What do you do when your ATF's lapdancing has become stale

avatar for Jpac73
I was just wondering has anybody else been in a situation where they have been getting dances from a favorite of theirs but now her dances just don't seem as good as they use to be. In actuality she has never been a great lapdancer but she was at least decent. I am just fond of her because she is sexy and very sweet. Lately I have been gettin tabledances from her instead of a lapdance but of course the tabledances just don't do it for me. I don't want to hurt her feelings because I do like her but I want to get the most "BANG" for my dollars. Any suggestions


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avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
What made that episode especially funny was that the next time I went she came over to me to complain about that other customer. It seems he had a buddy who was managing some hookers and he asked this girl if she'd be interested in joining them. I stopped going to that club shortly thereafter, she had way too many issues. It was a shame too cause I really liked her. But in my experience you have to be willing to walk away at any time or you can get into really big trouble. I learned that lesson the hard way.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
I once had a favorite who was sitting with me when another customer of hers came in. She excused herself to say hello to him, saying she'd be right back. 45 minutes later she was still with him and I left. I stopped being her customer after that. I'm willing to tolerate a lot of things from a favorite but rudeness isn't one of them.
When the ATF sees you spending money on another dancer, she will become interested and interesting all over again.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
To get back to the original question, I'd mention it to her but couch it in a way that she won't be offended. Try saying something like this: "Have I done something to offend you? You don't seem to be as friendly as you used to be with me." That way she'll get the hint that she's not doing as much for you, but you make it sound like you think it's your fault. Chances are she isn't even aware that she's not trying as hard as she used to with you. I think most girls try extra hard early on to get you to become a regular, but once you're hooked they don't feel like they have to work quite as hard. But if they think they might lose you they'll start trying harder again.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago

The other annoying thing that's happened to me a couple of times is that once I become a regular she will keep me waiting longer than she used to, either by sitting longer with another customer or some friends or by taking extra time in the dressing room. This is easy to cure: the next time she does it I just get up and leave. Then the next time I'm in I apologize, saying that I couldn't stay very long. She'll get the hint.
avatar for davids
20 years ago
Oh, I'd try asking her out once/trying to get her in the sack. I mean there is only like a 1% chance it will work (or less), but there is nothing left to lose at this point. When she says no move on to the next one. If by some miracl she says "yes" then have fun but very careful you aren't getting toyed with. In either case never get another dance from her. If she wants to talk with you just as friends that's ok, but don't spend another penny on her.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
My ATF, who I first met nearly 8 years ago, is now my closest friend. So it's pretty easy for me to identify my ATF, even though I've had several favorites over the years including one now. But only one ATF.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
20 years ago
Let me just say I'm not sure I have an ATF. I got favorites, but to say one of them is The All Time Favorite, is hard to determine precisely. Maybe I have an All Time Favorite Right Now.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
20 years ago
Just switch ATF's. I don't know how many I've had. I've never had one who didn't get old after awhile, unless they just quit and I never saw them again.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
But that's the whole point, she doesn't feel that she has to fake anything with you anymore, that she can just be herself with you. Personally I like when it gets to that point, then I can begin to get to know the person even better. Getting to know someone is like peeling an onion, and it's more fun after you get past the surface layers and begin to see the real person underneath. But if you find that you don't especially like that person, then it's time to move on.
A dancer becomes bored with me and lets it show and I'm supposed to think that her attitude is because now sees me as a friend. Nothing is going on here but the boredom of a routine job with the same person. Dancers want excitment and when a regular is no longer exciting, then the boredom shows. Friendship or companionship has nothing to do with it. She just got tired of faking it.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
I have an entirely different prespective on this - I think she's paying you a very high compliment because she's beginning to treat you as a friend rather than as a customer. For example, I used to notice that whenever a customer came in to see my ATF she'd greet them with a huge hug and gushingly tell them how happy she was to see them, yet she never did the same for me. Finally I realized that she was treating me like a friend and treating the others like customers. (We're still close friends 8 years later.) Sometimes when a girl gets to know you really well and likes you, she's likely to become uncomfortable with the sex part because her realtionship with you is becoming personal and is no longer an act on her part. If you really like being with her, enjoy the fact that you're becoming buddies and treat her like one. If you miss the sexy dances, go to a different club for them.
avatar for lopaw
20 years ago
When this happened to me, I started getting less & less dances from my ATF, and gradually started getting dances from new girls. Over a short period of time, my ATF accepted this, and I still get occasional dances from her (but never the amount that I used to). Thankfully she was cool about it, and didn't scream & yell at me, or tell the other girls that I was an a-hole (at least I don't think she did!).
When you cut off an long-time ATF at a club that you frequent alot, it can have the potential for REAL drama....so be careful!
She's bored and boring. Move on.
avatar for Jpac73
20 years ago
I here what you are saying Superdude but how would you go about doing it? If I say no I don't think I am going to get a dance tonight she want believe me because I have gotten so many before. She might leave then but come back later. Maybe I should just be frank and say look I appreciate you coming over and speaking to me but I would like to get a dance from someone else tonight.
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