How To Bag a Stripper

avatar for Clackport
First of all it should be known that all strippers are only about the money, most strippers have fucked up lives outside the club, and only 5 to 10% of people have enough game to bag a stripper. I&#39;m not talking about OTC. I&#39;m talking about free sex, being in a relationship with a stripper. Of course there are a few different options you could take to try to get the job done.<br />
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1. During her stageshow tip her well and make lots of eye contact with her. Let her see that you are enjoying what she is doing. After she gets off stage, if she asks you if you want a dance, tell her, &quot;I&#39;m not really a lapdance kind of person&quot;. Because you tipped her so generously, she will sit and down and talk to you later on. She will tell you a little bit about herself, you will tell her a little bit about yourself blah blah blah. Make sure to buy her a couple of drinks. Of course she is losing out on money she could be making by giving lapdances to customers during the time she is talking to you, but if you&#39;re having a great conversation, money won&#39;t be so important to her at that moment. Later on ask if she wants to have some drinks at your place when her shift is over. Hopefully from here you know to seal the deal.<br />
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2. Do the same thing with the stageshow. This time if she asks you if you want a lapdance, tell her &quot;sure&quot; or &quot;maybe later&quot;. If you say maybe later, she&#39;ll come over and have a conversation later on. She&#39;ll eventually ask you for a lapdance. If you want to get one, then get one. During the lapdance, let her do all the work. Don&#39;t feel up all over her. The majority of strippers don&#39;t want customers feeling up on their ass and tits. If she puts your hands on her body, then it&#39;s a different story. Let the sexual chemistry of the lapdances take over. You&#39;ll have a good idea if she&#39;s feeling you. Let her see that you are enjoying what she is doing. After the nice lapdance session, give her a nice tip. You should then suggest, &quot;let&#39;s pick up where we left off at my crib&quot;, or &quot;let&#39;s have some drinks at my place after your shift&quot;. This is where you seal the deal.<br />
<br />
3. Don&#39;t tip her and don&#39;t get a lapdance from her. Buy her drinks at the bar. Strippers respect guys who don&#39;t treat them like sexual objects. Have some normal conversation with them. This way is probably the best chance of you getting in her pants.<br />
<br />
Some things to realize are:<br />
You have to have some game,<br />
It doesn&#39;t hurt being good looking,<br />
You might get rejected the first time. Not all strippers give it up on the first night. Make sure you get her number. If you made a good connection with her, she will be texting you in the future.<br />
<br />
Good Luck<br />


last comment
avatar for gillydon
14 years ago
If you're in the top 5 to 10% of people in terms of "game" why would you want to bag a stripper instead of a hot non-stripper?
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I asked myself the same question one night. I was thinking sometimes you get crazy or drunk or both. The next thing you know, you have a stripper you just met the other night calling you up at 1 AM on a weeknight asking if you can come over when you need to sleep and get up for work in the morning.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
"First of all it should be known that all strippers are only about the money, most strippers have fucked up lives outside the club, and only 5 to 10% of people have enough game to bag a stripper."

I would not say that. Getting with a stripper is a different game than getting with a random girl at any given night club, etc. There could be cases for the former is easier than the latter, or perhaps results in getting with a hotter chick. (speaking from experience)
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
"If you're in the top 5 to 10% of people in terms of "game" why would you want to bag a stripper instead of a hot non-stripper?"

Well as I said above I don't know if the top 5-10% argument is really true. But a stripper is going to be (much) hotter on average. Some clubs around here I'd love to get with ANY of the girls that are there.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
Id say most stripper do not have fucked up lives outside the club. I'd probably give it 50%. But I'd give that statistic to non stripper women also. It's probably just not so apparent because non strippers don't all congregate in one place bitching about their issues.
I'm not sure it takes "game" to bag a stripper for free.Maybe just a nice guy who's honest and easy to look at..
" I'm not looking for a relationship and I don't want to pay you but I'd like to take you out, have a good time, and maybe bend ya over" would work just fine.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
@Stiletto25 - Good to see your input. That's about spot on with my experience on the customer side of things. The 'game' you play in trying to get a date with a dancer isn't the same game you'd play in your average night club. And it is also true that not all strippers have 'fucked up lives.' Most of the ones I know are just trying to make a living or support themselves through college, etc. Sure some may be into drugs and all that, but I know a few that barely even touch alcohol (they often order non-alcoholic drinks often in the club), drugs being out of the question completely.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
@gsv- lol. I would agree with the 'game' comment. Before I started dancing, if a guy at a club, who had no intention of a relationship, was honest and told me he wanted to take me out and have sex with no commitment, id be like " I'm a woman and you need to have some respect you asshole". And then I would have been angry for the rest of the night.
As a dancer Ive come to understand people a little more, not take things so personal, and realize there's all different kinds of men out there.
You wanna bag a dancer for free, just ask. Worst she could say is "no".

Yes some are into drugs but some aren't. I don't drink or do drugs. It messes up your work and customers can tell you're on something.
There is absolutely nothing special about dating a stripper. They're really not any better looking than non-strippers, really aren't much fun at all outside the bedroom and havea ton of problems. Secure men simply don't date them.
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
Unfortunately, so strippers need to be double bagged.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
@skibum609 - depends on the specifics I guess. Around here, there isn't a girl below an 8 on the night shift at the club I go to. Maybe a rare 7 here and there. Go to a night club?Just not the same at all.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"During the lapdance, let her do all the work. Don't feel up all over her."

