HEY GUYS..What do you consider HIGH CONTACT???? & Where do you go for it??

avatar for heatherlake
I've read "high contact", "low contact", "low mileage ", and "NO contact"..So where do you go? Who do you like,? What do you ask for? Who do you like to see? And I'm sure YMMV....


last comment
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
Glad you had fun and that I might have helped. It's fun to see other people having fun when I go to a strip club. It enhances the party atmosphere for everyone else I believe.
avatar for heatherlake
20 years ago
You know, I think your right,...He STILL hasn't stopped smiling..............
avatar for AbbieNormal
20 years ago
Just knowing we helped you is our reward, although it sounds like your husband owes us all big time.
avatar for heatherlake
20 years ago
and...yes..the ride home was just as eventfull........!!!!
avatar for heatherlake
20 years ago
HEY everone...I'm adding this here as TUSCL wouldn't permit me to write another review until 4 weeks time has lapsed..Any way.. I HAD MY FIRST LAP DANCE...It was GRRREAT!!! Went to the Silver Slipper in ottawa, IL .. My husband and I arrived around midnight Saturday night. It was busy.. Nothing like my first visit.great energy. Sat near where I sat my first time, when the oddest thing happened. My husband had gone back , by himself, armed wih information from all of you to ..well, lets just say, "enhance the experience!" And as I sat there, all 3 girls, (The only 3) that he had lap dances with, were on the stage, Lexi, on the satellite-rear stage, Gabrielle and another with dark hair,..And I'm blonde..It was strange to see the ladies who had rubbed their pussy on my husband's shirt and licked his neck and rubbed his pants &..well you know..(he had some great dances), (thanks again, Parodyman) , but they were all dancing at once..I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. I ordered 2 lemon shots to take the edge off and sent him to the stage. I stood behind him until the guy sitting next to him gave me his seat and, WOW, what a great time..The girls(most of them) really pay attention to you(a girl), ( some, it's just not there thing, and that's not a problem,as only 2 dancers avoided me.) and the crowd loved it..I got licked ..tits in my face..I got kissed and sucked and lost my shirt at the stage..(My husband loved it)...There were other girls around but I was the only one that had her top pulled off... Not certain why..Any how , the lap dance was with Gabrielle who had given my husband 2 great dances Friday. She also had the skinny on why we were avoided that 1st time. Gabrielle mentioned that since the club has a reputation 4 being "couples friendly", alot of guys drag their girls in for a good time and the girls either don't want to be there or throw a vicious hissy fit during the stage performance or fight during the lap dances..YOU couples need to go to the stage..let them know there that you would like a dance, or if it's not busy and you can approach them on the floor, do so as they will NOT approach you. Gabrielle was beautiful..We had 3 couples dances(double the price), well worth it, I got touched just about everywhere...Afterwords, she did mention she went "easy" on me as she thought I was nervous... DAMN..That will never happen again..I'm looking forward to writing my review..I think this might be a regular place for me and my husband..It was the BEST last minute type of thing we've done in a while!! Thanks again ALL for all of your infinate wisdom...
avatar for Shekitout
20 years ago
I was in a club last nite and tipped a dancer and she fondled willy thru my pants while rubbing her tits in my face. This lead me to get dances for sure and there was indeed high contact for an extra price but she was up front about it. Up the shorts contact with willy for both songs. She steered me toward the champagne room with the promise of no limits for $330 for 30 minutes-there had better be no limits for that price! She implied FS was to be had but you can't trust those dancers!
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Casualguy, I didn't mean to imply that dancers are frequently aloof to me, in fact that's fairly rare, which is what made my IS esperience stand out. But if you read the reviews regularly, you'll find that dancers ignoring a new customerd is a frequent complaint. I don't sit and wait to be approached like a lot of guys appartently do, when I see a girl I like I approach her. But I have noticed that when a club is fairly busy, many of the most attractive dancers will spend the entire evening with their regulars. That happens everywhere. BTW, IS is the only club where the manager has contacted me after my review appeared. I think that shows that management cares about their customers. I'd go back if I was in the area, based on that alone.
avatar for 1
20 years ago
Chitown and Shadow are regulars at my 2 favorite clubs. Unfortunately, I live over 8 hours away and so I haven't become a repeat customer. I have met a few dancers at some more expensive clubs, and am trying to cultivate a relationship outside the club to give me access to tits for a reasonable price. These clubs gouge the dancers for each lap dance they perform. For the record, I am not interested in escorts.
avatar for chitownlawyer
20 years ago
WIth regard to the original question posed: What is high contact, and where do you get it....I have what is probably a discouraging answer (at least to the second question). As to the first, I consider high contact to be unlimited touching any where but the kitty, sucking boobs, and the dancer feeling up the little guy through the pants, and kissing him through the pants.

