
Comments by hugevladfan (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Unusual request Part 2
    I am npt sure I would go anywhere near this girls private parts. Can't you juss make sure she's OK and somewhat stable? I mean it juss sounds like you're opening yourself up to several nightmare situations. Can I put dollar to dollar she starts dancing again, no matter how honest her intentions may be?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How much...
    What body language would I even need to exhibit to give the impression I was interested in a HJ? Never even had one suggested, nor would I have a clue how to get one for $0.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    FONDL if you can find where I typed that poor people don't buy gasoline I'd appreciate you pointing it out and I will quickly disavow such a statement. As far as there being an authoritative pronouncement that gas companies aren't price gouging? Well when Lee Raymond can take a $400 million dollar golden parachute and Exxon/Mobil can take the largest profit ever in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD, I don't think there is anytime soon sumpin that'll be able to be declared that says these companies are on the up and up until maybe the stock price declines and their market cap is significantly lowered where the top execs aren't making nearly 400 times the lowest rung workers.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    I had no prob spending beaucoup $$$ on a stripper I was quite fond of at times I would've sworn were beneficial for her. I wonder to this day juss what it was that caused her to distance herself from our encounters. There was never even a hint of sex involved so I know I can eliminate that aspect.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    Poor people drive less than people that aren't poor, therefore the amount of gas tax that they pay is less than people that drive more. Not only do I not SPECIFICALLY say that poor people don't pay gas tax I don't even hint at it. Thx for confirming that for me. The lottery is perhaps more regressive and sin taxes are wholly regressive. Without having a mountain of stats in front of me I would posit that any gas tax is severely less regressive.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Would being unusually
    it wasn't the money clubber since the last time we hung out (on her birthday) in a club we went into the Champagne room and she had done the best she had up until that point.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    Obscene profits and ridiculous salaries. It isn't juss record profits and high salaries that led me to my answer.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    My definition of obscene profits would partly entail when there are families unable to heat their homes adequately because of the high price of oil and yet companies continue to establish record revenues, an out and out refusal to pay a one time windfall profit tax lobbying their cronies er congressmen on the hill to rebut such a maneuver when there were Democrats pushing for it. Not giving back rebates on a license fee which was mistakenly put in an energy bill back in 1997 when oil was about $28 a gallon. Now that oil has enjoyed $68 plus a barrel prices for over a year they STILL WANT THEIR BILLIONS IN TAX BREAKS. Meanwhile people are hurting at the pump and oil apologists talk about how it may be un-american to even talk about hindering the free spirit of capitalism. Do I need to continue?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The worst I can recall is banging heads. The last dancer I was with I thought was real close to chomping through my nipple. I think I still have a cut on my hand from her biting it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How would you like it if a strip club opened close to your home?
    My philosophy would be to live and let live. I wonder if FONDL while granting rights to let property pretty much set up wherever it wanted (I think that's what he said) feels that he doesn't also have the right to tell INDIVIDUALS juss what it is they can and can't do? As far as drug use (espesh marijuana), gay marriage and abortion go (not to mention helmet and seatbelt laws). I'd have no prob with a stripclub opening near me but I wouldn't protest for or against it. I'd be agnostic reagarding its presence. there's more to life than property values.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Would being unusually
    I never cried about myself per se but it wouldn't be a stretch to say I was a downer. This girl actually saw me at the height of my misery. (I described it to friends as the most pain I've ever endured)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    ABBIE: I wouldn't disagree with much of what you said in your recent post regarding what you think my characterisation of obscene profits would be.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    TACO--- I'd be absolutely shocked if lower classes drive anywhere near as much as upper classes. One need only look at the cost of automobiles and insurance for an easy indicator, as well as who is taking public transportation buses (In major metro areas on the East Coast municipal train service is quite popular with all classes)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How would you like it if a strip club opened close to your home?
