Corona virus
Its a pandemic lol. The hysteria over this is absolutely nuts. Stalinists in San Francisco have declared a state of emergency, Two people HAVE DIED in America. The CDC of course estimates that betrween 10/1/2019 and 2/1/2020 that between 12,000 and 30,000 people HAVE DIED in this country from the flu, but never let the possibility of taking away people's rights under the guise of helping them. After all Mussolini did get the trains to run on time ...........
No, I don’t think everyone is going to die. But, this has already disrupted the hell out of the world’s economy by disrupting the Chinese supply chain. It’s going to get much worse over the next 2-3 months. Then, it will take years for the supply chains to get back to normal.
mark; Very true; my company is trying to plan for supply chain shortages and it's only a matter of time before it hits the sales side as well.
I believe that it'll probably be nothing, but I'm prepared for it to be something.
Over 80% of prescription drugs sold in the US are made in China. That is a huge risk to our country. There are dozens of other examples of goods that must be brought back to either the US or friendly countries, hopefully more than one.
It took China 30 years to become the world’s manufacturing hub. It will take a decade to move it elsewhere.
Although it doesn't matter much in the US since most can't afford to get tested or the quarantine period.
I bet Skibum was a lot of fun during the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s
A major reason why it has spread is because of people not taking it seriously. COVID 19 is somewhere between 25-80 times more deadly than the flu is. The comparisons between the two end at their symptoms.
This isn’t Zika or h1n1. This is the real deal. Unfortunately it seems people have gotten complacent and over confident in regards to diseases because it’s been so long since we suffered from an epidemic like this.
It’s worth reminding everyone that the CCP is not releasing accurate numbers. The numbers are likely at least 10x as high as they are reporting. Crematoriums in Wuhan have been getting overwhelmed with bodies as they are working 24/7 for weeks to burn them all. The numbers Iran is reporting are likely not accurate either as their own mayor in Qoms criticized the central government for covering up close to 50 deaths.
Do farts spread the COVID-19 virus? Pants work just fine to cut off novel coronavirus transmission in farts, a Beijing district disease control center announced on Sunday.
In a lengthy and seemingly humorous yet serious article on its WeChat account, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of Tongzhou district in Beijing clarified that farts, normally, do not constitute another transmission route of COVID-19, unless someone takes a good and rather close sniff of gas from a pantless patient.…
Alice Eve Explains Differences Between American & UK Dating - CONAN on TBS (2012)…
TJ Street
WATCH LIVE: House committee continues hearing on virus outbreak and HHS budget…
You damn dirty apes have been killing pangolins to make ineffective boner pills. Well the pangolins are getting their revenge now. So what are you getting now? A bunch of stupid apes without boners who are frickin dying. What goes around comes around!
I'm going in for my annual check up this morning and will be seeing her tomorrow afternoon.
But we’ll see won’t we.
That’s not how the disease works. COVID 19 is extremely airborne. This isn’t fake news, China quarantined tens of millions of people, put their economy on hold for a month, and have threatened anybody who does not confess that they have the disease with execution. China went door to door rounding up anybody who had a fever and put them in quarantine camps.
If anything the news is downplaying the severity of it.
It’s like the Spanish Flu maybe. Unfortunately it’s a lot more contagious than the Spanish flu but seems to be just as deadly.
And yes he needs to cut the bullshit as do you, sometimes events transcend politics and I fuckn guarantee that just as many Trump supporters as anti Trumpees will get sick and the markets are pulling back the same for you as they are for me. Kudlow was as full of shit yesterday as he is every day, making his his pronouncements the Dow was dropping for the third day in a row.
Trump needs to find the CDC to allow more testing and develop a better method of testing because right now if you want to get tested it could cost you $3,500 in medical bills.
So nobody is voluntarily getting tested and the CDC doesn’t seem to want to test people. The only criteria for getting tested is if you have direct links to China or close contact with an infected person and even then, only with the CDC’s explicit approval. A recent case was confirmed in California only after the virus got so severe they couldn’t ignore it. Other experts have said the US likely has dozens if not hundreds of cases that haven’t been confirmed because of our lack of testing.
My issue with Trumps statements was that he misled the public by saying it’s just like the flu. In doing so all the people who haven’t been following the daily updates on the virus are not taking it seriously.
Someone said yesterday that only 4 states even have testing kits.
It is political but at the least it shouldn’t be a left-right issue. The reason it got out of control in Iran so quickly was because they wouldn’t test anybody and the virus festered there for weeks. At this point Iran might be in more trouble than China is.
And the problem a lot of other countries are having is not learning from the authoritarian countries mistakes and doing the same thing on a much smaller scale. Singapore managed to prevent a major outbreak through extensive testing and monitoring of contacts, we should follow their example.
South Korea has developed a home testing method. Why are we not asking for intel on how to develop that ourselves?
By the way, in case you didn’t realize the government wants to keep you in a panic and fearful about shit that has little effect on your directly so it is harder to direct your efforts onto the government for not working for the people. It’s a red herring, but you stupid hairless apes can’t see the forest through the trees. ADHD in adults is a pandemic gone epidemic.
