
Are the majority of your strip club visits involving extras or not?

Friday, May 31, 2024 1:37 PM
If you had to say? Extras meaning some sort of penetration somewhere or hj’s. I got to say most of my outings are clean. Over 90% for sure. Not because I necessarily want it to be but I kind of adjust to whatever the laws of the land are. But also sometimes I just don’t want to pay for the extra mile a lot of times even if it is possible.


  • Mr Monger
    a month ago
    Absolutely I wouldn’t even pay if it wasn’t for extras that’s all I care about..banging hot chicks gives me a high I can’t explain I want to do it again and again lol
  • whodey
    a month ago
    I'd say 75 percent of my visits do not involve extras at all. It really depends on the city where I am clubbing. In the area I am in (Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee and occasionally West Virginia) the vast majority of towns are devoid of extras in the club. Since I don't visit any of the cities for work more than once every 5-6 weeks I don't really have the time to develop OTC contacts in those cities like I did prior to 2020 when my job had me in the same 3 cities consistently every week to ten days. The changes my company put into place regarding teleconferencing and a subsequent promotion that limited my need to travel for work has really cut down on the percentage of my strip club visits that involve extras. Now the majority of my visits are either just for some good grinding lap dances or even just eye candy on stage if I am in a low mileage place like Tennessee.
  • shailynn
    a month ago
    ^ same here - less travel much less clubbing. Some day I miss it, most days I don’t.
  • SteveSutton
    a month ago
    Depends on what I'm looking for. Definitely try to seek out the extras where I know they are available, and this site is very helpful in making that determination. But in some places - Vegas comes to mind - extras ITC are either hard to get or not worth it $$$ wise so then I skip it. But horny me is always looking for extras, takeout, etc. Coming back to hotel with blue balls sucks. When I started this hobby over 10 years ago, I loved getting extras from hot chicks, and have had plenty. But the hotter they are also means more $$$ and generally they have GPS and they know it and they're mechanical actors (with exceptions). That's why I switched to SA for a long time and those were golden years for me, but I can't get the site to work anymore without giving up personal information and a real credit card and I flat out refuse to do that. Now as I get older, they don't need to be so hot anymore, it's much more about a real (or really good fake) connection. Kissing is super important as is foreplay. I find the 6-8 range girls are my sweet spot, and I have never not been commended on my own skills, and that has led to repeat encounters and great OTC and dates.
  • 5footguy
    a month ago
    ^^ Ditto exactly. Give me a 7 any day who knows how to connect over a 9.5 who thinks that her physical hotness makes up for her inability to fuck worth a damn.
  • Jascoi
    a month ago
    i’m with mr monger.
  • gSteph
    a month ago
    NOT Someone has to hold down the other end of the bell curve. 🙂 I'm just there for the fantasy and the fondling. I good with the Mrs for the good times and she's ok with me enjoying the occasional fantasy and fondling.
  • Puddy_Tat
    a month ago
    Formerly almost always, now rarely.
  • iknowbetter
    a month ago
    Despite the fact that some of this country’s best guaranteed extras clubs are right here in my own home town, the vast majority of my strip club visits do not involve extras. I prefer going to a strip club in lieu of a traditional bar, especially during football season, when I can watch a game while I enjoy a beer with a Latina hottie on my lap. But is nice to know that extras are always available should the occasion arise (bad pun intended).
  • captainfun
    a month ago
    Yes probably 50/50 for me. Used to be mostly dances but trending toward more engaging outings over the past few years
  • Dolfan
    a month ago
    It really depends on how you count it. Strictly counting the number of times my penis crosses the threshold to a strip club divided by the number of times it winds up in the mouth or vagina of a stripper while in the building, it would be somewhat less than 50%. I'm not sure if I'd get down to 10% involving extras, but 20% isn't unreasonable using that methodology. But in a more generic sense, it's probably a bit over half the time involves extras. For example, often times I'll hit up two clubs on the same day, I might partake in some extras at one but not the other. If that counts as 50% of my visits, I'll be way below most of my visits involving extras. But if that counts as one visit I might be closer to 50%. If you count developing relationships for future OTC as involving extras, that would probably put me closer to 80% of my trips, since most of the time I'm at least looking for an OTC girl on my visit. It changes over time too. I went a long time with zero interest in extras whatsoever, I had a stretch where that was basically the only reason I went, and I've spent a good amount of time where I'll partake or not depending on my mood, what's available, who I'm with, etc.
  • jackslash
    a month ago
    If the girls are hot, I'm asking for extras.
