
Rating dancers’ 1-10 scale?

So this question has honestly confused me forever, on looks alone, how do you rate a dancer? I have no idea where I fit in on this scale and I’m honestly curious? My pics are on here and please be totally honest- I’ve been gone from dancing dor a year and worried I can’t do it anymore, but really wanna get back into it


  • Michigan
    5 years ago
    It's subjective. I would not worry about it. Even supermodels have "flaws" so to speak. You'll be fine dancing again. Pick your club wisely, work hard, build a clientele, and work on the chemistry.
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    I’m not gonna give you a number rating because that’s lame, but you look nice

    plus you appear to have natural D cups on a slender frame. that’s unusual in a good way. Most women who have big breasts (D or larger) are fat—but not you 😎
  • Bamaeight
    5 years ago
    If u been in the game u know everyone has different taste. It’s not 100% looks that make your money unless u are at club that is just air dance with tons of out of towners.
  • Member6532
    5 years ago
    Being blunt/honest. You look above average, but not a typical knock out, which 90% of strippers aren't. You are fit, great tits, and look to have a nice body. You wont compete in looks to an 18 year olds body, but thats not what most guys are looking for, and if they are it's the kinda guy that is always bouncing around never forming a regular thing/relationship. If you have the ability to have a real conversation, can tell/understand a joke and invest time in the long game I think you will do fine. I'd think you'd have better luck with the regular customers on sunday-Thursday not the as much with the drunk shit shows of Friday and Saturday, not to say you wont do well, just baby strippers are the weekend crowd.
  • codemonkey
    5 years ago
    Hard to rate without more of a full body shot. Ass and legs are important (to me at least) to my overall impression of a dancer's looks. Also helps seeing how the individual parts you focus on in your pics are put together. In the club if you use the same smile you show in the pics, that will get guys' attention (would work on me at least).
  • K
    5 years ago
    If I had to judge only from photos, I would get dances with you.

    Most of us don't judge just on looks. We want to see the dancer move. Some of us want some interaction before we decide.

    If you ever make it out to NJ I will do my best to get to the club, have a few dances and give you my honest opinion.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    You're not making eye contact. :)
  • EdwardKang
    5 years ago
    I wouldn't pass on the opportunity to get some dances with you. ;-)
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Hope you’re satisfied in garnering some validation. If you can’t engage with a PL without seeking approval, you’ll likely be broke, because PLs are the one paying for validation, most of the time.

    Find yourself a whale who wants to prove how cool he is by throwing his money around and telling you how hot you are. That one in a thousand PL should be able to bank roll you for about a week or so.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    I hate the whole numerical rating systems for dancers. I do rate the dancers when I do reviews but only because it is expected. Like others have mentioned it is not only looks but attitude and personality as well.
    I find with a few exceptions that most dancers have something that attracts some guys.

    I think that you certainly could on looks, be successful in most clubs, besides you seem intelligent, engaging. I would love to get some dances with you.
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    Honest answer - I think most guys would rate you as a 7-8. Maybe a 9 to guys who you just happen to be their type.
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    It's also a little hard to tell because it looks like you have a potato camera.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    In my opinion, you could get at least 7.5 on my lap unless you bring your A game, then a full 8 would likely rear it’s head! Just sayin......
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    I don't do a 1-10 scale, I'm kind of binary. I rate girls as either a 1 or a 0, yes I would, no I wouldn't. In strip clubs, I have to add a 2 for girls that I'm willing to give money to knowing I'm not going to get sex.

    There was a graphic that went around awhile ago that would put you at a 6.

  • minnow
    5 years ago
    Good link there, Liwet, thanks for posting. r529, my honest opinion (based on limited subpar quality pics) is that I'd buy dances from you, though not necessarily seek you out from the other dancers on shift.

    Remember that looks may attract, but good personality/attitude keeps.
  • TxVegas
    5 years ago
    Big boobs on a slender frame with a nice smile. I would say you are “the type” for many guys.
  • Assmanjoe
    5 years ago
    If you walked up to me in the club with that smile on and those puppies in my face i would absolutely get a dance :) In a topless club id walk acrss the room and introduce myself - incredible boobs Rhiannon.
    Based on the pics you have id say 7.5 But its an incomplete image of you. imagining your boobs six inches from my face youd be a 9.5 lol ...seriously though.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Don't listen to Liwet. He is a dumbass and you look good rhiannon.

