Guaranteed extras clubs for FS

avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
These are the clubs you want to go to if your looking for guaranteed sex (No smoke and mirrors) straight to the point

1.Detroit - flight club, The landing strip, H8, Silver cricket, Bogarts lounge

2.Pompano beach - Diamond dolls, Porthole pub, Booby trap (The big 3)

3.SoCal - City of industry

4.Atlanta -V live

Basically every else is trash lol


last comment
avatar for funonthaside
9 months ago
HongKong Club
avatar for Jmanskald
9 months ago
Sadly none in the DC MD VA area
avatar for jackslash
9 months ago
If I may quibble, extras are not guaranteed in those Detroit clubs. I would call extras very probable--if you are willing to pay a lot of money (especially in Flight Club) and you are not too picky (Bogart's, Henry VIII).
avatar for Lanechange
9 months ago
Detroit means near detroit but not detroit, to bs clear.

To be complete that also includes BT's, Dreamgirls and Subi's
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 months ago
It's long gone now, but at Cheaters in Providence it was nearly impossible to get a non-extras dance from any dancer. They would flat out tell you that it wasn't worth their time / effort. And there was a cadre of dancers there that would fuck anyone with cash, regardless of hygiene, creepiness, etc.

Granted, these weren't top-shelf dancers...

That's the closest I've ever seen to a club where extras were guaranteed.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
9 months ago
That reminds me of my first VIP at DD Pompano. We were already in the room when gave the no fly signal to a dancer who was ready to provide FS. A look of disappointment flashed over her face as we moved on to other things.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
9 months ago
… when “I” gave the no fly signal…
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
9 months ago
@Ishmael, they were good enough for me and $120 all in. Overall the quality was lower than Desire but you just need ONE hot and willing one to make your night. Desire used to be like this but it's fallen on every metric.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 months ago
Cheaters certainly had diamonds in the rough. It was also as close as you could get on Earth to the cantina scene in Star Wars.

Several of the bartenders were smokeshows.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
9 months ago
avatar for crosscheck
9 months ago
Cheaters was something else alright. It's is unimaginable that a club could be any more blatant about extras. Some diamonds in the rough to be sure, but mostly just rough. I saw a couple of the nastiest catfights between dancers there that I've even seen as well.
avatar for Pussylicker2
9 months ago
Akron Ohio, I've received many bar-side blowie and handies at several well known establishments.
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
@jmanskald, in the DC area, there's the Baltimore Block, where extras are common. Indulge day shift is definitely an extras scene. The bars are divey, the neighborhood is sketchy, the women aren't anything to write home about, but there's extras.
avatar for aham5
9 months ago
Ok Mr 2 reviews from Indiana.

2 months ago you were asking what detroit club was good..for extras. Now you're making the nationwide list? Your list is missing a few notables anyone could garner from reading the discussion and reviews page for an hour.
avatar for Bobbyewing2
9 months ago
Anybody know of any Vegas clubs where extras happen anymore? I am going later this summer, and then a couple more things later in the year, and I would love to find a go-to place for some fun ITC or OTC.
avatar for chiefwiggum
9 months ago
For Vegas, maybe Little Darlings and maybe, just maybe Palomino. I have an office there and co-workers tell me it's the Sahara. My experience with the aforementioned clubs is like 2 (or more) years ago.

For Chicago, it's definitely possible -- making me re-think Chicago as the worst place for clubbing (DC/VA/MD) looks to be taking that crown). However, for Chicagoland, it's going to take a lot of digging and relationship building.
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
@bobby, I wouldn't count on extras ITC or OTC at any Vegas strip club. Your best bet for that kind of action in Vegas is spas, online escorts, and casino girls. I went to a FS Vegas spa once and it was OK. Pricey, mechanical, but got the job done. DM me if you more details
avatar for drewcareypnw
9 months ago
Sugars or Kittens in Seattle. High probability at Pandoras.
avatar for deboinair
9 months ago
Damn Spot on. I can't believe Detroit and South FL are the only two places where extras are so common and blatant.

I can't wait to go back to Landing Strip. I had a great piece of ass there. Great time.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
9 months ago
There are extras in every Vegas club. You just have to pay.
avatar for funonthaside
9 months ago
There is most definitely action in the DMV...multiple places, and not just in one area.
avatar for SteveSutton
9 months ago
Per my latest review, Centerfolds in Worcester, MA guaranteed extras. Also Partners Tavern in Erie, PA used to be guaranteed, but haven't been there for a few years. Also get extras at Rustic Frog in Indiana, but I think that was an exception.