That's crazy talk!
1. In your dreams.
2. Like hell.
3. Do you do stand up? If so, don't quit your day job.
avatar for Red34
14 years ago
I personally would prefer just to pay for a ITC or OTC so it's just like a business transaction. Both of you have a good time and no strings attached and no one gets hurt.
avatar for bubbaloo
14 years ago
As any group of people, it is dangerous to genaralize strippers. There are some that are normal and some that aren't so normal. I've met all types- some that are the nicest, best people i've ever known. I also know some real losers. I expect it's the same for all of you.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
The buying drinks thing will work at full liquor clubs but not at those nude juice bar clubs like Mons Venus.
@gillydon-to your question gsv has it right
@stiletto25- glad to see your input from a dancer's point of view. Fucked up lives was the wrong choice of words. I meant most strippers aren't stripping because everything is good in their lives and they just wanna strip. They might be single moms, on drugs, very poor, paying for school...etc.
I hope you'll forgive me for being a bit critical, but your advice is crap. Typical manipulative shit. Most girls will see right through it.

I have alternative advice for all you free-sex-with-a-stripper wannabees. After you get a few lap dances from her, and only if the conversation is natural and lighthearted, invite her out to dinner for the next evening. If she accepts on the spot, then follow up. Go to dinner. Treat her with respect. Maybe it will develop. Otherwise, forget it and go back to the original reason you're in a strip club; because you've been reduced to paying girls for whatever they offer.
All right, Dave. Seems to me that any body that writes an article should have some expertise but then I am not the editor.
@harrydave, I'm just speaking from personal experience, my advice won't work for everybody.
The best way to bag a stripper is to get to know her.Tip her well does help. Always be respect full,kind & most important remember she is a person to.
avatar for wheretogo
14 years ago
Some of you people need to take grammar lessons. It is amazing how people (who claim to be smarter than ladies that openly clean your wallets) that communicate so poorly hold any chance of getting laid.
Thank you for this delightful and deeply insightful advice. I'm sure all of us without "game" have benefited from your bountiful knowledge of this subject....

Give me a break.....
Strippers don't date customers. Customers rent strippers.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
@SuperDude True, that's pretty much the rule to go by. However if you can position yourself as not 'really' being a customer of theirs in the club (i.e. don't be the guy that always spends $$$ on LDs - put the money toward stuff like buying her a drink instead), then I know from experience that you do have a shot at seeing them outside for a date. Once you're in the customer zone though, even if you do manage to see them outside, you're looking at a pay for play setup.
skibum609: "There is absolutely nothing special about dating a stripper. They're really not any better looking than non-strippers"

Skibum, either you need to come to my regular club and look at the dancers or I need to go to your local mall and look at all the hot non-strippers.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
jackslash - LOL, I felt the same way when I read that comment.
avatar for baltimoretraveler
14 years ago
Ranukum- I agree somewhat with your point #3 and with strippers, it's all about the money. That shouldn't be a surprise though because it's their primary objective to separate you from your money as fast as possible.

In Bmore however, constantly buying strippers drinks at the bar will run you $20-$25 per drink which may last 3 songs or so. So that can get expensive quick and guys that buy lots of them are seen as whales in the club to the dancers (gambling reference).

I've dated 2 strippers and while they would complain and whine about all the things they hated at the club, they would eventually mention how they missed the money. Of course when I met them, they were hooked on drugs so holding a regular type of job would have been difficult.
avatar for localbob
14 years ago
I've dated 2 dancers and they have both come on to me (And no, I ant shit) But I knew them and their friends and farmilliar and safe. It was fun but I wouldnt do ot again.
I am going to have to disagree with the OP. Are some like that, sure, but I have met some that were pretty decent people and see it as just a job.
avatar for Polarman
14 years ago
From my experience with strippers, one of which I dated for 2 years and still know, it always comes back to the money. It seems that every relationship they have is somehow centered on the need for either drugs, money, or travel. Even though relationships with non strippers may also be based on the same things, it always comes back to one being just another source of income for the stripper. I also believe that all women are a litle crazy, strippers just tend to be crazier and more self centered.
avatar for PerpetualTravel
14 years ago
The main thing to know is that getting with a "stripper" is no different than getting with any other girls. They just have a different job. No two strippers are alike, just like no two girls in a regular bar are alike.

Many strippers are very nice people who are just a little misunderstood. They tend to respond very favorably once they find a guy they like. As a patron in a club, you have a very low chance of being that guy. They'd respond better if you met them anywhere else, usually.

