avatar for LapFanM20


joined Jul 2005last seen Feb 2015

Comments made by LapFanM20

discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for easyed14
Taking a date to a SC. Good idea or not?
I say go for it. You have already let the cat out of the bag by telling her you go occasinally, so she already has that ammo if in a fight. She is expressing an interest, if you do not take her she will fill in her own blanks as to what exactly goes on and you know it is going to be way over exagerated. Take her to a realivity by the book club (ie where she doesnt see girls going over the line) and also one that you do not visit that often, dont want to be walking in and have 5-6 girls calling you by name :) IF you get her a dance be prepared, a healthy percentage of dancers are bi sexual, so if your girl is hot they will probally have a little fun with her (remembe most places have a touch and go polikcy, you touch you go, however the girl can touch all she wants) IF it does get a little hot and she comments on it, you always have the Damn they never acted like that with me, it must be cause of you. As always have fun with it!
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for RomanticLover
Customers who MANIPULATE strippers and take advantage of them
yeah guys manipulating the girls thats a first. Hell every time I leave a club I have 500 to 1200 more than I went in with LOL
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for casualguy
Ever hear a nice looking stripper say I could have made more at Burger King?
I have seen clubs so slow that after house and tip out the Girl is lucky to leave with $10...
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for RomanticLover
Strippers who LIE about being WORRIED about their SAFETY OUTSIDE THE CLUB
Damn RL, I dont know what clubs you hang out in but sounds like you are trying just to damn hard. SC are not about sex, the only screwing that goes on is when some schmuck thinks he is gonna score and leaves his dead presidents behind. It is an escape, a place to watch a partily nude to nude girl dance for a few dollars, and relax. When you leave your entertainment ends. Do you go to the movies and expect to take Catherine Zeta Jones home with you? Remember it is called Adult Entertainment
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for davids
Any Strippers Making Bank Without Doing Extras or Scamming Customers?
Here's a concept They bust their ass. They are always working the floor. They have a little bit of salesman ship in them and they sell them selves (not like a prostitute but rather like you sell your self during an interview) They simply bust their ass and make good bank.