

I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
I’m an equal opportunity PL. In other words, I’ll dance with any good looking woman, white or black, brown or yellow, blue or green. I’ve never been rejected by a club or a dancer due to race, but sometimes feel uncomfortable when I’m the only person of my race in the club (PL or dancer). That uncomfortable feeling is probably all from me rather than others actions or words.

What’s been your experience in a club that primarily serves a clientele different than your own race, e.g. white in a black club, black in a latina club, latino in a white club, etc.?


  • Puddy Tat
    4 months ago
    My thought is that one color matters...green.

    I've been the only white guy in black and Latina clubs and just don't care. Never made to feel awkward.
  • sinclair
    4 months ago
    There have been many times I have been the only person of my race. I have never had any problems in strip clubs. I actually get more attention from the strippers when I don't fit in. Be polite, cordial, and not a cheapskate, and you'll fit in anywhere.
  • captainfun
    4 months ago
    Over hundreds of outings I’ve gotten a few glares (maybe even a comment) at some all black clubs. But I am friendly to whomever I interact with and spend money so eventually people get over my presence.
  • CJKent_band
    4 months ago

    I will play along and comment on your discussion.

    The UNDENIABLE REALITY is that people greet you according to the way you dress, and look to them, and say goodbye according to the way you behave towards them.

    In my humble opinion and limited experience, if you behave like a gentleman, you will be treated like a gentleman.
  • Dolfan
    4 months ago
    I really couldn't care less about race or color when it comes to strippers. Perky tits, flat stomach, firm ass, toned legs, and I'm in. I'd prefer a pretty face but for most strippers I'll take not ugly. I don't care what color her hair or skin is, if she's got tattoos or piercings or not, how tall she is, none of that shit really matters. So I'll hit up a club regardless of it's type.

    I've never had an issue with clientele, being the only white guy in predominantly Black or Latin clubs has made me feel a little spotlighted occasionally but that's it. I don't know how the customers feel about me being there, if it bothers anyone it doesn't seem to do so enough to cause them to react negatively.

    I've had quite a few instances of black strippers accusing me of being racist because I turned them down. On occasion the exchanges have somewhat aggressive. It's only been with black strippers. Never Latina's, Asians, or any other type of stripper that doesn't align to my race/nationality/etc. It's happened in clubs of various types, I've even had a black girl in a black club go off on a rant on how I must be racist because I only got dances from the girls with "white girl" bodies, which turned into a fight between the three dancers I had gotten dances from and the one who was causing the scene. They didn't appreciate being considered not black.

    I've also had a couple instances of a white stripper not wanting to be with me because she saw me with a black stripper. That really caught me by surprise the first time it happened. But it was no big deal, she just asked me if I had fucked the black girl and when I refused to answer, because I never answer those questions, she said well then you must have and I don't want to touch no nigger lover and walked off. The second instance it was after I had already been with the white girl when she found out I was with the black girl first, and she got all upset that I didn't tell her and stormed off. I still kinda laugh at the idea that a stripper willing to fuck customers of unknown provenance somehow has a problem with their sexual history.
  • motorhead
    4 months ago
    “On occasion the exchanges have somewhat aggressive. It's only been with black strippers. Never Latina's, Asians”

    Interesting because the most racially aggressive stripper I’ve encountered was Asian. A tiny, skinny Cambodian girl - far from type - who accused me of being racist.

    Few experiences in black clubs - but typically it’s “are you a cop” ?
  • whodey
    4 months ago
    There are only two colors that matter in a strip club, green money and pink pussy.

    There's been a few times that I have gotten some odd looks when I walk into an all black club as a middle aged white guy. Not sure if the stares are because they are shocked to see someone like me going to that club, distrust that I may be working for LEO or some other form of distrust. Whatever the reason for the initial stares, they don't last very long. Once they see that I'm there to spend money and have fun everyone just goes back to their own experience.

    Rarely have I gotten any kind of look or stare going into a Latina club. The closest to a weird look would just be that each girl tends to have her phone out and Google translate open before they come to my table since I guess it is pretty obvious that I don't speak Spanish.
  • BabyDoc
    4 months ago
    “since I guess it is pretty obvious that I don't speak Spanish.”

    Why would it be obvious before she spoke to you? Maybe a topic for a different thread.

