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Comments by GooberMan (page 2)

discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for GooberMan
Most Effective Clothing for Climaxing
Stretchy lounge pants? I have no recollection of seeing those anywhere. Do you have a brand name or a Web link so I can tell a store clerk what I want? Are the stretchy boxer briefs like Spandex bicycle shorts?
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for FONDL
How important is mileage to you?
Shadowcat, what is HUM?
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20 years ago
avatar for GooberMan
Most Effective Clothing for Climaxing
I just purchased some skin-tight stretch elastic black athletic underwear from Wal-Mart. I can feel why you recommend them. Now I just need to locate some black silk pajamas. I found some on eBay that have no pockets for about $30. I found some others at a retail site that have pockets but sell for $100. What do you recommend? I need some place to store my wallet, keys, etc. so much prefer pockets, but maybe someone here knows something I do not.
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20 years ago
avatar for GooberMan
Most Effective Clothing for Climaxing
I bought a pair of black silk pajama pants with two front pockets at Dillard's tonight for $32. I appreciate all the pointers you guys gave me here in this forum. I look forward to testing this new clothing!
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20 years ago
avatar for FONDL
Do you agree with this or not?
A man and a woman can have two types of sex. One type amounts to pure hedonism and lasts only as long as the act of intercourse -- a momentary physical bond only. The other type includes elements of bonding at the spiritual, emotional and mental levels. This type of sex is what we normally associate with a traditional, textbook romantic relationship. When all four elements are synergizing between man and woman 100% -- spiritual, emotional, mental and physical -- such a powerful bond forms that neither party has much incentive to look elsewhere for the physical elements. That said, we do not live in a perfect world, and few relationships ever synergize on all four levels at 100% all the time. A woman in a marriage or LTR should not concern herself with her man's physical distractions at a strip club, even if he busts a nut there -- unless he starts attempting to bond in deeper ways with another woman. What really matters in a LTR are those deeper levels of bonding. If he spends inordinate amounts of time, money or emotional energy on those distractions at the expense of enhancing the quality of the LTR and other worthy values, then that "cheats" the woman out of rational values. Conversely, a highly jealous and possessive woman who refuses to allow her man to enjoy his physical self even when she makes no attempts to help him to do so "cheats" him out of *his* values. The man, if he respects himself, will need to re-evaluate the value of that relationship in enhancing his enjoyment of his own precious life. For more insight into this philosophy of rational egoism, read THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS by a woman named Ayn Rand. To learn more about her ideas, visit http://www.solohq.com
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20 years ago
avatar for FONDL
Do you agree with this or not?
I forgot to mention that the man should also not engage in activities that endanger the physical or mental health of himself, his SO or anyone else.
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20 years ago
avatar for FONDL
Do you agree with this or not?
True, Yoda! Very true.
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for GasPedalJoe
Managing Completion
I had asked similar questions some months ago on this board. Let me share the helpful advice I got: 1. Most dancers expect this to happen. In fact, many try to make it happen. 2. Your best clothing to wear for climaxing, absorption of the "mess" and gentleness on the dancer will be spandex bike shorts under black silk pajama bottoms. The spandex lets you feel the stroking and the pajama pants are easy on the dancer. I recommend doing a "test run" at home by stroking yourself in this garb and making sure the mess does not soak to the outside.
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20 years ago
avatar for GasPedalJoe
Managing Completion
That thread has gotten old and vanished. Black silk pajama pants have pockets and will suffice as "lounge pants." Wear them with black spandex bike shorts for underwear and you will look fine. Just be careful that your wallet does not fall from the loose pockets. An experienced clubber recommended these or black stretch lounge pants, but I never could find those. Dillards and other mall department stores carry the silk pajamas. Can others here vouch for this advice? I have procured the clothes but have not tested them yet.
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20 years ago
avatar for GasPedalJoe
Managing Completion
Tell her what you want before you agree to purchase a dance. Be specific. If she says no, keep shopping until you find one who says yes.
