Lap Dance Prices getting out of control

Not too long ago the standard was $20 per song, then it jumped to $30 as standard, with a number asking $40 and even had one ask me for $50 per song! Then the pitch is 30 a song, or 3 for $100, wtf is that, better off just getting one at a time, usually in the normal world, a multiple would rate a discount, not a price increase. Any thoughts on this, is this happening in other areas too? This is what I am seeing in the Seattle area. Who can afford to get many laps at $30 per song, it is no wonder I see a lot of the ladies just sitting waiting for a PL with a few extra bucks to come in.
last commentWhere is this? Seattle? $40 & 3/$100 is the standard in Portland and Denver. I’ve heard secondhand that is how New Orleans is as well.
The $30 or 3/$100 silliness is something I’ve read in reviews for Palazio. (Club in Austin, TX) But it’s one of those things where girls may not be used to charging that consistently, because it’s technically banned by management to charge more than $20. But management at that club is so haphazard in how they enforce anything over there...
At my go-to club it's $25/song topless, $35/song nude. Seems reasonable, but I usually do VIPs.
Most clubs I've visited have a fixed dance-cost.
In clubs where dancers choose the dance price, the Mons Venus model seemed a decent compromise - dances at Mons were set by the house to be b/w $20 - $30 - dancers would often do 1-for-$30, 2-for-$50, 3-for-$60.
If dancers get to choose the dance-price then there is room for negotiation and it's up to the custy to negotiate a fair-price for both parties.
Also - in clubs where the house takes a portion of each dance from the dancer, I take that into account w.r.t. making a fair-offer or decoding w.r.t. tipping.
Atlanta must be the low end of the spectrum on pricing. $10 is standard and at some clubs $5 dances can be had. Those are the same prices as over 40 years ago wen I first went to a club.
Most clubs i attend are $150 for 30 minutes or $30 per dance. I rarely get single dances. I’m a VIP searching for extras kind of guy.
A girl that wants to upcharge or always ask for tips is the easiest way to lose my business. I won't negotiate with terrorists.
"Know your worth" is very understandable - but trying to rob people of $10-20 here and there is absolutely pathetic - especially when a better attitude and work ethic will make you more in the long run.
My CF will go on rants on how much she hates girls asking for tips as well. She is generally the top earner at her club and the difference between her and other girls, aside from looks is clear as can be. She actually hustles hard, maintains good relationships to build regulars, won't waste more than X amount of time with a new person w/o a dance...just works harder than any other girl there.
Most clubs i attend are $150 for 30 minutes or $30 per dance. I rarely get single dances. I’m a VIP searching for extras kind of guy.
The 2 for $20 decent lap dance died here about a year ago. I'm glad TJ keeps prices depressed. VIP is still 5 for $100,but getting girls to go lower (5 for $80) is impossible compared to two years ago.
In some cases higher prices means you can negotiate higher mileage
Most Seattle clubs have dancing starting at $20 but no girl is offering them; those days are long gone. Most dancers are willing for a flat fee until completion.
Many clubs in Detroit area still charging $20 per song. Some clubs (Landing Strip, Criket on night shift) charge $25 per song. Flight Club charges even more. Only one club that I know of charges less than $20/dance, and that is Traffic Light ($15). It seems that most clubs have been charging $20/song forever in this area. Many guys come to the club for extras (at least in the suburban clubs), so they are not so concerned about dance price inflation.
Hmm I guess that means you really get your value in Canada re: LDs since as far as I am aware pretty much all clubs in Ontario/Quebec that Ive visited / heard of charge $20 per dance (aka 15-17 USD depending on exchange rates).
Dats y I stick to da $5 lapperz and da $20 lot lizzards
In Baltimore $30 per song with top on in couch dance rooms in following clubs
1 - Penthouse Club
2 - Gentlemen's Gold Club
3 - Players club
2 for $40 with top on at
Hustlers club
In Philadelphia, its $20 per song for topless dances in following clubs
1 - Delilahs
2 - Club Risque on Delaware Avenue
$30 per song with top on at Cheerleaders in Philadelphia
Have any of you had a dancer give you a free dance?
