
Comments by gk (page 4)

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    14 years ago
    That tracking is precisely why I don't want to use social media. That plus I don't need to keep in touch with everybopdy all at once.
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    14 years ago
    Happy Birthday shadowcat
    Happy Birthday Shadowcat. Bssed on weather reports, you might be slipping and sliding in from Atlanta, hmmm.
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    14 years ago
    so... someone stole my panties
    While visiting my favorite club yesterday a dancer told me that a customer paid her $300 for her thong when she changed outfits midway in her shift. Picksydusst, wait the the right man, he'll creep up soon enough.
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    14 years ago
    Women in important roles.
    Digitech, perhaps you've been around the wrong types of women and this has resulted in a narrow sense of what their potential is, which is basically the same as any man's when put into a work context. So perhaps you're being too far-reaching with your lack of faith in women performing "important services." In a personal context, I've recently undergone very intricate surgery performed by a woman; I've hired women to do important jobs; and I've worked for women in some situations. I've seen both men and women who haven't really earned or deserved the positions they hold, so your argument that women advance undeservedly doesn't hold up. When I've encountered a woman performing a service that didn't measure up to my expectations, it was always due to a training issue, not a gender issue. Having said all of that, there are some idiosyncrasies that women exhbit that might influence me in both a confidence or a hiring context. However, I've found that it's unfair to worry about them too much because they show up in men too, but in lesser degrees. So that puts things on a "right person" basis, not a man vs. woman basis. What can a woman do, anything she wants, including being a homemaker if that's her choice. Oddly, some so-called liberated women frown on that, just like they might frown on the take- charge-of-my-own-destiny woman who dances to pay bills. I might prefer a male psychiatrist or psychologist if I were to hire one, but that would be a comfort issue, not a competence issue. But do women have a sense of entitlement? That's a visceral observation. I think they do.
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    14 years ago
    Chicken vs. Egg Debate, Part 2,987,654 (and counting)
    A dancer once told me that 'where there's a will, there's a way.' With money on the line, it had to be the dancer.
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    14 years ago
    The Money Customers Spend (how much is too much)
    Probably $500 and up per month on average.
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    14 years ago
    Enferno Gentleman's Club owner arrested after business is searched
    It takes money to enforce tht prud strp club law in Ohio. But Ohio is in a severe budget crisis like most other states. I'm wondering how much priority the Governor and legislature will put on funding this enforcement nonsense when they will have to justify not funding some other priorities? While I don't expect a big public debate about it, we'll have a clue if things ease up a bit.
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    14 years ago
    World's oldest profession
    Isn't there an offer on the table from Penthouse to buy Playboy Enterprises? There is resistance from Playboy, but this seems to be a stock acquisition, from what I remember, but don't quote me on that.
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    14 years ago
    The Lap Dance Unit (LDU)
    Lol about the LDU,I find myself doing the same thing. And to those who make the opposite conversion, I never regret my club purchases, so why bother to translate them into something else?
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    14 years ago
    Women's group says Hooters should not serve minors
    I think this could be cited as an example of the attitude that caused Rush Limbaugh to create the epithet: "femi-Nazi." It's a vocal group purporting to be representative (but not really) attempting to impose their views on others in a manner that ignores basic liberties. This is not a political statement, it's an observation.
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    14 years ago
    Stripper Names
    I don't really care. But these names can be a window into a sense of creativity or cultural illumination.
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    14 years ago
    OTC Strippers vs Escorts
    I've done both and find the escort option just isn't as much fun. Aside from the aforementioned "see...try...negotiate" benefits, it's a more personal process and a greater sense of satisfaction getting to know a stripper/dancer and then moving on to the OTC level.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Emotional involvement
    Let me clarify, I'm not talking "love" or emotional baggage. I'm just talking about a modest connection based on a mutual sense of fun.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Emotional involvement
    Jumping in late on this...but, GMD, I'm with you on this. I can't fully enjoy myself either unless I find a reason to like a dancer. If I don't find something that draws me in beyond the T & A, I'm one and out for dances OR one time as a customer.
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    14 years ago
    Mandatory Valet
    If there's a valet, so be it. It's part of the cost of fun. If I know a neighborhood, I might try to park down the street, but most times I don't so the valet is a service with benefits--someone is supposed to be looking out for your car. Cars are important, but we have insurance for when something bad happens to them. As to covering up if it happpens in a SC valet lot, call a cab and say it happened somewhere else. How many wives or SO's are going to read the details of a police report? Passing on a club because of mandatory valet is being a little too cheap. If you have problem with turning your keys over, that's an obcession (no offense intended to any who feel that way) but you have the right to feel that way right. To each his own. It's just not that big a deal for me.
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    14 years ago
    Suds With Securb: Top Ten Strip Clubs In America
    Another interesting read. I enjoy high end clubs, but I don't like to frequent them too often. Why? It's a value thing for me. Basically the choice boils down to this.] 1`) Do you want to look and flirt? 2) or, do you want to party and participate? And if the latter, do you want to participate simply by gettling closer (lapdance) or do you want to participate by getting hands on and more (contact and//or extras)? Value is the best of both for a reasonable price with the right amount of fun ambiance (not style ambiance). Thje nhbigh ends have their place, but they don't deliver on #2 with the value component. It's all an investment decision. What rate of return do youy like for your money and how much money do you want to risk.
