Comments by wallanon (page 75)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New to NJ, Where’s the Fun Hiding
    I don't really use the translators, but some girls are persistent. If I see them get a little frustrated and type into their phone then I know what's coming next. That'd be the phone up to the face. It used to annoy me, but it also means she's interested enough in me and my money (or is it my money from me?) to have a chat in the most awkward way possible.
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    3 years ago
    Ughh - spinner had terrible B.O.
    Years ago there's a dancer at Cadillac Lounge in Providence I almost dropped on her head because when she swung her ass around (with her face on my lap) all I smelled was ass. She was going in for the grind and that was that. As I jumped up I managed to catch her and turn her sideways. Said that her chin clipped my balls or something like that, but paid my way out of that smelly mess. Nowadays I'd just hold my breath and get her in a safe position before I bail.
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    3 years ago
    New to NJ, Where’s the Fun Hiding
    Phone translator. Clunky but works. When you see something like "we can discreet sex" then you're onto something lol.
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    3 years ago
    Any Clubs in Austin, TX ID Scanning?
    If they weren't saving it they wouldn't bother scanning it. Diamonds in San Antonio is also scanning ids. Yes, BYOB after hours, COVID super-spreading place that it is decided to jump on the bandwagon. I'll give them a break that it's obvious they're trying to class the place up, but the whole place needs makeover for that to work.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Ughh - spinner had terrible B.O.
    Jackslash asked the question for all of us. I'm not a fan of excessive BO, but I'm also realistic about it. Some dancers put on a high energy show and work up a sweat. Some dancers sweat more than others. Those stage lights can get hot, etc. If there's a choice between getting a dancer I want just after she's onstage or not at all, then I'll take my chances. It goes without saying that you don't want a dancer distracted wondering if something about her is turning you off. Obviously if she smells foul to my nose then she's got to go, but on the other hand I like how some women smell. If I'm into the way a dancer "stinks" then she can stay. Private dances, too. All in.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Woman Shot at Nearly 50 Times, Killed as She Pulled into Her Garage
    "Investigators are still attempting to determine whether Duncan was targeted or whether it was a random act of violence." Nobody gets shot 50 times in a random act.
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    3 years ago
    Mostly NC, DC, Baltimore, Philly.
    Virginia Beach Area
    I didn't get over to Virginia Beach because it was out of the way for where I was traveling, but did get to clubs in Newport News and nearby towns. They weren't that great, but it's been a few years and it only takes one dancer to make a visit memorable.
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    3 years ago
    New to NJ, Where’s the Fun Hiding
    This just sounds like someone who got used to being fat and happy with ez extras in Detroit needing to hunt a little for his next meal.
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    3 years ago
    Has anyone seriously considered owning and operating a strip club?
    ilbbaicnl, those types of clubs do exist. Not for nothing, but do you have a nickname for your nickname? That's a load to type out lol.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Has anyone seriously considered owning and operating a strip club?
    Yes, but the market is really getting challenging for independent owners in many places. If I were to ever try it I'd start with someplace small that's a short drive outside of major metro. Or a dive that's in a so-so part of a city. I saw a club like that the other day called the Body Shop in Maryland that was small but had a good setup. The talent wasn't great, but that's fixable.
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    3 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Butt Wait ..
    That's pretty impressive.
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    3 years ago
    I wasn't wondering about Kamala Harris, but where did this quote come from? Found it. Becker News is actually a thing.
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    3 years ago
    "It would be nice if ONE of them had the balls to stand up and say Biden fucked that up... I'm not talking about the withdrawal, I'm talking about his speech a month ago." This is for Daddillac: Not much else for me to say on this. I typed a few different things out, but I've already gotten my point across in other posts.
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    3 years ago
    Aren't there enough threads already about issues with "woke" etcetera etcetera? We get it. Lots of posters here don't like it, whatever "woke" really means anymore. Woke politics didn't botch Afghanistan, even if you squint really hard to make the details fuzzy.
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    3 years ago
    The previous administration did start the timeline for withdrawal, however the current administration was under no obligation to follow it. And certainly not to direct the US military to drawdown in such haste (while ignoring obvious signs the recognized government would not survive) that the outcome was even worse than a universally questioned fiasco in Iraq which led to the rise of ISIS.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Cognitive Dissonance?
    Are you risking a 2AMer if you're not in the clubs after midnight and go to bed in time for the nightly news?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Does color matter?
    It helps if the color choices complement the presence a dancer is looking to achieve. My own preference are colors that don't distract.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Just plain sex?
    "Just trying find out if I can get that in TJ" If this is true you could start by reading your PMs.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    THAT Girl
    If it moves the needle, play on. I could use some inspiration like that in my local clubs.
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    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    $3,500 to watch a 3 hour baseball game
    Funny thing about this. I'm in the VIP at a strip club today and there's a tv facing the couch I'm on. A dancer is getting herself comfortable on my lap and says, "Hey, is that Kevin Costner?" Me: "Yeah, looks like him." Her: "Isn't that a baseball game? Why'd they put him on a baseball game?" Me: "Maybe he's just dropping by the booth to say hi. Sometimes celebrities do that. They're probably asking him about that time he was in Field of Dreams." [Dancer gets blank, confused expression] Me: "There was this movie in the 80's where Kevin Costner built a baseball diamond in a cornfield and a bunch of ghosts showed up to play. So they're probably asking him about that baseball movie he did before Pumpkin was born." Her: "Way to call me out on that..." There was no sound and no closed captioning, so who knew that in 2021 baseball was so desperate for ideas they actually dusted off Field of Dreams just to confuse an entire generation of Pumpkins...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Big Spender
    I don't have an amount I regularly spend. It's visit by visit. This week I've been in clubs on 3 different days, which is more than usual. For the week I'm averaging about $240 a day so far, and my limit is set by whatever I'm carrying at the time. I don't put money aside, but do typically have enough carry cash to cover drinks and a VIP trip in case I feel like dropping by a club.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Positive thoughts for Shadowcat
    2ICEE there is a time and place for everything. You're jumping across multiple threads with some kind of issue and people don't even know what you're supposedly pissed about. Don't assume that people read every single thread on the boards.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    "Why go to SC when you can..." Because it's a strip club site and one of the best strip clubs anywhere is about an hour South of Montreal. You almost got through three posts today without trolling.
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    3 years ago
    Detroit vs St Louis
    My reply is over on your previous thread.
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    3 years ago
    If these are the only clubs you found in Montreal then TUSCL can't help you sort out Detroit vs St. Louis. I'm not usually going to pick with noobs on TUSCL because everyone has to start somewhere, but four years ago in August 2017 you show up for Montreal and then randomly come back in August 2021 asking about Detroit. With radio silence in between. These are literally two of the easiest places to club on Earth.