Strip Club Billboards: Ever follow up on one?

avatar for chandler
Blue Ridge Foothills

It seems like every time I see a billboard it's for a club I know sucks. With the net and TUSCL, they don't serve much purpose for all-knowing vets like us nowadays. I suppose there was a time you might actually discover clubs from them. Has anybody ever been driving, seen a billboard, and followed directions to the place? How'd it go?


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avatar for ShotDisc
19 yrs ago

Have seen many for the Cafe Erotica's of the world. These idiots will buy dozens of billboards along interstates and advertise in bright neon colors "WE BARE ALL!" There are a couple in GA in a couple in FL. Basically they are truck stops with stippers. Tiny little crap holes. Have stopped at them twice in 20 yrs. Wish I could say I hadn't.

There is also a billboard for the "Penthouse Club" just north of Spartanburg SC. Never been there, but it doesn't look anything like what a Penthouse Club should look like.

avatar for davids
19 yrs ago

You know what they say: If they were good they won't have to advertise.

avatar for minnow
19 yrs ago

I've never gone to one on that basis, but the 2 that just happened to have them (Deja Vu Ypsilanti, I75 billboard, club an "OK" experience). Bare Ellegance (good club) has a couple of billboards along I405 proclaiming something like "Viagra, OR Bare Ellegance). The only other 3 ( CA, FL, WV) I've ignored.

avatar for AbbieNormal
19 yrs ago

OOh, which club, I wanna see her strip!!

avatar for chandler
19 yrs ago

I've forgotten which club, but there's one with tons of pictures on their website, most of which are Elisha Cuthbert from '24', who played the good girl porn star in the movie, 'The Girl Next Door'.

avatar for SuperDude
19 yrs ago

The girl on the billboard usually works for the ad agency, not the club. You will not see her in the club. Billboards are placed near airports to get the travel crowd. Locals are more savvy and particular.

avatar for AbbieNormal
19 yrs ago

I remember one that went up outside New Haven that offended the sensabilities of a lot of the Yale femenists. That was before my clubbing days, so I never followed up.

avatar for chandler
19 yrs ago

Ah, those cunning, diabolical ad agencies! Even their stippers are better than the real ones.

avatar for chandler
19 yrs ago

Ah, those cunning, diabolical ad agencies! Even their stippers are better than the real ones.

avatar for AbbieNormal
19 yrs ago

I never expect the ads, websites or billboards to picture actual dancers. Too many of the websites have centerfolds pictures as their dancers to take that seriously.

avatar for travelingthrough
19 yrs ago

At my favorite dive, I actually met the girl who is on their billboard and website. She used to dance there several years ago, but moved down to Myrtle Beach. She was back in town for a couple of nights, and it was pure chance that I met her. Typical strip club, they aren't going to change the billboard or the website anytime soon even though she has been gone for years....

avatar for Clubber
19 yrs ago

Many times I've seen billboards for clubs (when out of town and/or before TUSCL) and visited the club. Never seemed any correlation between the ads and the club experience.

avatar for lopaw
19 yrs ago

Loved the billboard near LAX for The Century Lounge that boasted "Vaginas 'R' Us". It got LOTS of attention, both good & bad.

avatar for chandler
19 yrs ago

Strip club related, non-troll and non-troll feeding thread, so BUMP!

avatar for chandler
19 yrs ago

There's a billboard on I-80/94 heading west towards Chicago around Gary, Indiana for a Deja Vu that's right off the freeway. It shows a young blonde on hands and knees in a spangly silver dress looking pretty hot and fetching. I bet Deja Vu uses the same billboard all around the country. They've had the same billboard there for at least ten years, same image. It's the kind of picture where you know there's no way that girl or anyone close is actually to be found in the club. I wonder how many guys they get asking for her? The girl is probably a grandmother by now.

avatar for FONDL
19 yrs ago

I've never done so. But I don't think we're very typical of strip club customers. I think the billboards probably do bring in some customers. I just noticed for the first time today that there's a new billboard on I-895 for Larry Flint's new Baltimore club. And it's located right near the exit for the Gold Club, which is probably it's main competition.

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