    So no matter how society evolves if a minority group didn't have specific rights enumerated to them than they would be prohibited from ever realising them? Being a strip club aficionado (as all of us are) I am loathe to deprive anyone of their individual rights espesh if it's withing confines of quite a reasonable law (I don't feel most of the drug laws are reasonable, unless you're going for ineffectiveness)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    Let's not forget the inherited wealth which is so plentiful as how those people have worked hard for it. Who works harder than people that work out in fields picking fruit or those that inspect meat and separate it from the animals? I don't see those people getting too rich, or even fabulously middles class. Teachers? Can we drop the canard that investment bankers and CEO's of most companies work "hard". These are quite smart, industrious people at one point but after awhile not much expertise is needed to excel (course that's true about alot of jobs, they juss don't pay as exorbitantly)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Would being unusually
    Is that possible Chandler, sure? I did tell her I was fond of her which she knew and expressed myself in a way that she knew I was into her. I am curious what ultimately led to the divesture BUT I really could be making more of it than is there. After all I was the one that told her I wasn't coming around to see her anymore after I felt enough was enough w/ the runaround.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are any of you...
    Too many times the girl wouldn't live up to the fantasy I have so no I am almost def NOT interested in dating a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    Lots of good stuff. Of course I don't believe anyone was denigrating people that work hard and own small businesses. They certainly are entitled to the fruits of their labour. It serves society exceptionally well that these entrepreneurs are out there and go-getters are succeeding. They make all of our lives easier. What any of this has to do with opposition to strip clubs (long past talked about) or more recently the obscene profits made by oil companies is a bit beyond me. Again it was a nice tangent but as far as relevance to the topic.....? Not to open up a whole new can of worms but wouldn't it seem to be a goal to deprive public schools of funds diverting them to religious outfits? Since it seems to be that more and more people are comfotable with the encroachment of religious indoctrination in everyday life it's the public schools where there is still SOME relief from having someone's religious dogma shoved down your throat (full disclosure I am a rampant secularlist). More and more Americans believe in a deity of some sort and I believe atheists score somewhere below trial lawyers and pimps on the respectability scale. As FONDL hints at earlier when are people going to wake up to the deterioration of certain public schools and demand that attention be given (we can start at teachers salaries)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    And if it's the Catholic Church doing the teaching I want to run FAR FAR away from that curriculum. Let's see women are second class citizens who can't ascend the papacy, homosexuality is a mental illness (which the APA finally dumped) and that condom use not to mention all out of wedlock sex is immoral. They juss got around to pardoning Galileo right?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Would being unusually
    There is a difference between brooding and depression. The reason that depression scares me some is because the ease in which drugs are provided to combat it (I am very pro-drug use, juss not for me). The thing is I think I feel everything and am glad to be able to. Several faves I hung out with last night pointed out they can tell I was in a funk the last coupla times they saw me (have you read about what's going on in the world?) and last night I was in the same place but somehow for a few hours the two girls were able to lift me a bit. Of course I barely shared with these two juss how brooding I can be nor did I spend enough time in conversation with them to give that impression. That said I am upfront with the way I am feeling and the best is when they ask me am I ready to have a good time and I can answer it and say if you can show me a good time...........
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Would being unusually
    One of my coworkers today described me as being dark and dreary today and I juss told her to lose the dreary part. I doubt tho she knows the depth of my dark feelings (again have you seen what is happenin in the world) nor have I shared with her some of my innermost thoughts (which would confirm everything she said). I added lose the dreary because if that were the case I wouldn't be able to leave the house everyday).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Would being unusually
    Winter blues: The clinical name I believe your referring to is seasonal affective disorder. I am skeptical that there is such a tangible thing.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How would you like it if a strip club opened close to your home?
    FONDL---- special rights for special people (groups)? Is marriage a special right and are homosexuals special people? My answer would be no on both accounts. As far as no smoking laws go they can't be passed fast enough in public areas, and anyone wanting to conduct business ostensibly is doing it in a public area ergo restaurants, bars and strip clubs are public area (you can't restrict access to a specific group of people).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    The worst thing that happens in club is juss waiting and waiting on a dancer. She may come over, she may not come over. Big time PITA as your juss passing the time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Las Vegas Strip Clubs
    Cheetahs is my club of choice as during the week m-wed they have a wide variety of type of girls there (large, small, hotties, pedestrian). Their afternoons are great as dances are $10. The Rhino is a zoo but has absolute knockouts there and my friend tells me there's lots of action to be had at CH II.