$20 per in my corner of the SC universe (Springfield OR), plus tip. So I've spent from 20 to 32. I'd be a rare buyer at 30 or 40, or you got to be kidding, 50.
^^free dance? What's that?
Actually, had one dancer start mid song, "shouldn't we wait for start of a new song?", we are she replied, this half is free. Then when (paid) song started, she said "oh, and I prefer my breasts not be touched". That was my only tipless dance.
Yes I got free dance until she got orgasm,she was helping herself during the dance. This was after I told I am done with dances then she offered me free dance.
IMO... bad business skill. Demand is down and they raise prices.
-->@spicey/blahblah: "$40 & 3/$100 is the standard in Portland and Denver."
2 years since I've been to Portland, but when I was (at Club Rouge), it was $3/100 FN in curtained VIP cubicles. That was a good value I thought as compared to most Cali clubs back then. Not sure how much the floor dances were, I never get them. VIP is for me.
In Columbus it's typically $25 / song, 2/40 during uptime, $150 fifteen minutes, $250 or $300 half hour, and $500 for an hour. I usually wait for a 2/40 and get one or two dances after if she is good.
A few clubs have a more "private" room for $40 a song. Not usually worth it, especially when in some clubs this room is the same room as $150 for fifteen minutes.
There used to be several clubs about and hours drive to Dayton, where it was $10 or $15 per song, but all the ones I went to are now all gone.
"$40 & 3/$100 is the standard in Portland..."
^ @OG nicespice I wouldn't call this the standard out here. It's more like the high end of a range and is the norm for the bigger and more upscale clubs. At the low end of the range it's $25 ea and is the norm for the small dives.
^ doesn’t the ATF DS charge like $30-35 for non-grandfathered regulars?
I do have to say though, that I prefer when there’s more options for different levels of customers. Like the Dragon dance setup. Checking reviews, the Gold Club in Milwaukie does that too so I may look into there one day.
It’s gotten stupid here too. Most of the clubs have gone to $40 per song, with a “special” of $20 (the old price).
^ yeah @OG nicespice she charges that much but at the same club you can get dances for $25 which is the official minimum club requirement. Since she's popular she charges more.
FYI SinRock is another club out here that has more pricing options.
Nice to know you are planning on coming back! I can't wait to give you a massage. 🦄🤗
It's $10 for laps on the floor in Phoenix but ymmv nowadays. VIP runs $20-25 at most places per dance. Timed VIP varies. I think $150 for 30 min is very reasonable especially with the right dancer.
S few years ago I knew a dancer that lived in Tampa. She danced at OZ in Clear Water where they charged $30/dance. She had family in Atlanta and whenever she came to visit she worked at Follies where the charge $10/dance. Guess which club she made the most money at?
I have never paid more than $20/dance and refuse to.
Shit, you guys are lucky. In the SF area, $50/nude dance is the norm. $20/dance at the topless clubs, but those dances absolutely suck. Shitty contact, even just touching a leg can get you a warning from the bouncer. At the Rancho Cordova clubs about 70 miles away from SF, the dances average around a more reasonable $30/dance.
I think it's why I used to think that Vegas was good value. $20 floor dances and pretty good boob and butt groping in those. Compared to the shitty SF value. However after experiencing other places I've come to realize that my area is among the worst when it comes to strip clubs.
@TFP I feel your pain my Bay Area monger. Back in the 90s the SF dance rate was $40/1 or $100/3. That was my first area I started clubbing and thought it was the general norm until I went to clubs in Phoenix for $20/1.
The club situation in the Bay Area is a crying shame. Exorbitantly high prices in SF. Air dances in San Jose. And non-existent clubs in Oakland. Sad!
^^^^@SLD your final paragraph basically summed it all up.