    Look can be rated all over the place. One guy's 10 can be another man's 6. All depends on the guy. Just go after they guys that like you. Don't worry about the rest!
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I don't think the numeric scale is meant to be taken literally, I think it's just a way to more or less describe a dancer's looks e.g. a '7' is a dancer someone finds attractive but not model-quality per se.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    One thing one learns after being on TUSCL for a while is how differing custies' tastes are w..r.t. dancers' looks - one guy may see a dancer as a '9' and another guy have no interest in her.

    And many custies prefer to be with a '7' that treats them well vs a '9' that is stuck up or just a bad dancer.
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    liwet, that rating chart is good and humorous. Thanks for the link.
    But goes to prove ratings are mostly (like 80%) a personal thing - and all over the place.

    member6532: +1

    rhiannon - you have the looks to be a 10 in more than a few guys scale.
    Other ingredients that get factored in "unknowingly" - cheerfulness, connection, humor, wit ... and a lot more

    Do girls really really believe us guys have the mental capacity and logic to accurately rate a girl ????
    and no less on a scale of 1 to 10 ?? !! (with decimal accuracy thrown in too!)

    It's really -
    1. won't do
    2. will do
    3. will do (salivating)

    The 7.5 that eventually gets belted out is also a guy's mood thing - makes a guy feel scientific and makes a guy feel he knows what's he's doing.
    I'm sure girl's do the same - rate guys.
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    Definitely a GND vibe. Pretty, wholesome face with a great smile on top of a hot bod. Definitely wouldn't turn down a dance or three with you.

    You have nothing to worry about except your insecurity, asking a bunch of PLs to rate you 1 to 10!
  • iknowbetter
    5 years ago
    I checked out your pics, and you really don’t look like a stripper to me. You have a stealthy sexy look - like the cute girl from accounting who you never really noticed until you hooked up after the Christmas party, and once you got her naked realized “holy shit! This girl has a killer body and fucks like a banshee!” Then you never call her again.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Much hotter than that stankyspice currytwat.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Oh shit...wrong account. 😢
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Def hotter than stankyspice currytwat
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Oh shit one and only account
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    Based on the pics alone I'd put you at a 7 but without a full body shot and a higher quality face pic (which I understand not posting for privacy) it's hard to be sure. Could be an 8 or 6 depending on what can't be seen in these pics. Also attitude and skill can add or subtract a point from there.

    Unless something about your attitude gave a bad first impression, I would at least buy some drinks and dances from you to explore your personality and skills. If your personality comes off as down to earth as your posts on here and your skills are good I could see spending for an hour in vip very easily.
  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    As Papi stated, every guys 1-10 scale is a little different. I would get dances with you. How many depends on your personality and dance mileage.
  • SmashingHoes
    5 years ago
    You have a girl next door look to you as other have previously alluded to along with a nice smile, which rates very highly in my book. Finally, you have nice pair of natural D cups on a slender frame without fat and that's something that I would definitely notice.

    Would I get a dance with you? I can't answer that as I dont really do dances for the most part?

    Would I talk to you if I was you in the club? Yes

    Would I try to talk to you outside of the club if I saw you? Yes

    I've seen plenty of strippers whose smiles resemble a nuclear holocaust and it's a turn off for me.

  • PutaTester
    5 years ago
    Lots of honest comments here, so I will not repeat.

    However, I cannot resist adding my $0.02. I would rather be with a 6 that is fun and that I clearly have chemistry with than a 9 or 10 that is a dead fish. My favorite body part, a woman's smile and my favorite music is her laughter.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I've found that a lot of guys can more agreeable (somewhat) on ratings somewhere in the 4 to 7 range, but it becomes extremely subjective above and below that range. A girl earning a rating of 9 or 10 is checking off boxes that are *very* specific to that guy.

    For me, you're a 7 based on the pictures. Perhaps an 8, but I need to see a dancer in person to really judge.