No, that’s not what he said. I went back and looked at the transcript. He referred to there being 26,000 to 69,000 deaths from the flu each year as a way of giving a context for the Coronavirus. He never said “ it’s just like the flu”.
That makes absolutely no sense. Why would the government want people to panic and disrupt the economy? More than anything the government wants the economy to stay strong and people panicking from a viral infection does the opposite.
Okay maybe I misheard him at some point. But the issue with the flu comparisons is that beyond the fact that they have similar symptoms they aren’t really similar diseases. COVID 19 is significantly more deadly and more contagious. The mortality rate is being reported as 2.5% but the problem with that figure is that it only measures how many people have died out of all our cases including active ones. The case recovery rate indicates a mortality rate of more like 8%.
This is why I said it is 25-80 times more deadly than the flu which has a mortality rate of 0.1% and of whom 75% of fatalities occur in individuals 75 years of age or older.
So far with COVID 19 it would appear that people in their 50s and 60s are still at a major risk of dying or having permanent lung damage from contracting it. The risk gets a lot lower in your 40s but lots of people in their 40s and younger have still died from it or had serious cases.…
Daniel Castro - I'll Play The Blues For You…
Slow Blues/ Blues Ballads 1 - A two hour long compilation…
TJ Street
Old thread, valuable info, closed:
OT: Programmable Logic Devices…
Wars happen for much more complicated reasons than that.
Major outbreaks have occurred in China, South Korea, Japan, Iran, and Italy. In the past three days, smaller outbreaks appear to be happening in France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Kuwait, Bahrain, the UAE, Iraq, Austria, and Norway.…
I mean how the fuck did San Marino get a case? San Marino is a tiny island with a population of 33,000 people.
Do you honestly believe that its not going to come here? The only way to prevent it from spreading here is if we just completely shut down all travel and at this point even that might not be enough. Its spreading around Europe right now from people who hadn't even been to Italy.…
WATCH LIVE: CDC, State Department officials testify on international response to novel coronavirus…
WATCH LIVE: Pelosi holds weekly news briefing amid novel coronavirus budget talks…
Daniel Castro - I'll Play The Blues For You…
Slow Blues/ Blues Ballads 1 - A two hour long compilation…
TJ Street
Old thread, valuable info, closed:
OT: Programmable Logic Devices…
The Associated Press just did a fact check proving this is false. Funding for the CDC was not cut.
He’s proposed cuts but Congress ignored him and increased financing instead. The National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aren’t suffering from budget cuts that never took effect.…
Everything for Everyone: The Radical Tradition That Is Shaping the Next Economy
by Nathan Schneider, a leader in the Occupy Movement…
Green New Deal full text, 14 pages…
Daniel Castro - I'll Play The Blues For You…
Slow Blues/ Blues Ballads 1 - A two hour long compilation…
TJ Street
Old thread, valuable info, closed:
OT: Programmable Logic Devices…
ask your servers for 'CORONA-free glasses'.. they have to quarantine the CORONA glasses in most states now according to the CDC”
Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction. Corona beer has seen a decline in sales since the Coronavirus hit the news.…
For starters, it's not exceptionally deadly to anyone under 80 or those with other underlying medical conditions, which makes it much like the flu. In fact, for children, coronavirus is far less deadly than the flu, something which health officials are still trying to understand. As a father of three, this is the most important consideration for me.
So for the most part, people will get sick, then get better and return to work/school. Again much like the flu. I also suspect that, once this shakes out, the ultimate fatality rates here in the U.S. will be far lower than those reported in China.
China lacks a modern medical system. Many of the people with the virus are getting little, or no, treatment. South Korea has a modern, western-style medical system.…
I've been married for over two decades. My wife happens to be Asian -- but she was born here and she's a CPA working in the healthcare industry. I'm not sure what relevance her ethnicity has except that perhaps you're a bigot in addition to having extremely low self-esteem.
Current SB is blonde, early 20s, and models swimwear. I've been seeing her almost 18 months and she's sensational. My ATF SB happened to be Asian. At the time she was studying economics at Duke which is a top-10 school.
I've never gone to an AMP and I've posted several times about how AMPs exploit poor Asian women into coming here for a better life.
Anyway, nice try dipshit.
I mean, my father is solidly right-wing but a lot of people here think I'm wimpy. There's a lot more variation in social values among right-leaning people than you think. And Asian conservatism really has more to do with family, gender roles (breadwinners and homemakers), order, and structure than being a tough guy which you seem to be extrapolating it to.
And how do you think your children are going to feel when they are fatherless because their dad didn't take the virus seriously and failed to take measures to protect himself? I'm not saying that's going to happen, but you shouldn't just dismiss it because it is much more dangerous for older people than really young people. You don't have be 80+. The virus is killing a lot of people in their 50s and 60s.
But consider with the number of deaths for the flu, how many people get a vaccine every year? probably more than 70% of the population, so not only are 70% of people not getting the flu at all, but not spreading it.
But, they will get and spread the corona virus. And 2% will die.
