
Comments by trojangreg (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get your best mileage out of an Atlanta table dance!
    IGU - Went to the Goldrush Monday night hooked up with a real cutie who was wasted. Yes her being drunk certainly increased the mileage above and beyond the call of duty. We ended up in the VIP and she swallowed. FONDL - Clayton County just south of the airport had the greatest array of AMP. Just before Christmas they raided them and closed about 15 permanently. They were a great alternative and cheap. Very relaxing.
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    18 years ago
    How do you spot a strip club bitch in a strip club?
    The dancer who you spent time and lots of money on a slow night but now you are there and it's busy. She seems to have forgotten who you are doesn't even stop by and say hi. The next time you go in and it is slow and she is all over you again. Oh I get even.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fastest time in and out of a club and had a great time?
    I usually am at the club for at least 2 - 3 hours. I like to take my time and enjoy the evening. This time sparks flew and I was gone early. BTW we had a great time on Sunday going to dinner and dessert.
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    18 years ago
    Fastest time in and out of a club and had a great time?
    shadow: since I graduated from that fine University located in the heart of Los Angeles(the real USC) I only use one brand of condoms. Can you guess. FIGHT ON
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    18 years ago
    Cabesa Uno Dolor?
    Head for a dollar what a deal. Since I grew up in Southern California and speak fluent Spanish I love it when the hispanic ladies talk amongst themselves and think no one can understand them. Then I start speaking to them in Spanish and they just turn red.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you go for the club or the girl?
    Depends on the club. Some clubs like Oasis in Atlanta the club itself has plenty of good looking girls who give contact dances and you do not have to have a relationship with a particular dancer to enjoy yourself. Other clubs if the right girl is not going to be there you might as well stay in the parking lot and play with yourself. I usually frequent Oasis as I enjoy the club and its atmosphere and all the pretty women.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Celebrity (shadowcat) appearance this Friday
    Darkwolf: It really depends on what your looking for in Atlanta. Eye candy in a sterile environment Cheetah. Down and dirty in the VIP Flashers (after 11 pm it really picks up) but it is often hit or miss. Overall good looks and a fun atmosphere with some great VIP Oasis. That is why Shadow and myself are trying out the Goldrush as I had a great time there and we want to see if I was just lucky or the place is coming back. I try as many clubs as I can and am most comfortable at Oasis on a Sunday night. More relaxed less hassle and still plenty of gorgeous dancers.
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    18 years ago
    I give to my favorites a bottle of excellent red wine (the owner of my company has a vineyard in France) cost to me is $20 per bottle. Retail value would be $60 - $70. I also give one to a couple of club managers and my favorite waitress. They all seem to enjoy the wine and bug me all year for more. The dancers take care of me with that special gift of giving. The waitress always gives me a small cologne and the managers if on duty make sure I don't pay any cover charge and am well taken care of. Giving presents is always fun and I find even if I did not get anything in return I would still give gifts.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy - I sure hope that they have played with your package.
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    18 years ago
    Be certain with CERTS
    This can happen even at a club where you spend a lot of time and money. I never go to a club expecting the ultimate but rather with the attitude lets see what happens. More often than not with the let it ride attitude it turns into a good night. Sometimes no matter what you do or who you get dances from the magic is not there. I have been in clubs one night where the place is dead. You go the next week same dancers etc and the place is hopping and everyone is having a great time. Treat each night like a new adventure and you never know what might happen. Of course I tend to go back to the clubs where I have had the most good times.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Frequency of visits vs posting reviews
    I generally go to a club once a week (twice if things work out). I generally go to the same clubs and do not post every visit. I will post if I go to a club I haven't been to before or if something good or bad happens at one of my regular stops. Also if someone reviews a club and something intrigues me I will go to that club and post a review. Lately I have been going to The Goldrush in Atlanta because it is close and I have been having a great time. See my review and Igiveups review. Until something significant happens to change at the club I will let that review stand as it has been pretty much true to my experience there. By the way Timbo and Darkwolf I usually can be found there on Friday nights. Igiveup last week there were some new (to me) beautiful 8 - 9 dancers there. And oh yes I loved the Rose Bowl and hopefully next year we can get by UCLA and play for the national championship.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Best Atlanta Clubs?
    alabama it depends on what you are looking for. Best all around club for me is The Oasis Goodtime Emporium good looking dancers some contact and if you connect with the right dancer great VIP. Eye candy only The Cheetah great looking women in a sterile environment (although the restaurant has good food). Lately The Goldrush Showbar has improved immensley and you can get good contact lap dances there. Also convenient to the airport if you fly in. Wherever you go in Atlanta take a few minutes to watch the dancers because they love to give the ATL air dances. At both Oasis and Goldrush there are dancers that will give nice contact dances but you have to find them. If you want an unbelievable VIP experience then Flashers however the quality of the dancers is not as good it is really hit or miss and is expensive (the vip rooms have solid doors).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Best Atlanta Clubs?