Source of info? Have had long term relationships with strippers for many years. Never went into a club until a stripper I was dating suggested I go.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
Every dancer I've known away from the clubs eventually wanted to have sex whether money was involved or not except for one. I think she wanted me to be her new boyfriend after her existing boyfriend left her and she was pregnant. I noticed she told me pretty early. I did not want a dancer for a girlfriend who was pregnant with someone else's kid. Before that things could have developed but we never went that far. I could tell she liked me. Well based on the number of times I visited her at her house even after she moved, it was actually only a few times. Many dancers have told me they don't think of me as a regular customer. I've had so many free dances I can't count them all. I usually don't mind getting free dances but I did turn them down from one or two dancers. The one dancer wasn't my type but she took forever to pick up on that even offering to take me home. I think just to see if I would take that offer. I refused everything else she was trying to do for free. I see a lot of dancers I don't consider that hot. I see walking around on the street a lot hotter girls a lot of the time. I do live near a town with a lot of females attending college. I once thought no dancers lived close to me but I've met a couple in the last two years. I haven't seen too many really hot dancers in my area. Maybe it's because I'm getting older and they just don't look as good as they once did.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
Maybe those of you going to very upscale clubs with a lot of very hot dancers are living in a different world than me and some others. Most dancers seem average looking in clubs I go to. Only a few really stand out. Some dancers actually look repulsive to me and I thought they should not be dancing or taking off their clothes. Of course it seems like the less you want anything to do with a dancer, the more she wants you if you even look her way.

I do remember one club in NC that had a lot of hot dancers but nothing but air dances. I'm not aware of any club like that in my area. I did not care for the air dances but I would go to watch the dancers. I liked it when others would buy table dances near me because I did not want to pay for them.
avatar for potheadpl
14 years ago
PerpetualTravel nailed it. They're just girls. I've dated a lot of strippers, and I'm just sort of an amplified version of myself. I always heard that women liked a sense of humor, and I thought that was BS. No, it's true. Being funny helps A LOT. Strippers are surrounded by creepy dudes and losers all day.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
@sharkhunter - if you ever come up to NYC, go to Flashdancers. Friday night or Saturday night especially, you're going to find legit knockouts all over the place. You'd be hard pressed to say any girl is even below 7 or 8. Amazing place.
avatar for how
14 years ago
Any gal who'd go for a guy who said "let's pick up where we left off at my crib" is not a gal I'd want to "bag."
avatar for IrishLad
14 years ago
"First of all it should be known that all strippers are only about the money, most strippers have fucked up lives outside the club, and only 5 to 10% of people have enough game to bag a stripper."

Do you realize that your first sentence actually contradicts itself :-)

You're half right, it's about the money.

These girls generally know most men would rather "charm" them into bed and also give them a nice $Gift than just pay them for sex. A rather surprising percentage would also be offended if you offered $Gift as a straight up overt payment, but are happy to let you leave some $ to "help pay the x", just because you like them and want to help out.

So basically, as long as you are clearly willing to pay the piper with a smidgen of tact, your lines will all be witty, all of your jokes hilarious and every subject you find interesting will be interesting to her as well. With money, 95% of people have enough game to bag a stripper but are allowed to feel like it is only 5% to 10% and you are just nailing it and making an amazing connection.
Oh oh oh so much to say ... I'll try to limit myself. So, you really think you want a relationship with a girl who works as a stripper?

1. I agree with one of the previous comments, that "Strippers don't date customers." Therefore, DON'T BE A CUSTOMER. Provide her with something MORE than, or DIFFERENT FROM, what customers provide. Strippers know that if they start DATING a guy, especially a guy who comes off as "customer material," then the cash-stream can dry up. Why would they reduce their income potential just for some dude who is the same as 99.999% of all the other dudes they meet every night in the strip-club?

2. I also agree with another comment, that strippers are just like all other women. They're human beings, and they're female. This means it's hard to "convince" them to do anything, but it also means that they'll respond in manners similar to the manners in which all other women respond, but within a set of stripper-specific constraints. So, these things may work, for example: being able to chat with her, make her laugh, make her think of you as someone who makes her feel a certain way. Generally, makes-her-feel-special is often best; but, failing that, makes-her-feel-ANYTHING is better than doesn't-really-make-her-feel-anything-at-all. And, makes-her-feel-DOMINATED-by-the-guy is generally better than makes-her-feel-like-she-can-control-the-guy (unless you're subtle enough to master the ever-successful makes-her-feel-like-she-can-only-control-the-guy-by-fucking-him-regularly-and-often). By the way, I don't pretend to be ABLE to do these things; just, to be able to name them and talk about them.

3. I know a guy who got dates, and a long-term relationship, with a stripper by being a "normal dope." He's kind of passive, kind of hokey, very small-town-ish. But his buddy knew one dancer, and she knew another dancer, and so on. It was a "real relationship" in the sense that they got together over mutual interests, dated because each partner felt the other was hot enough and because the ice somehow got broken between them, and then broke up because it wasn't working. His "method"? Be a cool guy. He doesn't bag a lot of girls, and he isn't one of those social-leader types who is at the forefront of any group and therefore seems like all the girls would want to bag him. He just hit a happy coincidence, in which his personal style matched hers right at the right time that she and he found themselves available, interested, and introduced to one another all at the same moment. Shazam! (Dumb luck can be improved upon, a bit -- mainly through (1) not screwing it up when you DO get handed a brilliant coincidence; or (2) increasing your likelihood of these conditions coinciding happily, by increasing the likelihood of any of the events themselves. But dumb luck is really the most operative factor, in most people's hook-ups.)

4. Thing is ... it wasn't working because the girl was totally psycho. He had to do two years of therapy, almost got killed by her in the middle of the night when she broke into his apartment, almost ended up being at her side while she was in the middle of committing suicide, did end up having to phone emergency services twice for her attempts at suicide, had to move out of three places change all the locks and get a total of four temporary restraining orders until she finally moved well across the country, and even now he still keeps favors with his friends in law-enforcement and the legal community who are watching various databases and government information just to make sure she doesn't move back to the same city as him, at least not without him knowing.