Like what CC, besides the obvious like hand washing and avoiding sick people, which most of us do anyway? Now maybe if this was the black plague and we were in the middle ages, we might consider extreme measures like hiding in a shack in the woods with a stockpile of food, despite whatever other real world consequences that might bring, but the coronavirus is certainly not something like that.
Stock up on food and water so that you have enough for two weeks without leaving the house. Make sure to read up on how the virus spreads. It can spread very easily. There is a lot of airborne transmission and people can transmit the disease to you even if they display no symptoms. Stock up on Clorox wipes, hand sanitizers with 70% alcohol content or higher, gloves, and soap. Make sure to follow government actions taken to limit the spread. If they tell us to stay in our homes for weeks at a time and not leave, we have to do it.
This shit is really getting silly now. This mass hysteria stuff really needs to calm down.
But if COVID 19 hits countries like India or Pakistan. You'd probably see the impact being very similar to the 1918 flu because their medical infrastructure and living conditions are very poor by comparison. I already suspect that Iran is going to have a much rougher time with the virus than China did. I saw a video of a medical worker in Iran saying that several people in their 20s and 30s died just on his shift the night before and many Iranians, including their own local officials have accused the government is covering up the impact of the virus in order to save face.
There's not a ton you can do to directly protect yourself against Wuhan, but you can anticipate and protect yourself against the reaction. We know what has happened in other areas and what happens when there's panic, there's a run on certain goods, that you can anticipate and prepare for: toilet paper and feminine hygiene products, pet food, soap & shampoo, shelf-stable foods like white rice and pasta and canned goods, all get run on immediately. The good news is, you can buy a little extra now, and even if there's never an issue, none of these things will really go bad, and if you're in an area where there's hurricanes or earthquakes, you should/could be rotating all this anyway. And if things get bad in your neighborhood and you decide to minimize how often you need to lead the house (I can work from home on a computer, not sure how many others can), well, now you can stay put.
On related news WSOP could be cancelled this season given news the virus is expected to peak June/July.……
The New England Journal of Medicine is publishing excellent updates and they're outside the reach of Pence's reach:…
Again, showing that there's a difference between sticking your fingers in your ears and "la la la"ing, and building your own fallout shelter. Obviously, I like that article because it mostly echoes what I said -- for the most part, preparing means being able to minimize your exposure if your local area goes "hot". Just as the article said, that means a few weeks of shelf-stable food (which you'll eventually eat anyway)... what the article missed was the other things I listed (pet food, toilet paper, etc) which also undergoes a run and is needed if you want to self-sequester for a couple of weeks.…
On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%. In another article in the Journal, Guan et al. report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.
Looking at the numbers in Wuhan vs the rest of China. What it looks like is that, with proper medical treatment and a hospital system that is not overwhelmed (the rest of China), you will have a 1% mortality rate. When hospitals are overwhelmed however and lots of people who should be getting treatment aren't, you have more like an 8% mortality rate. In Iran, where the medical infrastructure isn't that good to begin with, we may be seeing an even worse mortality rate, but hopefully that won't happen in the US even in the event of an outbreak. The worse case scenario is every city turning into Wuhan but I think we'd be able to contain it better than that.
How much damage this virus causes will depend very heavily on how prepared our hospitals are to deal with a wave of serious cases. COVID 19 causes hospitalizations at 100 times the rate the seasonal flu does.
What will really give us accurate information though is South Korea. South Korea is administering thousands of tests every day, through drive through locations. They are testing everybody, even the asymptomatic. We haven't had enough time yet to see large numbers of recovered cases though, so data there is a bit inconclusive. But they are giving us much more reliable numbers than anybody else is.
Skifredo has been “strip clubbingand skiing” - in other words, the Starbucks he used live behind ran him off so he was off “tha interwebz” until found a new place with free WiFi to live behind.…
I don't know about y'all, but I have enough supplies for three weeks the moment the government starts announcing lockdowns and quarantines. I've started wearing gloves in public and carrying hand sanitizer around with me. I am trying to avoid spending time in public as much as possible.
That's absolutely not true. The hospitalization rate for coronavirus is 100x higher than flu and the death rate is between 10-80 times higher. I keep asking you guys, why the hell do you think China would freak out so much over a flu? People were barred into their apartments, trucks sweeped the streets disinfecting everything. The government has threatened to execute anybody who has symptoms of the virus and doesn't come forward. Crematoriums in Wuhan from January 22nd to February 23rd were receiving so many bodies that they've been working 24/7 for an entire month. Estimates are finally coming in saying the true death toll in Wuhan is likely around 60,000 people. People on China's Weibo website cannot believe how careless the rest of the world is being right now and are criticizing us for "ostrich policies."
And its not like the Chinese governments' first instinct was to overreact either. Many people in China are infuriated by their government's initial reaction to the virus as many local officials tried to cover it up and arrested anybody who talked about it. China lured themselves into a false sense of security for almost two months and now they are desperately trying to correct their mistake.