    Igiveup - You have to admit you did have an ok time at both Oasis and Goldrush not up to PP but pretty good for Atlanta. Happy Birthday and have a great trip.
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    18 years ago
    Best Atlanta Clubs?
    alabama - if you go to Oasis on a Friday or Saturday get there early or else it will be standing room only and it will be difficult getting any attention from the dancers. DG - I saw a dancer who should have been called FAT - Fresno, CA. On the other hand I once knew a dancer stage name of EZ she was.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Here in Atlanta the Clayton County Sheriff got a burr up his a** about massage parlors. They raided 14 of them and shut them down permanently. Sent all my asian friends packing. I do not know if the local authorities are trying to justify their tax increases by showing everyone that they are guarding our moral values. I do know that instead of wasting time and money in these endeavors I sure would feel alot safer if they caught some drug dealers and gang members who continually shoot up neighborhoods and kill innocent people. Instead of having 16 officers inside Ricks in Seattle maybe they could have set up a sobriety checkstop and stopped a drunk driver from running into someone. Of course it would not have been as much fun as harassing naked women and the men who enjoy their company. It just must be a sign of our times is the Moral Majority back?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    The "bases"
    Chitown - those were the 4 bases as I remember them. Clifbar - most of us are old enough to have enjoyed life and remember the good things. Like trying to get past 1st base and bragging to all your buddies.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    A boob review: Real vs. fake...
    Real any size are my preference. With the new implant technology some of the fakes are pretty nice. However the ones that are as hard as a rock are a gigantic turn off. Give me a nice soft pair in my face any day or night.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    Mercedes at the Goldrush in Atlanta only about 4'8" without her heels she usually only works on Fridays. Sophia at Oasis another shortie usually works week nights. The filipina sisters at Flashers the little one is really short and petite.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lost souls: help or not?
    No No NO a thousand times no. We are free agents able to pick and choose with whom and when. To do this would make you an indentured servant.
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lost souls: help or not?
    IGU - I will be in Las Vegas until Weds Feb 7th. Don't do anything crazy until I get back and we can have a counseling session probably at the Goldrush. Maybe Timbo and Darkwolf can make it too.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    waitresses... tipping
    I have a favorite waitress at one of the clubs I frequent. She is a delight to talk with and we have gone to other clubs together. When I walk in and she is working I give her $10 and then go sit at the bar for a while to check things out or watch a ballgame. She will come up to me after about 45 minutes and ask if I want a table and then somehow get me one if the place is busy (very small club). She will often buy my first beer when I do sit at the table and always makes sure everything is ok. Of course I tip her extremely well. At most places I tip $2 - $3 per beer and sometimes buy the waitress a drink if she is allowed. If the service is exceptional I tip extra at the end of the night. Having a mom who worked double shifts as a waitress in the same restaurant for 20 years bringing up three boys and sending all to college makes you appreciate how hard they work. Plus they have to put up with all the drunks and dancer bs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Should I go to law school?
    Book Guy you would hate the Socratic method do not put yourself through 3 years of tedium. Chitown is right if your just doing it to do it don't. I know did the law school thing hated it and got into something else I enjoy a whole lot better. Not that the skills and degree have not helped but if you don't love it forget it. Chitown this is for you. Chitown walks into a bar and sees a gorgeous woman nursing a drink. Walking up behind her he says "Hi there good lookin? How's it going?" Having already downed a few power drinks, she turned around, faced him, looked him straight in the eye and said, "listen up, buddy. I screw anybody, any time, anywhere, your place, my place, in the car, front door, back door, on the ground, standing up, sitting down, naked or with clothes on, dirty, clean it just doesn't matter to me. I've been doing it ever since I got out of college and I just flat ass love it" Eyes now wide open with interest, he responded, "No kidding. I'm a lawyer, too. What firm are you with?"
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get your best mileage out of an Atlanta table dance!
    Asian Massage Parlor. You always leave with a happy ending. Mee so horny.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get your best mileage out of an Atlanta table dance!
    Come to Atlanta try either Oasis or Goldrush watch the dancers you will see the ones that give contact and the ones that are wasting the patrons time. There is no law stating you have to get dances from the ones that play to the air.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    BONES: My doctor prescribes the 100's not the 50's. He told me to cut it in half and chew it(usual pill chalky yuck) it will go to work in half the time and be just as effective as swallowing the whole pill. Seems to work plus it gives me an opportunity to check things out as it kicks in pretty quickly. So my 8 pills last for 16 encounters. Love that blue lightning.