Driving through a city here in Florida this morning, I stopped at a Wendy's to take a leak. Just as I pulled into the parking space I saw a young blonde walking through the lot. She walks up to my car and asks me if I'd give her a dollar and drive her down to the ocean, just a few miles east of where we were. I was tempted to do my "Good deed" for the day and give her a ride. She wasn't half bad looking and I figured I'd ask her for some head along the way, but decided to forego the pleasure (so to speak) Any experiences with hookers, you guys feel like sharing.
back when I was young, dumb, and full of cum, I picked up some street walkers and had a couple of close calls with some really bad shit. I am much much older and wiser now. I only do OTC with strippers that I know well and trust.
Sitting in a Waffle House after midnight: A semi-hot brunette rushes in to counter, asks for change for a 20. Cashier told her they don't break bills here, must order something. "SHB" could arguably be called hot, and apparently had a "john" nearby needing change to consumate the deal. Yes, she had the hooker look about her, further reinforced by her giving me that laser beam look while cashier was taking her sweet time getting her a coffee to go. My big head thinking won out that time- when she got her to go, and change, she was out the door like an Olympic sprinter.
depends. as someone said, times are tough and quite a few women are starting to hook to make ends meet. problem is, there are also some who are looking to make their money without the sex involved. usual sign is if she suggests a spot she "knows" is "safe" for that sort of thing. that is often where she'll have a guy or guys waiting to show up and relieve you of any and everything of value you have. then of curse, there is the possibility she's working for the law and hoping her opening statement will be met with an offer of sex-for-money. if it is, that's where the badge comes out and her fellow officers show up to arrest you. it's not a safe world, so be careful and think with the right head.
a few years ago i drove down the street to have a beer at a regular bar. i parked my car and was walking towards the door and this girl walks up and starts flirting with me. she was young, cute, but a little bit chubby. she told me that she wanted to date me and i asked her if she was working. she said yes and i told her that she might be working but i wasn't buying. then she asked me if i'd buy her a drink in the bar. i lied and told her that i only had a couple bucks on me and couldn't afford to buy her a drink then went inside. i ran into a friend of mine and mentioned what happened outside and he told me that she approached him the same way the previous wseek. about 2 years ago i was leaving bugsys strip club and as i walked out the door i was approached by a young chick that started talking to me and asked me where i was going. she kept asking me if i wanted to do anything and then she asked me for a ride a couple blocks away. being a nice and sometimes stupid guy i said ok. we're in my truck now and she keeps asking me what i'm gonna do, i ask her if she's working and she tells me yes and i tell her the same thing that i told the girl above. this one looked pale and sickly and maybe strung out on something or maybe this time i might have bought a quick ride. i dropped her off at her destination and watched in my rearview mirror as i drove away and she was walking back in the direction of where we came from. another time a few years ago i was driving down the main drag downtown in my city around 3 in the afternoon. this really hot chick was walking on the sidewalk and as we approached each other i was really rubber necking and checking her out. she smiled waved and blew a kiss at me as i drove by. i was really tempted to turn around and go talk to or pick her up but i didn't. the next day i read in the local paper that the cops ran a prostitution sting downtown and busted a few guys, troop dodged a bullet on that one ;)
Paraphrasing Santiago, Whore leads ya to a spot with guys who jump ya and take your shit. "Whore" leads ya to a spot with guys (cops) who jump ya and take your shit. What an analogy to today's government.
Thanks, for reinforcing all the things that ran through my brain as I was scoping the babe out. I haven't picked up a hooker in a long, long, long,long time for all the reasons above stated. I'm definitely in total agreement with shadowcat. OTC is only to be done with someone you've had contact with beforehand and you have some idea of what to expect.
Not worth the risk. Look at it. STD, LE and getting rolled are three of four possible outcomes. Is the fourth, getting off, worth the risk of the any one of the other three? NO.
While I've never been with a street walker, I suspect I've met a few. Gorgeous non-professionals girls just don't approach guys like for casual conversation.
only contact with a "working girl" came in a casino in Vegas. she obviously had been watching the gaming tables, cause when i cashed out my winnings and went to the bar she joined me. idle conversation, bought her a drink , the talk turned to business. hot blonde with obvious fake rack and tight ass. wanted $500 for party in my room. little head said yes but decided that this might be set up from either LE or rip off bitch so i delined.
At an in-water boatshow, had a girl in stiletto heels (the opposite of what you normally wear on boats), v-e-r-y short mini skirt, and plunging neckline blouse approach me while on a deserted stretch of dock. I was looking at a 40' cruiser when she joined me on board. She was extremely friendly, asking me all kinds of questions about what I was doing in Florida, how long I'd be there, and whether I had my own boat nearby that maybe she could see. She'd caught my eye earlier as I'd seen her chatting up a couple other guys. While she never propositioned me directly, it was readily apparent where this could go, if I wanted. I this time led with my big head and wisely (I think) declined to get to know her better. I still wonder though...
Was in Memphis years ago during one of their famous ice storms. Power was out in much of the city including many SCs. My hotel, however, had power and was open for business. All weekend the parking lot of the hotel was crawling with strippers from the closed clubs trying to get OTC business from hotel guests. I think my record was three propositions between car and front door!
Rod--All of us Great Lakes boaters know that no woman wears stilleto heels near a boat. Not if she wants to be invited aboard. So, this woman is not a boater, but a girl working the boat show. Of course, we can start by asking her to remove her heels before coming on board. Then the miniskirt. Then the moment of truth--do I want to risk this?
SuperDude's avatar pic is Leanne Crow - a mildly famous "Page 3" girl in Britain. I have seen her pics in British tabloid newspapers a few times as I pass through Heathrow. The tabloids in Britain have bare-breasted photos (and usually big 'uns) daily. She is no match for your Denise Milani!!
last commentit's not a safe world, so be careful and think with the right head.
about 2 years ago i was leaving bugsys strip club and as i walked out the door i was approached by a young chick that started talking to me and asked me where i was going. she kept asking me if i wanted to do anything and then she asked me for a ride a couple blocks away. being a nice and sometimes stupid guy i said ok. we're in my truck now and she keeps asking me what i'm gonna do, i ask her if she's working and she tells me yes and i tell her the same thing that i told the girl above. this one looked pale and sickly and maybe strung out on something or maybe this time i might have bought a quick ride. i dropped her off at her destination and watched in my rearview mirror as i drove away and she was walking back in the direction of where we came from.
another time a few years ago i was driving down the main drag downtown in my city around 3 in the afternoon. this really hot chick was walking on the sidewalk and as we approached each other i was really rubber necking and checking her out. she smiled waved and blew a kiss at me as i drove by. i was really tempted to turn around and go talk to or pick her up but i didn't. the next day i read in the local paper that the cops ran a prostitution sting downtown and busted a few guys, troop dodged a bullet on that one ;)
SuperDude's avatar pic is Leanne Crow - a mildly famous "Page 3" girl in Britain. I have seen her pics in British tabloid newspapers a few times as I pass through Heathrow. The tabloids in Britain have bare-breasted photos (and usually big 'uns) daily. She is no match for your Denise Milani!!