
Comments by trojangreg (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The naked truth about strip clubs $$$!
    I own stock in both Ricks symbol RICK and VCG symbol PTT. Ricks owns some prime real estate including their Manhattan club. VCG is more of a management operation. Heavier investment in Ricks because of the property they own. Lately they will drop down into the $7 - $8 range and then shoot back up to $9 - $10. Both have good cash flow and seem to be doing well. Every now and then I will buy when they drop and sell when they get around $10. So I actually make money to spend at strip clubs. I have never set foot in any of their properties. But thank you to all who spend time and money at them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    DougS - If you ever get a chance try these three Canadian cities for beautiful women. Vancouver huge Asian population with beautiful women who all have shiny black hair. Montreal something about that french accent. Toronto huge area with tons of immigrants from all over the world and it seems they sent lots of their beauties. Book Guy - Even though you didn't like it up there you must admit the women were fine.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Well I am older white guy who tries as many clubs in Atlanta as I can. You can find gorgeous black women at most of the clubs I am going to list and I have rarely been hassled. I just go with the flow mind my own business and have a good time. Magic City always top quality women but try to go before it gets too crowded as it can get crazy. Goldrush has a great mix of black and white dancers this club can be hit or miss but if you go late on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night the place is usually jumping with some great looking black dancers. Plus you can have actual contact dances here. Club Wax quality of dancers not as consistent but VIP with extras is available. Goosebumps near the Hilton downtown very good looking dancers no hassles ok but nothing special. Shooters Alley I haven't been there in a while but always had some talent. Been to others but if you want to see the best looking go to Magic City there is a reason all the rappers love it the women are gorgeous. For a great time and atmosphere Goldrush on a good night.Tell Princess and Candy I said hi. Just relax and enjoy yourself and there shouldn't be any hassles.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    October 26th, 2007 1:00 P.M. What, Where , Why?
    Just sent an email to founder about using the tuscl logo on some party favors for the convention. He has given his approval and I am working on some gifts for those who show.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Las Vegas Crazy Horse Too!
    Used to love The Horse. However my last visit during Superbowl weekend last February was very disappointing. You could always count on the quality and quantity of entertainers but since all the troubles with ownership, management etc it seems to be hit or miss. I hope you get through all the hassles and get back to what The Horse was. The best club in Vegas.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    October 26th, 2007 1:00 P.M. What, Where , Why?
    Will be giving PP - Columbia a test ride on July 7th & 8th. If Timbo and Bones can make it in October then I will be there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The bad girls. Lindsay, Brittany or Paris. Your choice?
    Now Paris gets out for medical reasons. I never knew no talent was a medical reason. I guess has lots of money is a medical reason. It must be tough for these three. I wouldn't have any of them. I agree with Lopaw except they may make a straight guy go gay (not that there is anything wrong with that). Give me Salma Hayek beautiful & intelligent.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you get a crack whore off of your ass?
    Like Yoda no means no and nothing else need be said. Don't think with the little head and you do not have to explain yourself to her. Have fun.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    British Columbia
    Clubs that are no more
    chasman... Don't forget the North Burnaby Inn (NBI). The great thing there was that above the club you could always get a room. The girls were gorgeous and friendly,a great buffet and cold beer. Another place gone. I also heard that the Gold Club here in Atlanta was great but it is no more and I moved here to late to try it out.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Guaranteed Fun?
    When I want guaranteed fun I will frequent the clubs where I have had good experiences in the past. Where the dancers are friendly, can carry on a conversation, and have some two way contact or extras in the VIP. When I am just checking things out I will go anywhere just to see what could happen which usually turns into fun. Sometimes like the experience Lopaw just had the club atmosphere and dancers are no fun at all so I just leave. Thankfully this doesn't happen very often because there are people like evilcyn who make clubbing fun.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Final Hour - with evilcyn
    Did you give her a hug and kiss for me like I asked? Evilcyn... Even though we haven't met I asked Bones to give you a kiss for me on his visit. From your postings and how everyone who has met you feels I can tell that you get it. Good luck in Ohio and if the new laws ruin it for you please please move to Atlanta.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Memphis Platinum Plus
    chandler - You are correct that the amount may not change anyones mind however the cumalative effect of losing revenue from legal sex related industries that have to close down or cut back because of these restrictive laws eventually bites the communities right in their behinds. Eventually all the revenue from these types of business's disappears and there is no money for schools, police and other services. Cash that trades hands between me and a stripper gets spent. Most of the strippers I know are consumers they spend there cash on clothes, cars day care etc. They are not all irresponsible drug users and prostitutes as the media likes to portray them. This cash flow in the local community also disappears. Eventually like when any industry closes down you and I have to make up for this loss of revenue by paying higher taxes. More importantly where do these people come up with the idea that they can tell me how to live my life. In other words I never got to Memphis or Tunica when it was happening.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messaging?