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20 years ago
avatar for GasPedalJoe
Managing Completion
"Hi, my name is ________. What's yours? That's a nice name. How long have you danced here? Wow. It sounds like you have a lot of experience. You probably have some wild tales to tell. What would you consider the wildest incident in your dancing career? Really? Fascinating. Just out of curiosity, have you ever had a guy 'lose it' when you gave him a lap dance? You have? How did you feel about that? Well, good, because I like it when that happens to me. I am wearing clothes that will keep me from making a mess. Do you think you could do that for me?"
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20 years ago
avatar for Clean and Sober
Clean and Sober
Words to consider
Now for a counterpoint view since the first post on this thread demanded it. I would like to remind people here that enemies of liberty on both left and right have sought to restrict our freedoms with respect to the pursuit of sexual pleasure. NATIONAL DAY OF REASON 2005 SPEECH Held in conjunction with National Day of Prayer on May 5 Visit http://www.nationaldayofreason.org for more details. I would like to welcome all of you today to this important exchange of ideas regarding how best to foster a free and rational country. By a free and rational country, I mean one in which each of you can follow your own conscience -- your own reasoning -- without forcible interference by our government. I will outline a three step proposal to achieve this worthwhile goal. 1. Keep government out of religion 2. Keep religion out of government 3. Reduce the intrusive role of government in civil society I will start with the easiest step first: Keep government out of religion! For as long as human beings have walked this Earth, they have asked themselves some big questions like: 1. Is there any purpose to my life? 2. How can I know what is good and what is evil? 3. Are there any permanent truths? Religion and philosophy have played central roles in answering these big questions and in giving people a sense of spiritual meaning and purpose. Religion has traditionally served as the moral compass and inner fire in human existence. Unfortunately, religion has also offered a source of much conflict within human society. This long history of strife explains why the Founders of the United States, when they published their Declaration of Independence in 1776, wisely decided to incorporate the ideas of John Locke and other Enlightenment thinkers with the following passage: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The Founders carried the ideas of individualism even further in the U.S. Constitution, which has no mention of God, no religious test for holding office and a First Amendment declaring that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Thomas Jefferson clarified this clause in a letter to a religious minority in Connecticut in 1802 when he stated that the First Amendment built "a wall of separation between church and state." In short, for much of our history, each resident of the United States has had the authority to decide for himself the answers to the big questions without forcible interference from either state or church. This separation of church and state worked well while we had a very small and un-intrusive government dedicated only to defending its citizens against force and fraud via the courts, the armed forces and the police. The state left religions alone to flourish, to diversify and to prosper, and individuals had the liberty to change churches at their own discretion. Unfortunately, as so often happens, some religious persons opted to use the state to interfere with the religious choices of their fellow citizens. This brings me to the second and more challenging step: Keep religion out of government! Let me offer one powerful example: government schools. The Irish Potato Famine of 1845 brought droves of Irish Catholics to American shores. Under the leadership of Horace Mann, Protestants decided to take it upon themselves to "save the children" from the Pope by institutionalizing compulsory state education, even though private education had proven its own effectiveness over the previous two centuries. This marked a turning point in American history and set the stage for de facto mixing of state and church via government schools. Of course, the integrity of our Constitution doomed this attempt to use government schools to teach religious dogma. It took decades of efforts by organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Atheists to undo this mess and the task just never seems to end. We can point directly to the institutionalized state education in the middle of the 19th century as a primary catalyst in this mixing of church and state. This brings me to the third and most challenging step: Reduce the intrusive role of government in civil society! Most advocates of separation of church and state consistently support the idea that religion needs to remain a private choice. But those same advocates contend that education, welfare, health care and a whole range of other values that once remained private choices should, somehow, some way, not remain private choices! They oppose faith in God but not faith in government. We all need to awaken from the slumber of forced government solutions and realize that freedom works! As I stand here and look at all the people in this room wearing free market clothing, eating free market food and preparing to head to their free market homes, I can say with total and complete confidence that individuals remain quite capable of making their own choices with respect to their spirits, their hearts, their minds and their bodies. We need not only a much smaller government confined to defending individuals from force and fraud, but also a level field of law that applies equally to both religious and secular institutions. In conclusion, I encourage everyone here to implement the three steps to a more free and rational country: 1. Keep government out of religion 2. Keep religion out of government 3. Reduce the intrusive role of government in civil society I look forward to working with all of you to make this happen. Recommended Reading 1. Coulson, Andrew. Market Education: The Unknown History (Studies in Social Philosophy & Policy, No. 21). 2. Gatto, John Taylor. The Underground History of American Education. 3. Richman, Sheldon. Separating School and State.
