Your Best of the Year for 2005?

Blue Ridge Foothills
What was the best time you had in a strip club (or OTC or anything stripper-related, if you prefer) this year? If you can't decide on one visit to single out, what are some highlights that you're sure to remember?
last commentfinding Bare Assets in Florida. Meeting Paige there. having two of the best lappers ever including a BBBJ to completion on my last visit.
Messaround: It sounds like Akron has some fun, little known clubs. A road trip might be in order.
Finding some small high mileage clubs around Cleveland thanks to this board. And getting my second BBBJ in a club.
I'd have to say that this board was a hilight, since it has kept me interested in the hobby in a way the clubs haven't recently. There was also one great Friday sitting with two favorites doing shots of tequila, great linup, lots of fun. That was in March I think.
I should add that finding this board in August was a highlight. I've taken part in SC-related groups before, but not in about 8 years.
On two different nights at my home club, strippers returned after a long absence, and we had a great time together. In May, a girl I hadn't seen in three years came back for just one night. In December, another girl I hadn't seen for nearly two years came back to stay, for now. She quickly became my new favorite.
Other than that, in 2005, I went to clubs far more than any year since 1999 or 2000, and more new clubs than probably the last eight years combined. Too many highlights there to mention.
My best was meeting a new favorite dancer, and getting to know her outside of the club. I'd like to think no matter where we met, we would still become the friends that we have. (Although I doubt I would have seen her naked so often otherwise. ;-)
Getting to check out some new clubs both in the Illinois area and Platinum Plus in Memphis. (This place kicks the shit out of anything in Illinois!)
My best was discovering that I enjoy getting massages just as much and sometimes more than going to strip clubs because it's a similar experience - one on one with a pretty girl in total privacy, nudity, and lots of contact - at about half the price. And you don't have to put up with any annoying club bullshit. Unfortunately I lost my most recent fave in the process. But that's OK, I was starting to lose interest in her anyway - too much stripper shit.
My best moment was I first decided to stop paying strippers for conversation/lap dances. I was afraid I would get no attention. But then I found the opposite happened. It was completely counter-intuitive to me and exhilirating. There were so many other counter-intuitive things I learned this year. Many "firsts". While my knowledge will undoubtedly expand in the coming years, I don't know if I will ever be able to duplicate that feeling that comes when you get as many "aha!"s as I did this year. 2005 is going to be hard to top.
Eating strawberries out of a 28 year Brazilian dancer's cookie, licking champagne and whipped cream off of her nipples, the look in her eye when she went for my zipper....The best 60 minutes I've ever had in VIP.
After moving away from a barren wasteland, I'm now living back in civilization and have rediscovered the joys and pleasures that SC's can bring.