
Comments by hugevladfan (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Off Topic: Didn't know you had to dress up to get atterntion from women
    WOW. And to think I (and others) jumped on shadowcat for using the term jewing them down. I think book guy denigrated african-americans about seven different ways and naturally had to close with drug dealers, because lordy knows there aren't any white people dealing. Amazingly I am not even gonna hurl any insults, juss to say that was some of the most ridiculous drivel I have evr read anywhere.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Off Topic: Didn't know you had to dress up to get atterntion from women
    This isn't, of course, GENETIC. People with dark skin color can grow up learning the difference between quality and flash, and have the genetic capacity to understand these issues. And please don't forget to add that people with dark skin colour can learn to become buoyant as well, and the original orator of that statement was for equality as much as anyone whoever walked the planet, so please don't come yelping to me about political correctness.
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    18 years ago
    Off Topic: Didn't know you had to dress up to get atterntion from women
    I guess the word ghetto in reference to Afro-Americans isn't a loaded term after all. Oy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    BTW regarding that e-mail Komey was pleased about: my ATF whom I showered $$$ upon (and enjoyed every second of it) but could never prove to be reliable when all I was asking for was a pittance (she's 22 and a future star, me 35 and quite laidback) called me out of the blue (from her club) after three months of me breaking off communication with her. We had a quality 10 minute conversation but objectively speaking she ostensibly called in the hopes that I would visit her when she was on the clock. Could I be wrong? Perhaps but I would rather not find out. Chances are Komey the girl contacted you juss as much to try to lure you back than a legitimate inquiry into how the hell you're doing (disregard previous if you haven't spent that much dough on her in relative or absolute terms)
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    18 years ago
    Common dancer tactics to figure out how much money you have?
    I've never been asked if I am married. Generally I will hang with one girl for hours over repeated occasions so I don't get asked the same questions over and over. The fact that I frequent the same club on a weekly basis prolly gives off the message that I am a fool who will soon be parted with his money. On an intro level I think the way a guy treats a waitress gives the first indication of what kind of money he has. If a guy stiffs her that is an indication most of the time, or if he points out two peopl ethat hjave hung out for a long time and seems bewildered why that happens.........
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    18 years ago
    Seamless Las Vegas
    Go later in the evening say around 2 AM. I've been there at 10:30 PM and it's been OK in the middle of the week and been there at 3:30 am and the vibe changes for the better (I've never been there when it becomes a nightclub). Drink prices are affordable, quite low for a club of this stature. Drink prices in VIP are a RIPOFF. $50 for four and you muss buy them (at least as of a month ago, which is one reason i don't frequent the place as much)
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    18 years ago
    In A Perfect World
    I think I admire in a certain way your ability to hit your fave club six nights a week. I am not sure I can stretch the funds out long enough to be such a consistent visitor
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Weird shit strippers report being asked to do
    I was with a stripper the other night and she said there was a guy that came in with a paddle and liked to be struck by it. That didn't strike me as totally odd. I have had strippers dance for me and remain with their clothes on (well one gal danced for me for nearly an hour and never took her top off, it was still pretty awesome). I've also gotten dances from strippers and not touched them at all, usually sitting with hands folded together.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Discussing OTC and extras
    If I ever happened to stumble across a situation whhere I was the beneficiary of extras I would never publicise the fact anywhere. Wouldn't mention the club, the girl or the acts. I don't look upon anyone with envy at their exploits and I don't care anyone to know juss what it is I do inside. If some people feel the need to bloat their own ego by trumpeting their accomplishments good for them and that's their decision to make but actions do have consequences and unless you can be sure there will be no adverse effects I believe silence would be golden.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to tell when you're getting bored in a stripclub.
    when I make rounds at the club for a SECOND time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opinion of Bathroom attendants?
    no prob with bathroom attendants in nicer places (Seamless, Club Paradise) or even middle of the road ones (Cheetahs and Striptease). I always get my $$$'s worth as I am sure to grab some candy and cologne for my buck's worth. I was quite friendly with one of them from CP and the coupla bills I gave him each trip was a tiny price to pay for the info and camraderie.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    "Dollar" Tipping
    I never mind the stage walk. It's a freaking dollar folks. Granted there are some people I would prefer not to give one to and I am sure that there have been many times where I pass on doing so but if I have a few dollars available and I am sitting there watching women shake their derriers for ten minutes of entertainment it's more than worth it.