The scariest part though is that we are probably going to get more fucked by the virus than China did. We have no testing capabilities and no plan for how to deal with this outbreak. It has been festering in the country for weeks and we have no idea all the places it might've been. Plus I guarantee you the number of Americans who are going to do stupid shit like break quarantines or walk around without any protection is a lot higher than in China. Especially given the number of Americans right now who are not taking this virus seriously. Instead of pursuing the South Korea strategy, our government apparently wants to pursue the Iran and China strategy.
I'm the one who has actually kept himself informed about this virus, checking on it daily often for multiple hours a day. So you can either make fun of me for having the time to do so or you can listen to me and understand that I've done 100x more research than you have and have a much better understanding of how dangerous it is.
PINSKY: I don’t know what they’re talking about. We used to point at the way Indiana responded to the opiate and the HIV epidemic as the model for the country. I don’t know what they’re talking about. The only reason I felt comfortable with Pence as Vice President was I was aware of his track record in Indiana in handling these serious problems, and they handled them better than most states did, almost any other state. So, I don’t know what the hell people are talking about. That is fake news…
We have in the United States 24 million cases of flu-like illness, 180,000 hospitalizations, 16,000 dead from influenza. We have zero deaths from coronavirus. We have almost no cases. There are people walking around out there with the virus that don’t even know they have it, it’s so mild. So it’s going to be much more widespread than we knew. It’s going to be much milder than we knew. The 1.7% fatality rate is going to fall.
Where was the press during the Mediterranean Corona outbreak, where the fatality rate was 41%? Why didn’t they get crazed about MERS or SARS? This is an overblown press-created hysteria. This thing is well in hand. President Trump is absolutely correct.
Are you insinuating it was 800 in the US or worldwide? Either way, you would be extremely incorrect as that rate of car accident deaths would produce 292,000 deaths and in the US there are only about 40,000 and on a worldwide basis, India alone has about that many car accident fatalities. It was a poor comparison to begin with though because road accidents have a very stable rate while viruses produce deaths at an extremely fluctuated rate that can be very high or very low depending on the circumstances.
Normally I'd be roasting the Democrats. But in this case, nah. Its completely the Republicans fault this time for turning what should've been a clearly bipartisan issue into a left-right political football. One month ago nobody was politicizing this or drawing ideological boundaries in regards to the discussion but because people suddenly got worried about the virus embarrassing Trump, now Republicans are suddenly trying to downplay it, come up with bizarre conspiracy theories, and call it fake news. The mainstream media has been, if anything, downplaying the danger of the virus.
In China, 50% of fatalities have been younger than 70. People in their 50s and 60s (meaning you guys!) are still at a high risk. There are thousands of cases in the US right now that we don't know about. Thousands of them, we had 2, maybe 3 cases of ebola and 27 of SARS. Is it gonna take your neighbors dropping dead and bodies piling up at the morgue before you stop burying your head in the sand?
The nice thing about that argument is that it requires no knowledge, research, or logic. It can be used in any debate with minimal effort.
_________ is a hack.
Almost everyone who has been diagnosed here is old and sick so we will probably know more about how the virus affects everyone else and how it’s treated as these few younger and not sick people attempt to recover.
All of these cases are in northern Seattle and I’ll be working there at the end of the week so wish me luck. 😢
It’s a game of probability. People in their 80s might have a 15% mortality rate while healthy adults are likely under 1%. So, there are lots of reports of people in nursing homes being sick but only a handful of healthy people in their 20s.
That’s actually good news for you. It means that the virus is no worse than the common flu or cold.
So unless you are old and have serious health complications - relax.
Yes foreign travel needs to be shutdown. We probably have somewhere between 2,000-3,000 cases right now and are likely exporting the virus all over the world. Areas of Washington and California need to be quarantined. Sick days need to be dramatically increased until the outbreak is over. Nobody comes to work or school if they are sick even if its "a cold." Testing needs to be increased dramatically. Start regularly disinfecting the surfaces of stores and other buildings.
ITS JUST THE FLU BRO!……… (This one is really old)……………
"I literally just went to the doctor an hour ago with ALL the symptoms of coronavirus. I was Flu swabbed and tested negative. Additional testing showed signs of decreased lung capacity and/or fluid in lungs. I have. 100+F fever and a very bad dry cough. No runny nose no sore throat.
I was in Sacramento exposed to thousands of people last week and the weeks before it.
My doctor told me she can’t test me for coronavirus and sent me home."
How do you continue to bury your head in the sand after hearing people screaming in Wuhan and collapsing in the middle of the street? The level of denial is just astonishing. I mean for fuck's sake what is it gonna take for you to treat this seriously?…
I hope I'm wrong and you stay safe.
Point you want to make a mark on this site, to an audience of strip club junkies. Best you walk away from electronics for a few days and take a walk into nature.
Kid, do you really believe that you are better informed than others are? Or perhaps you feel like you're simply better equipped to analyze the data and form a conclusion?
No wonder you can't get laid. Panicky and arrogant is not exactly a winning combination for a young man looking to attract the fairer sex. Just sayin.