    In general, I think you'll have no problem making money if you dancer.
  • Stephanie4life
    5 years ago
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think you're a hotty though.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Not for me from what I see, but I am very selective.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    I've looked at the photos a few times, and think it would be easier to have an opinion if there was something that was at least a whole torso shot, like shoulders to hips. 3/4 with a little thigh even better. If this wasn't a thread about rating pics then I'd just be looking to look, but there's something about how the photos fit together that's putting me on the fence. Based on the photos there'd be multiple looks, but I'm not sure if I could put a number out there.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    5 years ago
    An education that implies intelligent conversation, a nice smile that is charming and disarming, excellent natural breasts that would be fun to play with, a nice flat belly and lets hope a round smackable bottom.
    Don't need to assign numbers, only need to say, "yes, I would love to spend some time in the VIP with you!"
  • lotsoffun201
    5 years ago
    Everyone has a different scale. This includes not only looks but personality and attitude in my opinion. You have a great GND look and I’m sure you will do fine.

    Yesterday I was at my favorite club and there was a dancer I’d never seen before. She was a legitimate 10+ on a purely looks scale where I don’t think anyone would disagree. This was a Victoria’s Secret model if I’ve ever seen one. True supermodel looks. When she got off stage I gave her the look and she just passed me by to make her rounds. I know she saw and in fact I mentioned it to my favorite bartender. As a whole, aside from looks, if I see her again, I wouldn’t give her the time of day.
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    "Not for me from what I see, but I am very selective."

    What a crap reply. why not just be a gentleman and not reply at all.
  • chowder
    5 years ago
    I have a yes, no, or maybe scale. You would be a yes on looks alone to give you a chance.

    Personality would determine how often I would repeat. And ultimately what we were both looking to get out of the deal. If you were confident without being stuck up, could hold a conversation, and seductive enough to entice me I would give you a spin or two.

  • datinman
    5 years ago
    A lot of thoughtful responses. Unfortunately, the Rhiannon529 hasn't logged back in since her OP on 7/31 to read any of them. That strikes me as odd.
  • Book Guy
    5 years ago
    In general, I think most men operate kind of like this:

    10 -- doesn't exist, except in photo-shopped images/videos on internet
    9 -- very rare, probably never anybody at your club
    8 -- rather rare, excellent, top-level girl at your club
    7 -- above average, majority of girls at your club
    6 and under -- shouldn't be stripping

    Problem 1: One difficulty is, that there is such a rapid drop-off, from "where most girls (at this club) are" and "please put your clothes back on, you shouldn't be stripping." There's just NO room for variance.

    Problem 2: Another difficulty is, that men have a wider variety of preferences than they'd like to admit. Whereas the 10 and the 9 are probably something that almost every guy can agree upon, distinguishing among the 6s, 7s, and 8s is really a huge crap-shoot on many occasions. The different "ratings" can range as much as four or five whole points. One guy says she's a 5, another says she's an 8, and this happens with every girl. Thus, PLENTY of dancers at ANY strip club are both (a) hot enough to strip, for some men, and (b) so damn ugly they should put their clothes back on, for other men.

    Thus, the range of variance in ratings often crosses exactly the threshold of variance in the group being rated. Read that sentence again.