    Anyways back to the topic, I don’t give a fuck and never have. I was recently keeping company with (shit I’m old) a particular stripper. I went to where she worked to see her (why do they rob banks, cause that’s where the money is – well not anymore but I digress). Anyways this girl was working in a Hells Angels bar and then switched to a loud Miami vibe deeply black club. Of course, I followed her even though I didn’t much care for either club by themselves. The owners of both clubs bought me drinks and spent time socializing with me no doubt trying to figure me out. I’m simply a monger doing mongering things.

    The only time that I came a little close to having a problem was years ago when a bartender informed me that the outlaw bikers that occupied a bar which was attached to a strip club had been giving me the stink eye. He told them that I was only there chasing a particular piece of tail. The girl was kind of like their little sister and until she told them to fuck-off I was still suspect. Afterward we all sang Kumbaya (fuck I’m old).
  • Context21
    4 months ago
    As a white dude I honestly prefer Latina and black dancers usually. I do have a no fatties rule though. The one instance where I was accused not wanting to get dances from a black dancer was funny. After the dancer made her insinuation I kindly informed her I had just spent 30 minutes in a VIP with her friend who was black.
  • twentyfive
    4 months ago
    I’ve never had an issue in any club where race was a factor, as to dancers bitching about being discriminated against for dances, only once many years ago and I laughed at her, and she stormed off in a huff.
  • whodey
    4 months ago
    "Why would it be obvious before she spoke to you? Maybe a topic for a different thread."

    A few reasons come to mind.

    1) Most older white guys at small market clubs in the midwest where I do 99% of my clubbing don't speak Spanish. It would be different if I was clubbing in Florida, Texas or California but most midwesterners are bilingual beyond a few words with the exception of the younger generations.

    2) I usually order a drink when I first get to the club and it can be a struggle at a Latina club if the bartender doesn't speak English. More than once I have had to use Google translate just to order a nice bourbon in a club.

    3) I don't have much of a poker face and several dancers have told me it's clear that I don't enjoy the music when I have been at Latina clubs. I tell them that I'm there to enjoy the beautiful girls, not the music.
  • funonthaside
    4 months ago
    I've actually felt more welcome and comfortable in clubs where other clientele are different than me. Plus, when you are comfortable and confident, it sometimes gains you extra attention from the dancers, when they see you aren't afraid to be there.
  • funonthaside
    4 months ago
    I think the "white guy in a black club infers LE" concept is a bit silly. Wouldn't LE send in officers which fit in, so as to not draw attention to the officer?
  • funonthaside
    4 months ago
    Interesting stories from dolfan. While I've never encountered the "black girl with white girl body" conflict, I have, on multiple occasions, witnessed and heard stories of black girls being accused of, and looked down upon, for speaking well and/or exhibiting good manners. Apparently if a black girl isn't ghetto-acting, she's shunned from an AA community.
  • mickey48066
    4 months ago
    Good thing about the black and Latin girls is that the pricing is often better than it is for the white girls. Especially the Cuban girls making their way into clubs. Although I don't have much use for blacks and Hispanics in regular life, I see them as either criminals or parasites, in the club its interesting how we can all get along, just like Rodney king asked as to.
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 months ago
    As far as safety goes, I'd look at the reviews/forum for individual clubs. Been the only or one of the few white people in clubs many times, no issues.
  • JimGassagain
    4 months ago
    I dont know about race, however my weight sure becomes an issue. I have been turned done for sex more times than I’ve eaten donuts.

  • boomer79
    4 months ago
    Honestly I’m a white guy but I go to white or mixed clubs so the club would never been an issue. Honestly I’ve never been into black dancers which can occasionally be awkward. I have occasionally had certain dancers get frustrated when it’s slow because they basically know I’m not a potential customer.

    People like what they like either way. I think for the most part clubs and dancers are there to make money although they may occasionally prefer not to deal with a customer for a variety of reasons We are there to pursue what we’re attracted to. As long as we treat everyone with respect it’s ok. That’s the business.
  • skibum609
    4 months ago
    I go everywhere and have never had an issue with a customer. The only race thing that annoys me is when a black dancer asks me if I like brown sugar. My response is unfortunately pretty dated now as I always respond: Pretty face, spinner body and I'd fuck a smurf.
  • Hank Moody
    4 months ago
    Members of this site will know before they enter a club what the racial makeup is. It’s very unlikely any of us will be uncomfortable because if we don’t like the ethnicity of a club, we’ll choose not to go there. We’re the wrong audience for this question.