CC-ape needs to simply contemplate the worst case scenario. Let’s say all apes on the planet get the new coronavirus. 2% fatality rate? Pshaw... that’s a little over 150 million hairless apes. You’re telling me that would be a disaster? Too damn many of you frickin apes on this planet anyway.
Moreover, the young and the hot are more likely to survive. Higher proportion of hot and sexy female hairless apes sounds like a rick utopia - or ricktopia, if you will. Of course, CC-ape is a weakling so he’d probably perish anyway. Good riddance.
Aah... yup
Please. When it all shakes out, this will likely be closer to .2%, much like the flu. There are likely already thousands of cases here in the U.S. that have gone un-diagnosed. In the vast majority of cases, the symptoms are mild and easily confused with other maladies.
But you make a good point. To truly achieve ricktopia we’ll need to wait for the pandemic with a 10%-fatality rate. But also easily transmissible and very mild in many hairless apes. That will ensure a much higher infection rate.
Oh well, here’s rooting for a better plague next year. Aah... yup.
Witness the wild stock market fluctuations, the Fed's recent rate cut (overreaction, IMO). Ten year bond yields below 1%? Shoot, I have 6 month CD's and money market accounts earning more than that. (Though that likely will not last much longer.) Flight cancellations have a ripple effect, IATA forecasts world airline revenue decreases potentially as much as $112B, depending on how this thing plays out. Lufthansa announced the grounding of 150 of it's aircraft. No US airline has taken that drastic a step, but being more intertwined to the global economy than any other time can't be ignored. A ripple a continent away can eventually make a splash here.
Oh, and good luck to PSD in Seattle.
One thing for sure, a birther who doesn't believe in climate science nor evolution is the last person I'm going to listen to on topic like this.
I suspect you can do better and are simply unable to spell or even make sense because you are just so filled with anger. I thought marijuana was supposed to mellow you apes out. Maybe you should smoke more.
Just some solid rickvice for a Fredo in need. Don’t say the ricks aren’t generous. Aah... yup.
Governor Newsom talks about California’s plans to fight COVID-19 , and he calmly, trying to down play it, declares a State of Emergency.…
Case had started from a Princess Cruise ship going from San Francisco to Mexico and back. Also going to Hawaii. Now ship is quarantined off shore as they fly test kits out to it. Test results within 4 hours.…
Remember, they had Sars in Asia, and it did kill lots of people and terrify everyone. But eventually it seemed to dissipate. These pandemics do always seem to dissipate.
Led Zeppelin, Danish TV 1969…
How to protect yourself, how to wash hands
Coronavirus Shopping List: What You May Need To Have On Hand…
Epidemiologist predicts effects of coronavirus in the months ahead…
Cruise Ship, coming back from Hawaii, being held off CA coast.………
Here they say that 80% of cases spontaneously recover…
Roundtable: Coronavirus Is Best Case for Medicare for All…
Plant pollens are programmed to go off at different times. So allergy season is already upon us. Most of the symptoms of flues and colds are the same as with allergies. And most of the time it does not matter, not need to worry about flues and colds, as they are not that serious.
I do agree though that we should try to manufacture everything we need in the US.
Gov. Gavin Newsom on cruise ship Grand Princess, which is being held off California coast…
No, they are saying that coming back from Hawaii, it remains 100 nautical miles off the coast! They want people to stay in their state rooms, required. Coming from Federal CDC.…
Going by what they say, test results should be available soon. I think they are only testing people who show symptoms. But the distance adds about 1 hour of air travel each way to this.
Where do they get these test kits, who makes them, and what is in them? They still have to be sent to a lab? They are sending it to one in Richmond. What does the lab do?
Maybe this will finally help our society transition to work from home.
Health people saying this is worse than SARS.
Plant pollens are programmed to go off at different times. So allergy season is already upon us. Most of the symptoms of flues and colds are the same as with allergies. And most of the time it does not matter, not need to worry about flues and colds, as they are not that serious.
How to protect yourself, how to wash hands
Coronavirus Shopping List: What You May Need To Have On Hand…
Epidemiologist predicts effects of coronavirus in the months ahead…
Cruise Ship, coming back from Hawaii, being held off CA coast.………
Here they say that 80% of cases spontaneously recover…
Roundtable: Coronavirus Is Best Case for Medicare for All…
First Coronavirus fatality in CA, Placer County.
Governor Newsom talks about California’s plans to fight COVID-19 , and he calmly, trying to down play it, declares a State of Emergency.…
Case had started from a Princess Cruise ship going from San Francisco to Mexico and back. Also going to Hawaii. Now ship is quarantined off shore as they fly test kits out to it. Test results within 4 hours.…
Remember, they had Sars in Asia, and it did kill lots of people and terrify everyone. But eventually it seemed to dissipate. These pandemics do always seem to dissipate.
Led Zeppelin, Danish TV 1969…
The Doors Live at the Hollywood Bowl- 1968…
4 Australians in there. 3500 people on board.…
Man who died, 71 years old, was on Mexico trip. Died in Placer County.