SMH at some of these quoted prices. The last club I was at in December the price for a nude, two-way contact, very generous 15 – 20 minute LD was $25 (no tip) from young attractive non-fat strippers. That was the fixed house price. I’ll try to get around to writing a review in a few days.
In Jacksonville it is $30 in most places, though a couple of clubs routinely offer 2 for $50 in order to goose LD sales.
I hear what some are saying about the old $20 standard, but that was the standard for so damned long that they had to go up at some point. The market will dictate whether LDs are too high in a particular club. I actually like it when a club screws up and charges more than the market will bear because that means fewer sales and more hungry dancers looking for other ways to earn, but that's just me. 😉
I would think vet custies would have a harder time transitioning to more expensive dances - new custies that have never known anything different may perhaps not be as reluctant to those prices - just an assumption.
With $30+ dances, and many clubs seemingly not playing songs very long, blowing thru ~$100+ for just 7 to 10 minutes of fun seems a bit of a hardsell although it may just be my vet POV.
As I've posted in the past, clubs I've been in with good value, the dancers seemed to be occupied selling dances a lot more often vs the more expensive dance clubs where it seemed more custies were spectators.
Dances out in the open in Atlanta are almost always 10. Depending on the club there can be some mileage. However for a lot of people that’s an audition for timed VIP.
5 to 10 bucks here in Atl. Some chicks try to up their prices but fuck all that she can make nothing if she tries to screw me over. Why are you charging 30 when your girl is charging 10? Wtf
@joeblow what you said is false. $25 is the area standard. I've worked at more clubs in that area than you have probably visited. The new standard is becoming $30 as more girls charge that instead with a "deal" of four for $100 otherwise.
Unless the club is corporate, the prices can probably be negotiated. When I was twerking in the Florida Panhandle, the standard was $40/song, but I sold $30/song after seeing the low mileage due to the standard price.
^ I'm gonna repeat this word by word to the next dancer I meet - I'm sure she'll totally agree and totally get it
My rule is $3 per inch, so a 10 inch cock I’d pay $30 for a dance.
Dats SMART TALK lol 😂
My comments...
a) there’s a lot of fluctuation anyways, regardless of prices.
Not too long ago, I tried out a dive club because I was tired of dealing with especially rude customers at one club and had the thinking that lower prices would allow for better volume. The first night was well enough. The second, I made about the same as I had at the other club where dance prices were higher...and the customers were being just as cunt-y. The dive’s dance prices are $20-$30 and the mid-tier’s dance prices are $30-40 (with the occasional girl charging $50 cause she feels like it)
I walked away with the impression that the total income potential, overall, is about similar. (At least for me, every dancer is different). But at least there’s less physical labor in the higher priced dances going on, so I didn’t find much of an incentive for volume, at least on night shift. But from what I’ve heard, the day shift at the dive is busier, in a city without much options for a profitable day shift, so I wanted to look into that anyways.
~TL;DR There’s outside things that screw up the price/volume being a perfect correlation. ~
b) that being said @heaving, when I was at Palazio I personally did chase $20 dances all the time and didn’t really try to sell for higher. I had no problem being a beneficiary when a customer dealt with another dancer before me, and I looked good when I’d give him a deal of “3/$60” 😁
c) Buuuut...I don’t mind $20 dances in Texas clubs because customers are generally quick to make decisions. But somewhere like Portland, which has slow deciding customers who require a looooot of coddling ahead of time (and from what I’ve heard, that’s been a long-standing thing even before prices went up), I am almost certain that raised prices were the saving grace. Portland has long been trashed as not the best city to dance in for profit, but in the past couple of years that reputation has been diminished.
d) Strip clubs sometimes yield to normal business principles, but not always. Many times, dancers (whether correctly or incorrectly) already are not respected as businesspeople and are treated accordingly.
Here’s some lighthearted humor explaining what I mean.
e) On the flip side to d), some of the most high value customers don’t even care about price and just pay an amount above and beyond what any sticker price is. I won’t get too much into this, because if I get too detailed about isolated incidents, then I’ll probably be accused of bullshitting.
f) imo the beauty (and simultaneously, the frustration) of the industry is the fact that it isn’t efficient because it’s not designed to be. That would lie more in somewhere like escorting.