5. For me, it's not exactly that I want to date a STRIPPER. It's that I want to date girls who are HOT ENOUGH TO BE STRIPPERS. More on the definition of "hot enough to be a stripper" in a bit; but first, I'd like to elaborate on several concerns related to that concept.

5. a. One thing is, that I'm picky (though I don't MEAN to be picky, evidently I am biologically predisposed to pickiness) about naked body type. I don't like floppy tits, I don't like narrow tits, I don't like this or that or the other kind of ass or belly ... but, there's no frickin' way to KNOW what a girl's body is like naked, until you actually GET it naked. I try to impose upon myself the general rule that I should see the girl in a bikini before I even TRY to get her naked, but that's not always possible. So, strippers provide one essential opportunity that real-world girls don't: strippers can't be misleading about their bodily qualities. I know whether their tits are firm or floppy because I've actually seen (and maybe FELT) the actual tits themselves.

5.b. Another thing is, that strip-clubs kind of raise the standard for beauty. With a ton of average chicks and housewives fondling produce at the Wal-Mart, the one undergrad checkout girl can look stunning merely because she's not overweight, or even merely because she's not EXTREMELY overweight even though she's too heavy to be a stripper. Among strippers at a strip club, the average chicks appear to be what they are (or worse) -- unfuckable, or, simply, undesirable in terms of fucking. (I used to really really try to "get over" this propensity of mine, to "need" my dates to consist solely of hot-looking women; but I learned, pretty much by doing, that I can't "convince" myself to love, or to want to fuck, someone whose body does not please me. Maybe some day I'll grow more "mature" about this subject, but, for now, Mr. Happy ain't happy unless my Eyeballs are happy about the incoming stimulus. Fat or ugly girls? The problem isn't that I "can't" get an erection for them. The problem is, that they prevented me from getting an erection for them.) So, strippers offer something verifiable and hot-enough. To summarize 5.a. and 5.b., I can CONFIRM their firmness and I can get LOTS of women with confirmable firmness. :)

5.c. I can't generally find that, in the real world. If I felt "guaranteed" of a valid, viable pool of hot-enough women, I think I wouldn't feel like going after strippers was necessary. I think if the women all 'round me were stripper-quality (and this, of course, is a subjective and wide-ranging phenomenon) then I probably wouldn't be very interested in strip-club chicks. And I know, I know, when I started this part of my post with the comment that I was seeking a woman who was "hot enough to be a stripper," I was talking about something undefinable, but I mean, basically, what we all mean by "hotness."

So, if you mean ONLY Las-Vegas-style top-notch super-quality best-looking strippers who, in a different time-line, could perhaps have worked as fashion models or super-models, or at least as television anchor-women or Hollywood starlets, then you're talking about a lot FEWER strippers of a lot HIGHER caliber than I really mean, when I imply that there's a certain minimum level of "hotness" required for a woman to be a stripper. If, to the contrary, you mean those tired middle-aged women at that club just off the industrial access road next to the community airport, you know, they're saggy, dumpy, over-the-hill, haven't gotten their hair-roots colored recently; they have bellies as large as either of their tits, and each of their thighs is as wide as their waist ... well, those women are NOT of the level of "hotness" that I'm talking about. So, really, when I say, "hot enough to be strippers," this probably should immediately beg the question, "hot enough to be WHICH strippers?

I can't really answer. I know what I mean. I know that there is a category of women who "count" as members of the club of "hotness," and that within this club are some women who don't really turn my crank, and other women who really really turn my crank but don't turn other guys' cranks at all yet nevertheless are conceded (by those other unimpressed guys) as women within the club. I'm talking about the members, not the non-members, and I think there's a groundswell, a zeitgeist, a general awareness. An otherwise over-the-hill middle-aged woman CAN join the club, make herself hot, even RE-join it long after her body has sagged too much to be "naturally" part of the club. And a perky firm-bodied young girl in the prime of her physical fitness can, with a set of specific actions directed at demonstrating some kind of negative impression, succeed at exempting herself from the club despite her amazing body and visual appeal. I don't mean it's STRICTLY a bodily thing. But it's MOSTLY bodily, though improved by attitude and bearing. As bodies get worse with age, attitude must compensate more and more. Eventually even the best attitude fails.

What is this thing which is a combination of excellent body and good-enough attitude, that adds up to "hot enough to be a stripper" and is agreed-upon by most men yet is a totally subjective phenomenon? We can all identify a group of women who are "good enough" even though we can also identify, among that group, a small (but legitimate) percentage who are "good enough but not my type, though I can see why other guys like 'em" and a large percentage who are "probably good enough for any heterosexual guy" and maybe another set who are "good enough, and definitely exactly excellent for me." (I think this phenomenon angers women, by the way. They don't like their loss of control.) What is this thing? Is it "pride" or "confidence" or "bearing"? It's also, visual signals of child-bearing fitness, of the cues determined by evolutionary psychology or some other weird science, genetically pre-coded into us.

