
Comments by hugevladfan (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    My main obsession
    I never claimed to be a real fan, nor would I ever denigrate a fan for NOT having $$$ on a game. Juss making an observation.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Should you stay with your own race for the best mileage?
    It's been a long time since I've had dances from an Af-Am woman (even tho I have a huge affinity for them). There may be one gal at the club whom I would actively pursue for dances. Most of the Af-Ams have the body type I like but are lacking the facial features I desire. I have gotten mediocre dances from enough white girls not to typecast either race when it comes mileage and truth be told I am not a high mileage type of customer
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Should you stay with your own race for the best mileage?
    It's been a long time since I've had dances from an Af-Am woman (even tho I have a huge affinity for them). There may be one gal at the club whom I would actively pursue for dances. Most of the Af-Ams have the body type I like but are lacking the facial features I desire. I have gotten mediocre dances from enough white girls not to typecast either race when it comes mileage and truth be told I am not a high mileage type of customer
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Getting Rid of the Wrong Dancer
    Book Guy put it best ------ a simple 'I am waiting for another girl' always has worked. last night I must've dropped that line a half dozen times and every girl I used it on left shortly after hearing it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Crazy Horse Too (in Vegas) is CLOSED.
    A sign on the front says they are closed for remodeling and plan to reopen tomorrow. We shall see, Lots of the girls have flooded other clubs (like Cheetahs). I'll keep ya further updated.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    My main obsession
    I have always reasoned that the growing popularity of American football is the sort of controlled violence taking place between the sidelines. As a strategic battle it's a fascinating sport to dissect but there is juss way too much downtime in between attempts to make a positive play. As our society becomes more coarse and can excuse the most grotesque violence without any reflection whatsoever the popularity of sports like football and UFC fighting (and its offshoots) will always have audiences to capture. One needs to only see the cheapshot that Trent Green absorbed as the latest act.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do DJ's play what they want or what the Dancer wants?
    It seems at the club I go to the majority of the music (if not all of it) is the dancers choice. All the girls I have talked to about it seem to know the songs upcoming for specific dancers.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    as for the person above who wondered why the girl couldn't tear herself away for a dance or two. Speaking from experience I know I don't juss want the taste or an appetiser. I want a whole meal including dessert and coffee afterwards if that's what I am willing to do. Last week a girl I hang with was juss at the end of her shift and we hung together for about 45 minutes, 25 of which was in a VIP room (i've previously hung with her for four plus hours). She did maybe two motionless dances for me and I gave her $100 bucks for the room. I wasn't overly pleased and told her the next day truth be told I would've preferred NOT to even have seen you under those circumstances since it felt so abbreviated. Perhaps a taste would work for you.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    An Addiction to Clubs
    wow I don't know if I ever looked at it as an addiction but going there has some sort of an element of control I like (since I usually go myself it's much easier to feel part of the scene as opposed to a nightclub setting). I meet some interesting people in the place and it's juss one more area to watch human interactions in one of the rawest of scenes.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancers who appear drunk -hate em or love em?
    The last two drug tests I've taken have been administered by taking strands of my hair. As far as intoxicated dancers. Hate them. I could get into the character aspects of it but if you're obviously loaded on the floor it says how much you actually care about your job. It is somewhat different if you're with the same party for multiple hours and partaking every so often (or even more frequently). By and large tho if you're in the back getting tanked, or doing lines to get through the evening you need another profession. I don't frequent these type of girls.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancers who appear drunk -hate em or love em?
    Did you get the dance? She may have taken great pains to make it up to you.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    heading to Vegas
    Deja Vu Showgirls would be the only nude club I'd risk going to. If you're into the trashy types Talk of the Town MAY be your cup of espresso.
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    18 years ago
    Wading through Stripper BS
    Put me in the camp of wanting to know as lil stripper BS as possible. The less I know about what's happening the better off I'll be since I don't have a reason to care about it. If a shotgirl annoys the shit out of me I'll say sumpin to the girl I am with or another confidant, or if a stripper rips me off or takes advantage of me I'll pass it along but otherwise I won't say anything and generally don't like it said to me. Too much stripper BS will get me to cut the cord.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Clubbing safety
    What's a big wad of cash if you only need it to pay for liquor? I have carried as much as $550 into the club and never given it a second thought. Things in Vegas seem largely different than the rest of the country.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Leave me alone!
    no means no and if I am not interested than I will avoid eye contact BUT if there is a super confident dancer that still decides to crack the veneer I have erected it's possible that I would indulge juss out of sheer admiration. This may have happened once or twice. A polite I am waiting for someone or I am not even warmed up yet always suffices.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Customer Abandonment
    it doesn't sound like you cared one way or the other that she left you. If you did than I'd have almost nothing to do with her OR guilt her into believing you were more upset than was the case (since it's a smaller club 3-4 girls?). I'd be pretty pissed if I had bought a girl three drinks and she juss up and left. The fact that you're a familiar face (perhaps?) may have dictated her reaction a bit.