@heaving Hope I explained it properly, feel free to ask any questions if something didn’t come out clearly. Going to try to go back to sleep now and hoping the sore throat goes away. (Too many high-volume 50 cent blow jobs have been taking a toll I guess. 🤧)
Ok bye
I pay in ibs of shit
The fat stripper epidemic hit Austin, TX about three or four years ago. Couple that with strip clubs playing more rap music exclusively and you get less quality dancers and fewer customers. Now there are fewer strip clubs (or a least fewer decent ones) and any dancer that is an 8-10 can upsell.
Austin is a tech heavy city with lots of disposable income. And probably half the population is richer due to their home values skyrocketing. Mine did and I was able to retire ten years earlier than I would have.
Part of our problem is that we typically go to a club with a budget for the night. As long as the per song / 15 / 30 / 60 minute rate doesn't sound just outrageous, most of us are gonna pay it.
The girl's gonna get the same budgeted amount we're expecting to spend regardless of price per song. With more expensive dances, she gets it quicker.
And has more time to try the next one.
I negotiate a flat fee.It motivates these whores to get me off faster.
@Darkblue999 - Lap Dances at Players Club in Baltimore should be topless and hands on at $30 per song. I was just there.
wow. these newest prices are kinda me feel better about what a HAD been spending when i was so foolish.
kinda MAKING me feel better...
Price point depends on what you want out of it! At Dreamgirls at Ricks in Seattle we have some “budget” options, like $20 dances on the floor, but there’s no privacy. The lap dance area is $30 but many girls charge $40 for topless, so that 3/$100 saves you money if you want a topless dancer. We also do 3/$60 house dances a few times a night (usually first one is around 10:45/11, so keep that in mind if you want to save $$!)
If stripper hoes give different prices ask management the prices. Most clubs have prices posted somewhere
@DancingAndy - Thanks for weighing in. Sometimes I think the TUSCL vets, and I count myself in this, forget what it's like to hear the dance special called out and wonder if we can get the girl we want in time.
Most Pensacola clubs the girls charge $45 for a single song. I generally don’t pay that much. I negotiate a volume discount.
For as long as I can remember my go-to club Bottoms Up in Irvington NJ has been $20 for 5 minutes. They have a timer right outside the "kitchen" (if you don't know the place, that's the LD room). A lot of guys complain about the timer, but I think it's the fairest way to do it. You never get ripped off or surprised at the end. If I want to spend 20 minutes in there, I can pay $80 bucks and know what I'm getting. The house shares 50/50 with the girls, so they make decent money and if you want to rev up the action you can tip on top of it.
I agree. That is one reason I am so sad about losing my Waifu!
If I hear one more person in Seattle complain about the prices going up I am going to lose it.
EVERYTHING has gotten more expensive here. Food, gas, professional services like hair/nails, home remodel, EVERYTHING. My rent on my condo started at 1500 and three years later after it was increased with each lease renewal it was 2400. And oh yeah, they built a building 15 feet from my window which was an incredible annoyance during two years of construction and I also lost my Rainier and water view, but yeah $1000 more per month with fewer amenities.
There is no one in Sea who can deny the cost of living AND everything else has gone up, so after thirty+ years of lap dancing being a thing, dance costs have finally gone up too.
Final two notes: When I started dancing here, we would flash in a song, like once or twice. You could touch butt and legs. Not just me, everyone. And some genius is going to comment how that’s not true blah blah I knew this one dancer etc etc etc. Save it, I have been in the clubs 29300% more than you. Dances are more expensive than $20 because you, the customer, is expecting more than what is included in a $20 dance. (GUAC IS EXTRA).
Last: I sell dances $30 or 3 for $100. Why: because if someone doesn’t have $100 or isn’t sure my dances are going to be good enough, I want them to not feel like they are getting ripped off, I want them to feel there is a value in buying dances because I want them to keep coming back. And finally—single song $30, and as I have said in previous threads, spend $100 for better dance, and I explain that when we are having the dance price convo.
