
Bang For $$, Hrly Rates, Clippers, etc.

Any place that interests me.
Saturday, April 15, 2006 11:46 AM
I propose that reviewers start timing songs, and post equivalent hourly rate per lap dance. Think 15 seconds or so doesn't matter, think again! The worst clippers seem to be Spearmint Rhino, Deja Vu, and 2 clubs around LAX airport. The clippers are often in the 2.4-2.9 minute range, the more reasonable are in 3.3- 4 min. range. Assuming a $20 lapdance cost, the equivalent hourly rate for the PL freindly club is $300-$360/hr, while the clipper rate is $420-$500/hr. To take this further: Clubs w. higher lapdance costs can be a better buy if they don't cut songs vs "lower cost" (er price) that does. To take this even further: Seeing that average escort goes for $300-$400/hr, the clipper clubs better have some damn good factors in LD for continued patronage. Your thoughts and applicable local(regional) experiences??


  • RomanticLover
    18 years ago
    If you pay FIVE DOLLARS for each lap dance then the length of the song may not matter as much.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Song length isn't a big issue. Song cutting is. Or it would be if I ever encounted it. I stay out of clubs that do that. If they cut songs, you can bet they'll use other tricks to cheat their customers.
  • ummyeah
    18 years ago
    I've got to agree with most here, song cutting isn't/hasn't been a big issue. However, I had an experience with it last night that pissed me the hell off. I went to my favorite club, had one of my regular dancers talking with me all night. Near the end of the night, I bought a dance from her. It was going great, until the damned, bastard dj cut the song at about a minute and a half. Even the dancer couldn't believe that he cut the song that short. Oh well, win some, lose some. I guess that'll teach me not to wait till the end of the night to buy a dance.
    18 years ago
    Song length is a minor issue for me. I don't buy dances from a girl unless she sits and talks to me for a while first and if I really like her that's almost as much fun as the dances themselves. So I might only buy 3 dances, depending on how much they cost, but I spend an hour or more with the girl, and my total cost might be somewhere around $80-150 depending on the club.
  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    Guys, this isn't rocket science or brain surgery. it's guys trying to get away with as much as possible with naked women. Just keep trying and maybe you will find a situation where time or song duration isn't an issue anymore.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    OK, you've got $200 to spend on LD's. Lets say both "Clipper Club", and NoClip Club have $20 LD's. Based on my experience, $200 will yield 24-29 minutes of contact time in the former vs 33-40 minutes of the later. One can decide for themselves if the potential 4-16 minute difference is a major factor for them. In my case, I've been patronizing more generous club more. There are other mitigating factors. Non clipper has a bit less mileage, but more attractive dancers. I merely propose presenting as many rational factors as possible, and letting tuscl customer evaluate for themselves.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    we are getting way too technical.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    Then don't even have songs to begin with. Simply move the LD's out on to street and feed a meter. If you go over, a meter maid can come along and write you a citation for groping on an expired meter.
  • RTRAnniston
    18 years ago
    Hey, I am a newbie here but have been going to clubs for years. Here is the strategy I employ. I usually will go to a club a couple of times and get a feel for the dancers and the club. Most of the clubs in my area have a jukebox and the dancers select and pay for there own songs. If I find an ATF in the club. I also will find a girl that may not do to well on getting the tips. I will also look to see how the rotation looks that night. I will be sure to have my ATF sitting with me and before my friend that does not get all the tips is on deck. I will tell my ATF I will be right back and then I will give a nice tip to the befriended dancer to choose the longest 2-song set she can put together. Then I scurry back and get my 2-song VIP in style. This may sound crazy but I think the extra work is worth it if you have an ATF and want the most bang for the buck. I think every one wins this way. Your real buddy has given you a while to enjoy your ATF and she has been given a good tip just for picking music in a jukebox.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    "Clubs w. higher lapdance costs can be a better buy if they don't cut songs vs "lower cost" (er price) that does." True, but that's only one aspect of it. The two clubs I go to most both have $25 lapdances, but the one club gives you more bang for the buck than the other. In the end, song length is only a minor aspect of the whole interaction. On the other hand, if the club only played 3 minute songs, I might find that annoying if another club played longer ones after a while. But none of the clubs I go to cut off their songs, so I'm not really sure how much it matters.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I keep it simple. Any club where I need to check my watch to see if I'm getting my money's worth is a club I stay away from. As long as reviewers warn us about places that cut songs, I have no need for more detail than that.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    I know alot of NON-hip hop songs so if I hear what's expected to be a longer one come on than I'll make a girl dance for me. My least fave is when I KNOW the song and they cut it off. Few things chap me off more.
  • jimmyblong
    18 years ago
    You don't have to time the song during a lapdance. Time them while your sitting enjoying your first drink. I do this at every new club that I go to in order todetermine if a lapdance is worth it. I also hate when I'm getting into a song and it is cut short by the obnoxious dj to announce that we should be tipping our dancers...duh... I was once at aclub in St. Louis that played full cuts and when the girls on stage pissed him off he would play inna-godda-davida or stranglehold each well over 7 minutes. If you were smart you'd grab an ATF and hit the lap dance couch once you heard those songs start up. Maximize your $$.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    If you really want to be systematic about it, the song's BPM (beats per minute) should be factored in. For example, a 3 minute, 120 BPM song would yield 360 grinds from your lap dancer, while a 4 minute, 50 BPM ballad would yield only 200 grinds - barely half the grinds per dollar even though the song is 33.3% longer. Granted, being a slower grind, it may provide more cumulative contact, but that's too subjective to seriosly place any value on it.
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