georgemicrodong update

avatar for Papi_Chulo
I decided to PM him a few days ago just in case he'd answer.

Below is his PM - he mentioned I could share it w/ anyone worth sharing it with but since I can't PM everyone that would be interested I will just copy/paste his PM here:

"... Thanks for asking, Papi. I can't even begin to express how that makes me feel right now.

My ATF was killed by a drunk driver on Mother's Day. I'm pretty fucked up right now. I honestly don't know when, or if, I'll be back.

Feel free to tell anyone you think deserves to know. I messaged shadowcat just a minute ago.

Take care ..."


last comment
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Sorry to hear that
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Well, that sucks.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
gmd had mentioned several times on the board about his relationship with his ATF that seemed pretty strong in terms of his feelings for her - def a big shock to the system to lose someone close and way before their time
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
I hope he makes it back!
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Sorry to hear this. That is rough
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
So sorry to hear.

Such a trajedy.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Rough, hope he comes back
avatar for rh48hr
6 years ago
That sucks. Wish him the best.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
That’s terrible!
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
I'm sorry to hear this.
avatar for prevert
6 years ago
That sounds like he was a lot closer to her than just customer and favorite stripper.

Still a horrible thing. And the way it happened makes it even worse. I wish him the best.
avatar for whodey
6 years ago
My sympathies go out to him. From what I remember of his stories his relationship developed beyond just a stripper/customer relationship over the years.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
That sucks, but he's still mourning her after two months? Sheesh, you'd think that it was a close family member and not a stripper taking his money for sex.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Sheesh Rick dial it down a bit.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
If anyone I liked died unexpectedly and I had things I had always wanted to say to them, dancer or otherwise, it would take me far longer than 2 months to recov er - I still miss my mother in law at least a few times a week and she died 8 years ago
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
You know Dugan can’t help himself but I’m not gonna I lol’d hard as fuck.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
*gonna lie
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I could have sworn gmd wrote an article on this...but sadly looking up profiles doesn’t allow us to easily search for articles.

But iirc it was closer to a sugar thing I believe. Or was there a point there wasn’t any more money...I’m a bit fuzzy.

But it’s understandable. And that sucks and I hope things look up for him soon enough. I believe he’s talked about having a large family and such so hopefully that helps with the healing process.
avatar for yahtzee74
6 years ago
Flagooner must have been his ATF. Solves two mysteries.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
That's horrible. And I can entirely understand why it would cause a person to reflect, if not mourn, for a period of time.
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
Unexpected death is always tragic.

@Yahtzee 🤣

I was really looking forward to Rick’s take on this this. Didn’t have to wait long.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Damn, Dugan does not have a single fucking bone of chill in his body. No matter what the tragedy you can guarantee he won't bite his tongue and have some snarky remark.

Sadly just like Muddy, the shit made me chuckle.

Sorry for your loss GMD. Hopefully time will heal all.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
While I don't agree with RickDugan, he's echoing sentiments shared by many on here. Where is Sircumsinhispantsalot to call GeorgeMicroDong a RIL and belittle him?

A tragic, sudden death takes a toll, when you don't have a chance to say goodbye or let them know how you feel, its hard...
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
^^^Or when you don’t get a chance to beat the shit out of your main bitch just one last time.

Man Icey is such a hunk! Huba huba!
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
I feel for gmd! Losing someone, well that is the worst thing to happen to a person. I didn't say I imagine it is the worst for a reason.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Yes, I am sorry to hear about this.

I have always felt good about GMD.

I hope he does come back.

avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
Very sad. So sorry GMD.
avatar for Corvus
6 years ago
Oh, shit, that sucks. Hate to hear that. Thanks for the update Papi.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
First and foremost, thank you all. Including you, rick, for the laugh. How *did* I know that you, Mr. textbook narcissist himself, would make that kind of comment?

