
Comments by wallanon (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Good luck with that. It's an AI generated girl, but obviously that's a smash if she existed.
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    4 months ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    This first thing I'm looking for is whether or not the club seems like a place I'd like to spend time in at all. If that's a strong no, before I walk out I'm looking around to see if there's a dancer who catches my eye enough to give the place a chance. I don't filter out dancers based on race and I don't get uncomfortable around people who don't look like me. My basic approach to clubs works in just about every place I'd walk into nowadays, so it doesn't change based on the look of dancers of other customers.
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    4 months ago
    The Worst of the Worst List
    "Of course it all comes down to money, and guys can spend what they want. I’m sure even the worst dancer will act sweet if the guy is offering her thousands of dollars." If you enjoy your situation and like what you're getting that's what matters. Girls and guys aren't always going to level about who's paying what. But I didn't drop into your local circle to challenge what you're doing. All towns are definitely not created equal with their club scenes and it sounds like you've got a good thing still even without the "loophole". I do ok in my local clubs but I'd probably get more of what I like around Providence.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    (D)MV-based explorer
    How much do you give out on tip walks?
    Unless you have the same exact same guys in both threads contradicting themselves then there really isn't a disconnect you just got two different samples. As a practical matter, in US dollars the smallest denomination were carrying is $1 so that at a minimum is what a dancer will get from me. I tip $1 a song by default because it's easy to track and I'm not constantly having to hunt down change. If a dancer catches my attention then I'll tip more at the stage. But if another customer is tipping $1 per dancer it's his money and I don't tell another guy how to club. Same deal if he's tipping more than me.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    (D)MV-based explorer
    How much do you give out on tip walks?
    Yeah getting hit multiple times a song would suck.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    Top 40 is Back!
    I think the list is fine the way it is. No ranking process is going to be perfect and anything driven by the volunteering public is going to be garbage in and garbage out.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The Worst of the Worst List
    Seen "girls called prudes and ROBs with GPS"...lol...and it's also worth mentioning that on a short threat you guys are already trying to keep a couple of dancers from getting hit with strays.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The Worst of the Worst List
    "Sometimes what we believe are limits written in stone, turn out to be no-limits at all. Dancers seem different to me on a daily basis." I don't know any of these dancers so have no comment on the stuff said about them. But I've had many, many, many occasions over the years where I've seen girls called girls and ROBs with GPS in reviews that I've personally run through. It's always case by case. Always. This includes stuff posted by guys who strut around online like they're bringing tablets from the mount and generally know their stuff. If you see a girl you like and have money you won't miss to spend on her, shoot your shot. If Providence wasn't so out of the way for anything I'd ordinarily do in life I'd put these notes to good use, so whatever works. Interesting read and sounds like the scene there is still going strong with fewer clubs.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Club Desire Providence
    "We got to watch incredibly explicit reviews (with blacked out bits) for several of the clubs scroll across the screen on the evening news. It wasn't great." I didn't even go to Cheaters because it had the most uncomfortable vip booths and always smelled like stale ass, but this isn't how I'd like to see any club get retired. And some of the guys out there who are the most vocal online about "hoes is hoes" are pretty cringe. Maybe they're playing a character but if they are it's method acting at its finest lol.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    (D)MV-based explorer
    How much do you give out on tip walks?
    If the tips are required I may do as little as $1 a song. When there are dancers I like and I'm actively watching them on stage I'll walk up and tip, then still do the $1 a song if they walk by afterward. Sometimes they'll just say thank you and not ask for another tip, but I don't make a big deal out of it if they do. I'm not crazy about tip walks. Full stop. But it does help keep dancers I'm not interested in from trying to talk with me because they get the vibe during their rounds.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    New York
    Smash or Pass?
    "...and her cunty preachy attitude is a turn off" I like my gals feisty. That's a euphemism for crazy lol. So yeah not a deterrent if the rest of her checks out. 8 and up and little nutty? That's a win.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    New York
    Smash or Pass?