    I don’t speak Spanish but I love latinas and manage around any language barrier. With a corona and a shot of tequila in front of me and cash in my pocket, I blend in just fine. In black clubs, same thing. I might try to dress appropriately for the club, but that’s always true. Back in the day, the tuscl club pages had an ethnicity section. I think the options were white, black, mixed and maybe Latina. The info is in the reviews so not a big deal that the ethnicity section is gone, but it was nice to have on the same page with the cover, lap dance prices, and other basic info.
  • Puddy Tat
    4 months ago
    I'll say that speaking Spanish, even if not fluently, opens some doors. Usually friendly, more enthusiastic dances or services.
  • captainfun
    4 months ago
    That ethnicity look up feature by city was very helpful when visiting new cities which I do once or twice a month. However it’s been gone for years now. Presumably a huge pain for Founder to maintain.

    I am a comfortable Spanish speaker. However I am unsure if being able to converse in a Latina’s language helps or hurts the dance experience. Definitely helps when chatting but I’m more about the physical side of this hobby
  • Puddy Tat
    4 months ago
    @captainfun - it's always helped me. I don't recall a discount, and I haven't done a scientific study, but it seems to get a more enthusiastic dance or extras.
  • captainfun
    4 months ago
    Speaking Spanish would definitely help with OTC but that’s not my thing since I’m in the same cities often enough to make it worth it. Though I did have a couple month fling with a Cubanita in Dallas a few years back. She was a firecracker
  • Puddy Tat
    4 months ago
    I'm not an OTC guy so I can't speak to that. I'm talking about pre-ITC club conversations.
    Part of it might be I'm white, decently put together, and courteous, so I stand out in Latina clubs, and speaking Spanish is a bonus.
    Some Latin clubs can be a little "thuggish."
  • Dolfan
    4 months ago
    My Spanish sucks. I can't say if knowing speaking better Spanish would help with the Cuban chicks, but I can say not speaking Spanish doesn't really seem to hurt me much. I get good treatment in the club and I see plenty of Cuban girls OTC as well. And I'm down here where many/most of the dancers are Spanish speakers. Not speaking Spanish doesn't seem to cost me anything in terms of price either, I routinely pay substantially less than what I see people quoting in reviews for the clubs I visit, and I'm quite sure I'm not getting discounts for my good looks or charming personality.

    To be honest, I struggle almost as much communicating with the younger American girls. Sometimes it feels like we don't speak the same language.
  • Bobbyewing2
    4 months ago
    Guess I must be pickier than most. I do prefer white girls and latinas (who are also Caucasian, just a different ethnicity), but definitely the bigger issue (pun intended) is fat girls. Obviously for another thread, but the turn off's in order from major to minor are fat, weird or excessive piercings, short and wildly colored hair, and excessive tatts. Only after those things are considered does a minor preference like race play any factor.
  • RockAllNight
    4 months ago
    I tend to go to mixed clubs where I'm free to choose a dancer of any ethnicity. Truth be told, however, in mixed clubs, all being equal, I tend to choose the black and latina girls as I've often found better dances than with their white sisters. Nothing is ever a sure thing, but in my experience, the service tends to be better with the black girls. Also, in many mixed clubs, they only allow the better looking black girls in so while some of the whites may be 5-6, the blacks tend to be 7+.

    Been many times to latina and black clubs where I was the only or virtually the only white and have never had a problem. In an environment like that, I think I tend to get more approaches from dancers than those of their own ethnicity, probably as they're pretty sure why I'm there (and usually, they are right).
  • chiefwiggum
    4 months ago
    I find the black clubs to be the most chill. The latin clubs can be sketchy, but if you mind your own business, no one is going to hassle you. I've had the most issues in white clubs, especially dive bars and biker-looking hangouts.
  • Huntsman
    4 months ago
    Being from Minnesota, most of my experience has been at clubs I would consider mixed, skewing more white, but still mixed. However, there have been a few times where on a given day and time, I was the only white person in the club. I’ve never noticed any issues. Having said that, apparently I tend to give off a cop vibe at times. I’ve also gotten a “hey, weren’t you my professor” remark a few times. I don’t know how those two things relate but that’s the only thing that’s seemed to draw an initial hesitation.
  • Mate27
    4 months ago
    “My response is unfortunately pretty dated now”

    lol! They say admitting you’re the problem is the first step in finding a solution. Bet any amount of value that’s as far as it gets though, just admitting the problem, cause death is the only solution we will fortunately see.

