
Comments by giveitayank (page 8)

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    16 years ago
    A strip club first
    That's not what it looks like to me. It looks like an alien frightened to death after having a close encounter with a skanky strung out human stripper...
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    16 years ago
    Strippers with an eye patch and one wooden leg... Do they give the best lap
    Once you've been with a woman who has no legs, you'll never return to a women who HAS legs... lol. Seriously, I've often wondered what it would be like...
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    16 years ago
    green no more
    Oh... and let me say one more thing. When you walk in, an experienced dancer can look at your butt and can tell how many bills (money) you have on you just by measering the "thickness" of your wallet, JUST BY USING HER EYES!!!!
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    16 years ago
    green no more
    Dear Dick Johnson... I didn't read every response to your post but I will say this... Now that you realize this you can accept it. Now you can set foot in to a club with your guard up and you'll be in a much better place, emotionally speaking.
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    16 years ago
    Upscale vs. seedy
    Dude... It sounds to me that St. James is more expensive. Is that right???
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    16 years ago
    How can i become a stripper
    If you do searches on this thing called the internet, you can find video's that teach you the moves of striptease dancing because, it's all about the visual... Also, be prepared to "go with the flow". If you start working at a club where touching and extra's is the rule and not the exception, you need to be willing to do the things that the seasoned dancers are already doing. If you're not willing, then you're destined NOT to make any money and you should be stripping at a club where it's ALL ABOUT THE AIR....
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    16 years ago
    What to do about Strip-Club Video tape???
    Even though many clubs are owned by shady individuals and organizations, most of them aren't stupid enough to blackmail you or anyone else. If they did, then word would get out on the street about it and kill thier business, offsetting whatever gains they would make from blackmailing.
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    16 years ago
    Was I being lied to??? you be the judge...
    SMCJP, you mentioned that it's cutthroat. I'm absolutely certain that is. And I knew of some dancers NOT liking each other.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Jaded customers.
    I really only fealt "jaded" by one stripper. Back in 1993 I was 32 years old and there was a stripper that I really liked and I wanted a relationship with her. She was about ten years younger than me. She expressed interest in me too but, she needed me to keep coming to the club so she could get to know me better. That lead to me continually buying dances. It became painfully obvious to me she was just stringing me along. She never had any interest in a relationship with me and I quit buying dances from her. After that lesson, I now view strippers as ONLY a form of entertainment and nothing more. I've bumped in to a few strippers (not the same one that jaded me) and we have exchanged small talk but I never expected more.
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    16 years ago
    Celebrating my Anniversary
    I don't remember the date when it happened to me but, what I do remember is that it was not planned. she just did it and, being the whore that I am, I did not stop her. Congratts to you for remembering.
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    16 years ago
    parodyman--> Can't Hold Down a Real Job
    Hey Doug... What does this topic have to do with strip clubs and strippers anyway?
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Traveling Strippers
    That's a tough one. There'd have to be some strippers on this site, that have done this, that would tell you. I'm sure the clubs in the Phoenix area have been busier this week. But do those 'traveling' strippers make enough to make it worth it to offset the extra expenses??? My guess is they would. But, that's only a guess.
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    17 years ago
    Dancer confiding in you she's about to get evicted, what would you do?
    Casualguy, I look at it this way. I don't panhandle or tell people my sob stories for my own personal gain, even if the sob storey is true. So, the last thing I want to hear from a dancer, a panhandler or anyone else is thier sob storey. This may sound calloused but, maybe the "sob story" tellers should plan ahead better and prevent that situation from happening in the first place. That is, of course, if thier storey is a true one. Either way, I don't care.
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    19 years ago
    Does a good lapdance always have to have high mileage?
    Jpac...All those things you mentioned other than the mileage are fine, IF I'M ON A DATE with a woman who may become my S.O. But, if I'm going to a club for laps, then my number one priority is mileage. Anything else such as, but not limited to, sweet nothings, conversation and karate lessons are just un-necessary experiences.
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    18 years ago
    Question about In Call Exotic Dancers Need Advice!!
    are you looking to get extra's Are you looking to get extra's?? Or is this more like a bachelor party with a bunch of your buddies doing the male bonding thing?? I'd say if you're looking for the extra's then the tipping can go thru the roof, if you let it. But if it's the bachelor party then I'd say 30 to 50 bucks. Either way, good luck with it.
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    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    FONDL... I know of one church that pressured the local city to impose ordinances on the one strip club within the city limits. The new restrictions were a failed attempt to shut down the club.
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    19 years ago
    Rude strippers
    It's happened to me more than once. I don't really care if they're rude or not. What does REALLY annoy me is the persistancy of some dancers. If they ask if I want a dance and I say no and then later ask a second time, that's ok. But when they keep coming back repeatedly after that, that's not ok. It seems like you can practically set your watch by them. I don't like that!!
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    18 years ago
    slowest weekend of the month?
    I don't know that you can really pinpoint it to certain times of the month being slow and other times being busy. There are not very many employers that pay once a month or on the 1st and the 15th anymore. Most seem to pay every other week or once a week. You can say that there are slow and busy times on a yearly basis. It seems to slow down in December when everyone is busy and spending for Christmas. And it seems to pick up in February when guys are starting to get thier tax refunds.
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    19 years ago
    A hot looking dancer, great mileage...But I wouldn't buy a dance from her.
    No she wasn't a newbie. She was a very good dancer and had been at it for years. And it never occured to me to approach the management. I just wanted to try to deal with her directly. But, I didn't know how to talk with her and NOT embarrass her or me. She quit dancing anyway.
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    19 years ago
    A hot looking dancer, great mileage...But I wouldn't buy a dance from her.
    Now there's a bit of advice I never thought of!!
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    19 years ago
    A hot looking dancer, great mileage...But I wouldn't buy a dance from her.
    Jpac...That's exactly what I did. I found other dancers who were not as hot and not as good as stinky butt girl. She couldn't understand why.
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    19 years ago
    Did the Indians have it right?
    No. But, they did have gambling.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Your ultimate fantasy lap dance
    It would be conducted by FOUR hot asian girls each with breast implants. I'd be in a recliner and the dancers would have a stage around the recliner to do couch type dances. The show would last all night while I slept. In the morning, I would get up, piss and then cum back to the chair. And then the happy ending would be soon to cum.
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    19 years ago
    annoying waitresses
    Ask the waitress if she would like to buy herself a drink.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    An Open Letter to This Board's Moderator, [email protected]
    Dear Chandler....You've been at this longer than I have. Do you think the tuscl website will respond to you?? Or will you only hear from people like me and other tuscl members??