A spa treatment at a world famous resort club. The expectations of doing sumpin like this are realistically not much. The cost isn't cheap but considering what I've spent on this girl it's not much. Good idea or bad idea?
Any suggestions on an inexpensive, ie. $20 - $30, gift to get for a dancer? Perfume's not a bad choice, if perhaps a bit pricey. I can't see spending the money on the spa treatment, but if you've got it, go for it. Anyway, I don't want to get anything too fancy or extravagant, just something to show appreciation for the great service. (On the off chance you're interested in the more detailed explanation, it's in the "gifts" thread I started before I moved to this thread.)
If you are truly that altruistic and selfless and don't mind the fact that your chump rating is going to go up in her mind (because she won't see it this way) then go ahead and do it.
a chance to let her spoil herself in a way she hasn't prolly done yet, another bowling/movie outing, giving business to a place in the same hotel as mine (ha ha).
last comment(On the off chance you're interested in the more detailed explanation, it's in the "gifts" thread I started before I moved to this thread.)