
Comments by jctone (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I Changed My Mind... (Last Post for a Bit)
    parodyman--> is right also. Be careful on the dancers that you select and you will have a better experience when you do go out.
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    19 years ago
    HEY GUYS..What do you consider HIGH CONTACT???? & Where do you go for it??
    From the FAQ are the following: Air Dance A lame lap dance. No contact whatsoever. None. And there are no refunds. If you get these frequently, maybe you need to shower more than once a week. Full Contact A lap dance where a statistically significant amount of touching and/or grinding takes place. Comes in two basic varieties: "ONE WAY": at a minimum the dancer grinds your crotch with her ass with the intent of getting you off in your pants. Enhanced variations can include her rubbing her tits in your face, stroking your package, nibbling you. pinching you, etc. Often you will be allowed some limited touching of the girl (thighs, ass) but "limited" is the operative word in a ONE WAY. "TWO WAY": where in addition to the above you are free to feel the dancers tits, ass, sometimes crotch, etc. Enhanced variations can include kissing, licking and sucking her nipples, slipping a finger or two in her kitty, oral sex. Can get very intimate. Again, enjoyment depends on the individual interest/contact.
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    19 years ago
    I Changed My Mind... (Last Post for a Bit)
    I think davids is back from his sabbatical. It seems so short lived.
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    19 years ago
    Strippers Are Good
    Everyone has something they would consider recreation. It could be many things, going to see sporting events, concerts, play sports, travel, rock climbing, etc. If an individual enjoys it, that is all that matters. If you don't enjoy doing something, stop doing it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    private dancers
    Getting a dancer is not the hard part. It is picking one that won't drive you crazy with drama.
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    19 years ago
    private dancers
    UFCfan just be careful. Girls that dance tend to have more problems that normal. In general, they will have a lot of drama on a regular basis. Yes, they are sexy. If you are good with girls in general, you will do fine with dancers. Main thing is just listen to them and you will find out the type of person that they are. They like to talk a lot. If you are a good listener, you are halfway there to dating a dancer. But remember, be careful.
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    19 years ago
    private dancers
    Most clubs here in Arizona would frown on anything outside of the club. Sole reason is prostitution. They are not too happy with any customers leaving with a dancer because of what could happen after they leave. Nothing might happen, but LE could be watching and it could result in the club losing its license.
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    19 years ago
    Strippers Are Good
    I thought davids was upset and was planning some quiet time away from the board. But, I think it only lasted a few hours.
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    19 years ago
    Why do strippers often REFUSE to see a customer OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE?
    There are many reasons. I thought this topic was recently covered in another post. SAFETY. Dancers have bouncers at the club. OTC, there are no bouncers. For some reason, people behave mostl of the time at the club because there are some big guys that tell you to. RELATIONSHIP. Most dancers have some sort of relationship going on. Baby's father, the other baby's father, boyfriend, the other boyfriend, ex-spouse, ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, etc. They have multitude of issues that make their life hectic and filled with drama. That leads to the next item. TIME. They usually do not have time to see a customer outside the club. There time is used for school is they are taking classes, caring or arranging for care for the kid(s), sneaking to see the other boyfriend, solving other dancers' problems and using recreational products. INTEREST. When you are trying to see a dancer OTC, do they actual have an interest in someone like you? If you see her talking to a certain time of guys, are you that type? There are many guys who will pursue a dancer who has no interest in them (physical appearance, clothing style, musical interest, etc.).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Customers in DENIAL about WHY their favorite stripper will not see them OUTSIDE
    Not about money. It is one of the following: safety; relationship; time; and interest.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any customer here "realize he can't have" a stripper
    Most of those guys will continue to believe in the fantasy. It is their fantasy world. In real life, they would never have the confidence to talk with a girl in that caliber. In the SC world, since the dancers have to make a living, they have to talk or sell the customer on dances. No one will spend money on someone who will say "I am not interested in you." I have seen many guys, know that the dancer has a relationship and continue to spend money on them with the illusion that one day she will break up and call him up. It will not happen often, but there is hope that it will and the guy will continue to spend money on the dancer. I look at it this way, if you can ask the same caliber of girls out at a regular bar, then you have a chance with the dancers.