Sad to say, I have another instinct: it's the instinct that, if a human female doesn't fit this group, then I think of her as diseased, not worthy of my time. I get angry at her very existence. I reject the idea that she should have a vote, a daughter, a house in suburbs, a dollar bill. I have to work against this instinct, and I do fair job of it in my normal life; but it will inevitably rub someone the wrong way, when I'm nice to a fat and ugly but smart girl at school and later she gets pissed off that I won't fuck her "only because" she's fat and ugly and "despite the fact" that I was nice to her. I haven't learned to manage all those social cues. I tend to respect all humans publicly, but in my head disrespect them all ... or, all except the physically desirable, I guess.

For me, only at strip-clubs are the women "normal" or "good enough" or "not miserable negative experiences in which I feel cheated out life." And in Europe, I don't get that kind of "miserable negative" instinct. There, people aren't bloated. There, generally, people clean themselves up, learn to be smart or shut the fuck up, abuse their civil rights seldom and the rights and moral privileges of others never, and tend to know how to live among one another. I haven't really interacted much with Europe's rabble -- the low-class dumb-fucks from some racist farm region north of a city where there was a genocide a few decades ago, for example. I'm always interacting with intelligentsia. And there, I find that the people who know how to read books, also know how to treat me with respect, including with the respect of not forcing their visually unappealing ineptitudes all up in my face where I have to look at them, and where I have to expend a lot of energy in order to figure out how to NOT retch in disgust.

I don't mean to defend this attitude. I just mean to describe it. I end up in the zone of stripper attraction only because for me it's, instinctively, the BARE MINIMUM for what it takes to be a valid human. I can see how people might similarly deride and reject me -- I'm too short, or too poor, or I have too little hair, or I haven't worked hard enough to make a gazillion dollars as an entrepreneur in a sell-sell-sell get-profit-at-all-coss world view. Maybe hot women see me and think, "Who the FUCK does he think he IS, to even TRY to inhabit the same goddamned planet as ME, that short bland drab average dude with the receding hairline who still lives off his mommy on weekends and doesn't want a typical office job. He's SUPPOSED to be something MORE LIKE WHAT I WANT." I would hate to interact with women who treated me that way. But, I'm embarrassed to admit, that attitude is exactly parallel to how I tend to think about physically ugly women, women who are NOT "hot enough to be a stripper."

I'm sorry. :P That's just the way I am. :(
avatar for traveler7
14 years ago
I had a relationship with a stripper half my age for over a year. Nothing intimate since I was married and that's where she drew the line but we were really good friends in and outside the club. The connection was simple. I wasn't an asshole club guy. Sorry but 99% of guys who visit strip clubs are jerks and strippers figure that out in seconds. They know the guys who don't respect women and have egos the size of Texas. Of course they like them for their $. We connected because I'm a nice guy, understand that being a stripper is a job and women deserve respect. So did she just hook me for a year of dances...NO! She never once asked me to come to the club, we connected outside the club for lunch and drinks, emailed incessantly about life and bought each other friends do. The odds are against you. I feel very lucky but since guys are jerks and even worse the minute they walk into a strip club the chances for me finding another friend just went up.
@bookguy, great take, I especially agree with 5a.
avatar for quicknight
14 years ago
@book guy are you sure the "guy" in #3 isn't you? lol dude! you dumped a whole lot of baggage there so i'm still processing most of it. obviously you are very, VERY educated by the way you write (or maybe just verbally gifted/talented) but i definitely think you have some unresolved issues. not judging, as you say, just describing my reaction to your "limited" rant. like the previous poster, i can relate to 5a, and even some other points, but i'm exhausted from reading that! lol At any rate, thanks for sharing....
Hahah thanks for your point of view, Quicknight. No, I'm not the dude in #3 (I guess it's a good thing!).

Traveler: so, you weren't fucking them, but you think you had a relationship with them? Hunh?
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"i definitely think you have some unresolved issues.'

Well, I think it's safe to say most of us regularly posting to a strip club web site have a few "issues" lol.
avatar for kailee100
14 years ago
Stilletto pretty much made my point - not all strippers have fucked up lives AND if you are going to talk about fucked up lives then you need to paint with a broader brush and include all women. Also, whats the barometer? Drug/alcohol problems, unplanned children, lame boyfriends, no long-term life strategies? All these things are running rampant in ALL of society, not just us who take off our clothes for a living.
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
Why are we still debating this? I think it's pretty simple. Be yourself. Not some jacked up, douchebag wannabe, but just yourself. If she likes you, and you develop a rapport with her, she just might consider taking it to the next level. You know, like a real woman. It may still be about the money for a while, but you also might get lucky enough to get to the "next level" so to speak. Try it for a change.
avatar for ulitimate1
14 years ago

Wow, I think that you've effectively articulated the side effects I have of going to the club.
avatar for cobraguy
14 years ago
I can tell you the last way works like a charm. Don't tip don't act interested really at all. a slight smile if she looks is about all u need to do. and then when she sits down have normal conversation. Try and ask her something outside the norm of "where u from, what kind of music, blah blah." This works every time for me.

That said, IT's really not worth the drama and crazyness you'll be dealing with on average. most Strippers have the Crazy knob set to 11. AVOID EM if u can.

Don't try and date em ir rarely works out well.
Joseparty: no, "being yourself" works only IF YOU'RE SOMEONE WHO is already bagging strippers. Most useless advice in the world. You mean, "be yourself IF it's working, but if it's not, then MAKE YOURSELF INTO SOMEONE MORE DESIRABLE than you currently are."