Tell you what rick. When you're old, fat and ugly like me, and not one, but two women love you, even knowing all about you, including the part about being a ho-dog, as well as knowing about the other, you can tell me how long to grieve. When and if you ever grow some balls, not to mention some integrity, and decide to come clean to your wife about the women you've fucked in strip clubs and for whom you've driven drunk to hotels to meet, when the husband of one of the women who's loved you invites you to the funeral, when the *other* woman who loves you accompanies you to that funeral, when you and the husband and the father of a beautiful woman you loved get drunk together on the night of her funeral, you can fucking lecture me on how to deal with loss.

Tell me rick, do you think your wife actually loves *you*, the real you? Or does she love the construct of lies and deception you've wrapped around the core of faithless hypocrisy that is the *real* you?

Good luck rick. I'd wish something bad upon you, but that would likely splash on your wife and children, who don't deserve it at all.

Have a good life.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
And thanks as well to the person who pointed me at this thread. I appreciate it. :)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
Good to see you back, george.
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
Welcome back, GMD.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Welcome back George!

avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
Glad you're back, GMD!
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Lol good comeback, gmd. Hope you’re feeling better
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Hope things are a little better 👍

My next big-booty grind will be in your honor 😄
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Wow, what a comeback! If that was the first round in a battle rap I'd say you won that round heartily GMD.

Can't wait for the rest.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Good you're back George, life is tough, but good.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
sorry for your loss gmd, glad to see you're back (maybe)
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
Sorry to hear that George. I wish you peace.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
The Louisville slugger is back. :)
avatar for rh48hr
6 years ago
Great Mic drop GMD.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 years ago
If guys were not as needy as GMD, and understood what Rick is saying, strippers would be more open for OTC.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
my condolences George.
avatar for AtAboy
6 years ago
I know I’m new here and don’t really know you George, but I just want to extend my condolences during this time of loss.

Rick, I don’t really know you either, and I don’t have anything against you, you seem like the kind of guy that says what he’s thinking and while I respect that, I just want to offer my professional education and knowledge as I’ve worked directly with people on hospice and families that are grieving a loss.

There is no set time line for grief. There is no right way to grieve and no right amount of time to process a loss. Every person grieves in their own way. It doesn’t matter the age or how the person died, and it doesn’t matter what the relationship was. Grief is very personal.

Rick, we’re just message board people here, not really a part of your life, but maybe this bit of professional advice can help you some day in real life should you find yourself trying to talk with a person experiencing a loss.

Again George, I am so sorry for your loss.
avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
Sorry, Man.
Loss hurts.
Best wishes.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
Thanks again all.

Yes, I'm slowly coming to terms with it. To be completely honest, I don't think I would be if it weren't for both my wife and her husband, "Frank". They both saints, frankly.

In addition to inviting us to the funeral, he welcomed both of us. Even her father was welcoming. I can only assume that she'd at some point confided pretty much everything to both of them, given what Frank knew. I'm glad I wasn't there for *that* conversation, though knowing her it was more a "this is how it is, get over it" declaration more than a "conversation". :)

Frank also gave me time alone with her after the service, for which I will be eternally grateful. I even have a few of her ashes in a vial. I can't even express how much that means to me.

Gods, I am going to miss her.
avatar for gothamyte
6 years ago

my deepest condolences, georgmicrodong

avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
There is never a good day for someone you love to die..... And there is never really a way to get over the loss. How do you get over the loss of an arm or a leg, you don't you just learn to live life differently.

My thoughts and prayers are with you GMD
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
"Talking" about it here has actually helped. I know some of you think I'm a damned fool for falling in love in the first place, and you might be right to do so, but many of you can somewhat relate to how I feel about her, even if you've never taken that fall yourself.

Most of you aren't judgemental about it, and that makes talking about her much easier. So thanks for that. Again.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
I hadn't looked back at this thread since i last posted, but it seems that a lot went on.

GMD, there's one thing I agree with, which is that Frank and your wife are indeed both saints. Because unlike you and the chick who you used to pay to suck your cock, I don't burden my SO with all of my sins and shortcomings. You've somehow twisted it around in your head that your purported honestly is some character strength, but it is actually a sign of utter selfishness and emotional weakness bordering on cowardice. Instead of carrying your guilt and shame on your own, you make your wife bear them too and even throw them in her face over and over.