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    14 years ago
    Inside a Strip Club
    Great article, thanks Sam. The author has obviously done some great research so a lot rings true from what I've seen, but a lot also rings true in different tones, so to speak, based on what kind of club the focus in on. His example was a high end club. But there's more to the industry than that. These things struck me as right on the money: "I can take that guy's money, why not?" --this is the attitiude that most successful dancers exhibit. Even my "retired" dancer friend still keeps that attitude and uses it to her advantage. It's basically a male manipulation trait that women possess taken to the extreme. "Where do the girls come from...from all walks." --I've seen this to be true also, but certain situations predominate at different types of clubs. More of a mix at upscale clubs, you see more seasonned veterans at the wannabe clubs and the dire straits populate wannabe to dive clubs. The source also pointed out the main gripe I have about corporate clubs. They are so tightly controlled that there's no room for creativity. "...think mem are idots..." --definitely run into this attitude a lot despite their ability to sit and make us confortable. Watch out,especially newbies who think they are making a connection!
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    What's your read on this?
    Buyer beware in VIP rooms unless you know it's a sure thing and AND it's good value. No way is $600 a good value. Even Tootsies in Miami doesn't charge that much for a sure thing VIP (basing that on reviews here). The half hour is more scceptable but it's still overpriced based on comparable escort experience and average VIP experience. It's a sucker sale, no pun intended. Now, having said that, what are you trying to accomplish, a quick on-timer? No way, POP too high. But, if you're going to be seeing her on a continuing basis and this can ingratiate her with her bosses--it might be worth considering as a 1X event if you have reason to believe she will respond by arranging future meets OTC or even very glad to see you service in the communal room e.g. the type Shadowcat gets. That might be a relationship investment that could pay off. I wouldn't do it b ecause it's bad cash flow management, but I'm not in your shoes. You have to decide that based on what you normally pay over the course of time to build dancer relationships and your budget. I've certainly spent more than $600 over the course of time to build a dancer relationship. The question is, would this contribute to that? Probably not, but that's your call.
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    14 years ago
    Texting loyalty program
    I signed up to get texts from one club. They remind me of specials and parties without abusing my number. I did it mainly to reinforce my VIP status with them. I usually don't go to their parties or take advantage of their specials that much. It's an interesting marketing too, however. I wish I had started that (cell phone text marketing) business concept; it has very wide business applications.
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    14 years ago
    Tipping for their time/conversation
    Depends on how well I know them. Like Steve says, I have some "club buddies" that I will talk to but not buy dances from. I'll buy drinks and occassionaly drop a 20 on them if I take them off the floor for a long conversation when they could be making money. Sometimes they just want to sit and talk/drink. In those cases, I would never offer them anything. It's never an obligation, it's always an investment or a friendly gesture. Sometimes you make it, sometimes you don't.
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    14 years ago
    I guess yosu hav e to know the type of club you're in first. Does every dancer make some tyhpe of upselll at a critical molment, should it have been negotiated, or is it a club where a regular can assume he would leave ;with a smile in some fashion or another. I'm used to the latter, can handle the negotiators, but hate the critical moment upsell, as if it is unexpected and we have to restructure the transaction. Bullshit. Clubghber, I have to admit thqt ;my first reaction is what you suggested, lol, but that I might try somethimng more ddiplomatgically intimidating for the dancer, or simplyh say, I'll ruin your reputation if you insist on this. And ruining a reputation, via word of mouth as a ROB or untrrustworth dancer wouldn't be too hard, not to mention doing someth8ing with her nbame on this forum. But back to the question: if I know my territory, I'll probably take charge and do something to intimidate her. If I'm out of my territory, I'll probably do whatever let's me end things without making a big fuss or drawing any attention--if it's reasonable money, I would pay it but also tell her that's not the way I like to do business and I will not be seeing her again. If it was outrageous, I would say no, you brought me here, you live with it.
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    14 years ago
    There are not too many real ones out there in my experience. Like Troop, I've met the infamous Northeast OH triplets. They were in Playboy and used to make trips to Vegas to work long weekends. They were bitches, not very classy, with one being a superbitch. I first saw them dancing --all three for one customer--in the semi private dance area of a club. A lot of noise and a lot of tease. They would also rat out other dancers. I used to buy dances from one of them but quit when I decided I couldn't tolerate her any longer.
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    14 years ago
    Double Secret Probation
    On my last post, the first sentence in the last paragraph redundantly refers to 'management intimidation or magementment crackdown.' What I meant to say was: outside intimidation or management crackdown.
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    14 years ago
    Double Secret Probation
    One club I have been visiting his past year recently went on the same type of "double secret probation." Along with the cutback in lapdance form, they also let a few dancers go. Trying to make someone else happy, one wonders? The new crop doesn't know the history or how to make money. Beside outside intimidation, I think some of it has to do with "television viewing habits" or the lack of interest in TV altogether on the part of certain employees in the bigger chain clubs. Some feel empowered by the home-made soaps played on their screens and use the info and power to feed their inner craving for control (or their inner bitch). Of course, in the long run, what goes around...comes around. Let me throw out another isolated theory: that some of these d.s. probation situations we sense may be dancer imposed, without any management intimidation or management crackdown. For example, some of my best lapdance and private dance experiences have come when the dancers later admitted to being high on something, it just wasn't that apparent. Later, when they were clean, they weren't dishing out as much fun. Anyone else run into this?
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    14 years ago
    What Do I Owe This Dancer?
    Art, if she's a real favorite, ask her to ride out the season with you at your winter hideaway. If she's not worth it, that's part of your answer. If she can make up for it on her own, that's the other part. You're under no obligation based on the facts you've revealed to us. Now, as to that entrepreneurial idea; you've been successful. Why launder that success in a strip club business? Not necessary. If you've got some juice, change those closed shop rules.