    Smash. In front of the paparazzi if it came to that. It's not like I don't know how to perform in front of an audience.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    (D)MV-based explorer
    Anyone seen a skinny dancer named Riley here?
    Hank didn't join the dark side. Some clubs post a schedule. That was a hint.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Smash or Pass
    "Given she's a 10/10, it's pretty likely that her skills in the fucking department are lacking. But that's not the question." This kind of conversation isn't going anywhere because it's a forum with guys who can get with 8's and 9's pretty much on demand...with the occasional 10 when spotted. If there are a bunch of 10's around because they live near elite tourist zones then they can get those on the regular, too. This is not the "only see hot chicks on the Internet and TV" bunch so it's a tough crowd.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Are the majority of your strip club visits involving extras or not?
    "Are the majority of your strip club visits involving extras or not?" Directly or indirectly, pretty much all of them. If I'm at the club, I'm talking with girls I've had sex with, am about to have sex with, or might like to have sex with. That's it. If I'm getting dances from girls I've already had sex with it's because I'd like it to happen again lol.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Pussy that is....
    I wouldn't say ruin, but it would have definitely left a mark lol because she knew she was just about the baddest bitch around (her words, not mine) and that was 1000% true. In the club she was impressive in her stripperwear, and just from doing some regular dances she was already at the top of my OTC list. I took it for granted at the restaurant when the guys couldn't stop eye-fucking her, but when she was completely naked on the bed and I realized just how perfectly, naturally curved and firm she was head to toe I was literally speechless. Unfortunately we didn't see eye to eye on one particular detail (sex was great it was another thing) so I'm not sure it's happening again. But that's ok because that's thousands of dollars I can spend on something else lol.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The importance of avatars
    "it was fine for a hour or two then the site streched the photo to the sides and she became fat." Try making your image square before you upload it. "similar to real life i guess." Dude I looked up my ATF3 the other week and it was pretty horrifying. Into her 30's she was still maintaining but then everything went right off the rails lol. ATF1 is north of 50 now and looks better than she does. Life happens.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Guaranteed extras clubs for FS
    So apparently Mr. Monger's nefarious secret agenda is to burn the entire industry to the ground coast-to-coast. Here's another secret. You can post the extras clubs over and over again everyday and some dildoheaded noob will post a question right under it because that's what they do. Now that people who know their hobby shit started answering questions over at Reddit those fuckers are papering the place with "can I get blown for $100" a dozen times a week lol. Because Subra tells us to be nice on Reddit I'll talk shit about them over here...
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    DATY in the Club
    Treatable throat cancer in exchange for banging 1000 young starlets trying to make it in Hollywood? That sounds like the answer to a Jeopardy question.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    DATY in the Club
    "I suppose if she stood up and straddled?" That's a not a question it's an option. Most of the time I'm dodging if that happens lol but let's just say we knew each other.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Smash or Pass
    I prefer a more natural look (no shade because my almost ATF has had work done but it looks natural) but I could see myself going for that ITC. OTC I'm not sure.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The importance of avatars
    I went ahead and just uploaded mine again. If you didn't keep your avatar pic maybe you can get it from the place where it shows up in the corner when you log in.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    [OT]: Civil War - worst movie ever
    "Too me, it was a blatant liberal attack on conservative principles." This is interesting. I actually paid money to go see it and other than some odd directorial choices (and music montages) thought it was watchable as a road movie with a muddled backdrop. The politics of it seemed very broad and other than some allusions to recent politicians didn't seem like a hit piece. Or maybe it was meant to take sides and was just poorly written. What in the movie did you think was attacking conservative principles?
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    DATY in the Club
    "If you practice unscrupulously high standards, is unprotected DATY in the club safe?" No and No. And when I did it yesterday later that night I reminded myself I shouldn't have.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Detroit police commissioner caught in car with prostitute
    Yeah, his wife looks good especially considering what her age probably is. That's not really even a pose. Just her sitting in the front seat of a car after putting her face and hair together to go out.