    Yes to all of the above. Great idea.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do You Dance?
    Having made two extended work related trips to South America over the last 3 months I have come to love to dance. The women love to go to the bars and drink and dance. Salsa dancing is fun and at the end of the night you usually end up lucky.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Return of Bones
    Welcome back glad to hear your father is doing well. Missed your road trip reviews. Are you still in the Tunica area? Caesars owes me a trip to any of the Harrahs properties.
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    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Ginger or Maryann?
    Maryann. And don't forget Bailey (I think)from WKRP In Cincinnati. Same choice Loni Anderson or the girl next door. Give me the girl next door anytime.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    chandler - Your right maybe a few pretty women would have been more accurate. It does seem as Book Guy has pointed out that the standards in some places have fallen over the past few years. However sometimes we can find diamonds in the rough and that is always a good thing. My last trip to Las Vegas at Crazy Horse II the quality of dancers had gone way down where at Spearmint Rhino they were just as beautiful and plentiful as ever. FONDL - If we are going to spend our money anywhere we should expect good service. If the waitress doesn't clean the table before I sit down or spends her time hanging out with the dancers and not servicing the customer I leave her station or the club altogether. It is because people have allowed them to do so in the past that they get away with it. If she is swamped and is doing the best she can no problem. There is a club in Atlanta where you can't get service from the dancers or the waitresses. Tiffanys it is like pulling teeth to get a lap dance or a drink. They sometimes do have beautiful women but all your going to see of them is their stage dance. A good place to just sit at the bar if your thirsty and watch. A very inexpensive place. You couldn't spend $100 there if you gave it away.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat is back.
    Welcome back. I think you forgot to tell me about Crazy Horse I would have met you there. But then again it looks like you had the best dancer taken leaving me with leftovers.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Things You'll Never Hear a Stripper Say
    "let me go and pay my tip out and then I'll get us a room at the hotel down the street. Then we can really have some fun."
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do girls from Brazil. generally shave their pussies?
    Book Guy: Isn't it that time of year where your at and in Rio where the carnivale has started? Wouldn't it be fun to be in Rio during carnivale and check out all the Brazilian ladies.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Monthly strip club spending
    Pete22Z: Some of us are older gentleman such as IGU and myself. We have worked many years provided for our families and our retirement. Pensions, 401k's, Real Estate etc are in our portfolios. This is expendable money that will not make or break us. It beats spending a $1000 a month on other hobbies that are not as much fun or as rewarding. Let me see go to the SC and hang out with beautiful naked women or buy a bass boat and spend my money that way. It's just a choice on what to do with your time and money. And yes I do give time and money to charities.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do girls from Brazil. generally shave their pussies?
    chandler: They range from blond European (probably German descent) to black african and everything in between ie dark spanish - portugese features. One thing they most have in common is a bubble butt. Some larger than others but on most it is a distinct feature.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Monthly strip club spending
    Like Book Guy I average around $1000 per month. Some months I am too busy and don't set foot in a club. Then other times I am in twice a week. As long as the money is disposable why not spend it on something we enjoy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do girls from Brazil. generally shave their pussies?
    There used to be a flock of Brazilian dancers at a club in Atlanta. On close personal inspection most shaved only a couple had any hair and it was always trimmed. They would hang out in packs and were a lot of fun. They usually go to NY and the northeast for a change of pace and then return to Atlanta after a 6 month hiatus. They love going to dinner and OTC but some you can't understand unless you know Portugese.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you talk much during lap dances?
    evilcyn: You are my dream dancer even though I haven't met you. You are absolutely correct in that we can cool off and discuss things with a beer after you have given a smoking hot dance. Please keep giving your thoughts and opinions as they are very much needed. There are other dancers who get it like you do and they are all a joy to be with.