  • Sgrayeff
    4 months ago
    Dear Lord ... Please can I someday find myself in a club full of pretty Asian dancers? I hope that's not too much for a white man to ask.
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 months ago
    I asked a Cuban fav if her limited English hurt her with customers who don't speak Spanish. She said she just pretends to listen, and occasionally says "yes papi".
  • skibum609
    4 months ago
    A monkey fucked a dog in the ass and thus mate27 was created.
  • Jascoi
    4 months ago
    equal opportunity. as long as she’s pretty and sexy.
  • iknowbetter
    4 months ago
    I avoid the black clubs, for no reason other than I’m more comfortable in the mixed and Spanish clubs in south Florida. I’ve never had a bad experience in a black club, but around here they tend to be loud, make it rain - type clubs, full of local hip hop stars and pro athletes (who I wouldn’t recognize), along with their entourages. I’m more comfortable in a more chill environment.

    However, I find that being white and older has its advantages. Many dancers (of all ethnicities) have told me that they do not like young black men and young Spanish men customers. But they love older white men, especially those with deep pockets.
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 months ago
    More old school strip clubs tend to have quotas on black dancers. The black dancers at these clubs tend to be best, just because the quota makes it more competitive for them to even be in the club.

    The newer "urban" clubs have mostly black dancers. Many work there because they can make decent money (in big stacks of singles) while barely being touched. More power to them, but not what I'm looking for. These clubs generally cater to gansta rap fans. So the clubs cater to being stoopid with money, and the dancers cater to men who want really toxic interactions with women. Not my scene either. But, motivated dancers change it up as needed to get your money. Some strippers in these clubs will warm up to you, once they see you don't consider them a hoe or bitch.
  • DrStab
    4 months ago
    I’m an older white guy, and had a strong Asian preference. Since I’ve discovered AMPs, I had so many that I don’t have the huge desire anymore.

    I really, really like petite AA women. If Simone Biles was a dancer, my wallet would explode.
  • wallanon
    4 months ago
    This first thing I'm looking for is whether or not the club seems like a place I'd like to spend time in at all. If that's a strong no, before I walk out I'm looking around to see if there's a dancer who catches my eye enough to give the place a chance. I don't filter out dancers based on race and I don't get uncomfortable around people who don't look like me. My basic approach to clubs works in just about every place I'd walk into nowadays, so it doesn't change based on the look of dancers of other customers.
  • Book Guy
    4 months ago
    On the race question, I sometimes wonder whether middle-class suburban people who are also African-American get sick of the fact that when the general populace refers to "Black" culture what they mean is ghetto trashy rap-music-style culture. When we here at TUSCL say "it's a Black club" we know that this means a set of generalizations -- the clientele will be predominantly Black; the dancers will be predominantly Black; the music will be predominantly rap; and ... the part that I'm not interested in ... the club's ambiance will be predominantly ghetto-style, lower-class, thuggish, kind of rough. To me, that's an unfortunate fact. I know that most people who are referencing a "Black club" aren't saying that expression to be racist or denigrating, they're just by sharing some information for the fellow mongers here at TUSCL to go on, and that's helpful, and I don't accuse anyone of being prejudiced merely on the basis of the use of that phrase. (Sure, there are a few who are prejudiced morons, but that's a different issue.) I'm just unhappy that "Black" means lower-class because honestly I really like "Black" when it's NOT lower-class.

    I like upscale African-American-looking women, there's something charming about them. F.e. I recall one spinner at Penthouse NOLa about ten years ago who stole my heart and most of my wallet, and I have zero regrets, totally worth it. She was tiny, about four foot eleven, with large-ish natural (or, why do I care?, natural-feeling) breasts and a tiny almost non-existent butt. She smelled great, I can still recall something like coconut. She had sort-of dreadlocks but they were up and out of her face and soft-feeling and looking, I could call them glam-dreads. She claimed to be a graduate student in psychology and I could have believed her, there was no reason to think she wasn't, given her level of discourse. She said she hated working at most "Black clubs" because she felt like shaking her booty in super-twerk style was trashy (I mostly agree) but she disliked working at most non-"Black" clubs because she was generally passed over by most of the clientele, who (I think wrongly) expected her to be trashy and thought of her as less desirable than the more pale-skinned other dancers. I can't recall much else of what she was saying, I was preoccupied with the rest of her.