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    18 years ago
    Club Songs?
    to me the music makes the club experience forgettable or unforgettable. I am to the point where I will soon give the DJ $10 to play two of my choice songs I bring in. It's too hit and miss for me otherwise and I have had many a dance ruined because I couldn't get into the moosic.
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    18 years ago
    Club Songs?
    Unfinished Sympathy by Massive Attack, Wicked Game by Chris Isaak, How Soon is Now by The Smiths, anything by Depeche Mode.
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    18 years ago
    DJ vs. No DJ
    Never been to a club that didn't have a DJ so I have nothing to compare it to. There is one DJ who will accomodate me at my club of choice for a very nominal tip. Info on girls that is less than flattering (she's a hustler, she can't talk) and most imptly this guy will skip the girl I am with on the floor and use someone else to take the stage. It's fucking amazing at juss what a lil show of gratitude gets you nowadays. As someone in a service industry I can attest to it well. It is the thought that counts.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Getting Dances from Uncirculating Dancers
    I will usually run my fingers across her lower back area and give a glance as I walk away. I am normally not very upfront so to me that's as aggressive as I prefer to get. The one girl I spend the most time with now I tipped $2 while she was on stage. I can't say I have really ever seen her circulate as I seem to stay with her from either the time she sees me or I request her.
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    18 years ago
    Club Songs?
    Age of Loneliness (Enigma) always causes me to grab the nearest girl and have her gyrate.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    You know you're being a "sucker" for a stripper when...
    I need to proofread. NO NO NO.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    You know you're being a "sucker" for a stripper when...
    Also would you please buy my friend a drink. It's easy to say no to a dance since they are 3 or 4 times the price of a beverage usually. It's harder to say know for a $6 bottled water or a $7 Red Bull.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    You know you're being a "sucker" for a stripper when...
    NONE of this shit has ever happened to me. I've gotta be the most vanilla SC customer EVER. I've been robbed of a few dollars (overcharged) a coupla times but learned that lesson fast (stay out of Cheetahs on weekends). Perhaps(probably?) because I don't drive that discounts 95% of possibilities of being taken advantage of, asked for favours, dinner dates, sob stories and given extas like y'all seem to get. But to me the #1 reason you know you're being a sucker for a stripper is when you follow her to another club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Need some advice
    Interestingly enough after reading your riff on bathroom attendants and thinking that I have said sumpin less than agreeable regarding another one of your posts (I believe IRT your dress/appearance at work and someone's opinion) it kind of puts your answer in a different perspective. If I have mistaken the origin of the post I apologise but thx for the visual of bathroom 'monkeys'.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Preaching Amongst The Choir?
    It seems in the past few weeks that there has been more variety amongst posters. Everything runs in phases and during the busier fall season I'd guess these forums will get even busier.
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    18 years ago
    My main obsession
    six minutes to go, Steelers backed up on their own 13 yard line and I am sitting on a ticket with the Dolphins +4........ my fault thinking I was gonna cash a fucking ticket.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Need some advice
    First of all thx for the response. Loved the first paragraph, you lost me at the point you said I need to exhibit some self-control. As stated, externally I would be fine and I am quite fortunate that in my time a loss of self-control has always eluded me. Besides adrenaline and pain I have never been in altered state and intend to keep it that way. Naturally there is some credence in what yuou said (if you meant it in a serious manner) and I appreciated the frankness.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Need some advice
    Reading things you don't want to hear I always feel is somehow beneficial. The following paragraph would fall into that category and prolly more spot-on than I care to realise. Thx for the observations (again). [Book Guy wrote]-----------Think about it. Doesn't it make you feel "committed" or "deep" or "strongly attached," to have such in-depth responses to this person? Aren't you, deep down, SHOWING OFF your commitment and emotional dependence, by posting about it here on the boards? If you really want it to go away, your task is not to experience it in your imagination before it happens, and congratulate yourself, and then go experience it for real and somehow "live through" it. Rather, your task is to think of it as childish, a bad choice; imagine SOMETHING ELSE; and then take the steps necessary to make something else happen.