I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that I'm better informed than you guys are. I've been researching the outbreak like its a part time job since late January. I've been reading newspapers not just from the US but from Norway, from France, from the UK, from Germany, from Taiwan, from Japan, from South Korea, and even China itself. You can make fun of me for having "too much time on my hands" all you want, but it doesn't impact the fact that I'm definitely better informed than you guys are.
And the problem with your analysis of the data is that you're not taking into account the fact that China has massively under-reported the death toll. Everyone knows China is lying, but because they can't 100% confirm it, people are treating China's official numbers as if it was 100% true. Which it doesn't make sense to do that when everyone knows they are not true. Back in February 12th, the Taiwan News talked to a funeral home worker in China and discovered that from January 22nd to February 12th, the crematoriums in Wuhan have been burning bodies constantly, receiving 4-5 times the number they usually do.……
The death toll for those days would be at least 35,000 people. This is over 10x the numbers the CCP is releasing. Even this number doesn't indicate what it probably is however because the death toll in Wuhan has been steadily increasing since early January, and the outbreak in Wuhan was still looking pretty bad until February 23rd. Assuming the average numbers from January 1st-January 21st and from February 13th-February 23rd are half the numbers from January 22nd-February 12th, and you get a little over 60,000 people.
Given that Wuhan's population was 9 million people at the time of the outbreak (2 million people had left the city previously to the outbreak). This means the mortality rate is much much higher than your estimate of 0.2%. It means that 0.40-0.65% of the entire city's population died in less than two months. Now please, tell me again how that is remotely comparable to a "bad flu/influenza season?"
And no, China is not a "fecal covered shithole." China's cities especially have a medical infrastructure that is very comparable to the United States. This map shows the quality of each country's healthcare system. China's is a little lower than ours is. But a major reason for that is because hospitals in rural areas provide a much lower quality of healthcare than urban hospitals do whereas US hospitals provide a high quality of care regardless of location. I wouldn't be surprised if the quality of medical infrastructure is slightly lower in Chinese cities, but its not a massive difference. If we are talking about the cities themselves, I imagine Los Angeles and San Francisco look much more fecal covered than Wuhan does.…
Wuhan had a high death rate because the hospitals were overwhelmed with patients and they couldn't attend to everyone. There is no reason to believe this couldn't happen in the US.
I notice less cars on the road, less retail patronage, and especially less restaurant patronage.
I feel that mutation is why these pandemics eventually pass. At least that was how it was in Stephan Kings, "The Stand".
Even if one were to postulate that the insane crab logic that food from Chinese restaurants in America causes coronavirus was correct, I have to inform you that the Panda Express doesn’t count as real Chinese food.
So take your extended family out to the dumpster behind the Panda Express and enjoy yourselves! Squawk!
Probably the Coronavirus jumped from the vulture species. These new crossovers are always the worst because there is no human immunity yet.
Saying that the coronavirus has mutated into two strains.…
But these two strains are just from China, so there could be more.
Congress approved an $8.3 billion emergency spending bill to fight the virus, but officials in multiple countries say the virus will keep spreading fast for some time.…
What I am looking for is news about what happened of the testing of the Grand Princess cruise ship, 3,500 on board, heading to Hawaii, now being held 100nm off the CA coast.
Coronavirus: Tests Underway On Cruise Ship Passengers, Crew
The Grand Princess is expected to dock in San Francisco, once it's given the all-clear.…
So now again it sounds like it was coming back from Hawaii.
235 Canadians onboard Grand Princess, 100 persons identified for testing.…
"Earlier today, the California Air National Guard delivered test kits to the cruise ship so that passengers could be tested for the virus."
Here, they say it is a Coast Guard helicopter delivering the testing kits. I know they then plan to fly them back to a lab in Richmond.!/c…
Frampton 1995…
Besides, there is little food that bothers us vultures. Hairless ape preparation is a bit gross. Just leave some meat sitting in the sun for a day or two and it is yummy yummy yummy. Doesn’t matter if it is muscle, brisket, or things you believe to be soooo exotic like tripe... Squawk!!!
Please skifredo, listen to the ricks and learn. Us superior beings only wish to help our inferiors. Okay, that’s not completely true. We also like to fuck with our inferiors. But only if it is funny.
Scuttle! Scuttle! Scuttle!
@CC: We don't panic over this for the same reasons that we don't panic over the flu, which also kills hundreds of thousands of people worldwide each year. First, because the risks of serious results are almost non-existent for younger healthy people and, second, because there is no point in worrying about something over which we have little control.
A major reason why it has spread is because of people not taking it seriously. COVID 19 is somewhere between 25-80 times more deadly than the flu is. The comparisons between the two end at their symptoms.
This isn’t Zika or h1n1. This is the real deal. Unfortunately it seems people have gotten complacent and over confident in regards to diseases because it’s been so long since we suffered from an epidemic like this.
It’s worth reminding everyone that the CCP is not releasing accurate numbers. The numbers are likely at least 10x as high as they are reporting. Crematoriums in Wuhan have been getting overwhelmed with bodies as they are working 24/7 for weeks to burn them all. The numbers Iran is reporting are likely not accurate either as their own mayor in Qoms criticized the central government for covering up close to 50 deaths.
