Comments by Polarman
discussion comment
13 years ago
That is an oxymoron. If a stripper wants/needs money she may swear to pay it back in money or deeds, but do not count on either happening. Think of that money as you would if you were driving down the road and threw it out the window, or as gambling money. That way the only way one is surprised is if the stripper pays off!
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13 years ago
No thanks no for me, that is an exit only tube, the other is the on ramp.
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14 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Some things aren't funny, you are an idiot!
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16 years ago
Yes, Greensboro, North Carolina, there is a rather large airport there located off I-40 between Greensboro and Winston-Salem, but closer to Greensboro.
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16 years ago
Again , unless you are Forrest Gump you say "of course, how could I forget someone as special as you". Bullshit meet bullshit.
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16 years ago
It all depends on the club. My experience over thirty years is that a girl with any experience will do whatever the club will allow if they think they either have an opportunity to maximize their income or to have the possibility of developing a customer that will will return. so keep that in mind when expanding your bullshit upon them and you will maximize your time in a club.
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16 years ago
I am in South Carolina and I do not believe the economy is bad. Though what is happening here is probably similar to the rest of the country, the cost of gasoline is causing people to reflect on how they spend their money. Disposable income for entertainment would be the first thing people cut back on and that certainly affects money spent in men's clubs. Further us married guys don't typically tell our wives about the hundreds of dollars spent in this fashion, so in times like this we spend less or not at all.
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16 years ago
Pamela Anderson, she looks good and would know what she would know how to do one.
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16 years ago
That would probably be one way to either seal the deal on an expensive divorce or guarantee that your wife will cease any sexual relationship with you. Just remember, it is not lying if you do not tell her every detail of everything you do.
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17 years ago
Such an educated response from someone who claims to be educated, better start that yellow page search for a psychiatrist, o minister of free speech. If you want everybody to "know who you are" post your name and address, oops, that requires honesty and I do recall you claim to be a lawyer, so my bad.
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17 years ago
I never said a thing about free speech. Maybe you need to take a reading comprehension course so you can clearly understand what is written. What the comment said was that your post is stupid and out of place on this website. The part you should take to heart is the one about seeing a psychiatrist. No one cares who you are are what you do for a living. I was exercising my right of free speech to comment on how needy and insecure you are. Judging from your reaction, it looks as though the truth hurts.
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17 years ago
This is about the most inane posting I have ever read and I can't believe I am adding to it. Who gives a damn who you are? This is a website that is supposed to be dedicated to strippers and strip clubs, not some way for you to justify your pitiful existence or life. If you need some type of public adoration, attention, and therapy, go see your local psychiatrist or try to get on Oprah. Or if you want the admiration of somebody, get a few thousand dollars and go to a strip club and spend it on dancers. They will worship you and act like they both believe and like you, at least until you run out of money.
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17 years ago
Most strippers have some issues. I do not believe they are doing what they do to find true love unless it is as "goldigger" relationship. You know what I mean, like the old phrase "why is the great looking girl with that guy, well he must either have a BIG bulge in the front or back of his pants." The girl is looking for money only, that what stripping is all about. For us guys, we know we can get them with money, but do they really like you for you. That is the question a lot of guys are looking to answer. It is easy to find out, just go into a strip club with no money and see how popular you are.
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17 years ago
The reason I made the post was to get input from others who had probably been in similar circumstances. I actually had a similar thing happen a couple of years ago with a girl who was a true ATF,I dated her for about a 1 1/2 years when she was not dancing. I always wondered if i should believe her under similar circumstances. I wanted to, but it just did not seem like it was the truth. I believe strippers say and do anything they can to help to justify to themselves what they do to make money.
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17 years ago
Instead of going to a club, sometimes go out with friends to a regular bar and meet women. This would probably cost less and result in meeting a girl that may go home with you and have real sex. It does not have to be a permanent relationship, but who knows ? Get out of the fantasy that are strip clubs and occasionally get into real women that want to have fun and are not involved in the occupation of seeing how much money they can squeeze out of you.
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17 years ago
There are actually three things that are real turn off and in no particular order they are smelly pussies, BO, and too much perfume. Agreed that guys should have some respect for the dancers by having good hygiene, but some guys don't care because they are paying for a service. I have been fortunate in that over the years I have visited clubs bad smelly pussy and BO experiences have been very limited. I find the girls that wear too much perfume to be more offensive.
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17 years ago
Atlanta suburb
The government gets enough money. There should be no new taxes and the current taxes need to be cut across the board by at least 20%. Let the government learn to actually budget rather than spending so recklessly that they make the phrase "spending like drunken sailors" an insult to drunken sailors.
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13 years ago
washington dc
I am giving my opinion from over thiry years of going to hundreds of clubs in over 30 states, its you option to agree or not with me, but it does no good to complain about this. If you want to solve the problem quickly, go manage or start your own club. And yes I am sick of hearing so many people saying they were disrespected. Get over it, many of the people that claim that are losers who have done nothing to earn respect. My son works in the restaurant business and he says servers do not like certain groups of people because of how cheap they are with tips. That comes from employees who make $2.35/hr and survive on tips. Maybe you are being treated the way you are base on behavior of peers in the past. That is human nature than time and expeience can change. I just read the other day that the average IQ in this country is now 98, one of the lowest of any country in the world. The message is that there are millions of people barely above the retarded line in intelligence in this country and change is slow.
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13 years ago
washington dc
My point was, if you don't like the club don't go, find one you do like and go to it. The peolple that run the clubs only care about your money. Hell, most of them treat their most valuable assests, the dancers, like dirt.
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13 years ago
washington dc
If you don't like the club do what a rational person should, walk with your dollars to a club that treats you the way you expect to be treated. Bullshit on all this "respect" crap, I am tired of hearing about it. People earn respect and no one is entitled to it except one's parents and to some degree the police, and any military person who serves our country. Quit bitching and moaning and be a man.
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14 years ago
As an additional point, even if you loan money to a stripper, it will never solve their problem. They are a black hole when it comes to money. They spend it faster than they get it and because they are irresponsible, they spend it on BS. The ones that are responsible never need to borrow they earn it through dick grinding.
article comment
14 years ago
From my experience with strippers, one of which I dated for 2 years and still know, it always comes back to the money. It seems that every relationship they have is somehow centered on the need for either drugs, money, or travel. Even though relationships with non strippers may also be based on the same things, it always comes back to one being just another source of income for the stripper. I also believe that all women are a litle crazy, strippers just tend to be crazier and more self centered.