
Comments by GooberMan

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pickpockets at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach
    I am with Ermita_Nights in that she could more easily conceal (and explain) the possession of cash than a wallet with my identity all over it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pickpockets at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach
    Oh, yes, absolutely, Estafador. Yes, my shorts only had front pockets so I removed the wallet for comfort. Yes, I had done this in the past with this dancer with no impact. That was why the event shocked and disappointed me so much. Yes, I have absolutely learned my lesson as mentioned in an earlier post in this thread and wanted to share that lesson with others even more naive than I.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pickpockets at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach
    The purpose of details like the $0.75 tip was to show the start and finish of where the money went. If somehow the initial wallet contents money fell to the bar floor while I waited for change from the $10 I gave the bartender, that might explain why exactly $6 remained in my wallet. That seems unlikely though not impossible. We inspected the bar floor and found no cash, so if it fell there, it is gone, baby, gone.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pickpockets at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach
    No, but I will consider marking future bills with ultraviolet pens for that purpose, thanks. As for the rest, my earlier link provides corroborating evidence from others regarding pickpockets at that club. So I am not alone in my experience.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pickpockets at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach
    With the wallet out of my immediate sight during the dance, and her able to lean over me with her hands on the bench near the wallet with her black dress on the bench, yes, it is possible for her to have done that and hidden the cash somewhere in the dress. I also admit it is possible though unlikely that the cash somehow fell from the wallet somewhere. She and I did search the club thoroughly with a flashlight after the loss. I just know for sure that I went straight from the bank to the Inner Room and had at least a $10 bill in my wallet to pay for the drink at the bar before going to the bench for dances. None of this matters now. The money is gone. I will use more care from start to finish in future club visits.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pickpockets at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach
    We sometimes talk about what we wear on this list in terms of maximizing tactile payoffs from dances, hiding any busted nuts, and trying not to look too conspicuous, so I included those details for better or for worse.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Where do you keep your cash?
    Today I had my very first pickpocket experience. Somehow someone in the club managed to picked over $100 from my wallet. So I think I will try leaving everything in the car locked in a safe and hidden place and only bring in my cash and my car key -- in my SHOES!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pickpockets at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach
    I did a Google search and found http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/archive/index.php/t-6109-p-3.html which reports of dancers picking pockets during lap dances at Inner Room from summer of 2011. So I guess I have been scammed by a dancer I once trusted. Is nothing sacred? Oh, wait, I need to remember that this is a STRIP CLUB. Still, it is disillusioning for sure considering all the good memories and positive experiences I previously had there years earlier. Lesson learned: Trust NO ONE in this business, leave your valuables locked in your car hidden in a safe place, and store your car key in one shoe and your cash in the other!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Latest theme/style changes.
    I just wanted to thank Founder for continually updating this site with new enhancements. I really like the latest "look and feel" here now. I use Opera 11.60 as my browser and the site works well with it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Are the Backpage.com gals driving down POP, especially extras at the Club?
    What does POP abbreviate? Can we add POP to the Glossary page of this site?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any two way full contact clubs left in Florida?
    Go to Cocoa Beach for the best clubs in this order from best to good: Cheaters Inner Room Lido's
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Fabric Abrasions on My Member
    Thanks, everyone. I think the most disappointing part was when the dancer (said she) came and I did not! Bah!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Follow up to February story about Attorney caught up in Craigs list LE sting
    After more Google searching, I gather it means Pay for Performance tryst.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Follow up to February story about Attorney caught up in Craigs list LE sting
    What is P4P assignation?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Willie's Legendary Sharks Pub in DeLand, Florida
    Those are definitely two different places with two different addresses.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Wet pants
    I wear dark pants with my shirt outside and try to climax whenever possible. The dark pants and outside shirt hide the results and I drive straight home to shower and change.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How has "clubbing" changed your life, if at all?
    It has made me less inhibited about my sexuality. By the way, Founder, nice job on the new Web site layout!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do guys pay by the way for the month...year or a lifteime membership?
    I paid for a lifetime membership here years ago and it has been worth every penny to me. Just being able to sort good clubs from lame ones has more than saved me the membership cost. Thanks, Founder!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Friends First?
    If you believe him, Ross Jeffries of http://www.seduction.com says that once a woman pulls a LJBF -- Let's Just Be Friends -- on you it becomes almost impossible to make her into a lover. So it behooves you to sexualize your relationship with your target woman from the beginning to nip LJBF in the bud. As for how to do that, see the Web site.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I appreciate the honest feedback. I feel like less of a freak now. I have patronized the local strip joints in Florida a few nights a year since moving here in 1989. I had never expected or intended to climax during a lap dance although a few times I got to the edge. I just did not consider that a desirable goal for a public place! I simply wanted to experience the sensual pleasure of a beautiful woman rubbing her soft, naked body all over me. That all changed in August 2004 when a dancer took me over the edge before I could stop her. I had warned her I felt like I would climax and she just ground me harder. The waves of pleasure swept over me as I felt the seminal pressure release into my pants. Embarrassed, I quickly paid her and made my way to the exit. Happily, my jockey shorts captured any evidence before it could soak to the exposure of prying eyes. I drove home with a dry exterior and a big smile. After I reasoned about it, I realized I could make this a worthwhile regular goal if done rightly. I returned to the club a few weeks later wearing double jockey shorts for extra protection. As I talked to the different dancers about this, they corroborated your testimonies that this happens quite often. Most said they want to be warned so they would not get any on them. They also showed a willingness to "finish" me. This revelation has opened a whole new way for me to enjoy the strip club experience. As I browse the FAQs here at this site, I have learned some other ways to gain even more value from my excursions. For starters, I will quit wearing denims and start wearing slacks and shirts of soft cloth to make the dancers feel more comfortable. I feel surprised none of the dancers ever suggested this to me. I deeply appreciate this board where I can discuss my "hobby" with like minded people and learn from the seasoned patrons.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Kiddo wrote: "Wow, the original question here is an eye-opener. Makes me realize how good some of us have it. The event we're talking about, and it being a "possibility", is foreign to pat- rons of Industrial Strip, Ybor, Treasures, and many other joints. It is absolutely expected!" This is news to me. As I originally posted, I never expected such an event to be "expected". Well, I feel so happy to have broadened my horizons in this way.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Cafe Erotica in Jacksonville, Florida has a sign in its dancing booth that says explicitly that customers are not to expect to orgasm during the entertainment. I do not know if they really mean that or if that is just intended to keep the vice squad off their backs. I suspect the latter. As for the legality of the act, I have no idea how vice would enforce an ordinance against a man ejaculating into his pants without engaging in an illegal search of his person. Of course, we are talking about a county in Florida that has an ordinance against men walking in public with their privates in an "obviously turgid" condition. They could not build enough jails to house the young men who have that happen whether they want it or not! The bottom line: As the dancers say, "Keep it to yourself!"
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Train, you are correct. Cafe Erotica is in Saint Augustine. I was on my way to Jacksonville when I stopped there and so I had Jacksonville on my mind when I made that post.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I checked the Glossary and it did not list LE. What does that abbreviate? The Webmaster needs to add it to the Glossary.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Deep French Kissing
    Sweetdreams, thanks for the heads up. It should make anyone think twice about kissing anyone, not just strippers!