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for Clean and Sober
Clean and Sober
Words to consider
When quoting the Founders about religion, please refer to this site for a fact check: http://www.positiveatheism.org/writ/founding.htm As for a proper secular moral code upon which to build a Constitution and laws, the Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke had most of it right when they appealed to man's ability to *reason* and to produce value by mixing his thought via labor with raw natural resources. This offered a good, life-affirming, rational, secular, individualistic, "natural law" basis for government. Opposing this later came Karl Marx with his irrational, though fully secular, collectivistic, "man-made law" basis for government. The former system respected the individual above the collective. The latter did the opposite. A fully secular basis for government based on the value of the individual and his capacity to reason makes perfect sense. It falls right into line with Adam Smith's WEALTH OF NATIONS. Most importantly, it makes no appeals to faith in an invisible and unprovable "Creator." Read CAPITALISM: THE UNKNOWN IDEAL by Ayn Rand to learn more. Not all atheists support the modern liberal agenda, least of all Ayn Rand and her supporters.
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20 years ago
avatar for parodyman-->
Those who disaprove of adult entertainment:
Amen, brother! ;-)
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20 years ago
avatar for robofan
A sad day for us all
I would also like to know more about this "simulated sex act" notion. A good lap dance will always simulate sex in some way.
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20 years ago
avatar for robofan
A sad day for us all
Let me guess: None of the elected women look good enough ever to work in a strip club. Am I right? This statement from a stripper bears repeating: "Women who oppose strip clubs just want to keep the pussy power at home." I like what Ayn Rand said about this: "Denouncing masculine oppression, Women's Lib screams protests against the policy of regarding women as 'sex objects'--through speakers who, too obviously, are in no such danger."
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for FONDL
Front or back?
I tell her what I like best: Straddling my lap so I can massage and suck her tits as she rocks and grinds my groin until I climax. Second best is for her to face away from me and grind my groin with her ass until I climax.
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19 years ago
avatar for FONDL
Front or back?
Hey, themailman, is it the fact that it happens in public or something else that makes you feel gross? Wear the right clothes to conceal the fact and you can keep it your own little secret. ;-) For me, discovering recently that I could do this has been the best damned thing to happen to me in a long, long time. (Yeah, and some of you will say, "Get a life," right?)
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19 years ago
avatar for FONDL
Front or back?
Hey, themailman, we had a discussion about this some months ago on this board. Unless you normally dump a lot of spoo when you climax, one regular pair of cotton jockey shorts and a pair of docker shorts will generally do the trick. Wear two pairs of jockey shorts just to be sure. How long it takes depends on you and her. A really great dancer can get me off in one song. Otherwise, it can take several. I have been told that silk pajama bottoms with spandex underwear works well, too, but have not yet tried it. You might want to give these a "test drive" at home under a blacklight before going public.
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19 years ago
avatar for davids
How Much Are LDs in Your Region?
$8-$10 in the open area and $20 in the private area for topless contact lap dances here on the Space Coast of Florida.
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19 years ago
avatar for LapFanM20
What's Funniest clothing you have ever seen a stripper wear
She wore a black thong with "BITCH" written in pink letters across the front right over her mons.
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19 years ago
avatar for themailman
What do you bastards look like?
Imagine Bill Gates with blonde hair and a good workout program. That would describe me on my worst day.
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19 years ago
avatar for themailman
What do you bastards look like?
No. He is better looking and far wealthier.
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19 years ago
avatar for themailman
What do you bastards look like?
He stars in the TV show THE DEAD ZONE as a psychic. I said Bill Gates because some lady outside Wal-Mart told me out of the blue that I looked like him. I got contact lenses and started lifting weights in response!
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19 years ago
avatar for GooberMan
Black Lights
Sorry, I forgot to mention that the shorts are black, too.