For guys who ARE NOT currently getting laid a lot, or who aren't offering the quickly-chosen things that most girls tend to go for ... your advice will seem almost exactly the same as, "If you are currently failing, you should change nothing, and continue to behave exactly the same way." It's impossible (so they'll think) to NOT "be yourself."

If you're just "being yourself" and it's working for you, then, congratulations, you have to put forth a lot less effort than 99.99999% of the human population. You should shut the fuck up about how "easy" it is, merely because you happen to be idiotically lucky. Or, to the contrary, if you're putting forth effort and not just "being yourself," then you should shut the fuck up because you're a hypocrite. :) No offense intended. :)
avatar for rell
washington dc
14 years ago
those who say if u got so much game bag a regular hot chick... umm whats the fun in that???.. i always felt it was a way bigger accomplishment to have sex with a stripper.. she gets paid to flirt with you make you feel like your getting ass when all your gettin is a empty wallet
now to completly honest ive had the itc and otc along with some freebies.. for me when im not in the mood to play the game i let my bank account get the ass i want to get . but i have also had some great experiences pulling strippers. now true in alot of cases most of these girls real lives are crazy fucked up .. but youll find a few that are pretty decent. i used to fuck this 1 stripper who was a graduate from howard university law.. made great money in her real job , had a nice car but worked as a stripper.. i found out she just worked there because shes a horny freak.. hell if it works for you it works for me
for me i always just make sure im always having a good time the dancers seem to like that and want to be around you when they see that your enjoying yourself
I bagged a stripper last night. She was really pissed this morning when I let her out.
avatar for tigerfan3
14 years ago
If you have sex with a stripper, double bag it.
avatar for rell
washington dc
14 years ago
to be honest tiger fan i think double baggin isnt nessecary unless your going for the low life stripper and thats never been my aim.. most of the strippers ive banged they been pretty clean.. i still use a rubber but i never felt the need of double bagging plus double baggin if air gets caught in it it has a better chance at popping then your really fucked lol.
avatar for tigerfan3
14 years ago
I have no stats to back this up, but the STD rates among dancers seems pretty high to me. Proceed with caution.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
@tigerfan3, among dancers that don't work at extras clubs, etc. I would say the rate is actually pretty low.

At huge 'extras' places' or clubs like Adelita Bar and Hong Kong, well you can probably assume the girl has _some_ kind of STD.
avatar for Abbernathy
14 years ago
I think you should know that the guys that use these guidelines are made fun of in dressing rooms. If I ask you for a lap dance after sitting with you for 2 songs and you say "Maybe later", that means "no" to me and I will not be back. "I am not the lap dance type." Well that comment can insure that I never come back. This might just be in the midwest, but most dancers I know are married or super monogamous, that doesn't lend itself to STDs.

Never Double-bag boys. That is the leading cause of condoms tearing, don't they still teach sex ed in schools?

What is the obsession with screwing strippers. I go to school and I have a job. I take off my clothes for a living. I have owned my home since I was 19. I am a normal girl with just a little bit more money. You wanna know what it takes to screw me? Seeing me clothed before you see me naked. The second they check your ID at the door, you are no longer an option to me. Then you have to talk to me with respect and interest. After a couple dates or hang out instances, then I will talk to you about getting tested and show you my proof of testing. When you get clean results back, then we can talk.
avatar for kcm
14 years ago
You are obviously an idiot and have been hanging out with girls that are weak and have no game. We do only want your money and that's it. Most guys that come into the club are married or are in a relationship. So that tells us that since you are out trying to hang with other girls that you are the one with issues in your personal life. Why would we want to be with someone who can't be faithful to their significant other. I've always loved the line "if you were my wife/girlfriend you wouldn't be here dancing." Yes, I probably wouldn't be, but you would be right back in the club using that same ole tired ass line on someone else. We dance because (a) we can (b) we make more money than you do (c) we have our shit together. Learn the game.
@kcm, you dance because you have your shit together? That makes a lot of sense lol.
avatar for rell
washington dc
14 years ago
ok to the dancers on here saying they dance and they have thier shit together.. umm no you dont.. and the line of you make more money.. no you dont and the irs doesnt agree with you either. i own 3 houses and have 2 cars and yes im single not married not in a relationship.. im not at the club every weekend now im not even there every other weekend since ive hit my late 20s.the real girls who actually have thier shit together that are strippers dont stay strippers for very long.. they move on anybody thats been around strip clubs knows that.. ive learned that with strippers %60 of them are a complete waste of time %20 of themwould actually be dateable if they werent wrapped into the strip club too much %10 used to be dateable but now has picked up bad habbits and theres the few 10% of strippers who are actually good girls and have thier heads on straight.. and most of those girls you wont see dancing more than a couple months
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
This was still up on the homepage and I see there have been more posts in the last couple of days.
@Rell: I have two houses and three cars and I live alone. I report taxes, always have, and I have danced for longer than three months. Girls with jobs not of the stripper nature may not have their shit together just like some dancers may not have their shit together. I'm not sure if I'd argue that the dancers on here don't have their shit together or ALL dancers don't have their shit together. It really depends on a lot of aspects.
This continues to be a hot thread, though, and I appreciate your post because it gives me something to comment on while my night winds down.
@kcm said: "We dance because (a) we can (b) we make more money than you do (c) we have our shit together."

