably say the average dancer works at either 1 or 2 in a year, maybe more if the market she's in has more clubs.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    The girls here in NOLa rotate among a variety of clubs often. Some get to town and have to figure out the scene and then, after six months or so, settle on one or another. Some get ensconced in a given chain, probably because the managers are familiar to them, and probably also because they start to learn who can "help" them with certain "needs." Some girls work the French Quarter and get sick of the moron tourists until they find Visions, the only club outside the Quarter, and then get really devoted to it.

    In Memphis a few years ago, girls were devoted to PP before it got closed, because they knew that was where the money (and drugs) showed up. There was very little motion among clubs. Girls either danced at PP, or they did NOT (determinedly so) dance at PP.

    So, it depends on the city.
  • lopaw
    16 years ago
    Most dancers I know work multiple clubs. They are always chasing the mighty dollar, and they are convinced that club-hopping will bring them bundles of cash. It usually doesn't, and they often waste time & gas jumping around too much. Unless they are super hot, club-hopping doesn't allow them to build many regulars, which we all know are a dancer's bread n' buttah.
    I try to explain this to them, but they just don't get it.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Are you sure that regular customers are the way for dancers to make the best money (other things being roughly equal)? I dunno, maybe dumb-drunk-tourists are the short route to easy cash. Or maybe finding the frat boys. Or maybe ... I dunno ...

    Just seems like there's an insubstantiated generalization in there.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    Dancers along Eight Mile Road in Detroit may work one club days and a second club nights on alternate days.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    I think BG got it right on this one. I know a dancer that has traveled most everywhere in the US looking for the $$$'s, and always keeps coming back to the same local tourist spot with the "dumb-drunk-tourists". She isn't anything especially super hot but gives great personality. I know she has made a ton of money and kept it out of her nose, or wherever else they put it, and invested well. Shortly, I am sure she will give up any work and then do whatever she wishes for the rest of her life.
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