    PS is it "Black" (uppercase) or "black" (lowercase) and should I care?
  • 5footguy
    4 months ago
    "I'm just unhappy that "Black" means lower-class because honestly I really like "Black" when it's NOT lower-class."
    You went out of your way to tell us how not racist you are, but you're the one who said that black means lower-class. I don't really think that way. I think black means black people and black music. I would use that "lower-class" description for some mostly white clubs I've been in, in Alabama. And if a black club has thuggish clientele, well, not sure what to say except, that's on them. Nobody's putting that image out there except the folks in the club. I'm not saying you're racist btw. But sometimes the white folks who protesteth a bit too much are the ones who have assumptions that they're been spoon fed (and they're usually liberals who ironically claim that the other side is racist, but this isn't the politics forum so I'll stop there).

    "PS is it "Black" (uppercase) or "black" (lowercase) and should I care?"
    Nobody else cares, care if you want, you don't need anyone's permission to care or not.
  • Puddy Tat
    4 months ago
    @book guy - as someone who loves black pussy (both black women and black cats, LOL), I date a ton of "bougie" black women. Mostly Haitian and African. Man, your mention of the dreads brings to mind my ex from a few years ago, she loved when I pulled her dreads when hitting it doggystyle.

    Hate to say it but a lot of them almost view black Americans as a lower species--why can't they appreciate the opportunities in America, etc. According to my best black friend (who I'm taking out in Atlanta this weekend!) more "ghetto" black women tend to see other races as weak and less masculine, but that's changing because only now do black women feel like they have permission to date non-black men.

    I know that here, "black club" carries connotations, but for my white ass, I just want to know what kind of women will be dancing there. Race, age, fitness, temperament. I've gone to black clubs, Latin clubs, and never felt out of place. Sometimes the girls try to play to a fetish, like black women referring to themselves or parts of their body as "chocolate," but I don't care. I just love women, that's why I'm here.
  • Book Guy
    4 months ago
    Yeah I said "black" means lower-class but I didn't mean to say I WANTED "black" to mean lower-class. I don't get to dictate how the language develops as other people use it.

    Why the aggro, 5footguy, is it genuinely painful to walk around inside your skin or are you just trolling for a fight? Recent comments of yours have invented slights where reasonable people would have found none, inferred weaknesses where they may or may not exist but where their discovery was unnecessary to the actual content of the discussion.
  • Book Guy
    4 months ago
    ps my comment (starting "Yeah I said ...") is direct response to 5footguy's comment ("you went out of your way ..."). Puddy_Tat snuck his comment in there in the interim.

    pps Puddy_Tat I sent you a PM about that other discussion.
  • Puddy Tat
    4 months ago
    @book guy - yeah I knew what you meant.

    Gonna open my wallet for some fine black women this weekend. Buddy is black and loves Latinas, he's gonna be balls deep in some Cubanas...
  • Puddy Tat
    4 months ago
    Fuck, man, we just love women. The vanilla the chocolate the rice the curry the salsa. We taste the rainbow!
  • 5footguy
    4 months ago
    "5footguy, is it genuinely painful to walk around inside your skin or are you just trolling for a fight?"

    I have no idea what you mean. If you have some beef DM me, no need to resolve any personal conflicts in public.
  • ReadyToMonger
    4 months ago
    If I know a club is a black club I wont go because I know I will see fat cellulite and smell weed. Basically ghetto and all you see is twerking, plus they all have wigs and are probably bald headed under with eyelashes that look like large pretruding spiders.

    I have been in Latina clubs and no issues. They look good, nice to talk to and arent pushy, hey make you want to spend and it doesnt feel like a sales pitch.

    I wont go into clubs with too many whites either because they tend to not have any breasts (or fake ones) and look lanky and cant dance. They are also very annoying and talk about their parents too much. I dont want to hear about your damn family. Im in there to look at tits and try to pay for some head at minimum.
  • ReadyToMonger
    4 months ago
    Asian clubs are good, but hard to come by.
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