If by "we" you mean yourself and a few others you know personally, I won't dispute that, but after 30+ years meeting strippers, I do not believe you are in the majority. Not by a long shot.


While I tend to agree with your first paragraph, your "What is the obsession with screwing strippers" comment deserves more attention, so I think I might just start a discussion about that.
avatar for rell
washington dc
14 years ago
@ stilett025 i think strippers that report there taxes and really have there heads on str8 is a rare few.. very rare .. yes there are "tregular girls " that may not have thier stuff together which is true but in the stripper world where its percieved that these women have alot of money is really not the case .. uhave been dancing dancing more than 3 months.. well u may be there rare few but ive ive seen in many years it usualy starts to wear on a girl the longer you dance .. like ive always said every strippers dancing days have expiration dates very few can dance for a long time without it effecting them but most of the ones that dance for years really get to a point like a old boxer they need to just hang it up
avatar for Abbernathy
14 years ago
I have been dancing for 8 years. I have had to claim my income simply because I own a home. As long as you are paying monthly into a fund, the amount determined by your CPA, then you will not have problems when tax time comes around. The first year claiming does hurt though.

I am 25, I have almost been dancing for 8 years in August. From time to time I get burned out, but I work at a pretty cool club. We do charity events about 4 times a year, have waitress positions in case you need a break from dancing, and a nearly fight-free family of dancers. I love working a job where I don't need to call-in if I have to study instead of going in.

Maybe I don't have all my shit together. Define what that even means? I could be more productive and push myself harder. If you think you have your shit together then you need to raise your standards in life.
You're 25 and you've been dancing for 8 years? That means you started when you were 17, right? Who let you get away with that? 'Cause I'll want to make sure I stay away from someplace that hires underage girls.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
@Rell: I would agree with the fact that many strippers don't have a lot of money. And that isn't because a lot of money doesn't pass through their hands, its because cash is "easy come, easy go". It takes a lot of willpower, in general, to convince yourself that you don't really need that new Prada purse, and maybe you should invest it in something you'll get a return on. It took me one year before I finally got smart. I kept a book of my daily earnings and I realized how much money I had been blowing.
That craziness quit a few years ago I'm happy to report.
Btw, the old boxer comment is very true in some instances.
avatar for kcm
14 years ago
ranukam - Yes I do have my shit together. I have 2 college degrees, multiple houses and run a small business. I dance because the corporate environment is a joke. You work your ass off for no appreciation, not enough money and get sexually harassed. At least as a stripper I get appreciation from my clients and get paid big money for being sexually harassed.

rell - Sorry to bust your bubble but I have no bad habits. I am one of the very few who have made this a successful career. I will milk it for all I can. I do have a family and they are very well taken care of. Maybe you don't do it anymore because your body and mind haven't held up to the standards.
avatar for rell
washington dc
14 years ago
kcm.. for 1 i dont believe you .. EVERY stripper says that my brain is trained not to believe im sorry.. and if you dont umm like i said most do..i think anybody thats been going to or worked at a strip club for more than 3 years will agree with my statement MOST dancers get bad habbits after working at the strip club for awhile. remember most of these women are very young and not established financialy, emotionally and mentally.just the way it is.. theres always an exception in every case but what im saying is the rule
@rell, i don't believe her either. She's one of those strippers that would be easy to bag (not that I would want to). She says she runs a business, has multiple houses blah blah blah. If she had all these things, she wouldn't be stripping, regardless of the corporate environment.
avatar for rell
washington dc
14 years ago
.. true @ rankam.. running a small business can be very time consuming .. not exactly buying that your running a small business where your face is out there and your out stripping at night which could actually hurt your business
avatar for HottieHeidi
13 years ago
bahahahahaha! This is the stupidest post ever! NONE OF THAT SHIT WORKS. I would know, I heard it all, multiple times tonight, and surprise surprise, I want to bed alone.

1. If you tell me you don't do lap dances, I say that's good, cuz I do them! Let's go. If they don't go, it means they are uninterested in spending money on me and I run and never look back. You will NOT bag me with that approach.
2. I hate it when guys say maybe later. I say come find me when you're ready. ONce you realize that "maybe later" in a strip club means "you're ugly don't come back", you will come find me for a dance. If at the end of that dance you ask me to meet at your crib for drinks. I'll decline because you are the 12th person to sell me that line tonight. You will NOT bag me with that approach.
3. If you come in to my place of business, where I choose to exploit my sexuality for $, and you choose NOT to tip and NOT to buy dances, you think it will earn my respect!??!? Boy are you high? Guys like that are a waste of space in the club. You will DEFINITELY NOT bag me with that approach.

three strikes, you're out!

the person who wrote this article is either a 14y/o boy or he is a man who has never even gotten a lapdance.
avatar for minxkitty
13 years ago
I pretty much agree with everything HottieHeidi has said.

First of all, let it be known a majority of strippers have significant others and AREN'T at the club to get banged or taken out to dinner.

1.) I appreciate great tips but even if someone makes it rain on me, I only visit them after to say thank you. I show gratitude, then ask for a dance. If you tell me you don't "do lapdances" I am GONE because I am at WORK to make MONEY. I don't care about conversation, I don't care about you, and it takes quite a bit of money up front to get me to sit down and miss out on the chance to make more money.