That is inconsistent with everything I’ve read. Flu mortality is historically around .1%. Chinese mortality for CoVid is maybe 2% but they’ve been understating the number cases. So, it might be 1%. And, their medical system is non-existent. People are put on cots in huge auditoriums and left to die.
Here in the US, as we test more people over the next month, I think we’ll find the overall mortality will be well below 1% and nearly all fatalities will be older patients with serious pre-existing conditions.
“The best estimates now of the overall mortality rate for COVID-19 is somewhere between 0.1 percent and 1 percent. That’s lower than you’ve heard probably in many reports,” Assistant Secretary of Health Brett Giroir said Thursday during an appearance on Capitol Hill.
“This is likely more severe in its mortality rate than a typical flu season, but it’s certainly within the range. So we don’t want people to go crazy,” he added.
Giroir also pointed out the problems with trying to track people with mild cases.
"If you're really sick and you have respiratory failure, and you go see someone, and you get tested, but if you're not very ill, they do not get tested," Giroir said. "The main point is if you're young and healthy you are likely to have a very mild illness."
Another post from Reddit...
"Been living in China for 7 years. People in the rest of the world do not understand face. China will always, always focus on maintaining a good image even when the underlying reality is shit. For China to admit to the world that they lost control of the situation and for them to humble themselves as they did means the reality of this virus is worse than we can imagine. Because if it wasn't bad, the government would have covered it up and dealt with the problem quietly. They risked international and domestic humiliation because they feared the virus more than they feared losing face. This might seem obvious and logical to us, but to the Chinese it isn't always so. For them to do what they do, means the virus must have scared the ever living shit out of them, we should respect that and take similar pre-cautions. I wish the world tried to understand the basics of Chinese culture, for if they did they would realize this is not a drill..."…
Why do I need to get through to these people's thick heads? Because of shit like this...……
Its true that we won't precisely know the mortality rate until five years from now. Because there is likely long term damage that can be caused by a hospitalization. COVID 19 can cause lung fibrosis that a person may survive the initial infection but die from 5 years later. There are reports of people getting reinfected and dying in Wuhan after being considered "a recovery."
But the most compelling evidence of all is just fucking common sense which people in this thread don't seem to have. Why in the hell would China lock down their entire country for something similar to the flu? I mean for God's sake people use your fucking brains. Its like you guys think this needs to be the next smallpox or bubonic plague and anything less serious than that and you'll call it "just the flu bro."
Right now, the virus is spreading in cold ( 45 degree ) South Korea but doesn’t seem to be spreading in hot ( 85 degrees ) rainy Singapore.
If this pattern holds for CoVid 19, then we could see a temporary halt to its spread in the US in a couple months. Then, the race is on to develop a vaccine before the next season.
I thought you’d have learned by now all about the liberal lame stream media, but I guess it’s true that some people want to believe in all of the lies purported out there. Otherwise it would mean all that time they spent reading and listening to the lame stream media was a waste of time. I got real news for you CC, it is a waste of time!
1) Why does skifredo want to get coronavirus? I mean really, he seems to have a serious hard on for the virus. That’s kind of weird.
2) Why does skifredo think that merely eating Chinese food leads to coronavirus infections?
Perhaps the many virologists and epidemiologists posting on this thread could help skifredo get infected. I suggest we give him donations to help him fly to Seattle and advise him to lick random people on the street. Even if he doesn’t achieve his dream of getting a coronavirus infection that could still yield some funny videos!
Scuttle! Scuttle!
Funny. I hate people who take a look at an incomplete data set and automatically believe that their view of events is the "obvious truth." It signals a combination of intellectual deficiency and emotional weakness.
CC, step back and use your brain a bit instead of reaction to an overabundance of estrogen in your system. Don't take top line numbers spoon fed, especially in a place like China. The numbers probably aren't reliable simply because most people there don't have ready access to a doctor, which means that most with the virus have likely gone un-diagnosed. This impacts both the mortality rate figure, which is likely much lower than reported, and the number of positive cases, which is likely substantially higher than the official count.
If you are educated enough to maintain servers for a living, then you should be sharp enough to take a breath and do a deeper dive into numbers being casually scattered around by media types.
This thread keeps getting better and better as time goes on. Love it.
I'm not being an alarmist for telling the truth. I hate people who can't acknowledge obvious truths. My conclusion from this thread is either A. You guys are even more afraid than I am but lack the courage to admit that this is a serious virus so you want me to shut up. B. You genuinely have a severe cognitive deficiency that cripples your ability to make accurate threat assessments. Or C. You didn't read anything I posted or watched any of those videos and just scrolled to the bottom of the page to be like "Haha! HySteRical PaNicKing PuSSy!" 🙄
Another post from Reddit...