That sounds reasonable for a higher priced city like Seattle.
I live in a lower COL area and am happy (and lucky) with the local standard of $20.
And am amazed there are places with $10 (or less!) dances. Tough job, at any price.
@PSD $30 ea is fair to me as a regular in Portland and an occasional Seattle visitor. Even if I'm given a $25 ea rate it ends up being $30 ea with tip.
$100/3 is on the higher end for me. I usually get quoted that but most of the time she takes my counter offer at $30 ea flat rate. This is with good crotch grinding, some stick shifting, and letting my hands roam all over except touching pussy and asshole - both of which I won't touch regardless of offer.
And I get that rates should go up with rising costs of living. But there's a limit and the market cannot bear it sometimes. Raising rates can be detrimental in that if they are too high then nobody gets dances anymore or they get them much less than at a lower rate.
From what I’ve gathered, customers buying dances in Portland wasn’t a thing back in the glory days of $25 lappers either. The reputation of Portland (for dancers) has improved the past few years and it’s almost certainly because at least the higher prices justify how much time one has to work on a customer.
But anyways, the appropriate avenue to turn the rage at (if one wishes to) is the California transplants. 😛 Any city that has a decent amount of them is facing similar situations.
Well okay, maybe not any. Lidos in Cocoa Beach was full of temporary guys from Cali and dances were $20 across the board. But I just meant in general.
^ @nicespice I've been a PL here since the $25 or less glory days an in my experience and anecdotal observation that the rising rates hasn't changed making getting dances a "thing".
I get it that now with higher rates that there's more incentive for strippers to dance out here, which is a good thing, but honestly dances have always been a lower priority "thing" here simply because of the laid back view that the community puts on strip clubs. There's just a lot of them and the local mindset is that they really aren't much different than a local bar.
I don’t have a problem with an increase (within reason) on lap dance prices. Prices stayed at that $20 level for many years in a lot of places and the cost of living has gone up.
But I say that from the perspective of someone who isn’t seeking to really stack lap dances in the club. I go to a specific club looking for a particular experience, depending on my mood and what I think is available. I focus on what I’m paying overall on that trip in exchange for what I’m getting. So a per song increase isn’t much of a concern to me, nor do I think it’s unreasonable to see something higher than 1990s level pricing, especially if the guac is worthwhile.
^^ thank you.
I worked in Portland for years and never found lap dances to be a low priority aside from one club I worked in that was a stage-only club, 205.
I don’t think this is a Portland thread, I commented about Seattle because I notice the OP is from WA and the only other place besides Seattle that has strip clubs is Spokane, where the dances are def $20.
The only places I visit where dances are still $20 are vegas, and Texas—where people will damn near cause a scene if they are not allowed to molest you freely for $20, and will have a tantrum if I say, “I’m gna charge you $30 if you want to do that.”
I haven't noticed an actual spike upwards in dance prices in my area. It seems to be $20-25 a dance.
I'm not sure how prices are set in other parts of the country.
On a separate topic, it would be interesting to see regional dance prices on a map or by zip code. It wouldnt change my clubbing habits, but it would be of economic interest.
@PSD I'm just commenting based on clubbing in Portland. The way I read this thread is that it's based on the poster's local experience, wherever they may be.
And yeah to confirm, Club205 is still mainly a stage club even though private dances are available. It sounds like they didn't even offer that back when you danced there.
On a separate note, I've got good confirmation from fellow Portland PLs that you can still get dances for $20 ea at Shimmers and Scarlet Lounge. W00 W00! 😎
^ Omg, idk anything about Scarlet Lounge but my ex bf told me about Shimmers. There was a dancer there named Brisket who was trying to command him to get a dance. And as far as he’s concerned he wasn’t going to because “that would be like getting a dance from myself.” And he was a burly dude who didn’t have a single physical “feminine” feature so I can only imagine 😅 Maybe things have changed—but otherwise may the SC deities rest your soul.