As if all of that over all these years wasn't bad enough, you top it all off by not even bearing your grief in silence like a man, but instead forcing both your wife and Frank to participate in that too. What you did was wildly inappropriate. It was a time for her family and friends - you know, the people who weren't paying her for sex - to mourn her loss. But instead both they and your wife had to bear the added awkwardness and indignity of you making a spectacle of yourself by showing up to mourn the girl that you were paying for sex.

And you call me a narcissist - un-fucking-real.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Oh, and of course welcome back. 😀
avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
Damn.... you really are an asshole.... I really thought that after you were such a shit head to someone grieving a loss and everyone called you out on it that you would probably just walk away from the thread. I never thought you would double down on your douchebaggery.

You may be right in your opinions... but sometimes no matter how right your are you can still be dead wrong. Not everyone needs to know or wants to what you think
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
Rick, did you seriously just try to characterize your lies about cheating on your wife as a *virtue*? Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
And my honesty and openness with my own wife as a *vice*? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Missed the part where *Frank* invited *me*, did you? And it was my wife who urged me to accept.

Frankly, if my emotion at her death makes me less in your eyes, I'm OK with that. I consider it a compliment.

I've been called a "high functioning sociopath" before, but you've got me beat by a mile. Bravo.

Take care, rick. Maybe someday you'll know *real* love, and can relate.
avatar for rickthelion
6 years ago
I have to back up my homeboy rick on this one. He is just telling it like it is. We call it ricksplaining because it is explaining the truth to non-ricks who are, by definition, less intelligent than ricks.

Follow this logic: have you ever heard of georgethelion and his tiny spineless peepee? No. Why haven’t you heard of georgethelion? Because he’s a dink! Apply this same argument to hairless apes and you’ll be led to the inexorable conclusion that rickdugan is right and george tiny peepee is wrong.

avatar for rickthevulture
6 years ago
I’ve got to chime in here now that I see rickdugan’s honor and veracity being impugned. ricks are the top of the food chain and the top of the intelligence chain. Don’t you ever forget that rickdugan is the smartest hairless ape ever born. He may be a damn dirty ape but he is our damn dirty ape - the smartest ape there is!

Listen to him or get the wildebeest treatment from my lion bud.

avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
===> "Rick, did you seriously just try to characterize your lies about cheating on your wife as a *virtue*? Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
And my honesty and openness with my own wife as a *vice*? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

I was going to let Daddilac's "cry me a river" post be the last one, but it seems that this thread has been resurrected...

There are no virtuous people in either of these scenarios. It is a lesser of two evils game at this point. This "honesty and openness" is nothing more than a product of your own raging emotional weakness. If you really believe that your wife is happier being a party to all of this hee haw drama and having your hooker activities constantly thrown in her face then you're kidding yourself.

If you truly cared about anybody more than you care about your own feelings, you would have never burdened her with any of that. Seriously, what the fuck is your former favorite cocksucker's husband calling you in the first place? Why does he even have your number? It takes a truly twisted cunt, no doubt a product of decades of rationalizations designed to make himself feel ok about what he does, to see himself as some type of protagonist in a story like this.

But not to be out done, then you even drag your wife to the funeral so that you can grieve publicly, also throwing this shit in the face of her family as well. Seriously, your emotional self-indulgence knows no bounds and everyone else has to pay the price for it.

Shame on you.
avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
Typical Pats fan.... "I'm the best, you suck, end of story"....
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
Oh my gosh, this just gets better and better. Openness and honesty with my wife are now burdensome weakness. Maybe to someone who's never *known* the truth, such as your wife, I guess the truth might be burdensome, but for *my* wife, to whom I've never lied, it hasn't been. She's know the truth, every bit of it, about me since day one. As a result, she's never had any misconceptions about me, and has loved me anyway.