I've also had success in LA in the past, at both Bare Elegance and Jetstrip, but this was ~8-10 years ago. Based on reviews and more recent visits there I know it's very unlikely now.
avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
9 months ago
That’s why I gave u guys an updated list so for those who are strictly looking for extras don’t have to ask the same questions over and over and don’t waste their time in a club that is isn’t guaranteed for extras
avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
9 months ago
And yes I’ve been to all those clubs…I just found out about this site a couple months ago I’m a veteran my review count doesn’t mean anything lol. I’ve been doing this for a loooooong time
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
9 months ago
Pleasant Moments Bridgeport CT is the ultimate wham bam thank you maam.
avatar for JoeLee63
9 months ago
Cheetahs in Pompano too
avatar for Manuellabore
9 months ago
Unless you are at a legal brothel, the women are under no contractual obligation to deliver FS, and certainly not to any creep who walks in the door, so nothing is ever "guaranteed". I'll group a few places in order of "reliability", based on my experience:
1. There are the no-alcohol clubs that seemingly exist for no other reason than to provide a venue for FS encounters. I'd include in this Delilah's Den in Manville, NJ and Sunset Strip in Windsor NY. I've been to Delilah's a lot, but even there I encountered a reluctant newbie, as documented in my review a few months back.
2. There are alcohol-serving Latina bordellos, such as Pleasant Moments in Bridgeport, CT, Harry O's in Stamford, CT, Jiggles in Hawthorne NJ and Marcet Cafe in Paterson. Like category 1, you are likely not going to want to spend any more time in these places than it takes to get the job done, and you may or may not feel to good about yourself in the aftermath.
3. Next is the category of "extras" club which are highly reliable, but where you may encounter some holdouts. I'd include Purple Orchid in Philadelphia and Centerfolds in Worcester MA in this category. Personally, I wouldn't hang out in either of these places any longer than it took to get the job done, but somebody might consider it tolerable, especially if their driver's license was suspended and they Uber'd to the place. Good news with Purple Orchid is everything is priced by the dance, so you're not risking a big up front investment in a VIP. If you misread the dancer's vibe barside, you can always cut things off after one $20 or $30 dance.
4. I'm putting Club Fantasies in Providence the next category, because there is still a high percentage of dancers who will do FS, although probably not as high as any of the clubs previously mentioned. It is theoretically a place where you can sir and hang even if you're not looking for FS, but I haven't attempted it. I would put Electric Blue in Tolland, CT in this category, but have no idea what's going on there now that the owners and management have been indicted, primarily on tax fraud charges, but also on some prostitution-adjacent charges.
5. Club Desire, my favorite out of town club, and a place that is truly fun to hang out in, gets a category of its own. Based on sporadic visits, I wouldn't venture an estimate of how many dancers there will do FS, but the majority of those with whom I have had serious discussions on the topic will. My experience may be skewed by the fact that I always seem to look like I have wads of cash falling out of my pockets that the go-getters are drawn to (the Monopoly Man top hat, cane, and monocle are probably a tell), because the dancers are Desire are definitely going to look for more cash than the dancers at the previously mentioned clubs. There may be seasoned Desire bargain hunters who can refute this perspective. Good on them, I say.
As would be expected, the median hotness range of the talent tends to increase as you move from Category 1 to 5, but I have encountered Desire-level talent at clubs in all categories. They are definitely fewer and further between to lower down the range you go, though.
avatar for Manuellabore
9 months ago
I neglected to mention Pussycat Lounge in Louisville, KY in the previous comment, which is in either Category 2 or 3.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
9 months ago
@Manuellabore If your discussion wants to extend the envelope just a little bit, there are "rub and tug" (generally Asian) massage parlors all over the country, probably in every major city. Do these count as "extras clubs" (as per the original post title) or are they of a different category?
avatar for Manuellabore
9 months ago
^BookGuy^ Since AMPs aren't listed in TUSCL, I made no mention of them but, yes, they are a more or less surefire option in most cities.
Another non-SC option that is listed and discussed a lot on TUSCL is Carnival Bookstore in Brooklawn NJ, which is a pretty sad setup but offers cheap FS.
avatar for Revalt90
9 months ago
Club 390 in Chicago Heights i have a 100% success rate at and also have a pretty high one at Blackjack's in Elgin IL
avatar for wallanon
9 months ago
So apparently Mr. Monger's nefarious secret agenda is to burn the entire industry to the ground coast-to-coast. Here's another secret. You can post the extras clubs over and over again everyday and some dildoheaded noob will post a question right under it because that's what they do.

Now that people who know their hobby shit started answering questions over at Reddit those fuckers are papering the place with "can I get blown for $100" a dozen times a week lol. Because Subra tells us to be nice on Reddit I'll talk shit about them over here...
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
> Because Subra tells us to be nice on Reddit I'll talk shit about them over here...

LOL, why not? I do get tired of those "where can I find extras in [CITY NAME]" posts. Not because I worry about LEO or whatever, but just because those posts are repetitive and boring.
avatar for 5footguy
9 months ago
"So apparently Mr. Monger's nefarious secret agenda is to burn the entire industry to the ground coast-to-coast."

Exactly what I thought when I read this. Discretion is lost on the dim-witted. OP is no doubt the kind of feminine MFer who doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 months ago
Monger said "That’s why I gave u guys an updated list so for those who are strictly looking for extras don’t have to ask the same questions over and over and don’t waste their time in a club that is isn’t guaranteed for extras"

Hardly anyone will remember or look at this thread after it drops off the first page. This site doesn't even have a search function.

There is literally nothing you can do to coerce people into searching a site for information before they create a new thread asking a question that has been answered a million times.

For example...…
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