^ I've been to Shimmers a couple of times. Got $25 dances from a hottie named Rose. I like it but it's not as convenient to get to compared to my other regular clubs
Never been to Scarlet but it's been recommended by a fellow member. Someday I'll make a trip.
A dancer named Brisket? Was this a restaurant or a strip club?
A strip club. 😂
Someone mentioned Austin. I remember when this started at Palazio around 2014. Had an ATF suddenly tell me after the dances that the the club wanted the dancers to start charging $30 instead of the usual $20. Paid her, and that was the last dance I ever got from her.
Prices in the US are out of control to begin with. If this was almost any other country in the world you'd be paying $100-200 and getting laid. There's a reason why everybody's so obsessed with Tijuana.
Been thinking about this as I read the comments above. I remember paying $20 for a dance back in the 90’s and it being a fairly tame dance by today’s standards. Today in the same town the base price is $45 a dance and you generally get a lot more contact at least one way. With the right dancer you get good two way contact for that price. You can generally get a multi-dance discount as well. Not sure I can agree that lap dance prices are out of control. I would rather get fewer quality dances then cheap air dances.
$40 per dance seems pretty high? And these strip clubs still bring in swarms of customers? Because I know there aren't enough whales to go around per club!
@nicespice: As an escapee of the people's republic I might resemble that comment 🤑💵💳😜
Your Lido friends were probably SpaceX bros. My DL flights between MCO and LAX are seemingly half filled with dudes commuting between Hawthorne and KSC wearing SpaceX polos and toting laptops. Strangely enough the ones I sit next to seem to be working on slide decks and spreadsheets instead of CAD files. Probably because with all of that CA 💰 I'm sitting with the execs in first poppin' 🍾 hahahaha 😎😜
Hopefully your Lido friends were 💸 with you. If they weren't I'm sure you'd put them in their place 🔪☠️⚰
^ Correct. A combination of SpaceX and construction guys.
Buying Dances is a Chump's Game, always will be.
LOL @san_jose_creep the bigger chump's game is posting about strip clubs from the public library and never actually going to one. It will always be.
smash that ignore button
^^^^^^ Not just a Chump, a Mark, craves nothing more than to be separated from his money.
^ the mark and post of a guy that can't go to strip clubs anymore. You don't even have any money! 🤑
I wasn’t irritated at you guys talking abt Portland, all good 👍🏼
So for those of you that have issue with $40/1 or $100/3, that was the standard opening rate in San Francisco back in the 90s. That was a rate that I got used to as a rookie PL.
^ I didn't try to negotiate back then as a rookie.
And tonight that was the rate quoted to me at a local club by a new fave. I countered with a flat $30 ea and she took it without issue. And her mileage was awesome at the second song.
Someday out here I need to try countering with $25 ea.
Hey I just want to tell you guys you are all very appreciated. I hope you all meet strippers who make you feel like freaking Megalodon, at least once. ❤️
I hate most whales, most of them are dicks, many of them are time wasters at least half of the time, they are on a power trip and they think they can do wtf they want. I’ll take dolphins, tuna, octopus, even a great big walrus over a whale.
Appreciate all of you for patronizing the strip club!
Um, I literally typed this comment on another thread and it appeared here. Ok.
^^^^I'm sure we can all tell which thread you meant to type it in. It's a great comment and I figured a lot of whales would behave like what you mentioned. I think we had a thread about that also, asking dancers whether dealing with whales was worth it since they usually act like entitled dick wads.
"I’ll take dolphins, tuna, octopus, even a great big walrus over a whale."
But but but...@PSD do you have some issue with king (Chinook) salmon? Too much mercury? Or are you just sick of it by now from being in the PNW too long? 😝
^^ actually that is exactly right regarding my literal taste for literal salmon lol.
^^^ 😭
(LOL I called it!)
King salmon is great! You can even eat the "bone". 😝
Ew lol