"Been living in China for 7 years. People in the rest of the world do not understand face. China will always, always focus on maintaining a good image even when the underlying reality is shit. For China to admit to the world that they lost control of the situation and for them to humble themselves as they did means the reality of this virus is worse than we can imagine. Because if it wasn't bad, the government would have covered it up and dealt with the problem quietly. They risked international and domestic humiliation because they feared the virus more than they feared losing face. This might seem obvious and logical to us, but to the Chinese it isn't always so. For them to do what they do, means the virus must have scared the ever living shit out of them, we should respect that and take similar pre-cautions. I wish the world tried to understand the basics of Chinese culture, for if they did they would realize this is not a drill..."
Why do I need to get through to these people's thick heads? Because of shit like this...
Its true that we won't precisely know the mortality rate until five years from now. Because there is likely long term damage that can be caused by a hospitalization. COVID 19 can cause lung fibrosis that a person may survive the initial infection but die from 5 years later. There are reports of people getting reinfected and dying in Wuhan after being considered "a recovery."
But the most compelling evidence of all is just fucking common sense which people in this thread don't seem to have. Why in the hell would China lock down their entire country for something similar to the flu? I mean for God's sake people use your fucking brains. Its like you guys think this needs to be the next smallpox or bubonic plague and anything less serious than that and you'll call it "just the flu bro."
I think there’s a tremendous amount of hype surrounding this and it’s going to take some time to separate the wheat from the chaff
In the meantime everyone would be better served by listening to the doctors and scientists and having the politicians shut the fuck up.…
1. Coronavirus is the worst natural disaster in history
2. Trump’s incompetence is epic
To test these, let’s go back to the H1N1 flu under Obama ( from Don Surber blog):
“CNN reported on October 26, 2009, "President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the rapid increase in illness from the H1N1 influenza virus."
The story also said, "Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
So, Obama did nothing for 6 months while millions became infected and over 1,000 died. No one in the press criticized him. Meanwhile, Trump shut down flights from China and organized a high level task force to deal with the disease, all before a single American was infected, let alone a single death. Even now, the Coronavirus has done a small fraction of the damage that H1N1 did before Obama acted.
No being an alarmist but those numbers go up in places lacking medical care.
It is what it is.
"I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, 'How do you know so much about this?' Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for President."
This is a real quote from the President of the United States. What more is there to say.
California Gov. Newsom had kind words for Pres. Trump and Vice Pres. Pence when asked about the administration's handling of coronavirus and cruise ships:
"We had a very long conversation, and every single thing he said they followed through on."
It would be tragic for a nation to do nothing. The media fires up people and over states the danger but nonetheless there is a threat and the tide is being stemmed until a mass vaccination can be found and deployed.
This month, the Northern Hemisphere, which includes the countries with the most cases, starts heating up. Almost all respiratory viruses hate warm and moist weather. That’s why flu dies out in America every year by May at the latest and probably why Latin America has reported only 25 coronavirus cases. The Philippines, where I live, has about a third of the US population, but it’s so damned hot and humid here, so far we have had no confirmed cases of internal transmission.
Scientists at Israel’s Institute for Biological Research are expected to announce in the coming days that they have completed development of a vaccine for the new coronavirus COVID-19. They have made a breakthrough in understanding how the virus works. This will eventually lead to both a treatment and a vaccine but will require many months of safety testing. Light at the end of the tunnel.
Then why did you act as if Italy's healthcare system is comparable to Liberia's? If anything, the coronavirus is going to hit the US a lot harder than Italy because of how many people here are obese, have diabetes, or other conditions compared to Italy.…
Trump Calls COVID-19 “Foreign Virus” as Lack of Universal Healthcare Makes the Pandemic Worse…
Lack of Paid Sick Leave Makes It Difficult for Many Workers to Comply with CDC Advice to Stay Home…
Coronavirus Poses Higher Risk For Homeless Population…
One official Corona case in Portland
Could COVID-19 Remove Trump From Office?…
Devadip Carlos Santana & Turiya Alice Coltrane - Illuminations (1974 - Album)…
Ontario, baby boy case…
Coronavirus: Trump suspends travel from Europe to US - BBC News…
Stocks Plunge Following Trump’s Response To Coronavirus Pandemic | NBC News (stock market deflation is a very positive thing) (getting close to tripping 7% circuit breaker, suspending trading)…
President Trump Announces Europe Travel Ban in Error-Laden Oval Office Speech…
Bernie Sanders: We Are Winning “Ideological” & “Generational” Debate, Now Need to Win “Electability”…
Is Over Population A Threat To The Planet?…
Bill de Blasio, today, getting close to 100 NYC cases, expecting 1000 cases by next week. Conducting "War Gaming", always using a war analogy now!…
Why Only Rebellion Can Save Mankind From Climate Breakdown (w/ Roger Hallam)…
Trump Calls COVID-19 “Foreign Virus” as Lack of Universal Healthcare Makes the Pandemic Worse…
Lack of Paid Sick Leave Makes It Difficult for Many Workers to Comply with CDC Advice to Stay Home…
Coronavirus Poses Higher Risk For Homeless Population…
One official Corona case in Portland
Could COVID-19 Remove Trump From Office?…
Devadip Carlos Santana & Turiya Alice Coltrane - Illuminations (1974 - Album)…
10", strapped on, 5 colors…
TJ Street