You see Rick, I don't want anyone to love, or even like, a me that isn't me. I want them to love the real me, not some construct I create for their benefit, especially a construct that bears little to no resemblance to reality. And I respect them enough to give them the information they need to decide whether or not to do that. If they can't love *me*, well then, take care.

As for why Frank called me? Perhaps because he recognized and respected his wife's feelings for me, and mine for her? He's known about me since *before* they were married, after all, and I've gone to visit her several times since she left, so it's not like he was ignorant of our relationship.

Hard for you to understand how we could all get along like that, is it, Rick? Mayhap you should examine your own world view, rather than criticizing others' lifestyle choices. Not everyone subscribes to the Judeo-Christian property rights basis for marriage, and I for one, think that's a good thing. Certainly better than what the Church calls "marriage".

Having never met my wife, I can understand your misunderstanding with regard to "dragging" her to the funeral; I couldn't have kept her away if I tried.

Did I get incredibly lucky with my wife and with my ATF? You bet I did, and I personally think I owe it all to being honest with both of them. I don't regret it at all.

Take care, Rick.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
In truth, I've found that the truth is a burden primarily to two groups of people:

1. The people from whom the truth has been withheld and concealed, and to whom it's been distorted.
2. The people who've *done* the withholding, concealing, and distorting once it's discovered by the first group.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
GMD, once I saw that ridiculous rant about the Judeo-Christian property rights basis for marriage, it was clear that you have developed such a thick layer of rationalizations that you're simply too far gone to bother responding to further. I'm sure that this thick crust was built incrementally over many years, each step taking you a little deeper down that path and forcing your wife to accept just a little more of the pie. But now you've finally made it to the point where you truly believe that burdening your wife with all of your extra curricular sexual escapades with hookers a fraction of her age entitles is actually a heroic thing deserving of a badge of honor.

I wonder how she felt the first time she learned what you were doing. I'm sure she was not thrilled to learn that you were seeking comfort elsewhere, but she learned to deal with it and eventually even to turn lemons into lemonade. I can only guess at everything that has gone through her head over the years as she has had to incorporate some added piece into the puzzle and become ok with it.

Now it's to the point that she is isolated, in some respects, from most other married women, unable to talk about big chunks of her relationship dynamic with anyone for fear of judgment. She probably even had to lie to people about where you two were going when you went to mourn your favorite paid cocksucker.

But ok there boy wonder, keep believing that you're actually relieving her burdens instead of adding to them in order to selfishly relieve your own. No doubt you have figured out what those silly men who are heading to church on Sunday, while you oh-so-cleverly take your wife to Walmart, have not. I'm sure you've convinced yourself that they are hypocrites for carrying their burdens on their own without piling them on their wives, while of course you are the enlightened one for sharing those burdens. 😉
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
Do you doubt that what we westerners call marriage has it's roots in property and inheritance rights? Then you're a bigger fool than even I thought.

Rick, my wife knew what I was doing before we were married. Before I even *asked* her to marry. I know I've mentioned that before, but I guess since it doesn't fit your narrative, you've "forgotten". Maybe, just maybe, she doesn't think it's a bad thing, even knowing all the "burdensome" things about me. Maybe they aren't so burdensome after all, huh?

And so *now* lying about one's lifestyle is bad. It's acceptable for *you* to lie to the one you allegedly love, but it's somehow not right for *her* to withhold the truth from people it doesn't concern. Got it. There's a word for that, you know.

And yeah, as a matter of fact, I *have* figured out what those silly men who are heading to church on Sunday have not. Namely that any god who is willing to killing innocent children because those children's *parents* pissed him off, who blames an entire descendant tree for the alleged sin of the mother, who creates an entire universe but cares more about when you masturbate than when you ass rape children, who loves us "unconditionally" and will send us to burn for eternity if we don't love him back, who either *likes* watching his very own priests ass-rape children, or doesn't care, isn't worthy of worship. On the very long chance that this piece of shit "god" of yours actually exists, he's got a lot to answer for when we meet.
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