    So, an intelligent appreciation of the combination of problems 1 and 2 (above) can indicate just HOW hard it is to "live up to" the general audience's expectations and desires. The strip club scene is exactly the place where unreasonably high standards collide with unreasonably low quality ... or vice versa.
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    I Rate Dancers For Their Bodies, Niceness, Their Dance Style, High Heels, Exotic Wear Style, Social Entertainment Abilities With A Good Heart, Extras, & That Can Fit Mi $Budget.
    Fav Dancer Names (Bonus)
    Brook, Angel, Heather, Allessia/Alessia, Scarlet/Scarlett, Clair, Sukki, Savvy, Alice, Sunshine, Ivy, Iris, Mary, Kitty, Dawn, Millana, Lizzy, Venessa, Eva, Eve, Lucinda, Cindy, Alekktra, Lindsay, Seliya, Selena, Sabrina, Linda, Sophia, Starr, Meeka, Milly, Isabel, Luscious, Cupcakes, Pebbles ✔️ 💲 👄 ♥️ 👽
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    #10 Rate Additional Dancer Names To The Above Include:
    Suvvy, LeeAnn, Alleahh, Nelly, Rawana/Rawanna, Aisha, Asia, Woo, Wu, Sandy, Veronica, Stacy, Amber, Lillian, Vicious, Tabitha, Ciara, Mindy, Felicia, Luvly, Gina/Ginna, Brandy, Francis, Faith, Grace, Abby, Monika, Cheyenne, Lesley/Leslie, Dimitria, Alicia, Alisha, Leena, Lee, Eileen, Lilly, Hunny, Moonlight, Ginger, Jenny/Jenn/Genny, Patrice, Nancy
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    #10 Rated Dancer Names Addition:
    Asiaa, Chenigh, Chenigha, Chenighia, Foxy, Luvly, Alaisha, Monikka, Destiny, Chenikka, Dustina, Cherry, Mommy, Windy/Wendy, Amber, Dimitria, Levia/Leviaa/Levvia
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    For A Fuller List Of Names I Rate As #10, Check The Verified Members Area Dancer Names Topic. I Posted Some Here In VIP/Front Room.
    Tuscl Cheers!!!
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    Additional Dancer Names Ideas:
    Baby, Bunny, Sarah, Sinndy, Asinda, Peppers, Wanda/Wanna, Nina, Heavenly, Candy, Kristina/Christina, Lilly, AsiaVu, Claudia, Celeste, Vinny, Ann/Annie, Mariah, Anniahh, Nina, DejaVu, Hotme, Flirtme
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    Name Additions:
    Smoothy/Smoothie/Smooth, Naudia, Fantasy/Fantasia/Fantasies
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    Some Dancer Names Addition:
    NightWishes, DayDreamer, Estrella, Beaches, SweetCakes/CreamCakes, Lusty, Naudia, BossLady, Celestial, Silinda, Sizzles, Saisha, Sasha, Katrina, Karina, Sativa/Sativva, Sikku, StripMe/StrippMe, StripGirl/StrippGirl, Stripy/Strippy, StripperLove
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    Additional Names Spellings From The Above:
    StripGirrl, StripperGirrl, StrippGirrl, StripperLuv, StripperLuvv.
    I Like The Stage Name "Xtreme" As Well.
  • Puddy Tat
    9 months ago
    I'm with Book Guy above.

    I think one person's 6-7 can be another man's 9-10, but one person's 5 or lower is almost always going to be everyone else's 5 or lower. (Except for chubby chasers or certain fetishists.)
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    I Like The Dancer Version Names "StrippyLove", "StrippyLuvv" As Well.
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    Like The Dancer Names Versions: StripperLuvvy, StripperLuvy, StrippyLuvvy/StrippyLuv/StrippyLuvy, Sadie, Sinful/SinFull/Sinnful/SinnFull
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    Additional Dancer Names Versions: StripperGirl, StripperLust, LustyStripper, StripperSinn, StripperSin, StripperLuvee, Summer, StripperLuveee, LuveeStripper, SinFul, SinnFul, SinMe, SinnMe
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    Fun Addition Names/Versions To The Above: SinfulStripper/SinFulStripper/SinFullStripper, SinnFulStripper/SinnfulStripper, StripperLady, SweetieStripper, StripperBoss, BossLady, LustyDust, BossyStripper, Smokin'Stripper, VenomStripper
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    Fun Strippers Names/Versions:
    BossStripper, Sinnin'Stripper, SinnDust, StarDust, DustLust, RockStripper, Sinnin'Dust
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    Fun Addition Stripper Names/Versions:
    LustDust, LustySinn, SinnLust, DustFun, LustyShowGirl, BossLady, ShowBoss, LuveeDust, DustLuvvv, BossyShowGirl, Sinnin'ShowGirl, LustySinn
  • stripperlover777
    8 months ago
    Additional #10 Rate Stripper Names SavvyStripper1
    HotCakes, Celeste

  • stripperlover777
    8 months ago
    Additional Fun Idea Of Music For The Strip Club I Rate As #10, Is Listed On Mi Profile.
    I Posted Mi Fav's Music Groups/Songs Names On There. Strip Club Cheers!
    Like The Name Version Additions
  • misterorange
    8 months ago
    ^^ How do I ignore this motherfucker?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 months ago
    ^ Currently, you can't. That feature isn't turned back on yet.
  • misterorange
    8 months ago
    ^^ So it's a fuckin dipshit troll playground until then!
  • blahblahblahs
    8 months ago

    That goes to show how tastes differ, as she isn't to my tastes at all. On the whole differing tastes are a good thing, as it spreads the joy around.
  • skibum609
    8 months ago
    My taste differs from Stud's. She has simply ugly breasts.
  • Studme53
    8 months ago
    ^ I beg to differ. Her breasts are fake, yes, but glorious- perfect size, shape and location.
    Bad boob jobs can be funny looking (but still fun), like when they’re too close together or too far apart. Hers are not.
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