  • shadowcat
    a month ago
    I always go financially prepared.
  • Jmanskald
    a month ago
    I’m always optimistic, even though I’m often disappointed. Used to be more common in the previous decade.
  • Manuellabore
    a month ago
    Most of my SC visits are with regulars in my locality so that means FS in a very high percentage of my SC visits. Percentage goes higher if I count a former SC regular that I see exclusively OTC. When I'm on the road, I'm still usually laser focused on FS until I actually do the deed and can calm down a bit and can focus on enjoying the scenery, maybe doing some serious drinking, and flirting with, grinding with, and possibly pleasuring (by any means necessary) pretty women. Success rate goes down when on unfamiliar territory, but doing homework on TUSCL helps a lot, plus relying on connections made during earlier visits.
  • georgmicrodong
    a month ago
    Not so much now, but at one point, yeah. When my sugar baby kicks me to the curb, probably again.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a month ago
    Certainly not all. But most still are.
  • Book Guy
    a month ago
    Doesn't this mostly depend on location? I personally would like to be able to say, "Yes, I'm generally expecting to find extras service when I go to a strip club," but that cannot be true where I live, since it's a strong rarity and highly expensive. So I can't truthfully say it, though I would hope for it. When I have gone on monger's trips to Pompano Beach, Toronto, Houston, I always could say quite definitely, "Yes, I'm expecting extras." If I hadn't found them, it would have been specific bad luck and probably not general lack of opportunity. When I stay at home I cannot say as much.
  • TheSingularity
    a month ago
    Every time. I'm not going if there's no likelihood of extra fun
  • deboinair
    a month ago
    I only go for extras. I think regular dances are waste.
  • stripperlover777
    a month ago
    | SC | - ITC - OTC ~~~~ Both Gooood
  • Pussylicker2
    a month ago
    That's why I go, to get my rocks off. My favorite bars are the ones that allow d.o. barside dances. Something about getting a handy or blowie in the middle of a crowded bar. Sometimes I'll stop in, get sucked off and go home. Other times I'll hit 2 or 3 bars before finding a suitable cum dumpster.
  • ancientlurker
    a month ago
    1% extras. Always hope, often ask, but a "yes" is rare for me around here (just like my civvie dating life in decades past). Better luck traveling.
  • Context22
    a month ago
    99% of the time always extras.
  • JamesSD
    a month ago
    Pretty close to 50-50. I plan my trips around my ATF and she always delivers. Otherwise I'm often just there to see boobs and window shop and look for that diamond in the rough.
  • doctorevil
    a month ago
    Probably about 75% extras. I’ll explain more when this girl finishes sucking my dick.
  • DandyDan
    a month ago
    Years ago, I had a club I could go to and extras were a given. I could go to other clubs and maybe get some. Nowadays, it's largely about seeing eye candy.
  • Studme53
    a month ago
    My latest extra go-to is tittyfuck. I found a lot of the ladies who would not normally do anything beyond HJ will tittyfuck. I think many girls with nice tits want them to be the focal point of men’s lust on some level and they really get into it. Many times they will stick out their tongue and lick the head or at least kiss while doing it, which is a huge turn-on for me.
  • caseyx
    a month ago
    The majority of my visits include extras. I live in a place where extras are hard to come by at the local clubs so I rarely bother to go. I save my clubbing for when I'm on the road in places where extras are readily available. Every now and then I'll go into a cleaner club, have some good lap dances and remember how enjoyable that can be. But really, once I popped my strip club cherry my focus switched from lap dance grinding to BJs and FS.
  • WiseToo
    a month ago
    I'm not looking for extras, but around 2 percent of the time involved extras. That's because the dancer included them at no extra charge.
  • wallanon
    a month ago
    "Are the majority of your strip club visits involving extras or not?" Directly or indirectly, pretty much all of them. If I'm at the club, I'm talking with girls I've had sex with, am about to have sex with, or might like to have sex with. That's it. If I'm getting dances from girls I've already had sex with it's because I'd like it to happen again lol.
  • chiefwiggum
    a month ago
    When I was younger and had longer customer engagements, yes. Now, not so much. Even at my younger days out of college, I was only at like 60% success rate (I'm picky). Now, it's like closer to 10-15%, higher if I have to be in town longer (and I've even more pickier).
  • skibum609
    a month ago
    Most of my trips do not involve extras. 53+ years of sex and I am no longer goal line oriented. Never intentionally look for anything, but not against it if it is meant to be.
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