With respect to where/how to get it...my experience is that it is based on being a regular..someone that the dancers at least recognize, and preferably know, and know not to be LE. Therefore, like so many other things in life, the road to high contact is paved with hard (and I do mean HARD) work..you have to get to know the dancers over time. I have found that sontact with dancers is, in some ways, like relationships with women outside the club....as far as close contact goes, you tend to build up over time. I have found that once I start to get high contact dances with one girl, they tend to stay high contact over multiple visits.

I know that some people have had the experience of some clubs just being overall high contact. However, my experience has been that, if high contact is your goal, you should go to a club where it is at least a possibility, get to be known over time to a couple of the dancers that you find attractive and seem to "click" with, and the contact will come over time. I never go into a new club expecting high contact immediately, since that generally hasnt' happened to me. (There was that one club in Houston...but LE shut it down. I guess there's a lesson in that.)
avatar for parodyman-->
20 years ago
It seems like that (refering to the last couple of posts) is a function of the time of day, the day and the individual dancers as well as the general atmosphere of the club. I've be to clubs that were new to me and been swamped with offers for a dance and then other times it seems like you have to be a regular.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
In case someone doesn't know what I'm referring to, the post above was my response to what FONDL stated that dancers are often aloof to a new face. That hasn't been my experience.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
Maybe it is an age thing but I find the opposite. I find very often when I go to a new club the dancers often come at me fast and furious. The same thing happens in a club where a lot of new dancers are working at times. What can get even more annoying is when you move around and sit in a different place, some of the same dancers try again and again as if they don't realize they just asked you 15 minutes ago. I do like getting attention at the stage though.
avatar for kiddo
20 years ago
Heatherlake--If you're considering IS, let me suggest something. Examine Parodyman and Fondl in their past posts, and try to determine if they are right on, or are crackpot critics trying to grind some axe. If they are on, then you should believe them, and not the ratings of TUSCL. I think currently IS is at #32, and having been to 14 of the top 40, I'd have to agree that it deserves to be
there, or higher. Club O is not even in the top 100, and that's no oversight. Go to IS and enjoy. TUSCL is right,
malcontent crackpots are wrong
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
I visited IS a couple years ago and was fairly disappointed but I don't exactly remember why. As I recall the place was a dump and the dancers were somewhat aloof towards a new face, although that happens a lot of places. And I did end up with a really young and attractive girl who gave a magnificent high-contact LD.