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    19 years ago
    Customers who WAIT for a stripper to ASK THEM OUT while spending MONEY
    Dancers like confident men. Spending money and waiting will not work. How often in real life does a woman ask a man out? It is getting higher, but still it is the man who ask the woman out. Unless you are some sort of professional sports figure, super rich or super hot, don't expect that a dancer will ask you out.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    Davids doesn't keep his word. He promised to leave the board for a few months. I celebrated and went to the SC. His word only lasted only a few hours because he could not stay away from other board members.
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    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    Davids is so funny!
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    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    Davids, tell us about your experiences instead of criticizing others' entertainment. We are here to talk about our experience and learn from others. You are here to criticize and not offer anything.
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    19 years ago
    Taking a date to a SC. Good idea or not?
    SuperDude is right on the money on the fact that you have opened the door to some problems. Another issue is your girl might like other girls. Bringing her to the SC might rekindle a fire from her high school/college days with other girls. That usually does not help to build your relationship with her. Thread carefully with this one. The most likely consequences are negative. She might become jealous of the girls, like the girls and forget about you, or be suspicious of you.
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    19 years ago
    Strippers who LIE about being WORRIED about their SAFETY OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    LapFanM20. Nice perspective!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Ever hear a nice looking stripper say I could have made more at Burger King?
    FONDL, it is happening everywhere. Unless the club is part of a bigger company, they tend to hire their buddies to run the clubs. Some of the management that I have met has never had any formal business training. So any business concept is foreign to most of the managers. I see them put up signs of a big event in the club. Okay, how do you get new customers when you announce a big event in your own club? You don't. The sad thing is that they could have placed some of the signs on the outside of the building and that could have gotten some new customers. The dancers pay house, so managers do not care growing their clientele, just more dancers. This is bad for the dancers and eventually bad for the club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    Davids, you got burned for a few bucks and know want everyone to know. Why not look at it that it helped you to learn about people, not all dancer. A lot of people tell you stories and you buy it. Did your local politicians tell you the truth and used your tax dollars wisely? Do not look at your experience and project that all actions by dancers are bad. Some of them do it to survive, they learned it from their friends and think it is okay. If you are so repused by the action of dancers, why do you go to SC? Why don't you wear a sign and protest outside the club and warn others? If you see someone hurt on the street, do you just leave them lying there? If you know everyone at SC are scamming, why support them or not let everyone know about the problems.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Davids you're not alone with your observations - check out these messages.
    Davids, you are like a stripper yourself. "Learn how to turn stripper's weaknesses and behaviour against them..."
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strip Club Websites
    I like the one from Penthouse Club in NYC. It has a view of the club and its events calendar. Another one is Christies Cabaret in Tempe, Arizona. http://www.penthouseexecutiveclub.com http://www.christiescabaret.com Vegas area clubs have the highest percentage with a website. I guess they expect a lot of research from Vegas visitors. Good planning on their part.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Often, it's not her SAFETY, it's her BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!
    It might be a good thing that she is LYING to you. What if she did meet up with you and her CRIMINAL boyfriend shows up and kicks your butt. Maybe she is lying for your safety and not hers. Hmmm... maybe they are not all heartless and money-hungry. First of all, it is a fantasy. Is it your fantasy to meet a hot dancer with a boyfriend or one without? You should be able to tell if someone is lying to you. "Hey, you want to get a drink later?" After they say "no" for about ten times, it might meet something.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Does anyone go to strip clubs to look for a girlfriend?
    "Anyone try to BUY AFFECTION from a stripper but REFUSE to admit it?" Ok, RL. If they refuse to admit it, why would they admit it here? Whoever is doing it is not admiting it to themselves, so they probably are not going to admit it here either.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If a customer PAYS a stripper for CONVERSATION, does that mean that he is DESPER
    Instead of just posting questions, RL what is your take on this?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you spend MONEY on a stripper who REFUSES to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB?
    Yes, there are probably one customer out there that spends MONEY on a stripper whom he WANTS to spend time with OUTSIDE THE CLUB while the stripper REFUSES to tell her REAL NAME and PHONE NUMBER and REFUSES to see the customer OUTSIDE THE CLUB.