2.) "Maybe later" means "I don't want to dance with you but I'm not man enough to say no." If you say that to me I leave and probably won't check back. If it's exceptionally slow and I happen to walk by you at the end of the night I will ask if you are ready for your dance yet. Still no? You won't see me again.

3.) I don't drink at work. If someone offers me a drink I request a bottle of water. Not tipping a girl and not giving her lapdances doesn't gain respect, it makes you look like a broke douchebag. I find it far more respectful when someone tips me for my time or doesn't usually get lapdances but pulls me into the back room just to talk. Paying for my time is respectful, expecting me to waste my time on you for free is disrespectful. I don't talk to people that aren't money.

By the way, strippers ARE sexual objects when we are at work. We expect to be treated that way. Not paying for it is just suggesting you expect entertainment for free.
avatar for dbuck
13 years ago
I am in fact the stupidest man in America. I married a stripper whom i was in love with that i did not meet in a club. she was a stripper when i met her and stripped on and off for three years into the relationship. I then got her pregnant (she begged me to get her pregnant, she would say things like "you got that other bitch pregnant", anyway) she obviously would not dance while pregnant (chicks that do are gross, if showing, yuck). I married her, then a year into the marriage i was carrying groceries home, a lot of groceries and a full backpack, slipped on the ice, "minor" herniation of a disc in my lower back, hurt like hell, fucked up my dick game, belly got pudgy, got addicted to painkillers, talked shit about her fuck game to shift the focus off me, blah blah blah, she then went back to dancing and i feel that now she has been carrying on with other dudes, i have no physical proof, but the suspicion alone has caused me to carry on a affair with a stripper i did in fact meet in a club whom wants me to divorce my wife, i want neither of these psychos, i can handle the other bitch, but how do i tell someone that i still love that i no longer want to be married to her and go through with it, please help me.

I only partly agree with you. First of all, about "game". Strippers hear all sorts of stuff. But right off she is looking for the unmistakeable indicator as to whether she could have a civilian relationship with you, whether or not you are being straight, open, and honest with her.

"Game" is a PUA concept, following along the idea that, "attraction is not a choice". It is a way of pushing her buttons, believing that this will get her into your bed. The worst possible place to try this is a strip club.

Men who are confident, who have worldly responsibilities, and who have earned the respect of other men, are extremely attractive to women, and they have no need for practicing "game". What "game" amounts to is just being cocky.

Now sure, someone who is genuinely considerate, light hearted, and entertaining, is also attractive. Often someone who has worldly responsibilities will also be like this. They don't need to hide themselves are use obviously manipulative tactics like "game".

Second, you are never going to get her to your bed with stupid subterfuge like "drinks". She knows that if she is going home with you, it is to fuck. What she is really going to want is to fuck you all night and then to make your breakfast in the morning. More alcohol late at night would only detract from this. Now of course, she will have emotional defenses. She has to in order to be able to function in that sort of hyper sexualized environment. It will often be that a stripper is less willing to go home with you on the first night, than a woman met in some other venue. But just by making repeated visits, and by taking her phone calls in a gentlemanly manner and showing her that you are being real with her, you are getting to her. And very soon she will move aggressively to make it happen. She might not give you any advance warning either.

As far as pawing her during the dances, it is a fine line. Yes, when most people touch her it is just predatory groping, and she just had to put up with it. But also, she does need to feel that you worship her, and that when she is showing herself to you, grinding your, putting tities in you face, that she has you 100% admiration.

Where I learned about this was in an underground circuit that use to run in Mexican bars in San Jose and Gilroy. They call it "Bikini Show" or "Ballerinas Exoticos". Most people would just call it Table Dancing.

Now this was in places that had liquor licenses and where touching was supposed to be prohibited. But these shows were unadvertised.

So the girls would just come up to you while you were seated and start dancing for you. Often this started with rubbing your thighs with their hips. With some they always started with titties in your face. Another would straddle one of your thighs and slowly move up and down about 1" in front of your face, making like she is having one orgasm after another. Others would hold still more, and let you paw them.

Now these girls were collecting $1 tips, but it was lots of them. If they danced for 1 hours, they were getting 60min worth of tipping. Other dancers have explained to me that they make more money when they can do it like that, instead of spending their time trying to talk guys into going into the VIP room. Even though the VIP room costs more money per song, they ........

I'll just try to summarize the most important point of what I wrote above some months back. The most important thing a stripper needs to see from you to be able to start an off the clock relationship is just that you are being real with her, that you are not just looking for P4P for free.

Most guys are not real with her. Game is not being completely real with her either.

Just be yourself. It is not that hard.

As far now as why one would want to date a stripper? Many of them are responsible people. Many of them would be good comrade material if you are like me and seek rebellion against mainstream society.

I also now contrast the typical stripper with my ex-wife. My my ex, sex was a secondary or tertiary matter. It was only important to her as a means to keep me going out with her. She would say so many years down the line.

Sex was just not important to her. It was an expendable.

The good part in this is that she would never have engaged in sexual infidelity. But she engaged in other sorts of infidelities, in her idolatrous relationship with money.

So I would rather have a woman for whom sex is primary. You will find some of your more radical girls in strip clubs. They may not be the ones who do P4P OTC either.


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