You can get very high 2-way contact almost anywhere with the right girl and the right circumstances, but in my experience a relatively few offer it fairly rountinely. The three that come to mind in the Northeast are: Playhouse Lounge in NJ, Partners Tavern in Erie PA, and Show-n-Tell Showbar in Philadelphia. Three very different places that rountinely offer very high contact.
avatar for UFCfan
20 years ago
I live in the Detroit area and finding the two-way full-contact dances seem to be standard around here. I have never been propositioned for "extras" or anything, but the lap dances are excellent.
avatar for parodyman-->
20 years ago
Industrial Strip is in my opinion a HOLE. The women there are 4s at best. Sure the dances are 2 way contact but you will have to go upstairs with the dancer alone. This means your husband will not be able to watch. Another problem I have with this place is that the clientel is on the seedy side. Try Club O in Harvey, IL. I think that would suit your purposes better.
avatar for heatherlake
20 years ago
From the reviews, Industrial Strip in Hammond, Indiana..just a short rde across the border from Chicago, seems like a good bet..Has any had the pleasure???
avatar for AbbieNormal
20 years ago
OOOOOHHH CAAANADAAAA! Fully nude, full bar, fully nude two way full contact lapdances (at least in Ontario). Good thing I don't live anywhere near there.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Another factor in some areas is the absense of liquor. The highest contact clubs that I know of in PA and MD (except for the Block, which is an exception to everything) are all BYOB. State liquor control boards seem to be much more vigilant in protecting us from ourselves than do a lot of local law enforcement agencies.
avatar for AbbieNormal
20 years ago
I agree that the dancer is key, but in the places I mentioned above it was with more than one dancer on more than one occasion. In the Texas and San Francisco clubs it was in different clubs and different visits many months apart, so it seemed to me to be a fairly standard practice. Best bet is read the reviews and act while the place is hot. I personally will be in the greater Niagra region some time soon, and can forsee a visit or two to "The Sundowner".
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
FONDL's last statement is key here. Contact levels are driven more by where you live than any other factor. It's not simply a question of going around looking for high contact. If you live in Massachusetts like I do, high contact doesn't exist-you have to drive to Rhode Island to get it. No state encourages high contact but some areas are simply more liberal in what they allow than others.
avatar for AbbieNormal
20 years ago
If you're asking for personal experience and preference I like an either topless or nude high contact two way lapdance. I'm usually happy limiting touching to no kitty or hands inside my pants, that's just personal comfort level, but every so often it's kind of fun to see how things go beyond that. I personally have never gone further than petting the kitty (no penetration) or her having a hand down the pants (no HJ). I've also never achieved "release" with a lapdance, again, just my comfort level. The places where I've had the best experiences with this type of dance were in Ottowa, San Antonio, Houston, and San Francisco.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
It's very difficult to generalize about where you get the most contact because it can vary so much from one dancer to the next within the same club. Also a girl may be high or drunk one night and do things that she normally doesn't do. Also a place may have lots of contact for awhile, then LE puts pressure on and contact declines for awhile, etc. In general, I've found that the most contact takes place in places that give you the most privacy, but there are lots of exceptions. I've run into very high contact in the most unlikely places. There are some places where you almost always can find high contact, but those tend to be limited to a very few specific towns. For everywhere else it's hit or miss. Ask about a specific town or state and maybe someone here can help.
avatar for UFCfan
20 years ago
That was a very good and accurate description from jctone. I have experienced a lot of the "two way - full contact" dances at every club I have been in, atleast "one way - full contact" every time. That is why I always look forward to going nto a strip club and always stay too long and spend too much money :) I have not been fortunate enough yet to have dancers allow me to finger them...that would be very nice!! I tried once and was politely and playfully corrected by the dancer. I have never tried since because I am not looking to piss off a dancer. Is it common for many of the dancers to allow this, and if so, what is the best and most tactful way you guys have gone about finding that out? Do you just flat out ask them?
avatar for jctone
20 years ago
From the FAQ are the following:

Air Dance
A lame lap dance. No contact whatsoever. None. And there are no refunds. If you get these frequently, maybe you need to shower more than once a week.

Full Contact
A lap dance where a statistically significant amount of touching and/or grinding takes place. Comes in two basic varieties:

"ONE WAY": at a minimum the dancer grinds your crotch with her ass with the intent of getting you off in your pants. Enhanced variations can include her rubbing her tits in your face, stroking your package, nibbling you. pinching you, etc. Often you will be allowed some limited touching of the girl (thighs, ass) but "limited" is the operative word in a ONE WAY.

"TWO WAY": where in addition to the above you are free to feel the dancers tits, ass, sometimes crotch, etc. Enhanced variations can include kissing, licking and sucking her nipples, slipping a finger or two in her kitty, oral sex. Can get very intimate.

Again, enjoyment depends on the individual interest/contact.
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