
Your ultimate fantasy lap dance

Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2:44 AM
If the constraints of reality were lifted and you could get the perfect lap dance(perfect for you) from anyone, living or passed on, who would it be and how would it go.


  • messaround
    18 years ago
    Bumping - Maybe with Tropical H20 - probably knows how to make a guy feel good
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Bumping this post to help others avoid davids BULLSHIT!
  • messaround
    18 years ago
    bumping at lunch
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    giveitayank: Isn't that what they tell suicide bombers will be their reward in the afterlife?
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    It would be conducted by FOUR hot asian girls each with breast implants. I'd be in a recliner and the dancers would have a stage around the recliner to do couch type dances. The show would last all night while I slept. In the morning, I would get up, piss and then cum back to the chair. And then the happy ending would be soon to cum.
  • messaround
    18 years ago
    For some reason I think Terri Hatcher would be fun - I think she would get an A for attitude.
  • Doverman
    18 years ago
    On topic -- moving to top.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Yes she is. She's on their website.
  • Doverman
    18 years ago
    Yoda... was that the new lady at TBD?
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I spent a fun-filled hour with an Asian escort last month who is also a flight attendant for United Airlines. She has ten years on the job and, since Asian women tend to stay young looking longer she will probably look as amazing in her 40's as she does in her early 30's. It's a carreer job and these women-and men-have no reason to leave....so they don't. Truthfully, boinking a flight attendant was never a fantasy for me but this woman is in my top five. I'm thinking of asking her to wear her uniform on our next appointment. Talk about flying "United" Whooooooooooooeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! I have met a few passengers over the years I wouldn't mind taking back to my hotel room....
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    messaround--you are articulating exactly what I had in mind. shadow--the next time you fly, take a close look at the fat, bitchy, middle-aged-to=old flight attendants. I'll think you'll recognize them--they are the same flight attendants over whom we ogled 20-30 years ago...they are still there!!! No one had the heart to tell them that they were supposed to retire at between 35 and 40 to make room for good looking girls. So we are stuck with the aesthetic equivalent of "Golden Girls" reruns every time we fly. This is why my "driving zone" for business trips has expanded so much over the last five years (the drag and time of post 9/11 security measures may also have contributed....)
  • Doverman
    18 years ago
    shadowcat: I agree... hot flight attendants are now the exception instead of the rule. In fact, I used to always ask for an aisle seat so I could watch them walk back and forth in their skirts and stockings. Now I prefer window seats so I can sleep and not be disturbed. My dream does still live on though and I keep my eyes open just in case.
  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    thanks guys.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    A double involving dancers who looked like Salma Hayek and Jennifer Love Hewitt.
  • Doverman
    18 years ago
    A lonely flight attendant in a nearly empty night flight. We'd be in the last row of seats for the lap dance... then we'd go to her hotel together after landing.
  • nj_pete
    18 years ago
    Actually it would be this one girl in my office, a "butter face" but an ass to die for. Watching her walk around on causal Friday in tight jeans, anyway. Would like to run into her in a dark (remember the Butter face) strip club would be interesting indeed.
    18 years ago
    My ATF. Nude. No rules.
  • messaround
    18 years ago
    Jenniffer Love Hewitt in a short school girl outfit - nothing underneath - in a dark corner no one can see - with hard nipples - you get the picture
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    I like the idea of Salma Hayek. Lately I've developed a Scarlett Johansen fettish, but if pressed today I'd have to say Halle Berry in a Canadian style (full contact fully nude extras possible) LD.
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